
Babylonia Spirit World

A little girl who travels to another world to find her father's secrets and of her existence.

Komoru_Eru · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 10 The return of an old foe

As Mitsuha delivers her town address over the incident claiming that poachers were responsible for the noise and that she had sent people to keep watch in the forest for illegal activities in the area, she tells the people not to worry too much of it.

Kohinoor and Mitsuha talk in private inside her office about their plan on escaping from the Genesis and protecting the realm.

Kohinoor: I must warn the legion to prepare for the upcoming threat.

Mitsuha: You're leaving again? I thought you will stay here.

Kohinoor: Yes, I promised to stay with you and Sagiri. But I can't just let my city fall again.

Mitsuha: You told me last time that you did not have a chance against their weapons.

Kohinoor: I know, but will you help us?

Mitsuha: How?

Kohinoor: Maybe the human way of serving justice?

Mitsuha: What do you mean? Taking them to prison?

Kohinoor: Is that what you call the place where you capture your enemy?

Mitsuha: Yes, we call it a prison and we call our enemies criminals and terrorists.

Kohinoor: Well, if that is your way of justice, let's do it and hope it works.

Mitsuha: But Genesis is run by the government, I guess you call it hierarchy?

Kohinoor: What they did was treason! A hierarchy would not command such thing. You need to show the people what they did wrong and the truth.

Mitsuha: You think that everything they did was an act of treason? If that is the case, then let's find about these Genesis explorers.

Kohinoor heads back to Babylon to warn everyone that the Genesis has returned and is looking for them, seizing every opportunity they have to destroy and get their hands on the Stone of Life.