
Awesome Naruto Fanfics

Fanfic Names Snakes and Genjutsu Finally Illumination Uchiha Naruto: The Nidaime Rikudou Sennin By the Books Pentupfury's Stories Sleeping Beast Red Is The Key To Happiness Threads of Fate Eiton: Naruto, The Crash Ninja Cherry Pie I Sent a Love Letter to a Married Woman Luck of the Devil: NaruKure edition to heal a wound I DO NOT OWN THESE FANFICS. I REALLY RESPECT THIS AUTHOR THEREFORE I AM RE-POSTING HIS FANFIC. CHECK THEM OUT AT THE LINK BELOW. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13489770/1/Snakes-and-Genjutsu https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11862248/1/Finally https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13835004/1/Illumination https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13952319/1/Uchiha-Naruto-The-Nidaime-Rikudou-Sennin https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12772156/1/By-the-Books https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11137850/1/Pentupfury-s-Stories https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13698077/1/Sleeping-Beast https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13719330/1/Red-Is-The-Key-To-Happiness https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12037246/1/Threads-of-Fate https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14032056/1/Eiton-Naruto-The-Crash-Ninja https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13918335/1/Cherry-Pie https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13122508/1/I-Sent-a-Love-Letter-to-a-Married-Woman https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14173300/1/Luck-of-the-Devil-NaruKure-edition https://archiveofourown.org/works/28789743?view_full_work=true

HersheyHeist · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs

Chapter 5: Forest of Death

Next Day, Forest of Death

"Welcome to the Training Ground 44" Anko Mitarashi, proctor of the second exam, announced gleefully as she stood before the gathered Genins of different villages in all her erotic glory. "Or the most commonly called Forest of Death"

Large, plump tits barely hidden by her mesh overall, wide child-birthing hips and thick booty futilely covered by an orange mini-skirt and a pair of thick thighs and long legs to support the hefty weight of her ass.

The present Genins from all the rivaling nations were practically shaking in their boots or rather in their sandals as they stood in front of the forest. Anko's wide grin full of unrestrained thirst for blood wasn't entirely helping their fear induced states.

They had just finished their written test and the Genins had been cut down to almost their half number. Then again, that was to be expected since their examiner was Ibiki Morino after all.

After disqualifying quite a few teams, the scarred Proctor had mentioned that the actual purpose of the exam was to test the skills of a Ninja in gathering info in the most adverse circumstances. Whether Naruto knew that or not was still debatable.

The tenth question had turned out to be a trick as well. Its actual purpose was to test whether the Genins would choose to quit and try another time or risk it all and win.

After a scene that had given the Genins massive nosebleeds, Ibiki had been left to explain the parameters of the second test to the Genins as well since Anko had grabbed Naruto and vanished with him with an evil laugh resounding throughout room.

Even the densest of the Genins knew that they were going to fuck. Ino and Sakura had been giving the sexy woman the stink eye ever since.

"This place is creeping me out" Sakura muttered in a shaky voice, shivering lightly from the creepy aura wafting off the forest.

"Don't worry Sakura, I have been here long enough to know how to deal with the creatures within" Naruto assured gently, placing a calming hand on the phat-butted girl's shoulder.

"You have?"

"This is my training ground" Naruto stated in a soft tone, making sure that no one aside from the pinkette could hear him. It wouldn't do to reveal his secrets to others so soon in the game. "I have been training here even since I was a kid"

"I can't imagine what that must have been" the pinkette gasped.

"Hard and fun" the redhead retorted in a vague tone as he turned to Anko who was busy explaining the requirements for the test while giving him discreet smug looks.

What was she smirking about anyway? She might have teleported them to her apartment and undressed him but he had been the one who had fucked the horniness out of her slutty cunt. In fact, he had triple fucked her.

It was a wonder she was able to walk let alone smirk at him like that.

"Sign these consent forms and submit them over in that tent" the voluptuous woman explained casually, handing over the deck of papers to a nearby Genin to spread it around while her mischievous brown eyes bore a hole through Naruto's head. "Hey stud, I need to have a word with ya"

Ino and Sakura glared daggers at the beautiful woman as she swayed her wide hips provocatively and strolled behind a massive rock situated at the side of the yard, shooting a 'come hither' look at Naruto.

The redhead followed Anko behind the rock, far away from the eyes of impressionable Genins, only to palm his face in exaggeration when he saw Anko leaning against the massive boulder… with her trench coat discarded.

"What now, Anko?"

"Don't 'what' me, mister" the purplette retorted with a pout as she kneeled before the redhead and reached for the buttons of his kimono. "I am giving you a reward"

"For what exactly?"

"For fucking me so well yesterday" the sexy woman countered, as she unbuckled his black pants and reached for his slowly hardening meat. A lewd purr escaped her pouty lips when she was smacked in the face with the thick slab of cockmeat, mouth watering in anticipation. "Missed me that much, huh?"

"Someone might see us" Naruto groaned as he tried to control himself while the beautiful woman laid butterfly kisses on his shaft before moving away, arms hanging limply beside her thick legs.

"Who cares? I need some thick Uzumaki meat and I need it right NOW!"

The redhead groaned in resignation as Anko flashed forward and pounced on him, pushing him against the boulder with brute force before she hungrily swallowed his slowly hardening member down her throat in one fell swoop.

