

My Lady you have to rest, your wounds haven't healed. I have to go, there is no time. my kingdom is in great danger. over my dead body would Arthur rule over me This time around I will kill anyone that stands in my way without mercy. I am AYA, the warrior princess.

Dark03_knight · History
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11 Chs


I wasn't going to let this guys get away with this, I spat into his eye. While he tried to clean up I immediately kick the other guy under his private.


Without wasting time she banged his head against the bathroom door. But all of a sudden every where became dark to Aya. The big guy used a towel to cover her face and in the process strangled her with it.

"I have had enough of this bitch" the big guy said

"T we can't kill her. It wasn't part of the deal " the guy whose private was kicked said.

But Aya wasn't going to let this guys get away.

She went down on her knees as though she was giving up but she wasn't. She scratched his leg with her claws. He had to let go. His wound was so deep, blood stained the floor.

His friend had to run, he jumped from the balcony, how was that possible Aya thought.

Wasn't there any guard to catch this guy. T, crawled on the ground like a child. His leg was badly injured.

Some guards forced themselves into the room, that means all this while the door was locked. They all froze at what they saw.


"It's not too late to change your mind father" I just wanted peace, I Don't want to be in a situation were I have to kill my brothers. I wish father would grant me this wish.

"What if I granted you your wish, but what about the prophecy."

He was about saying something else when a guard ran in unannounced.

"His highness sorry to interrupt but there is a problem."

"What sort of problem can't wait till tomorrow to be addressed."

Albert felt cold chills running down his spine, probably something must have happened to Victoria.

"His highness, there was an intruder."

Surprisingly the other guy was caught, he had twisted his ankle when he jumped making it impossible for him to run fast when he was being chased by the guards.

"You actually fought with this guy's by yourself." His highness was totally surprised on how a girl could actually kick the butt of two guys at a time.

"Yes your highness"

"I will handle the rest from here."

Back at home when an intruder was cought we usually take them to the basement and torture them until they gave us every information we needed. But I called it slaughter house. Mother once told me about a place called hell where bad people were thrown into, and there was crying and gnashing of teeth. That was the same way the slaughter house was like.