

Dev_D · Fantasy
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34 Chs


"Daisy, tell Ryan what you told me earlier," Max orders. "Tell him what you think of him."

Heat wells through Daisy, suffusing with the buzz she carried through the night. Her ears still ring with the music of the wedding. Her husband, Max, and his best friend, Ryan, still wear their tuxedos, and she's still in her dress.

"Honey…" she says quietly. The heat reaches her face, the blush warming her cheeks.

"Go ahead. You know you want to."

She glances at Ryan, who looks a mixture of embarrassed and excited. He licks his lips, glancing away before thinking better of it and looking back.

"I said that I think he's handsome," Daisy whispers.

Max shakes his head before she finishes. "Not quite."

He's doing it again. Pushing. He's always pushing. If this is what he wants, this is what he'll get. She tosses her dark, brown hair, flicking her bangs from her eyes, and looks at Max. He shifts, and his discomfort helps her deal with her own.

"I said that I think he's hot."

She sees his own cheeks flush and his breathing grow shallow. Max is hot. She's always thought so, always crushed on him. But while she fantasized, she didn't need anyone else. Max was more than enough for her.

When Max admitted that he wanted to see her with another man, she was confused. Was he bored with her? Did he want to see other women, too? Was this some kind of test? It was months before she could wrap her brain around it. Months more when she felt comfortable telling him about other guys she found attractive. That they were hot. That maybe, if she were single, she could see herself sleeping with one of them.

The first time she actually fucked another man in front of Max had been so organic, so natural. They'd been at her high school reunion and run into an old boyfriend. When he flirted with her, she was good. She demurred. Until she caught her husband's eye, watching her across the room. That look set her on fire.

After that, it all just fell into place. The three kept the party alive. They stumbled back to the hotel, then to their room, then into bed. Being there with Max, feeling another man inside her, driving her wild, as her husband held her hand and watched, was the single most intense moment of her life.

They haven't done it since. She wasn't sure if they ever would…until tonight.

"Take off your dress," Max says.

"Max…" She runs her fingers along the black silk that caresses her body. It's modest, kissing her knees and hanging off her shoulders. A good dress for a wedding that hides very naughty things beneath.

"Take off your dress, Daisy. Ryan thinks you're hot, too."

She shivers, despite feeling overheated in this room.

Unlike the two guys, who sit with glasses of whiskey in front of them, Daisy's not been drinking. She didn't drink very much normally, and being their designated driver meant laying off entirely tonight. Unlike their last time, she's going into this situation with a clear head.

Yet that order and the way these two gorgeous men are staring up at her feels like champagne bubbles through her veins. They sweep through her, effervescing right up through her head.

"Max, I… I have a surprise for you. I'm not sure…" She looks at Ryan, who looks terrified and excited and incredulous all at once.

"A surprise?" Max wags his finger at her. "Naughty, naughty. What do you say, Ryan? Want to see a surprise?"

He picks up his glass of whiskey, swirling the golden liquid, but doesn't take a sip. The top button of his shirt is undone. Black suspenders loop over his broad shoulders. He meets Daisy's eyes and smiles. "I love surprises."

Her stomach squirms. Her nipples tighten, right along with her chest. She looks at her husband, raising a brow. You sure, she asks without asking.

Max is eating this up. He grins, nods, and leans back in his chair.

It's that eagerness, the look of pure eroticism on her husband's face, that guides her across the line. She always liked Ryan, but would never actually do this on her own. Tonight, she's not on her own.

Turning her back to the two men, she pushes the straps of her dress from her shoulders. The silk skims her body, catching momentarily at on her hips and the criss-cross straps that make up her garterbelt. With a shimmy, the dress is free, a puddle of rich black silk around her heels.

Ryan gasps. Even Max makes an appreciative grunt. She's not wearing panties, and from what they can see, she appears topless as well.

"Turn around," Max says. He's trying to be cool, but she can hear the desperation buried there. This is feeling just as out of control to him as it is to her. Good. That's good. It helps her turn. It helps her meet the gaze of the two men before her.


Ryan cannot believe that this is happening. Never in his wildest imagination did he believe he'd see Daisy, his best friend's beautiful wife, naked. Now, as she turns, it's all he can do to keep cool, to stay calm. Even still, it feels like his eyes are about to pop out of his skull, and his cock strains against his dark trousers.

Daisy is incredible. Long and slender, her dark bangs falling just above her glittering eyes. Earlier, at the wedding, when they were watching her talk excitedly with the bride and Max asked him if he wanted to fuck her, Ryan thought it was a joke. The woman slowly turning to face them is most certainly not a joke.

"Very naughty," Max says. "Very, very naughty."

She's not completely topless, Ryan realizes. Covering her nipples are black pasties with long, black tassels. The modesty is a funny contrast to the fact that she's not wearing panties. Nothing hides her pussy, which is trimmed and shaved into a demure landing strip of dark hair. He can see her glisten in the low light of the hotel room.

"Tell me, Daisy, does this turn you on?"

She nods. She keeps her eyes focused on her husband, as though he's all that's keeping her afloat. Ryan's always envied the connection these two have. He's never seen love like theirs, even tonight at the wedding of another couple, it was Max and Daisy who stood out to him.

"Are you wet?"

Again, she nods.

In this moment, though, that connection takes on a new meaning. He sees it through a new lense.

"Come here," Max says. She obeys, her heels clicking across the floor. She slinks down into his lap as he turns her to face him. Her lips part in a gasp. Ryan shifts at the borderline, rough treatment, but when Max pulls her in to kiss him, she resists.

"Uh, uh, uh," she whispers, searching his eyes. "Aren't we being rude to our guest?"

