

My Lady you have to rest, your wounds haven't healed. I have to go, there is no time. my kingdom is in great danger. over my dead body would Arthur rule over me This time around I will kill anyone that stands in my way without mercy. I am AYA, the warrior princess.

Dark03_knight · History
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11 Chs


Today's fight was a win-win, he badly hurt my face while I left him crippled for life.

Lydia was helping to treat my face, she had a herb that would soothe the pain.

Tonight had awaken something in me, with what happened today the King won't refuse my request.

I felt so much pain even when i smiled.

"Easy Lydia it hurts"

"Sorry my Lady"

"I will take It from here"

Tonight was definitely a good one, prince Albert offered to help treat my face which would be swollen by tomorrow and I'm sure of this.

Lydia left while prince Albert took over, he was so close to my face now, i hard a closer look of his heart shaped face. He looked too innocent to be a king, ones his father dies there will be war. Someone like Prince Author would like to battle with him but he would have to kill me first.

"ouch!! It hurts a lot." I cried out to prince Albert. But it didn't hurt that much, I just wanted him to keep giving the pity face.

"It's all my fault"

"No it's not your fault, this things do happen" I assured him.

"Your really strong" he said smiling.

I never wished for any of this to happen, they came for me but the innocent lady took my place.

Her blue eyes were like a crystal ball, I could see the prophecy already taking place, the pain, betray, blood and then victory.

What was he thinking? I hope it wasn't too obvious that I wanted to kiss his pink lips so badly, right now I desire to be in his arms, kissing him all over his hairy body. I look though on the outside but the inside is fragile.

Every though woman has a weakness and my weakness was Prince Albert.


Lydia was right the herb did not only soothe the pain it as well made my skin smooth. It's as if nothing happened there.

As usual Prince Albert wasn't in the room. Aya took a quick bath, a blue flowing gown had been kept for her but she decided to wear her warriors clothes. After last night event she didn't see the need of being who she wasn't [ A gentle Princess]. She set out with her bow and arrow.

One could imagine her walking in a slow mo but she was actually walking fast.

"A princess isn't allowed to hunt" the beautiful lady spoke from behind.

Aya walked up to her and stood so close to her almost making her loose her balance.

"I still don't know your name"

"I'm Victoria, prince Albert's second wife to be" she replied with so much pride in her voice.

The only person that can compete or scare me is me. What I was looking at wasn't my type and besides I want going to share prince Albert with anyone.

"Well Victoria, I don't play by the rule I do what I feel is right"

Argh.... I blame Prince Albert for all this, how could he have woken up one morning and decided to marry Aya.

What was it she had to offer that I can't give. Aya is going down.