

Dev_D · Fantasy
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34 Chs


My wife Jennie and I had always enjoyed a fantastic sex life, beginning when we first met during our senior year of high school. If anything, she was more aggressive and much hornier than I was. She was tall—almost five feet ten inches—and slender with fantastic symmetrical C-cup breasts and a tight muscular ass to die for. She reminded me of the swimsuit models in Sports Illustrated and I wasn't the only boy in high school who thought that. Jennie was Homecoming Queen and voted most popular yet I was the only senior she ever dated—what incredible luck. I thought I was the luckiest guy in the world when she agreed to go steady with me. I had always considered myself ordinary—six feet, 170 pounds with unruly light brown hair and pale blue eyes in contrast to her natural blond hair and sparkling green eyes.

I was thrilled when she agreed to attend the same university as me. My parents weren't rich; I had to attend a state school. It was good, but it wasn't Harvard or Yale or even Williams or Amherst. It was just SUNY—the State University of New York at Albany, reputedly the best of the state universities in New York.

Jennie's parents weren't rich either, but they had more money than mine. They had two cars to our one and they got a new one every three years. Ours had to last for at least six before Dad would even think of replacing it.

Jennie had new clothes several times a year. I wore mine until they didn't fit then they went to my younger cousin or to Goodwill. In spite of the differences in our socio-economic status she loved me and I her. Her love made me determined to work harder to become successful. I toiled like crazy throughout our college careers, working nights as a watchman—a job that enabled me to study between tours of the factory—while attending full-time. Most days I got by on four or five hours sleep, but it prepared me well for the rigors of work after graduation.

I earned a degree in accounting and asked Jennie to marry me on our graduation day. She accepted immediately. Even our parents agreed that we were made for each other. Like most young couples we struggled at first, living in a tiny studio apartment and eating cheap liverwurst and bologna sandwiches because we couldn't afford anything better. Those years of hardship and denial forged the bond between us, making us stronger as individuals and a team.

We made love almost every night when I wasn't in graduate school for my MBA. Even then we managed a quickie before falling asleep naked in each other's arms. Jennie was often the initiator and I doubted there was anything she wouldn't try. She loved it all.

Jennie had worked in retail sales. The money wasn't great, but it was a help until I had earned my MBA and began my climb up the corporate ladder. After five years with the firm I got my first really big promotion and my first really big raise, almost doubling my salary. Jennie was able to quit her job. If anything we made love even more often. She wasn't tired as often and she wasn't on her feet all day, either. I thought everything was great. We even talked about starting a family.

Then about three months ago everything changed. I remember the Thursday night like it was yesterday. I walked in after a long day at work anticipating that Jennie would strip my clothes from my body and rape me the way she did virtually every day, fucking me until neither of us could stand. That was why we always had dinner late—we needed time to recover before eating and another wild session in bed before retiring for the night.

Instead, I went to hug Jenny and she turned away. "I'm sorry Tim, but I have a terrible headache. You don't mind if we take a day off, do you? I promise I'll make it up to you tomorrow night."

What could I say? I accepted her comment, expressing concern for her well-being. "Are you up to cooking? Want to go out for a pizza or maybe bring in Chinese?"

"Oh, Tim—you're so good to me. Thank you, darling. I'll be okay with just a little rest." I kissed her cheek and led her to the couch where I helped her to put her feet up and lie back, her head on one of the decorative pillows. She stayed there for an hour, eyes closed, before getting up to fix a simple dinner of burgers. She still seemed distant after dinner and I wondered if I had done something wrong—something to offend her. For the life of me I couldn't think of anything. Our relationship was back to normal the following day. I put my concerns out of my mind.

But they returned the following Thursday when Jennie once again begged off, this time because of an upset stomach. The following Thursday she gave me another excuse. I was sure then that something was wrong.

The following week she had physical concerns on Tuesday and Thursday although we made love as usual on the other days. Tuesday and Thursday became regular days off from sex and there was always some new reason. I didn't complain, but I knew I had to do something. Mostly, I knew I had to do it for Jennie.

