
Baby Me, Daddy Who?

'If you are reading this, then congratulations! My daughter has successfully found you. And as a reward, you are required to take good care of her for a year. Teach her how to be a good kid, okay? Good luck with raising my cute daughter! Mwah! — L. Fortez' —//—//— Louisa Fortez left the three young masters who are also her friends without saying anything. Even if they try to find her, it's still hard to find someone who doesn't want to be found. After a year of fruitless search, her friends decided to let the fate decide if they will still have a chance to meet her in the future or not. Six years later, the three young masters become the most vicious, ruthless, and heartless villains with different professions in the huge city of Larden. Six years later, it was not Louisa who they found but her five-year-old daughter. Their missing in action friend years ago had given them a task to take good care of her daughter and teach her how to be a good person in her stead. Can these villains teach the little girl some good morals or they will be wrapped around her small and chubby fingers?

PickledPlums · Urban
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146 Chs


It's been six days since Lulu starts going to her kindergarten school. So far, the kid is not making any trouble for her teachers. In fact, they are full of praise towards her. For a small child like Lulu, she is very smart and already has a basic foundation when it comes to reading and counting.

As for writing, Lulu is still sloppy with her handwriting but that's alright since she is still a beginner. Her pronunciation of some words is off but it is not a problem at all. Just like the other children, Lulu can also learn how to speak after practicing more.

She is also easily adored by her teachers at school. They all said Lulu is obedient and knows how to listen. Lulu is also an energetic kid and always participates in class. She is also friendly and has a good relationship with her classmates.