
Chapter 3: Those Bound By Fate I: The Exile & The Princess

Hey everyone I'm back with another chapter here. In case any of you are wondering, Yes I actually plan on making a sequel to this story involving the children of the main cast. So yes, the sequel will take place in the timeline that the legend of korra takes place.

Anyways quick disclaimer before we move on: I own nothing other than my OC's!

Time skip: This takes place after cave of two lovers episode

Aang, Katara, Odyn, Goku, And Asura all come over a hill after finding a way out of the maze of caves they were previously in. Sokka started announcing their arrival to omashu when he and Aang stopped mid sentence. They saw Omashu's front gate with the symbol of the Fire nation on it. That wasn't good. The three energy benders started to try to sense Bumi. Odyn was the one who locked onto him. He opened his eyes and relayed to the gaang what he was able to pick up.

"Welcome to- oh no...," Sokka said stopping mid sentence as they saw the giant emblem of the fire nation on omashu's front gate.

"That's not good...," Asura said.

Sokka looked at him incredulously.

"Yeah, yeah ya think?!," Sokka said annoyed.

"Calm down guys, let's think here.," Goku said mediating between the two.

Odyn then spoke up.

"I think he's somewhere secluded, Aang. Where would they take him?", Odyn asked Aang.

"Somewhere that he can't Earth bend, somewhere metal.", Aang answered.

"Ok, Why don't you guys go into the city and try to find him? Just call if something comes up, alright?", Asura added.

Katara raised an eyebrow at the suggestion.

"You two aren't coming with us?," Katara asked.

"Nah. We're better off out here. But just in case, we'll keep in touch to find out what's going on.," Asura suggested.

"We will. But... how are you going to do that?," Aang replied curious.

Odyn pointed to his head.

"There's a technique we use to communicate. It's almost like, nonverbal communication. Um.. telepathy I believe it's called?," Odyn explained.

"So in other words..," Katara started.

"You're going to be inside of our heads?!," Sokka asked.

Katara wacked her brother on the head for his suggestion.

Odyn couldn't help but to chuckle at that display.

"No, not literally. It's more like.. You'll be able to hear everyone's thoughts as they communicate. But it won't work if you're too far away, so be careful.,"Goku finished explaining.

"Got it.," Aang said understanding.

"But Aang- look i know you had your heart set on King Bumi, but we can find another earth bending teacher.," Katara explained trying to reason with him.

"This isn't just about finding an earth bending teacher. It's about finding my friend.", Aang said back.

The 4 of them then made their way into the city (Odyn, Aang, Sokka, and Katara). The group of 4 snuck into the city via the sewers to go unnoticed by the guards. Odyn tells them the air is getting stale down there and prompts them to emerge into the street. They do so after Aang looks around and decides that coast is clear. All four of them crawl out of the sewer hole before Odyn quietly puts ut back in place.

"Not to interupt, Sokka, but uhh... what is that on your face?," Odyn asked.

Sokka's eyes widened upon noticing the creature stuck to his face and started to scream in fright before Odyn shushed him.

"AHH!! NO!!! GET THIS THING OFF M- URMRF! ," Sokka screamed before a hand covered his mouth.

"Sokka, shh!!! Are you TRYING to get us caught?!," Odyn whispered before glaring down at the other teen whom he had his hand over his mouth.

Sokka shook his head silently. He knew better than to make Odyn angry at him. Aang then came over and calmly offered a solution by gently rubbing the creature's head with his finger.

"Calm down Sokka, it's just a purple pentapus.," Aang said.

A red mark was on the teen's face after, much to his annoyance. This gave Aang an idea though. Knowing what he was thinking, Odyn echoed the sentiment.

"Say Aang... I know this is what yiur thinking, but what if we use these pentapus creatures as a distraction?," Odyn suggested.

"And then act like we're all sick!,"Aang added.

"Right! That way the guards won't bother us because they'll think we'll have some kind of disease and will let everyone walk right out of the city.," Odyn said.

"It's worth a try.," Aang agreed.

Katara wondered what the boys were discussing, but didn't have to wonder for long. Odyn and Aang came over to her to discuss the plan.

Fire Nation guards notice them and walk over to them.

"What are you kids doing out here?," One guard asked.

"Don't you know, it's past curfew? You'll be coming with us!," Guard #2 said reaching out towards Sokka.

"Wait! Don't touch him sir!," Odyn said.

"Huh? Why not?," Guard #1 asked.

"He.. uh... has a disease! See?," Katara said pointing out the red dots on Sokka's skin.

This was apparently more than enough to give the guards enough pause to consider not approaching the teens.

