
Azure & Golden Dragons of Flame: Oc x Azula

An ancient prophecy known amongst those in fire nation for generations, one made by the Gods. Two children bound by fate, one a warrior, the other a murderous fire nation princess. What happens when the two finally meet after 400 years in the making? will the reincarnated warrior change the heart of Azula? Or will she continue in her father's footsteps?

Novaflame6_Badal · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2: Help Save The World; New Allies?

Hey guys, Rosesaiyan2 here again! I hope you enjoyed the 1st chapter. So i started this story on Fanfiction awhile ago, but this time I'm changing a few things...

First off, Sokka does have a love interest! I'll admit i wasn't going to do this originally, but after reading a series called Kaida the queen of ice... i realized Sokka having a pairing has some merit to it. You may think this is lazy or whatever but... he's with an Oc this time. If you've read my other stories you should know who it is.

Secondly, the story may be... better paced this time. Last time, i rushed the realtionship between Odyn and Azula, i will try and pace it more this time. Also... there are elements of Black clover mixed in this story... main with Magic/Elves and Devils/Demons. As you know already the characters in this story are older!

Here is an approximation of each character's age introdiced so far:

Odyn: 15 years old (start of this story)

Goku: 16 years old

Asura: 15 years old

Ty Lee: 14 years old (at the start of this story)

Future reference (characters that will be introduced):

Aang: 16 years old

Katara: 16 years old

Sokka: 17 years old

?: 17 years old (Sokka's love interest)

Toph: 15 years old

Azula: 15 years old (start of this story)

Anyways, that was just a quick note for now. Onto the story!

P.s: I don't own Avatar the Last Air bender, Dragon ball Super/Xenoverse, or Black Clover and their characters those belong to their respective creators.  I only own the oc's who appear in this story.

Chapter 2- Help Save The World! New Allies?

North pole: Northern watertribe fortress

Odyn, Goku, and Asura were all tied up due to a misunderstanding by the water benders. They were being dragged before the chief in ropes. Odyn was in chains however, they somehow viewed him as the biggest threat of the 3 teen benders. Not that they were wrong, but if only they knew what Goku and Asura could do. While some other group was being welcomed, Odyn was roughly dragged before chief arnook by the guards in chains.

If looks could kill, Goku and Asura would've burned the guard heads off with the glares they were sending at the guards. Why? why'd he get the feeling this happened to him before? It was always him being mistreated and scorned at. The group of younger teens watched with horror as the teen with shoulder length dark blue hair was being brutally beaten for a misunderstanding.

Who are you, boy?", Arnook asked as Odyn was roughly dragged before him. "I'd tell you sir, as soon as you call of your guard dogs here.", Odyn replied. "Silence, vermin!",a guard said as he punched Odyn in the face for the umteenth time today. The dark skinned teen spat out the blood from his mouth and managed a response. "Heheheh, That one actually stung a little.", Odyn answered. The guard was about to hit him again when Arnook called the guard off directly.

Bruised and bloody, Odyn stood in front of everyone as if he barely even felt the blows. I am Odyn Albanar Chevalier, sir.", Odyn answered. "Chevalier? That's a nobleman's name in the Fire nation if i'm not mistaken.," Arnook observed. Hunter nodded before it was Pakku who noticeably froze when he saw Odyn's face for the first time. The master Water bender walked forward. "What did you say your name was, boy?",Pakku asked.

Odyn looked up and his face held a look of shock as he recognized the man from his early memories before his father was murdered. "It's Odyn Albanar Chevalier.," The teen replied. "Did you just say.. Odyn?," Pakku asked eyes wide as dinner plates. Odyn nodded. He then asked what his name was. "It's Pakku.", Pakku answered. Then it dawned on him.

"Gra- Grampa Pakku?", Odyn asked shocked.

Everyone at the banquet was shocked. Did this boy just call Master Pakku his.. grandfather? Even Arnook was surprised. "I see.. it really is you, boy. To think, my grandson would come to me in such a state..," He said as he glared at the guards who did this. "Tell me, how's Berethon and my daughter doing?," Pakku asked expectantly. Odyn's face saddened and frowned at this. "You mean.. No one told you?", He asked. "No, what happened?", Pakku asked.