Max glances past her, at Ryan, who suddenly feels like he should go. Like he's been caught. Daisy turns to look at him, too, and he sees the real game beneath her facade. The submissive in her is gone, and in her place, he sees a vixen hiding.

"You're right," Max says. "Where are my manners?"

Daisy kisses him softly on the cheek, picks up his drink, and takes a sip. "You have me, dear. I'll smooth this all over."

With that, Daisy slips out of Max's lap and saunters over to Ryan. His heart beats in time with the click of her heels and the sway of her hips. Her pert breasts jiggle, just so, and he aches to see her nipples, to feel their stiffness in his mouth and hear the way she moans as he suckles.

"Do you find me sexy?" she asks, raising a brow.

Ryan blushes, looks away, then shyly back. "You're very sexy."

"Do I make you hard?" She glances back at her husband. The question is as much for him as it is for Ryan. She slides into his lap, her hand reaching down to cover the seat of his pants.

"Yes," he says tightly.

"Mmm, I can tell. Very nice, Ryan."

She turns, staring at him, her lids heavy and her lips parted just so. They're painted red and glossy. Kissable. She leans in, turning her head as she does so. "You want to know what I really told my husband?"

His chest is so tight that he can barely breathe. "Yes."

"I told my husband that I wanted to fuck you." Ryan gasps. "Do you, Ryan? Do you want to fuck me?"

He groans as her lips descend. When they meet, they're hot and soft and everything he'd ever imagined they would be. She pushes her tongue into her mouth, deepening the kiss, taking command of it. He loses himself there—in her smell, in her touch, in her taste. He wraps his arms around around her, automatically going to her breasts, where he traces the softness of her skin.

Daisy parts, pulling away just enough to share an intimate smile. We having fun? her eyes glitter.

"So, Ryan? What do you say? You want to fuck me?"

It's all Max can do to stay cool. To sit there and watch Daisy kiss another man and not do anything. He wants to both pull her off and encourage her to go further. This is his wife. The woman he watched walk down the aisle in a gorgeous white dress. The woman he watched fuck her ex-boyfriend last year at a reunion.

He'd taken pictures of that crazy encounter, and not a week went by that he didn't look, that he didn't relive it, that he didn't pine for a repeat.

When he caught Daisy checking out Ryan as he gave the Best Man speech, he saw an opportunity. When they later shared a dance together, and Max watched while talking to the groom, he knew she wanted it, too. When she caught him watching, she couldn't stop smiling.

That's the most exciting thing about this fantasy. It's not just that he gets to watch his wife like the star of their own porn film, although it's incredible to watch her be so bad. It's not just the voyeurism, although Max certainly is a voyeur. And it's not just that she's as into this as he is. It's that they're doing this together, that they're a team in this fantasy, and in the morning when Ryan leaves, they will have one another.

"So, Ryan? What do you say? You want to fuck me?" she whispers.

He looks to Max, and Max can see the question that restrains his pent-up desire—you okay with this? Max just grins, picks up his drink, and takes a sip. It's Daisy who acts, taking Ryan's hand and, with a sly look back at Max, guides it to her pussy.

They gasp together as his fingers brush along her landing strip and down across her sex. Her head falls back, baring her neck to Ryan, who breaks out of his trance. Despite the spell Daisy's cast on him, the man's no shrinking violet.

"Like old times, isn't it?" Max says to his old friend.

Ryan dips in, kissing along the choker around Daisy's neck. "The good old days," Ryan agrees.

Daisy doesn't know this story, but Max can tell that she's listening. "You see, you're not the first woman we've shared."

Ryan slides two fingers inside of her. "You're the sexiest, though," he adds.

Max shifts in his chair, adjusting his erection as he watches his wife and friend play. "She was my girlfriend at the time." Adjusting turns to gentle rubbing along his shaft. "We'd never done anything like that before. Any of us. But as I watched her get on her knees and suck on Ryan's cock, I was hooked."

Daisy picks up on his cue. They've been with one another so long that they share an unspoken language. She gives Ryan one last, lingering kiss, before slithering down between his legs.

"You still think about that time, Ryan?" Max asks.

The sound of his zipper thunders in their ears. Daisy fishes out his cock, seemingly thrilled with its size and girth.

"We fucked her right on the table," Max continues, mostly for his wife's benefit. "You taking her pussy as she sucked on my cock." He rubs himself faster as Daisy begins her blowjob in earnest. Max enjoys the show, watching, listening to the wet slurps that fill the room. She pumps his shaft with her right hand as she sucks, and plays with herself with her other. He knows Daisy's thinking about what comes next, thinking about taking her place between them on the table in front of them.

"You think we overwhelmed her?" he asks. "You think we'll overwhelm Daisy?"

Her moan trembles up Ryan's shaft. His face tightens as he rides the edge. She knows. She senses. She doesn't let up, bobbing faster, going for the kill.

"What do you say, Daisy, my wife… Want to get up on this table and be overwhelmed?"

Her hands are a blur of motion—on Ryan's cock, between her thighs. Her hair bounces wildly. Her moans escape around Ryan. He scoots to the edge of his seat, hands on the armrests, mouth frozen open.

"This is just an appetizer, yeah?" Max says to the two of them. "This is just a taste."

"Oh… Daisy…" Ryan groans. With one forward thrust, he explodes in her mouth. She keeps him there, swallowing it all as she rubs her clit. As her own orgasm arrives. As the room catches fire.

At last, she sits back, coyly wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

"I don't know about you boys, but I'm thirsty." She stands, stretches. All eyes are on her half-naked body. "I thought I saw some champagne in the other room, and I feel like celebrating. Anyone else?"

Ryan and Max grin. "Please."