"Oh.. (coughs) Wait... (fake coughs) I.. think.. I might be coming down with it t-too! (Coughs again)," Katara said.

Understanding what the teen was doing Odyn, Goku, Katara, and Aang all joined in and convinced the guards to leave them alone by faking being sick.

"(Coughs) I .. think I may have caught it too.. (coughs)," Odyn added going along with the act too.

"Okay just... go that way! Try and stay away from anybody or you'll give them.. whatever it is you have!," The guard said before walking away and leaving them alone.

"Great job guys, now.. we need to hurry and find Bumi.," Aang said whispering.

The other teens nodded and followed the Avatar's lead, deeper into the city limits.


Onboard her ship, Princess Azula seeks the advice of Lo and Li on how to capture her brother and uncle.

"When tracking your brother and uncle, traveling with the Royal Procession may no longer be an option. [It] may no longer be wise if you hope to keep the element of surprise.," Lo and Li sagely advised.

"I.. see...I will heed your advice then and proceed accordingly.," Azula said.

She recognized that she'd need the element of surprise on her side in order to capture her intended targets.

"In order to capture Zuzu and uncle, I'll need a small and elite team to do so...," Azula told herself.

She then began to think of who she could get to track down her brother and uncle. The same team could work in tracking down the boy her father was so interested in as well, the one she was bound by fate to be with.

Back with Aang and the others...

Back in the city, Aang, Katara, and Odyn continued their search for Bumi. They just had to find somewhere metal, that'd prove to be more difficult than they thought however. Just below them, the wife of the governor and their daughter, Mai, are enjoying an evening stroll.

Mai is bored out of her mind, and makes her displeasure about the city known. She's unaware that above them, two earthbenders from the resistance have sent large boulders plummeting toward them. Aang sees the rocks heading toward the people below and airbends them out of the way; however, the governor's wife misunderstands the situation, and assumes Aang and his friends to be members of the resistance.

"No, wait! We're not-!," Aang attempts to explain before he's yanked away by Odyn before knives can touch him.

"They won't listen, Aang. Run!," Odyn said.

Mai and the guards gave chase to the group of 4. This starts a pursuit in which Mai demonstrates a natural talent for throwing knives. As Mai comes close to catching up to them, the ground opens up underneath Team Avatar, and they fall into the hole as it closes over them. While Mai abandons the chase, the team discovers that they have been saved by the resistance.

"Tch! We'll catch them later. Looks like the resistance has them right now.,"Mai said gritting her teetch and clicking her her tongue somewhat annoyed before walking away.

Back with Azula...

Azula, meanwhile, has tracked down the first member of her team: Ty Lee, the daughter of a nobleman. The two went to the Royal Fire Academy for Girls together, but since then, she has apparently joined the circus, which is where Azula finds her.

"Azula! I didn't expect to see you here.," Ty Lee happily greeted her friend.

Azula genuinely smiled at the girl before telling her the reason for her visit.

"So I need a favor, Ty Lee, if you're interested..," Azula began.

Ty Lee smiled at her friend and listened.

"Sure Azula, what is it?," Ty Lee asked.

"I need you to help me find my fuddy duddy uncle. My father wishes to bring him home. But I can't locate them on my own, I'll need help.," Azula said.

Ty Lee frowned before smiling again.

"Listen, Azula... I'd love to hep you but... I can't. I like my life here at the circus. It was my mom who told me to chase after my dreams after all.," Ty Lee said.

"Oh.. You're new mother, I take it?," Azula asked somewhat surprised.

"Yeah. You should meet her some time. I know you'd really like her. She's the kindest woman you'll ever meet in your life, and she's really pretty too! I can see why my dad fell in love with her.," Ty Lee said.

"I'll be sure to do so one of these days... I'd live to see your next show. In fact, I think I'll stick around to see you perform.," Azula said smiling before walking off.

"😅Ri..Righttt...," Ty lee said nervously waving.

In one sense, she was glad her friend was staying longer, but in another sense... she was really nervous. She didn't want to give Azula a reason to be doubtful of her skills as an acrobat.

Back with Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Odyn...

After being rescued, Aang is informed that, before the fighting even began, King Bumi surrendered the city. Aang decides the best thing to do is get everyone out of the city, so they can "live to fight another day". The resistance leader, a man named Yao disagreed however. He said their only choice wqs to fight for their home, his folowers agreed with Aang however.

"Alright, fine. But there are thousands of citizens who need to leave the city, how are we supposed to get them out?," Yung asked.

"Suckers.," Sokka said.

"🤦‍♂️ Sokka.. context please...," Odyn said embarrassed.

The elder water tribe realized what Odyn was telling him and cleared his throat to explain.