"Dad's dead. Killed by a corrupt fire bender, that was 9 years ago Grandpa.", Odyn answered.

After realeasing his bonds, Hunter asked if the same could be done for Goku and Asura as well. Arnook nodded and had the guards release Goku and Asura.

Pakku had to admit... that was rather unfortunate to hear of Berethon's passing. He really was a kind young man in his eyes, more than worthy of being his adopted daughter's husband.

"Permission to speak sir?," Odyn asked. "Granted, you may speak.", Arnook replied. Odyn nodded and thanked the water tribe chief. The boy then proceeded to introduce himself, Goku, and Asura and told the whole tribe of the things they saw in the fire nation. They were fugitives of the fire nation. Basically after the Fire Lord had heard of their stance on his rule and their defiance of his orders to join the fire nation army, there was an order given to track them down. The three teens in front of the northern water tribe were wanted men by the world's enemy.

That's when Katara spoke up, which surprised everyone. "So in other words, the three of you have a bounty on your heads for deserting the fire nation?," Katara asked curious. "Yes you are correct, water bender.", Asura replied. "What are the three of you doing here, so far from your homeland?," Princess Yué asked gaining the attention of all present. Odyn stepped forward once again to speak. "We are looking for the Avatar, whom we've heard has returned. The one destined to defeat Fire lord Ozai.," Odyn answered. "We've come to offer him our help in taking down his empire of a country. As well as our undying loyalty.," Asura said.

At that point, Aang stepped forward and stood in front of them. He had his glider staff in his right hand as he stood in front of the three teens. A bald kid with arrows lining all 4 of his limbs and head, wearing an orange top that covered his shoulders. A beige long sleeved shirt, pants, and cream colored skin and black eyes, this was the avatar in front of them. A living relic.. a 116 year old kid standing in front of them (i purposely made aang a four years older than in the original so he was more or less around Katara's age and height. It was a little weird having two 12 to 14 year old kids in love with each other). Aang wasn't that much shorter than the three teens as they kneeled before him to swear their allegiance.

"Avatar Aang, we give you our word that we will stick by you and your friends no matter what. We offer you our help in taking down Ozai, his rule has to end! We will be your sword, so feel free to ask us whatever you will.," Odyn said as himself, Goku, and Asura all knelt before aang to swear their loyalty to him and Gaang.

Aang was surprised by this, 3 energy benders that would willingly defy their home country to help him save the world? That was rare. As Aang looked at Hunter, he noticed a golden flame emblem/sidgel on the base of his neck just before his shoulder. No doubt about it, this guy was a Firebender as well as an energy bender. A Ki bender right in front of him, that could prove to be invaluable to have. Standing, the 3 teens were welcomed into the gaang. They had a common goal they shared with Aang and the water tribe siblings, to bring peace and balance back to the world.

Life at the north pole returned to normal for the time being. Aang was taken in by Pakku as his Student, Katara went to Yugoda for healing instruction, while Sokka spent time with princess Yué. Odyn and the other two saiyans (not that anyone aside from odyn knew that lol) were allowed to freely do as they pleased after being realeased from their bonds. Odyn overheard a particular conversation that Aang, Katara, and Pakku had.

"But why not?!," Katara asked frustrated.

"Here in the Northern Water Tribe, it is against our laws for women to learn water bending for offensive purposes.," Pakku stubbornly said.

Aang got upset at this and turned on Pakku.

"Fine. If You won't teach Katara water bending, then I guess you won't be teaching me either!," Aang said angered.

"Have fun teaching yourself then.," Pakku said.

Katara waved her hands defensively at this and apologized, even though it hurt her pride.

"N-No Aang didn't mean that. Aang, even though he's a jerk I think you should still have him teach you.," Katara told him.

Aang sighed.

"Alright, if you think that's what's best Katara.," Aang said relenting.

The dark skinned water bender then left as she sought out Yugoda to learn about healing. Asura and Goku looked back to Odyn who stopped walking with them.

"Odyn?," Goku asked.

"Are you coming, bro?," Asura asked.

Odyn looked back at them and smiled.

"You two go on ahead, I just.. need to talk to gramps about something real quick.," Odyn replied.

Both saiyan brothers looked at each other and shrugged.