I took an hour for lunch on Friday. I was entitled to an hour, but rarely took the full sixty minutes. Most days I worked at my desk, eating my sandwich and drinking my can of Pepsi while I toiled on my computer or reviewed some report. Instead of lunch I went shopping; it's amazing what one can find in the Yellow Pages. The drive to the store took me about ten minutes—almost as long as it took me to reach my car in the parking lot. Surprisingly, I was approached by a clerk as soon as I entered the store. I explained what I wanted and why. The clerk showed me two options—one for $150 each and another for double the price. Both were tiny considering their capabilities. "What's the difference, other than price?"

"Basically nothing, but don't tell my boss I told you that. The expensive one is a 'brand name' in security; the other is our store brand." Thanking him for his help I bought three of the cheaper models, paying cash I'd collected doing taxes for several private clients. I had planned to save the money for a vacation, but finding the truth seemed a more pressing priority at the time. It was just after one when I returned to the office. My supervisor asked if everything was okay. It was rare that I was away from work during the day.

Jennie and I made incredible love that evening as she rode me to three long and deep orgasms. She held me for several minutes after before rolling off, lying back on her pillow and falling asleep almost immediately. She was sound asleep, her breathing slow and measured when I got up. I did this all the time—chronic insomnia—so there was little reason for concern.

I donned a tee-shirt and a pair of running shorts before tip-toeing down the stairs to the garage. Using my laptop as a server the first device was connected to our home network fifteen minutes later then I installed it in the far corner of the roof over our front porch, exactly as the clerk had instructed me with the video going straight to a site where I'd established a free account. I could pull up the video at any time using my laptop or my phone. The camera was tiny with the lens nothing more than a short thin cable of optic fiber. The bulk of the mechanism was mounted on the outside just under one of the gutters with the lens aimed at the front door and the microphone located on the bottom of the tiny box. It was motion activated and should last with the existing batteries for at least two weeks—more than enough I thought.

Once it was set up I tested it, walking in front of the door then checking the site from my laptop. I was actually surprised at how well it worked. I'm hardly the handiest with tools and my experience with computers is limited to accounting software and programs like Excel, Word, and Power Point. Five minutes later the laptop was back in my briefcase and I was back in bed.

"Insomnia again, honey?"

"Yeah, I had a can of beer. That usually works."

"I think you work too hard. You have too much stress."

"You're probably right. Good night, Jen—I love you." She leaned over to kiss me then rolled over and went back to sleep. Yeah—stress—and guess who was the cause of that.


I didn't have to wait long to get results. The first video I watched was a group of Mormons. Jen appeared to be cordial, but sent them on their way in less than a minute. Later that day several Girl Scouts in uniform sold her a few boxes of cookies. I wiped them from the computer's memory, looking forward to tomorrow—Tuesday.

Being Monday night I knew that we'd have mind-blowing sex once I was home. I stopped off at Wal-Mart to buy some toiletries, but stopped on the way out to buy some cookies from several Girl Scouts at a table by the entrance. I knew that Jen had just bought some, but I couldn't show that I knew without giving away my secret. I opened the door, calling out my usual greeting, "I'm home, Jen."

She appeared in the doorway to the kitchen, but what she was wearing wasn't meant for cooking. Her flimsy black apron barely covered her large firm breasts. The hem of the skirt barely covered her pussy and totally exposed her ass. She wore nothing under the apron. "Hmmm…wonder what you've been cooking up."

"I can tell you what's warmed up…for you." She leaned forward to expose her cleavage. Peeking down the apron's skimpy top gave me an excellent view of Jen's hard nipples. She walked to me, untying the apron as she did. I had barely dropped my briefcase to the floor when she was all over me. Her fingers almost tore the tie from my neck as I dropped my suit jacket to the chair. My shirt and tee fell to the floor as I pulled Jennie to me. I loved the sensation of her soft smooth skin against mine. I always had and I knew I always would. I just hated the idea that she might be sharing that sensation with another.