"Ahem! What I meant was... all of you are about to come down with a nasty case of Pentapox.," Sokka explained with a grin.

Time skip: the next day...

It then shows each of the citizens getting marked by the small pentapus creatures briefly attached to their faces before being pulled off. Once finished they now stood in front of the teens.

"Alright, good. You all look sick now. But... you gotta sell it! Make them believe that you're all really sick.," Sokka said.

An elderly man with a wooden leg and who used a cane to walk imitated what sokka had in mind.

"Now that's what I'm talkin' about!," Sokka said gesturing to the older citizen.

"Why thank you, comes with years of practice.," The man said while giving a thumbs up to the teen.

"Alright, everone.. into sick formation!," Sokka said as they prepared to enact their plan.

Katara went to follow them when stopped and looked at Aang.

"You coming, Aang?," She asked.

Aang shook his head.

"No. I'm going to find Bumi.," Aang said before running off.

"Aang, wait!," Katara said reaching for him.

"Don't worry Katara, I'll keep an eye on him. You go on ahead with the others.," Odyn assured her.

She nodded.

"Thanks Odyn, I'm counting on you.," She said.

He nodded.

" Sure thing. Now go, before i change my mind.," Odyn said smiling at her.

Katara nodded before joining the others. Odyn turned and followed Aang.

A short while later...

The citizens led by Sokka, act like they are really sick, causing the guards to steer clear of them. They become nervous as the citizens approach them.

"How horrible..," the governor's wife said worried.

"Well.. drive them out of the city, but don't touch them!," The governor said.

The soldiers did as instructed and opened up the doors for the citizens to walk out of the city. Mai stood on the side munching on her favorite snack, offering it to her father as if watching a play or movie.

"Fire Flakes, Dad?," Mai offered.

The man sighs before looking on with his wife. As they all watched the chaos ensue below them, they weren't paying attention to the governor's infant son, who wandered off.

Meanwhile with Aang...

Aang lands on the ground to see Flopsie, Bumi's pet chained up to a wheel like device.

"Flopsie!," Aang cries out in happiness.

The creature is elated to see him and goes to run to him, only to get pulled back by the chain around his neck.

"Hang on boy, I'll get you out of there!," Aang said.

"No need for you to trouble yourself with that, Aang.," Odyn said revealing himself.

Aang raised an eyebrow in question.

"Odyn?," Aang said confused.

Odyn lept over to the chain and used one of his other abilities to break the chain around flopsie's neck.

The creature then went up to him and Aang, hugged them while licking their faces. Aang and Odyn then hopped onto the creature's back to go sewrch for Bumi.

"Alright, Yip Yip!," Aang said.

Flopsie just sat there before Aang realized his mistake.

"Oh, oops. Let's go dind Bumi!," Aang said correcting himself.

Flopsie then took off running as they went to search for Bumi.


A/N: The scene with Tom Tom and Momo plays out like it does in cannon, so I'll skip that for now.

With Ty Lee at the circus...

At the circus, the ringmaster, Shuzumu, addresses his audience, declaring that the presence of the Fire Lord's daughter is an honor; after taking a seat beside hers, he asks her to inform him of any way in which he can make the show more to her liking. She smirks and accepts his offer before quietly watching her friend perform. Soon after, Ty Lee performs a feat of balance on the high wire.

"Will she fall?," Azula asked.

"No, of course not.," shuzumu replied.

"What if you remove the net?," Azula asked.

"We could, but the safety of the acrobats would be in jeopardy., " Shuzumu replied.

"What if you set the net on fire, that would make things more interesting.," Azula suggested.

Unwilling to refuse a direct order from a member of the Fire Nation Royal family, he concedes and sets it ablaze. As the fire spreads along the net, Ty Lee becomes anxious. The Ringmaster is also clearly worried for Ty Lee's safety.

"What kind of dangerous animals do you have here?,"Azula asked.

"We have a wide assortment of the exotic animals from all over the...," Shuzumu started before princess interrupted him.

"Release them all. It would make things alot more lively.," Azula said smirking.

The ringmaster fearfully complies to this order as all pf tge dangerous animals are released into the ring.

Back in Omashu...

After all of the citizens escape Omashu, Aang and Odyn return to the gaang just before Yung, the resistance leader comes up to them.

"We're all accounted for here but.. uh..,"Yung trailed off.

"Is something wrong, sir?," Odyn asked.

"No. That's the thing. We just did a head count, we have an extra.," He said pointing to the fire nation infant.

With the governor...

His wife cries as they have become aware of Tom Tom's disappearance, believing the resistance to be responsible.

