

Andrea Blake is the daughter of a maid whose life has always been filled with pretence and lies. Well, that's not entirely her fault because she had to live a lie just to cope with the rich students at school. Her mother is a poor maid who is obsessed about giving her daughter the best education in a rich school. To cope with the rich kids there, she decided to lie about her mother's real status, so she won't suffer bully and discrimination by the rich kids at school, but everything changed when the truth was revealed. Andrea was subjected to being bullied and she kept quiet about it. It was a blessing in disguise when her mother decided to leave town, to start a new life in the city with Andrea. Everything would have gone great if her mother hadn't enrolled her in another rich and popular school called JUPITER HIGH. Having no choice and knowing how persuasive her mom was, Andrea began to attend Jupiter high. It wasn't hard for her to make friends because she had lied once again, lied about her status to prevent her self from being bullied. Her lie was going smoothly until someone caught her, a fellow student like herself. Max Winston is the son of a rich conglomerate and he is well known for being cold hearted and unfriendly but everything changed when he caught Andrea and found out her secret. Having been caught, Andrea did her best to please Max  to help her keep her secret. Now the question is will Max help Andrea keep her secret and save her from being bullied once again? What will happen when max's cold heart begins to soften towards poor Andrea? What will happen when Andrea meets someone else who knows her secret?. Find out everything in this love triangle relationship.   

Jane_chioma · Urban
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10 Chs



I left the rest room and went straight to my locker, luckily other students were in class, now I won't make a spectacle of my self I thought as I got to my locker.

It's a good thing that our sport wear are always kept In our locker, the rule of Excel high and right now Really grateful to the person that made that rule.

When I had gotten dressed, I headed back to class.

Erica had promised to come back for me and I knew that she would, she wouldn't leave me that easily.

"You will regret attending Excel high, we are here to get rid of all the poor students and you my dear Andrea won't be an exception"

Remembering Erica's last words made me shiver a bit, I had to leave school, even though it was for today, I had to get out of school.

On getting to class, I saw my stuff placed out side on the floor and I sighed in relief, leaving school wouldn't be a problem now.

Each time a student doesn't make it to class on time, The teacher ask for their belonging to be thrown out, Once they arrive and see that their stuff is out side, it will be a sign for them to know that they must not enter the class or further punishment would be given.

Knowing this, I took my bag and left the school.

I would rather spend the whole day, Walking around than to go back into that class to be bullied over again.

I left the school premises and went to the only place I could relax when am feeling sad or agitated

The sea looks lovely today, I thought as I stood in front of it,Enjoying it's solitude.

Have managed to skip school today, How will I be able to get out of this one tomorrow, I thought sadly

I never wanted all this, I would have been happy to attend a public school but mom wouldn't allow that.

"Public schools are for losers and you won't be attending one" She would always say.

If only she knew that private schools are for bullies and heartless rich kids.

I spent a while there and when it was time for my part time job I left the solitude of the sea and headed to my work.

As soon as I got to work, I had a bathe,Washing off the last smell of urine out of my body.

Work would have gone so well if Erica and her friends had chosen another restaurant, But they had chosen the place I work.

When I saw them, I wanted to hide,None of them knew that I was working part time, I had made them believe that after school I go out to have fun only to come home to the maids to wait on me.

If they see me here, They will certainly make a deal out of it .

"What are you waiting for Andrea,Go and serve those customers, Telling from their looks, They must be very rich" My boss said as he came to the counter.

Taking the note book and a pen, I went to their table, They were all talking but when they saw me, They stopped.

"Wow, I can't believe this" Erica said as she starred at me

"Apart from being the daughter of a maid, You also work here" one of her friends asked

"What happen to the fun you have after school or the maids that wait on you when you get back home" Erica asked

"Fun my foot" Some one said

"I think the maid who wait on her is herself or perhaps her mother " Another said and they burst out laughing

"What would you like to order" I asked

"Bring us every thing you have "Erica said and I knew she was joking.

"Just order some thing "I said

"Wow is this how you treat your customer?" One of her minion asked

"We will have to talk to your manager, You lack manner" Erica said hitting the table causing a scene.

"Excuse us,Excuse us, we need the manager here" One of them said and quickly my boss came over

"Your employee just refused to serve us" Erica said

"That's a lie" I replied quickly

"So you are calling us a liar right?" One of them asked

"I didn't say anything, I only asked you to order your food" I said

"Lies, She keeps on lying, Why would you have a liar for a worker sir" another said

"You know that I can't lie to you sir" I said to my boss

"Am really sorry for her rudeness, I will attend to you instead" He said

"No, We aren't staying here again, Your worker has just made us look like a liar, She insulted us and that is some thing that we will never tolerate " Erica said as she stood up and left with her friends.

* * *

"Why did you have to be rude to them?" He asked as we both stood in the workers changing room

"I wasn't rude to them sir, I'm telling you the truth" I replied

"Ever since you came to work, You have been looking so gloomy and that dampens the atmosphere, I hate it when my workers behave the way you do, I'm sorry Andrea but you are fired" He said and left the workers changing room.

I can't believe that have just been fired, I thought as I began to pack my stuff.

I knew Erica and her friends were trouble, I should have hide when I saw them, Now have lost the one good job I have.

I went back home still feeling down, I saw my mom in the kitchen cooking as always

"What's wrong Andrea" She asked when she saw my moody face

"Have just been fired" I said

"What? But why?" She asked

"It's a long story, I just want to lay down for a while" I said

"Are you having a difficult time in school?" She asked suddenly

This is the first time that she has ever asked me that question I thought as I turned to stare at her.

"If you are having a hard time then please child, Bear with me, just a few more years and then you will graduate" She said

"And then what? Would you also work your butt off just to send me to a rich college?" I asked now angry.

"That's being harsh you know" She said

"No mom, You are the one who is harsh, You know I would have preferred going to a public school, Why force me to a private school uh" I asked bitterly

"Because I don't want you to end up like me! Do you think I didn't go to school, That I didn't study,I did Andrea, But to all the companies I went to, My credential just wasn't good enough and it was because I went to a public school, I had no option but to work as a maid, I don't want you to be like me, I want you to study in the best school and become the best, If you still think that what am doing is harsh then wait till a few years, Then you will see that what am doing for you is for your own good, Now go in side, whether you like it or not you will be going to school until you graduate" She said

I couldn't say any thing but to go to my room , I never knew why my Mom was so obsessed about me going to a private school now I know why and I feel bad.

I will just have to keep on attending Excel high and if I have to, I will fight Erica and her friends, I vowed to myself.

The next day I woke up early and went to school.

Being determined to fight back Erica and her friends If they bullied me again.

I was surprised when I got to class and wasnt disturbed by her and her friends.

I thought they were going to talk about what happened yesterday but they didn't, They ignored me completely.

I was happy, Happy that finally They will leave me alone but I was in for a surprise because when we closed they were all waiting for me by the entrance and judging from the look on their faces, They were going to do some thing to me.