

Andrea Blake is the daughter of a maid whose life has always been filled with pretence and lies. Well, that's not entirely her fault because she had to live a lie just to cope with the rich students at school. Her mother is a poor maid who is obsessed about giving her daughter the best education in a rich school. To cope with the rich kids there, she decided to lie about her mother's real status, so she won't suffer bully and discrimination by the rich kids at school, but everything changed when the truth was revealed. Andrea was subjected to being bullied and she kept quiet about it. It was a blessing in disguise when her mother decided to leave town, to start a new life in the city with Andrea. Everything would have gone great if her mother hadn't enrolled her in another rich and popular school called JUPITER HIGH. Having no choice and knowing how persuasive her mom was, Andrea began to attend Jupiter high. It wasn't hard for her to make friends because she had lied once again, lied about her status to prevent her self from being bullied. Her lie was going smoothly until someone caught her, a fellow student like herself. Max Winston is the son of a rich conglomerate and he is well known for being cold hearted and unfriendly but everything changed when he caught Andrea and found out her secret. Having been caught, Andrea did her best to please Max  to help her keep her secret. Now the question is will Max help Andrea keep her secret and save her from being bullied once again? What will happen when max's cold heart begins to soften towards poor Andrea? What will happen when Andrea meets someone else who knows her secret?. Find out everything in this love triangle relationship.   

Jane_chioma · Urban
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10 Chs



Having a very bad feeling about it, I began to live my life only for Erica.

"And where the hell do you think you are going " Erica said as she moved towards me.

"She look so surprised? You weren't expecting us to be waiting for you here right?" One of her minion asked.

" What do you want from me?" I asked putting on a brave face trying to show them that am not scared of them

"We just want to play with you, Why are you being rude to us" Another answered my question

" But I don't want to play with you guys, I have to head home" I said moving out of Erica hold but she pulled me back

"Don't be a kill joy and just come with us, We want to play and so you will have to play" Erica warned as she pulled me along with them.

They took me to a building which wasn't far from our school.

We got into the lift and went straight to the roof, All through the journey, I kept on wondering what they were up to.

We got to the roof top and Erica released her hold on me.

"You must be wondering why we brought you here right?" Erica asked

"Why have you bring me here?" I asked as the cold breeze wafted into me making me shiver a bit

"To play of course, All we want is to play " Erica said as she pushed me

"But this is not playing and I want to go back" I said as I began to head back

But her friends held me and pulled me towards the edge of the building

"What are you doing?" I asked, Now terrified

"Playing of course, I told you that we want to play with you"

"But this is not playing! Stop it Erica, Stop!" I yelled as they kept on pushing me over the edge

"Why won't you just beg and cry out for mercy, All the students have bullied always begged me but you are different" She said

"I never did any thing to you, Why should I beg you, I only lied, Haven't you ever lied before" I asked her.

"Don't get me wrong Andrea, I'm not doing this to you because you lied and decieved us all but it because you are poor and I despise poor people, Most especially those who try to think of their self as rich"

"What crime is it to be poor?" I asked and she walked towards me

"There is no crime in it, I just don't like poor people!" She yelled at me.

"Fine then you want me to beg right, Then I will beg, Just stop with this madness"

"What did you just say! Did you just say that this is madness, How dare you....." She raised her hand wanting to hit me and I was waiting for the lash from her but nothing came, Instead I heard her say

"Who are you! Let go of me " I opened my eyes to see a guy standing in front of her, Holding her hand.

"Who am I?, I'm some one who Hates bullies and as for leaving your hand, I will do that right now!" He said leaving her so sudden that she fell on the floor

The girls holding me quickly went to help her up

"Now scram before I bully you all myself" He said and quickly Erica and her friends left, leaving me and the stranger

While he picked up his bag on the floor, I had time to look at him

He was not only hand some but judging from his uniform and the accessories on him. You can tell that he is also rich, I thought.

He turned to leave and quickly I thanked him.

He stopped and stared at me "I did not do it for you" He said stonily


"Are you that weak? When have they been bullying you, Couldn't you stand up for yourself? Why let them go far as to bring you here?" He asked all the questions so fast that it was hard for me to reply


"Don't answer, I know you will give me a useless reply" He said and turned to leave again

"I wasn't bullied because I wanted to!" I yelled at him and he stopped again.

"I told you right! You will give me a useless reply so it's best that you save it and just go home" He said again and left the roof top

Quickly I picked up my bag and ran after him, It was getting dark already and I was scared that Erica and her friends might return to bully me again.

He was just entering into the lift when I caught up with him.

I got into the lift and stood quiet beside him. He might be good looking but he had a very hot temper

"Well thank you for helping me" I said again

"I told you that I didn't do it for you!" He said impatiently

"But still I will have to thank you, You saved me from those bullies and....."

"Enough!!! Apart from hating weaklings, I also hate those who thank some one, If you had been able to do it your self, You wouldn't be indebted to any one" He said silencing me

The lift opened and we both got out of it, As soon as we walked out side, He turned the other way and I did the same.

"Being poor isn't a crime, Lying and being a weakling is what I call a crime" He said to me for the very last time and then he turned and walked off.

Through out my journey back home, I kept on thinking about what he said

I never thought that he would have heard my conversation with Erica and her friends.

I never wanted to lie but I had to because I knew that that is the only way to stay in Excel high.

But that will have to stop now, I will tell mom about the bullying and am sure that she will do the right thing and if it's to send me to a public school, She will, I thought as I walked into the large compound.

I went straight to the kitchen and there my mom was but she looked kind of different.

She wasn't looking happy and she wasn't cooking which is very odd.

But no matter what,I have to talk to her, I thought as I went towards her

"Oh you are back" She said as she forced a smile on her face

"Yes and I have to discuss some thing with you" I said as I put down my bag

"What now Andrea?" She asked

"Mom please let me transfer, I don't want to go to excel high again and this time I have a good reason for saying so" I said to her

"Not now Andrea, I have a lot of other things running through my head right now and besides whether you want to or not, You will be transferring" She said and I starred at her in surprise.

"But why?" I asked

"The boss is selling her house, seems like she got bankrupt and typically we will have to leave because we are now fired, So it's best that we start packing up" She said

"But where will we go to?" I asked

"To the city, To try out our luck, Maybe I can get myself a job as a maid and then find a school for you" She said sadly

I just hope that it's not another rich school, I thought to myself.

"Why are you still standing there, Go in and Pack" She said to me and I dashed off to our room

To my mom, it's a really sad and painful news to her but to me it's the most greatest news have ever had in ages.

And I hope that the city we are going to will certainly favour us.