"So infecting all of the citizens wasn't enough... Now they've taken my son?!," The governor said.

He begins to think about how to get his son back.

With Azula and Ty Lee...

Backstage at the circus, Azula congratulates her friend on the show. She wonders how she'll top herself the next day.

"That was an excellent show, Ty Lee. I wonder how you'll top yourself tomorrow?," Azula said.

"You don't need to worry about that Azula, because there won't be a show tomorrow.," Ty Lee replied hanging up her circus attire.

"Could you explain?,"Azula asked curious.

"The universe has been giving me some strong hints that maybe.. it's time for a career change. Allow me to join you on your mission.," Ty Lee replied.

She continued.

"And besides... T-There's someone I'd like to see again while we're at it, going with you will give me the best chance of seeing them again.," Ty Lee said slightly blushing.

Azula smirked, she knew Ty Lee was talking about her boyfriend but chose not to say anything.

"Very well, welcome aboard Ty Lee.," Azula said.

"Thank you, Azula.," Ty Lee said smiling at her friend.

Back with the others...

Katara is seen to be playing with Tom Tom, much to the dismay of sokka and Yung.

"Aw.. You're so cute!," Katara said cooing at the infant.

"When he's older, he'll join the fire nation army and become a murderous fire bender. You won't think he's "so cute" then.," Yung said offering his opininon.

Katara turns toward Aang and Odyn.

"Any luck in finding Bumi?," Katara asked.

"No. We looked all over, couldn't find him anywhere.," Aang said sadly.

Odyn placed a hand on his friend's shoulder in support. He never liked seeing the avatar sad, he was like a little brother to him in a way.

"Don't worry Aang, I'm sure we'll find him before too long. So cheer up, okay?," Odyn said trying to encourage him.

Aang smiled at Odyn before decided to give him a hug, catching the dark teen off guard.

"Um... o-okay? What's the hug, Aang?," Odyn asked surprised.

"You somehow know what to say to pick me right back up, Odyn. That was just my way of thanking you.," Aang said.

Odyn didn't get it, but he chuckled and nodded before giving Aang a fist bump.

"Not a problem, bro. Anything to help my little brother.," Odyn said.

As the gang was deciding what their next move was a messenger hawk flies towards them with a message.

"Hey, it's a messenger hawk!," Sokka said.

The Hawk lands on the arm of Asura before Aang takes the message and reads it.

"What's it say?," Katara asked.

"They're requesting a trade. The toddler... for King Bumi...," Aang said.

Odyns scowled as he and Asura had the same thought.

"I.. don't know about this, Aang. It could be a trap.," Katara said unsure.

"Well.. trap or not, it's a chance to find Bumi.," Aang said.

"True... though, I do see Katara's point. Goku.," Odyn said looking at the saiyan.

"Yeah, what's up?," Goku asked.

"We may have found a lead on King Bumi, but there's a chance that it's a trap. You think you could stay close by, just in case it is?," Odyn asked.

Goku smiled.

"Sure!," Goku replied.

"Someone needs to stay behind for you guys. I'll stay behind, just in case.," Asura said.

Odyn smirked at Asura, he was normally the responsible one between Odyn, Goku, and Asura anyways so it made sense.

"Thanks, Asura. We can always count on you to have our backs.," Odyn said as he fist bumped the saiyan.

Asura nodded and smiled as a sign of assurance.

"Aang, Katara, and you too Sokka. Come here, we need a plan just in case things go south.," Odyn said.

The three aforementioned teens nodded in agreement.

"Okay, so here's what i was thinking for a backup plan....,"Odyn started as he began to explain.

Time skip: a little while later....

Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Odyn all walked towards the bridge where they met 3 girls garbed in Fire Nation attire. Aang was currently carrying the toddler named Tom Tom as proof of the trade. These three girls were Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee.

The group walked forward with the toddler as Azula had Bumi lowered inside of a metal box. He covered up all the way to around his face, his face was the only part of him that was visible. While the two groups locked eyes with each other, Ty Lee felt hers widen in shock and excitement. The reason for this was because her brother was right in front of her. She hadn't seen him in months, not since he left the Fire nation. She knew they would meet again, it was just a matter of time.

However, these were... less than desirable circumstances to reunite with her brother in.

"We're ready to request a trade.," Aang said.

The groups faced each other as Aang walked forward with the Toddler.

"Hold on a second, if I may say something. You don't mind do you, Mai?," Azula said asking her friend.

"No, of course not.," Mai said shaking her head no.

Mai let Azula continue as she strode forward a bit.

"You know, I just realized something. We're trading a 2 year old for a KING. A powerful earth bending King, I might add... Doesn't really seem like a fair trade, does it?," Azula said pointing out.

