
Back Into Your Arms

"I can't believe they chose you!", I said. "Oh, so you think I knew about all this? Marrying you was the last thought in my mind ", he spoke coldly. "Look, if we are marrying each other, we have to find a way to stand each other. I can't take any more troubles in my life. So after this whole marriage thing, let's just travel our own paths, not shoving our noses into each others business. Deal? ", I asked hoping he'd say yes. "Deal", he said with a smirk "as long as you truly keep yourself to only yourself. " I narrowed my eyes and said "As if. " and walked away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ashley Payne had the perfect life. A nice family, with a cute sister, loving mother, protective father, a straight A student, and the best boyfriend in town, Liam Anderson. Both the families knew each other very well, going to Sunday brunches and weekend tours together. But everything falls apart when one night, at a party, Ashley finds Liam in a room, naked with another girl. Never in her life had she thought that her life could turn out like this. After that, the situations got pretty worse but both decided to keep it a secret from their families, to not break their ties of friendship. Now, two years later, Ashley has finally decided to get married. But only for her family business and maintaining friendship. It's with Liam. Both are hungry for revenge and hatred is all that they see between them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N : It's my first book and hence I'm just getting accustomed to all the new things on Wattpad. So please bear with me on this journey <3 Love, Candy ❤️

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Chapter 10


The crowd had started diluting. I was tired of fake smiling and laughing at their unfunny jokes. And worse was the hand that held my waist firmly. Liam was standing beside me since the ceremony and we were meeting the different business tycoons and partners. I tried sneaking out and finding Miranda and squirmed in his grip. But every time I did do , he just held me tighter.

" We can play this game all night, love. " , he whispered.

I gave him my best glare but he only chuckled in return. " I need a drink. ",I said and excused myself.

I swiftly began walking towards the bar and that's when I heard noises . A male and a female. The female voice sounded like Miranda. Where's she? I panicked and followed the voice. I saw Miranda and..

"Theo?! "

Their heads snapped towards me. Theo looked shocked and Miranda looked relieved.

" Oh thank goodness Ashley. This is the jerk I was talking to you about. ", she said pointing towards Theo.

"Who? ", I asked.

" The man who almost got me fired! "

" Alright listen here lady. It was your fault admit it. Your utmost carelessness caused you to get 'almost fired ' " , Theo said.

" Alright guys! Break it up. That's enough. "

They both stopped and looked away.

"I need a drink. Ashley you coming? ", Mira asked.

" I'll join you in a bit. ", I smiled.

She stomped her feet while walking away.

I walked towards Theo.

" Hey. " , I said awkwardly.

He gave a small laugh, "Come here. " , and he embraced me in a tight hug.

Theo was another close friend of Liam. Like I said, we all were close buddies at some point. But a disaster broke us up. Badly. Lucas was the serious kinda guy. While Theo was the funny one , sometimes.

"So? How's life? ", I asked.

"Okay-ish. What about you? "

"Good. So you're here for the engagement? "

" Yeah. But also I now work with Liam. I pretty much stay at New York but Liam called me here for some business to take care of as well. "

" I've missed you guys so much. " , I said after a long pause.

It was true. We were inseparable at some point in life. From bunking to lunch at the canteen, we all did it together .

" Listen Ashley, I know it's not right for me to bring up the past like this, but I wish you knew Liam's side of the story. He di-"

" Theo, please. It's been two years. I don't want to open the wounds again."

" So why are you marrying him? And are you sure the wounds have really healed that you don't want to open them now?"

I paused a bit and continued, " I myself am making desperate attempts to get out of this marriage, every day. But I can't. Liam has held me down like a leech. He's bought the company I work at. He always knew I wanted to get a job at Panache. He played his card and made me his PA. Now I feel like there's no going back, Theo. He had already ruined my life and hopes and now he's back for more. Right now, I'm just playing like I should. Innocent. "

He smirked at me, " Someone's changed. "

" That'll be me. " , I laughed.

We both walked to the bar where Miranda was sitting. Theo excused himself and I could clearly see the irritation he felt on seeing her. Psst.


It's already ten and I'm bored like hell. No wonder these parties suck. I mean, the one Miranda takes me to aren't that great as well. But on a scale of 0-100, this is in the negative.

Great. My own engagement party is in the negatives.

Miranda had left already as she had an early morning shift tomorrow at the cafe. I didn't budge. She herself was in a bad state at her work. I slowly walked towards Dad and whined to him to get out of this party. Last time I did this was when I was five and wanted a teddy bear.

" But it's just 10:30 ,Ashley. And also we have something to tell you. " , he said with a smile beaming on his face.

I gave him a confused look and wanted to ask what it was but he pulled my hand and made his way to where Liam along with his parents and my mother stood. This can mean only one thing.

Bad news. For me at least.

All smiled at me and I could sense my mother doing an internal victory dance at my presence. I stood beside Liam who shamelessly smirked at me even after what had happened in his room earlier.

Natasha gave us an envelope. Liam took it and pulled out what was inside. But before I could read,

" These are tickets to Maldives! For both of you. We thought that it's been two years since you two last met, and could now spend quality time with each other before the marriage! " , Natasha said.

My eyes widened, " Oh n-no, it's f-fine. I mean, both Liam and I have work at the off-"

" Oh sweetie, work will be taken care of. Don't worry your little mind with that. ", Liam gave me an innocent look.


He was behind this.

" Oh yaay! Well, then I'd love to. Thank you so much, Mrs. Anderson! ", I gave a fake smile and played cool.

I smirked back at him, " I guess we should start packing since the date of departure is tomorrow afternoon. " , and with that said I left the party with an overly excited mother behind.

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