"Well okay, suit yourself.," Asura said.

"We'll catch with to you later then.," Goku added before they walked off.

After Katara left,Odyn went to speak to his grandfather. He was careful not to let others see him flying over to Pakku. He crossed his arms and landed behind the elder man and sighed,making his displeasure known.

"Gramps... You're doing it again. You really need to get rid of that bad habit of yours.,"Odyn said exasperated and rubbing his temples.

Pakku turned and saw his grandson was very displeased with him and he sighed.

"Odyn, you know our tribe's laws. If i make and exception for one, i have to make an exception for everyone.," Pakku said.

"Then make an exception then. You're cutting out an entire group of potentially talented benders from ever learning simply because they're women. Mom would agree with me on this were she here with us.," Odyn said.

"Don't you bring my daughter into this..," he said slightly embarrassed.

"Grampa, you know I'm right. So what's stopping you?," Odyn asked.

Pakku sighed, he knew his grandson was right.

"Very well. If the Avatar's lady friend manages to impress me as a bender, then I promise to reconsider.," Pakku said.

Odyn smiled at the elder man.

"Thank you, Grandpa. That's all I can ask of you.," Odyn said as he then walked away.

Over the next couple of weeks, Pakku was diligent in training Aang how to waterbend. Katara learned what she could from Yugoda in healing with her waterbending, but Katara was a fighter and not just meant for support from the sidelines. Her anger boiled over one particular night when Aang was showing her a few moves and Pakku caught him red handed. Katara challenged Pakku after he disrespected Aang when he was just trying to help Katara with her bending by showing her a few moves he learned.

Needless to say, Pakku didn't take her very seriously at first. But when the day came for their duel, Katara demonstrated to Pakku that she wasn't messing around. Even though she lost, Pakku had to eventually acknowledge her talent as a waterbender after their fight. Katara's necklace from her gran gran helped soften Pakku and change his attitude towards the water tribe girl. Pakku sighed and eventually agreed to take back Aang as a student and to take on Katara as a new student.

Odyn, Goku, and Asura smiled at this. Everything seemed to end well concerning the issue of Pakku teaching Aang and Katara waterbending. The flame  eyed teen and the two saiyans also decided they needed to train as well. Peaceful times returned to the North Pole, that is until... One day during training, Odyn noticed black ... snow? That could only mean one thing, a fire nation raid. Odyn sensed a very large amount of enemies approaching. Goku and Asura seemed to pick up on it too.

"You feel that?," Asura asked.

"Yeah, I felt it. There's a large amount of fire nation troops heading this way.," Odyn answered.

"We need to warn the others then.," Goku suggested.

"Great idea, Goku.," Asura said.

Odyn then quickly ran to find his grandfather and the chief of the northern water tribe to warn them of the incoming attack.

Goku and Asura went with Odyn to go warn Pakku and Arnook. They found them a few moments later as they bursted in through the front doors of the main hall.

"Chief Arnook!," Asura called.

Arnook came to the three teens with a puzzled look on his face wondering what the trouble was.

"What seems to be the rush?," Arnook asked confused.

Pakku also came in looking puzzled.

"It's the Fire Nation! They're... close and on their way here!," Goku said.

"What? The Fire nation is coming?," Aang asked as he and Katara came running in with Pakku and his students.

"Yes. And... I'm unsure of the exact number, but there are alot of them! Don't ask me how I know, I just know. I sensed a very large group of fire benders coming this way.," Odyn explained.

"I see.. Master Pakku, ready our warriors! We will defend this place to the best of our ability!," Arnook said.

Pakku nodded and his students followed him as the water benders prepared for the fire nation's raid.

Time skip: a little while later....

Arnook gathered the water benders and announced the incoming fire nation raid. Some of them wouldn't survive this fight, but they'd do whatever they could to drive back the fire nation.

Odyn balled his hands into fists, he would do whatever he could to save lives without killing anyone. Hiwever he was unsure how long he would be able to hold back his true strength. Shortly after, the attack commenced when everyone was in position.

With Zhao aboard his ship...