The Fire Nation Princess then smirked as she and Mai slipped into fighting stances. Odyn recognized this as they were ready to fight and his eyes narrowed.

"Aang, Katara, Sokka, get ready. Looks like they want a fight.," Odyn said as the three of them slipped into fighting stances.

"Sorry, deal's off!," Azula said.

Just when they were ready to go at each other, Ty Lee her arm in front of her friends as she walked forward, upon seeing her brother.

"Brother, is that you?," Ty Lee asked surprised.

Everyone had to blink and do a double take as they looked back and forth between this girl and Odyn. They had to make sure what they heard was right and that they didn't just hear things.

"What the... Sis?," Odyn asked as he relaxed upon seeing his sister.

He was more surprised than anything that she was here of all places.

Aang and the water tribe siblings then just realized what this girl, Ty Lee had called their friend.

"BROTHER?!," Katara asked shocked.

"WHAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTT?!?!?!", Everyone else said in shock.

Aang and Katara fell over in surprise, while Sokka just stared in stunned shock with his eyes comically almost bulging out of their sockets.

Azula was also quite surprised by this revelation, she had absolutely no clue the Ty Lee had a brother. Mai was perhaps the most surprised of the group from the fire nation, as it showed on her face.

"A-Ahem! Well.. Ty Lee, you never told us that you had a brother.," Azula said regaining her composure.

Ty Lee rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment as she spoke.

"Heh heh, sorry Azula... I just didn't think this was an important enough detail for you to really care about. That's why I never mentioned it.," Ty Lee said laughing nervously as she apologized to her friend.

Odyn then walked forward and addressed his sister.

"Well sis, can you enlighten me on what your doin' with the princess?," Odyn asked.

Ty Lee turned and addressed her brother.

"Well, maybe you can tell me what you're doin' with the Avatar then?," Ty Lee argued back.

"I should be the one asking you that, silly.," Odyn responded.

"Or I should be theone asking you why you're here with the avatar?," Ty Lee replied.

Odyn sighed and then spoke again.

"Listen sis, I know it doesn't make sense now... but trust me, it will later. ," Odyn said.

Azula then stepped forward as she had intended to catch the avatar. Odyn saw what she was doing and slipped into a stance to face Azula.

"Sorry Sis, we'll talk later!," Odyn said as he glared at Azula with a serious look on his face.

Ty Lee's eyes widened with worry, she knew that she couldn't stop them now. She knew Odyn could handle himself against nearly any opponent he faced with no problem, but Azula was no pushover herself either. She couldn't pick a side, both of these people were important to her.

It was her older brother that she adored against her best friend!

"Big brother..., Azula....," Ty Lee thought sadly.

She didn't want either of them to fight each othe, but she knew it was inevitable. They were on opposite sides in this war, after all. Azula's amber colored eyes stared into Odyn's Flaming orange colored eyes as they glared at one another, prepared to fight. The others simply stared, not wanting to make the first move. They were perhaps waiting to see who'd make the first move between Odyn and Azula.

The tension between the two was so thick that one could've cut it with a knife. It wasn't but a moment later that azure flames ignited in Azula's hands, while golden flames ignited in Odyn's. Azula was smirking, but that soon turned to a look of shock as she felt Odyn's incredible power begin to shake the rig they stood upon currently. She didn't know why, but that look Odyn gave her somehow secretly hurt her.

The Fire Nation princess looked at Odyn again. She begrudgingly had to admit that the dark teen was very attractive for a young man. Azula would be lying to herself if she said she felt nothing looking at Odyn, he was quite pleasing for her to look at. From what she could tell, Odyn was around the same age as she was. Or.. was he a little older? If he was, it was only by a year.

Odyn was quite the specimen for his young age, he was built like a mountain for crying out loud! This boy would be quite formiddable up close from what Azula could tell, she'd rather avoid that if possible. The question became, was he as talented of a Fire Bender as she'd heard from reports? If so, she definitely wanted to test him and see if the rumors were true. There was only one sure fire way to know for sure, and that was to fight him.

*insert dragon ball super ost: All out Battle/Against a fearsome foe Epic Rock cover*

Odyn's Flame sidgel started to glow as he shifted his weight in preparation to strike (Imagine Xeno Goku's stance from dragon ball heroes, it's similar). Azula also shifted her weight as she prepared to strike against this teen who'd caught her attention. No one dared moved until either Odyn or Azula moved first.