Jennie had her hands on my belt as we engaged in our first kiss of the evening. Her tongue came quickly into my mouth, wrestling fiercely as my slacks and boxers fell to the floor. Jennie broke the kiss then moved down quickly to help me out of my shoes, socks, and clothes. While she was down there she lifted my growing cock with her tongue. I watched in fascination as it disappeared into her mouth a second later. Jennie loved to suck my cock and, of course, I loved it, too. She sucked on me for several minutes until my knees were weak then I pulled out and lay on the floor right in front of the open picture window where anyone passing by could easily see her moving over my body.

Jennie moved to straddle my hips as I ran my cock head, oozing slippery pre-cum, into her slit. She was wet—she was always wet—as I pressed home. My cock was big, but not huge. I'd never measured it—that would be silly—but I thought it might be about seven inches long and it must have been pretty thick. Jennie's small hand could barely reach around it. Somehow she always managed to fit her tight pussy around it and tonight was no exception.

Jennie leaned forward to kiss me and held the kiss even as her body rocked into mine. Jennie had what I thought was a big clit. I'd never had sex with another woman and I never wanted to, however I had watched plenty of porn so I had a good idea what an average clit looked like. Most of them looked kind of like a baked bean hidden under a fold of skin. Jennie's looked like a tiny cock over her sensitive labia. She loved to rub it into me. I loved to stroke it like I was jerking her off. Either way, she always came explosively. Usually, she came more than once—three and four times most days. That was one of the reasons why I couldn't understand that she'd cheat on me. I prayed I was wrong.

I wasn't. My heart sank as the camera showed a man knocking on the front door just after one on Tuesday afternoon. He was obviously older and looked somehow familiar as Jennie greeted him with a kiss, ruining the rest of my work day and possibly ruining my life, too. They said nothing, but moved quickly into the house. The camera activated itself again around 4:30. I wasn't pleased to see him adjusting his belt and pulling his zipper up as he exited our house. For the first time in my life I wasn't eager to get home to my wife. Instead, I went to a bar, not so much to drink, but to think—how to get more on my cheating whore wife and her lover.

I trudged in about 6:30, more than forty-five minutes late, but I didn't apologize nor did I ask for sex. I wasn't surprised that Jennie didn't offer it either. I was silent through dinner and after, too. "Are you okay, Tim?"

I was so tempted to let her have it, but I needed more information before I did. "Just some problems I had a work, Jen," was my reply. "Sorry, but I'm not in the mood tonight." She came around the table to kiss my cheek. I wanted to run to the bathroom and wash my face. I felt filthy.

"If you don't mind, I have some shopping I'd like to get done. I won't be long…probably less than an hour." She kissed me again and grabbed her purse from the kitchen counter. She was out the door a minute later. I followed as soon as I saw her car drive down the street, walking to the garage to open my trunk. I removed the second camera. After signing on to the home network I headed to our bedroom. The problem was where to hide the small rectangular box that held the guts of the device. I looked around for a few minutes before finding the solution. It was so simple; it was right in front of my face.

Back to the garage I went, this time to my workbench. I found the two-sided carpet tape there and cut a piece about three inches long from the roll. Standing inside my closet I applied it carefully and tightly to the wall just above the right-hand side where the sliding door closed. I carefully pulled the protective paper from the tape and pressed the camera box into the sticky surface. The thin fiber optic lens fit nicely into a tiny space between the end of the track and the vertical side of the doorway opening. I had to twist the lens a bit to center on the bed, but I was done installing and testing more than ten minutes before Jennie returned. I was in the shower when she walked through the front door. I still had one more camera, but I wasn't quite sure where to place it. Then I had an inspiration.

I had read a story online in which an FBI agent had found cameras and bugs in his home's smoke alarms. I wondered if I could do that. I almost laughed as I thought of installing the device right in front of Jennie. I made a mental note to stop off at Home Depot on my way to work tomorrow morning.

The End.