Zhao stood on the deck of his ship while the attack on the north pole commenced. He would conquer the northern Water tribe and capture the avatar. While the invasion was going as planned, Zhao managed to make it inside of the fortress. His plan? Kill the moon and ocean spirits, or.. one was good enough he figured. Once the the north pole was conquered, the princess would have no choice but to court him. Sure, he may have been a bit older than she was but he derserved a powerful maiden by his side. Plus then nothing would be in his way of becoming the next fire lord. It was an ideal situation. Now he just had to make it to the oasis to get the moon spirit, then all the water benders would lose their power. While he was occupied doing that, he failed to notice that 2 saiyans were systematically taking out his entire fleet of ships for the said invasion.

with Aang...

While Aang was in the Spirit world, Zuko showed himself. He was quickly defeated by Katara though as she froze him to a wall, knocking him out. Hunter opted to stay close in case anything happened, but unfortunately was not watching the oasis. He was busy defending the water tribe with his firebending. The water benders were surprised at this because of the color of Odyn's flames... they were gold like sunlight. Scores of Fire nation soldiers came at him, only for them to be knocked back by the golden flames of one blue haired teenager. A group tried surrounding him, but he simply dispersed their flames and with a mighty yell sent scores of fire nation troops hurtling backwards. This was due to the gale force winds generated by Hunter when his crossed his arms and flexed his muscles. any troops approaching were more than a little scared of Odyn, due to his enormous power.

This was however before he started taunting them about how they were gonna let one teenager get the best of them. This angered the fire benders and Odyn exploited that. While anger was the fire benders' greatest source of power next to the sun, it was also their most glaring weakness and he made a show and clinic out of it on how to defeat a fire bender. He called it 'Basic Fire bender strategy 101'. It was effective because the water benders learned from him and were using it to take advantage of the fire benders' anger. While this was going on, Katara wasn't ready for the cheap shot that a newly invigorated Prince Zuko delivered to her. He was able to take Aang and temporarily escape. Night soon fell, but this is when disaster struck.

Zhao who had infiltrated the oasis managed to capture and kill the moon spirit. The moon turned red before ultimately disappearing from the sky. Odyn knew something terrible had happened and contacted Aang's spirit as soon as he returned from the spirit world.

"I am a legend! Many generations in fire nation history will soon tell how I, Zhao felled the moon spirit and conquered the northern water tribe!," Zhao bellowed.

He was so distracted by his own musings that he failed to realize that Aang had returned and entered the avatar state with the ocean spirit.

Tock! that was the sound of Odyn landing to face Zhao. When he turned, he smirked as he recognized Hunter's face as the small child from all those years ago when he killed his father. The teen was confused as to why Zhao was smirking, he wasn't sure what to make of it. But he was angry at Zhao for what he did, the guy was a grade A jerk.

"Zhao! You have any idea what you've done?! Everyone needs the moon, including you fire benders! What were you thinking?!",Odyn angrily berated the older man.

Zhao was a little surprised at how angry the boy was, but didn't pay it any mind. He smirked as he thought of something, but he didn't bother to think of the consequences.

"Hold on, ah yes. You're the little brat from when I killed that man. Ah yes.. the one who got in my way of being with the most beautiful woman in all of the fire nation at the time. What was his name again? Ah yea.. Berethon, that's who he was. So you're his brat, eh? I guess good things do come in pairs.", Zhao rambled.

Odyn's eyes widened as his power now begun to swell up around him.

"You... You killed my father! Because of you, i had no father or family for a long time! I'LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO HIM!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!",Odyn screamed.

Silver Tattoos suddenly appeared on his body as his hair changed to a midnight lavender color and spiked with two bangs framing his face as he was surrounded by a crackling dome of electric energy. Odyn continued to yell as his power grew, the earth shook and the sky darkened. Lightning could be seen striking the ground around him as large pillars of light erupted from the water and the frozen ground. Zhao was more than a little shocked at this. The kid was.. he was transforming!

Pakku saw this and tried to yell out to Odyn to calm down, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. The boy's power continued to grow stronger and stronger as it shook the entire earth. No doubt citizens in other nations could feel the tremors Hunter's power was making. The teen continued screaming pulling out all of the rage that'd been building inside of him for the past 9 years because of the man in front of him. His daughter, Hyatan had warned him about this. Because Odyn was a kind soul, she had no idea what would happen if he awoke his bloodline's power due to seeing his father's killer in front of him. He was surrounded in a bright purple aura, it was shining like the sun! Waves of power were coming off of the dark skinned and flame eyed teen as his screaming only got louder and deeper, he was screaming in rage.