It was Azula who made the first move, firing a stream of azure colored flames towards Odyn. Odyn simply absorbed some of them , while dodging Azula's fire bending before releasing some of his own golden colored flames. His flames came in the from of a kick from him. This prompted her to dodge and weave, while sending several streams of fire towards her opponent before Odyn returned fire with his own combination of Fire bending. Azula created a large arc of azure flame before bringing it down towards the blue haired teen.

The dark teen was not only able to disperse Azula's attack, he even sent a large pillar of gold flames back towards her. Both circle each other as they fire bent, trying to find a weakness in the other's defense. Although each found weaknesses in each other defenses, they were unable to capitalize on them. Every time Azula would kick to fire bend at Odyn, he would just mirror her action with a kick and fire bending of his own to counteract it.

The same could be said about punches or flame arcs created by dropping their legs down mid air or bringing their hands together for one as the approached each other. It was a stalemate for awhile, until Azula created a pair of Fire daggers in her hands to slash at Odyn. He follwed suit, created a pair of flamming short swords to parry Azula's attacks before he attacked her. Things got interesting as the two blocked and parried with their flame made weapons.

Meanwhile, Aang and Katara were stuck fighting Mai and Ty Lee. The aforementioned girl had reluctantly joined the battle, evn though it seemed like she'd rather not fight. She had to support her friend Azula, even though it meant potentially having to fight her elder brother. The girl was obviously sad that two people she cared about deeply had to fight each other, and it hurt her to see that. 

Aang wasn't having much luck fighting Ty Lee, she was far too quick for him to land a proper strike. The teen had an idea which he brought up with Katara. They had a moment before their fight resumed with their 2 opponents. Aang took this time to let Katara know what he was thinking.

"Hey Katara, got a sec?," Aang asked.

"Sure Aang, what's up?," The water tribe girl asked.

"What do you think about switching opponents?," Aang replied in question.

"Sure. But is there a reason for that?," She asked curiously.

Aang nodded.

"Yeah, I'm having a bit of a hard time against Ty Lee over here. She's a bit too quick for me to really focus on getting a hit in. I think you'd stand a better chance against her since yiur water bending is a little more advanced than mine is currently.," Aang suggested.

Katara had a curious look on her face, but then smiled at the avatar. She couldn't promise that she'd defeat her, but she could at least keep the acrobat occupied for awhile.

"Alright Aang. I can do that. I'll take on Ty Lee and you'll get Mai, that sound good?," Katara responded.

Aang nodded in agreement and the pair put their plan into motion. Once both sides were ready, they ran at each ither again. Aang and Katara suddenly switched sides, throwing both if the fire nation girls off guard. The two other teens had switched opponents suddenly and that had messed with Mai more than Ty Lee. While it was unexpected, Ty Lee had trained with her brother enough to adjust to such circumstances. The same could not be said about Mai however.

Ty Lee thought about it, this was the perfect chance to talk to the water bender now that she was fighting her. First, she'd have to stop Katara from fighting her so they could talk. The water bender used her water whip to try and keep the acrobat at a distance. She could tell that the girl was going to be a problem up close, based on the few jabs that narrowly had missed hitting her to this point.

Unfortunately,  Katara had misjudged Ty Lee's speed and the brown haired girl took full advantage of it. She dodged several of Katara's strikes before slipping past her guard, quickly stunning her opponent with a lightning fast succession of jabs to her back and limbs.  This had caused Katara to lose control of her water whip as she was confused as to how she suddenly couldn't bend at the moment.

"What the? Why can't I bend?," Katara thought confused.

Ty Lee relaxed her stance as she explained to the water bender why she couldn't bend currently.

"I temporarily blocked your chi points, water bender. That is why you are unable to utilize your bending at the moment.," Ty Lee explained.

"Why would you do that?," Katara asked.

Ty Lee sighed before continuing.

"It was the only way to get you to stop attacking so we could talk, Katara.," Ty Lee answered.

Katara's eyes widened in surprise as she then remembered what Odyn called this girl standing before her. This was Odyn's sister, after all. That fact still surprised her because from what she could tell, the two looked nothing alike. This confused her slightly.

"How... do you even know my name?," Katara asked confused and lightly alarmed.

Ty Lee smiled at the girl and replied to her inquiry.

"My brother has told me alot about his travels and of the friends he met along the way through his letters. Of course it would include you, Katara.,"Ty Lee answered.

"Fair point.," Katara said in realization.

That explanation did make sense if she truly thought about it. She was confused about something,  however. As if she could sense what Katara's thought was, she answered the question.

"And before you ask: allow me to clear up how Odyn and I are siblings, though we look nothing alike. The truth is Odyn and myself are step siblings. His mother became my own mother through marriage to my father who had lost his wife to illness some years before then.," Ty Lee explained.

Katara nodded in understanding.

"I see. Guess tyat makes sense.," Katara answered relaxing slightly.

Ty Lee then spoke again, her face turning serious.

"There is something you should be are of, Katara.," Ty Lee said serious.

"Oh? By all means then, I'd like to know what this something is.," Katara said.

Katara was curious. What was so important, that it caused Ty Lee to become so serious? She couldn't help but to wonder about it.

"Both of Odyn's and Azula's fates are intertwined with each other.," Ty Lee said.

This confused Katara, what was that supposed to mean?

"Their fates are intertwined,  what do you mean by that?," Katara asked confused.

Ty Lee sighed, of course Katara wouldn't know what that meant. She had to explain from the very beginning, didn't she? She couldn't tell the girl everything though, Katara would have to piece the rest of it together or find out on her own somehow.

"Tell me Katara... Are you familiar with the prophecy concerning The Twin Dragons?," Ty Lee asked.

Katara looked confused when asked that question. She thought about it, but nothing came to mind. This was the first time she was hearing about something like that.

"Um...No. I can't say I've ever heard of anything like that.," Katara answered shaking her head.

Ty Lee continued as she knew Katara was not aware of the prophecy's meaning.

"When the world is in turmoil, when the earth is in it's hour of greatest need, the incarnations of 2 Dragons will appear... Two Dragons, who's souls were bound to each other by the Gods must work together and guide the world alongside the avatar towards peace. A great evil is coming to judge the world,which they will have to work together to defeat. The Dragons must be the ones to defeat this evil, otherwise the cycle will continue until the world is destroyed. To guide the world into peace and the future ages to come, the Azure Dragon and the Gold Dragon must cohabitate.,"

Katara was shocked, but also surprised after hearing this. She'd never heard of such a prophecy before.

"Gold Dragonand the Azure Dragon, eh? Well.. I'm pretty certain I know who the Gold Dragon is. It's more than likely Odyn.," Katara thought.

Ty Lee looked at the girl before she spoke again.

"Katara. I know you mean well, but please for your own sake... DON'T interfere with the prophecy. I'm aware that you've grown.. rather attached to my brother,but let your feelings for him go. He's already bound to someone else.," Ty Lee warned.

Katara was upset now. Why was Ty Lee telling her not to interfere? Did her own feelings not matter?!

"Because those Gods decided who he should be bound to? I know. But... why should it have to be that way? Can't he choose his own path? I love him too. He should be free to choose his path for himself!," Katara said upset.

"Katara, i know how you feel. Odyn... is very easy to like and to love. But please, don't interfere.  It won't be good for anyone if you get in the way.," Ty Lee sternly warned her.

"What do you mean, it won't be good for anyone if I confess to him?," Katara asked.

"The only way this world will survive is if Odyn joins the one he's eternally bound to. This world will cease to be if that doesn't happen.," Ty Lee said.

Katara couldn't argue with that, Ty lee was right. She sighed and reluctantly agreed. If she really thought about it though... Odyn just didn't see her in the same way she saw him. While she was truly falling in love with the flame eyed teen, she knew that the object of her crush just.. didn't see her as a lover. She wouldn't lie, that fact crushed her. And... she had already been rejected by him once before, though she thought nothing if it at the time.

Fact was Odyn saw Katara as more of another sister, rather than a love interest. Katara's bending eventually came back to her, but now... She didn't want to fight Ty Lee. Especially not after what she just learned.

"Go.," She said.

"Huh?," Katara asked confused.

"I'll let you eacape. My brother could use your help as another sister currently. I won't chase you. Please take care of him for awhile for me.," Ty Lee said.

"I will. And... thanks, Ty Lee. It may be hard for me to let go of my feelings for Odyn completely but... I'll do my best to move on.," Katara said.

"Thank you Katara, that's all I can ask of you.," Ty Lee said.

With that, she took off to rendezvous with Aang. The Gang received the signal from Goku to escape, via an airborne ki blast. Ty Lee smiled as she saw the ball of light in the sky. Her boyfriend was here with them. It made her happy just knowing he was near. She could see him again, when... things weren't so hectic that is.

"At least I know you're doing well, Goku san... We'll see each other again, I know it.," Ty Lee thought smiling with a small hint of a blush on her face.

The Gang escaped after watching King Bumi also do so to lie low for awhile.

With Odyn and Azula...

The two teens still fought as they chatted about conflicting ideologies concerning Ozai, Azula's father.

"Don't you see, Azula? There's a better way to rule than by doing so through fear! You're father is no ruler... HE'S A TYRANT! And he's abusing his power. Not using it for his people, only for personal gain!," Odyn argued.