The blue haired Ki bender was pouring out all of the rage that'd built up inside him and was putting them into his ki. This wasn't normal ki either. No, it was far more powerful. All of the water benders could feel Odyn's power, they were in awe of it.They also felt for the boy, discovering that his father's murderer was right under his nose? And for him to taunt him with his father's death, that was just asking for trouble.

Katara came back only to discover Odyn, screaming in rage as his power climbed higher and higher. He was going to shake the planet apart if he kept this up! The water bender was concerned for their new friend, she didn't like seeing him in that much pain and rage. Just as Katara was bout to call for him to snap out of it, something amazing happened.

The transformation finished. There Odyn stood in all his glory. His arms, legs, and chest had red glowing tattoos on them and his hair was a midnight lavender purple that was spiked upwards and outwards with two bangs framing his face (think of mirai trunks' ssj hairstyle in the cell games.. it's kinda like that.) and what one could only describe as a godly electrifying aura surrounding him. Odyn's form radiated pure power, perhaps possibly even more power than a fully realized avatar in the avatar state. He glared at Zhao, who was speechless and more than a bit nervous at this new power.

When disaster struck and it seemed hope was lost, Hunter transforms into this godly state to restore hope. Even Aang was in awe of his power now, the power seemed to.. invigorate the avatar with a sense of hope that he never felt before. The Ocean Spirit with Aang seemed identify Odyn as an ally as it continued to sweep aside Fire nation ships and push them away from the walled fortress of the northern water tribe. Everyone else was staring in awe of Odyn's new power, he was glowing like the sun.

Pakku stared in awe before a dawning realization hit him as to what this new form of his grandson's was. But.. that couldn't be possible, could it? If he was right, this new form of Hunter's was something out of Legend and only something those with the blood of a certain warrior race flowing through their veins had access to.

"I see.. The boy actually did it. Take a look everyone! What you see before you is the warrior straight from Legend: The Blazing Arkynorean!", Pakku stated.

"Pakku you mean to say that your grandson has become the vengeful warrior of legend?", Arnook asked surprised. Pakku nodded.

"The vengeful warrior that's awakened by Rage or fury and will help the avatar restore balance to the world... The Blazing Arkynorean..,"Arnook repeated shocked.

Odyn landed and glared at Zhao with one emotion coming off him: Rage. The menacing eyes the color of moonlight stared at Zhao in fury. Before he could even move to engage the boy, Odyn already had his fist buried in the older fire bender's gut as a tremendous amount of wind was expelled from his back. Zhao flew back, dazed from the blow.

"What the-?! What was that?! I couldn't even see him move!", Zhao thought to himself.

"That speed, he's so fast!," one water bender exclaimed as Zhao was hit again even harder this time.

Now Zhao was getting angry. How dare this kid make a fool out of him! However, when he tried hitting the boy he couldn't even touch him. His fire bending just lazily passed by the boy was he either dodged it effortlessly or took control of it and sent it back at Zhao far more powerful than it came at him. Because of how powerful the stream of fire came back at him, Zhao was unable to counter it and ended up being blown back by it. He tried getting up and Fire bending at the boy, but he was too fast for him and was effortlessly dodging every single attack Zhao threw at him.

In fact, he made a show out of making Zhao look silly. Odyn then decided to just beat him to within an inch of his life. He started dealing heavy and crippling blows to Zhao who had no time to defend against them at all.

"Why?! Why can't I hit him?! There's no reason a brat of a man like Berethon should be so far outclassing me with his power! He should be weak! ", Zhao shouted incredulously.

Odyn heard that, big mistake. The teen then started pummeling Zhao, while appearing and disappearing numerous times. Seeing no reason to drag the fight out further, Hunter punched Zhao square in the jaw before vanishing and the appearing again to land a double haymaker to zhao's stomach. Zhao crashed into the ground, and stayed there in the crater unable to move for a few moments. Odyn floated down from the air and walked towards him, a dark scowl that shadowed his face. The teen leveled a flaming fist and stopped just short of the elder bender's face. He then sighed and shaped his fingers as if he was going to snap them.