"You're just saying that! My father would never...," Azula argued before Odyn interrupted her.

"Are you certain of that? What makes you so sure he wouldn't stoop to the lengths I've seen just for power?," Odyn argued back.

"W-well I.. uh... ," Azula said uncertain.

"You don't have to follow the same path as him Azula... i can tell... You're not a bad person, just misguided maybe. Just... think about what I've said.," Odyn said.

Odyn bended a huge wall of Golden flame,allowing him to give the fire nation princess the slip.

"Wait, we're not.. tch!," Azula said gritting her teeth upon realizing that the teen had escaped from her.

"Odyn A Chevalier... We'll meet again soon.," She said staring into the distance.

Some of what the flame eyed teen said got her thinking on several things. She was intrigued by him and felt like they'd met again very soon. It was odd, but somehow she could just tell through that odd feeling she had when she was around him.

She wouldn't openly admit it, but Azula did like Odyn more than most males her own age. That wouldn't deter her from her mission though. Ozai had entrusted her with a mission to carry out, and she would without question. If she captured that blue haired teen, that was just a bonus.

Azula turned back to Mai and Ty Lee, they'd just have to keep tailing the Avatar's group for awhile longer. She wasn't going back to her father,  empty handed. The princess couldn't help but to inwardly smile at the thought of seeing Odyn again, eventually. She couldn't really explain why, but she just had to see him again soon. Ty Lee smirked, she knew what Azula was feeling. This was because she felt this way about someone herself already.

The trio took off in search of the Avatar's group.

Back with the gaang...

Aang was a bit disappointed that they couldn't find Bumi again. He did remember what his oldest friend told him though.

"Your earth bending teacher will be someone who's mastered neutral jin.", Bumi vouce said playing in the Avatar's mind.

While they were doscussing what was next, Aang knew there was one more thing he had to take care of... returning the toddler.

Aang turned to the others before speaking up.

"Can you guys wait for a little bit? There's something I gotta take care of. Be right back.," Aang said taking off on his air scooter.

Katara looked confused before Odyn chuckled.

"No need to worry, he's just taking care of a quick errand.," Odyn assured them.

Twighlight was beginning to set in as the governor of Omashu and his wife were getting worried for their son. Aang quietly let the young Toddler go before hiding, so he wouldn't cause any trouble.

The couple was worried sick, until a certain familiar cry was heard.

"Tom Tom!," the woman cried with her husband joining her.

They were elated their son returned. With the toddler returned, Aang then slipped away and back to his friends quietly.

Back with the others...

Aang had just returned from his little errand when they began discussing where to go next. 

"Guess we should head towards Ba Sing Sè maybe? What do you think, Aang?," Odyn suggested.

Aang nodded.

"Good thinking. I'm sure we'll find an earth bending teacher for me on the way further into the earth kingdom.," Aang said.

"What do you guys think?,"Katara asked.

"Hm... considering how we narrowly escaped the fire nation? Yes! Let's go.," Sokka emphatically agreed.

Asura simply nodded with Giku grinning.

"Well we are helping you guys out. So... why not?," Goku said.

Odyn turned briefly towards omashu , then turned back to his friends.

"We'll meet again.., Princess Azula. I'm sure of it.," Odyn said under his breath.

The group then flew away on Appa's back, leaving behind the former earth kingdom city. They now headed towards the famed walled city of the earth kingdom.

To be continued...

Next time: Chapter 4: Those Bound By Fate II: Journey to Ba Sing Se part 1

Ending theme: Twin Star Exorcists ending 1 (Eyes)

Visuals: replace the characters with Odyn (being the boy instead of Rokuro) and Azula( being the girl instead of Benio) Flashes of the other characters in the cast in between (Odyn thinking about team avatar before thinking about  Azula at the end. Azula is shown thinking about her friends, Ozai, Iroh, and Zuko before it stops on an image of Odyn). The song ends as Odyn and Azula are then seen staring towards each other,  a distance apart.

Opening theme:

Black Summoner op 1 : Dead End by RedBet

Visuals: flashes and introductions of the main cast of this story. Flashes of characters from both sides: team avatar (aang, katara, sokka, odyn, asura, and goku) and  Azula's side: (Azula, Ty Lee, Mai, Zuko, and Iroh) shadowed characters are those yet to be introduced (Toph, Khanna).

Hey guys sorry for the long wait but hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter! Apologies if it felt rushed at the end but next chapter should be good with pacing. I'll see about including the swamp with the bei fongs... actually that's inportant lol because a new character will be coming into the story with Toph. That's all i can think to say for now. Hopefully yiu guys enjoyed it. Until the next one!

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