Odyn leveled them with zhao's chestplate before he snapped his fingers. The force that came forth from that sent Zhao sprawling into the ocean before it temporarily cracked the ice and split the waters for a moment, destroying the rest of the fire nation's fleet. The waterbenders behind Odyn just felt their mouths comically drop to the floor and their eyes become wide like they were going to pop out of their sockets in surprise and shock at the kid's power.

Back with Aang...

Meanwhile back with Aang and the others, Yué decided to give her life back to the moon spirit after mulling over ways to save the moon spirit. The elder southern water tribe sibling had a very tearful goodbye kiss with Yué's spirit before it returned to the moon. Sokka had tears in his eyes as he mourned Yué's passing. The avatar, now back to normal as the Ocean spirit returned to this oasis; broke the news to chief arnook. Just before the ocean spirit attempted to drown Zhao, he accepted Zuko's help to save him and fight another day. He couldn't die here, he had too much left to accomplish. Zhao would just have to kill the kid next time they met. Odyn angrily warned Zhao to leave and that the next time he saw him, he wouldn't even think twice about killing him. The teen then returned to normal as his hair returned to the dark blue color it normally was.

The others ran over to him and asked if he was ok, to which he nodded.

"I had no idea.. that I had that type of power inside me.," Odyn said astonished.

Life returned to normal in the northern water tribe with Goku, Asura, and Hunter joining the gaang before leaving the north pole for the earth kingdom. With gifts from the northern water tribe, the gaang set out to Omashu to find King Bumi.

Fire Nation....

Back in the fire nation, ozai had received news of Zhao's defeat at the north pole. This angered him as Zhao had proven to be a colossal idiot for that useless invasion. But he did receive some good news out of the report. His men tracked down the incarnation of the Golden Dragon. He was now traveling with the Avatar. He smiled at this, now if only he could get his hands on the boy.

"Odyn A. Chevalier, huh? This is perfect.," Ozai thought.

He turned to the door as he felt that his daughter was just outside the room.

"Enter, Azula.", Ozai called.

The doors opened and into the room came a girl with Black hair, amber eyes, wearing red and black armor with a small tiara in her hair as a hair tie. This was the fire nation princess, Azula. She was known as a prodigy among fire benders for her talent and the only known bender in all of the world to be able to bend Azure colored flames.

"You called, Father?", Azula asked as she kneeled before him.

"Yes I did. Zhao has proven to be a colossal fool. Your uncle is an idiot, and your brother.. well we won't speak of his failure. I want you to capture that fool of an admiral. You are to go after the Avatar. But there's one I want you to bring back with you unharmed preferably.", Ozai told his daughter.

"And this someone is?," Azula asked genuinely curious.

"Odyn A. Chevalier. Believe it or not, but that boy is your soulmate. He wields the golden flames. The one you as the Azure dragon are destined to be with will be waiting for you.", Ozai said calmly.

Azula's face held slight shock. The boy she was bound by fate to be with was traveling with the avatar? She didn't pay attention to his name but she would bring him back to her father. She nodded and excused herself as she turned and left.

"hmm.. if i'm going to catch the avatar and this boy father wants, i'll need a small and elite team. Guess i'll have to go visit some old friends. But first, to track down the fool Zhao.", Azula mused to herself as she headed out to board a ship.

She wondered what this boy her father seemed so interested was like. From the legend, it said he was going to be a warrior.

"If he's a warrior, i'll have to be ready.," Azula thought with a smile as she boarded her ship with some soldiers.

"Where to, your highness?", The captain asked.

Azula smirked.

"Set us a course to the earth kingdom. That's where our 2 targets are heading.", Azula ordered.

The fire nation princess is joining the fray! How will she react when she comes face to face with the boy she's bound by fate to be with? We'll soon see.

To be continued...

Hey guys, hopefully you liked the chapter! Next chapter I'll include the opening and ending themes for this first part of the story.

So how was it? Good? Bad? Meh? Plz pm me on how I did. Anyways, I'll catch you guys in the next chapter!

Next Time... chapter 3: Two bound by fate; The Exile and the Princess