Guess he had to just hammer the Snake Jonin till she was satisfied.

Forest of Death

"Someone is watching us" Sasuke announced in a vague tone as he stopped blurring through the tree line and turned to his teammates in unusual seriousness.

Sakura was instantly freaked out. "What?"

"Keep moving guys, don't give them any indication that we know" the redhead Uzumaki interrupted gently as he slowed down imperceptibly and stayed a few steps away from the two Genins. "As long as they believe that the element of surprise is on their side, they will eventually attack"

"So we wait for them to attack?" Sakura asked unsurely, shooting her redheaded teammate a confused look as they zipped into the tree lines.

"For now, yes" the Uzumaki nodded silently. "I will take the rear, Sasuke guard the flanks and Sakura, keep your eyes peeled for any other teams at the front"

"Got it" Sasuke consented in rare moment of gentleness. "Let's go"

Silently moving through the dense shrubbery, Naruto kept his senses keenly focused on the slowly approaching enemy team and blatantly ogled Sakura's fat booty with a wide grin. While he would've preferred to move through the forest and fight enemy teams while having Sakura's fat ass impaled on his cock, ogling said ass would do for now.

Sensing the presences in his sensory range shift erratically, Naruto sent his teammates a silent signal and eagerly waited for the brazen Genins to attack.

They didn't disappoint….

"Wait right there, you bastard!" a brown haired Rain Genin shouted as he blasted towards Naruto, followed by his teammates as their hands blurred through signs for an attack.

Fuck, spoke too soon. What the hell was wrong with this dumbass? They had the element of surprise on their part and could've used it to attack silently. But no, he just had to make a fool out of himself and loudly announce his presence.

A simple glance of annoyance followed by a single sign from the disappointed redhead greeted his outburst.

Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Barrage

Due to his stupidity and sense of pride, his entire team fell under the barrage of shurikens encased in flames and raining down upon the clearing they were inhabiting. While it would have been easy to end their lives, the young Uzumaki did the opposite.

The injuries from the attack would leave them unable to continue but they will survive to fight another day and hopefully learn a lesson from this outcome.

"Naruto, that was not the plan!" Sasuke snarled angrily, perching on a tree branch as he watched their attackers' disturbingly burned and pierced bodies

"I changed the plan; you have a problem with that?" The look Naruto gave him would forever haunt Sasuke and remind him that while he was a friendly and lazily sarcastic person, Naruto Uzumaki was still the son of two legendary Shinobi and a monster in his own right.

Two Days Later

Sasuke cursed his luck for the umpteenth time that minute as he and his team stood against the Snake Sannin, who was staring at them with a sinister grin of sick amusement. He had expected a lot of people coming after him because of his status but never in his entire young life had he expected to see Orochimaru participating in the Chunin exams and coming after him.

Naruto had proven to be quite a strong opponent for the traitorous Leaf-nin, exchanging blows after blows with equal intensity and strength. His monstrous strength had even left the Snake Sannin speechless for a few seconds before he had started taking him seriously.

Even though he knew that the sickly pale had been holding back, he had a feeling that Naruto would still be able to hold him off on his own. He was the reason why he and Sakura were still alive. He would have to buy the lazy redhead a shelf of ramen cups after the exams were over as a token of gratitude.

As of right now, the redheaded member of their strange group was standing in front of him and Sakura, pinning the annoyed but smiling Sannin with his calm but cheerful expression.

"Come on, you gay douche" Naruto stated smugly, prompting the sickly pale traitor to subtly grit his teeth in anger. This gay pedophile was the so called Snake Sannin who had terrorized the Leaf village during the old man's reign as Hokage?

By normal standards, Orochimaru was surely a formidable opponent, but for someone who had been sparring with the Queen of Chaos and Yellow Flash of the Leaf since childhood, he was nothing but a mere nuisance.

If the gay pedophile thought he was the only one holding back his power, then he was dead wrong and he would be more than happy to reveal that information to him the old fashioned way.

Sasuke and Sakura couldn't help but sweatdrop at the lazy redhead for his blatant disregard for the man's status and power. This had been going on since they had started fighting, Naruto throwing insults after insult and Orochimaru slowly but surely getting annoyed.

On the other side, Orochimaru hadn't really expected the boy to be this freakishly strong. It was obvious that he was holding back but looking at the redhead; he couldn't help but feel that the boy was also holding something back.

Of course he knew who the redhead was! He would recognize that deep but smug voice from anywhere. He really shouldn't be surprised that he had come face to face with the redheaded son of the Fourth Hokage. After all, he had attacked his team.

To be honest, while he was more than confident in his abilities to emerge victorious out of any fight, he was hesitant to engage any person with their last name being Uzumaki. He was not the only one afraid; since every single Shinobi of the Nations would rather cut off their own hands than dare to face them, especially this damned redhead's mother.

However, this little brat was proving himself worthy of the Uzumaki name.

"Hey snake face, I gotta ask you something. Is it true that you have a thing for small boys?" Naruto retorted smugly, causing the Sannin to twitch in anger.

"Don't push me, little boy" Orochimaru hissed out in anger.

This is not how he had imagined the situation to turn out! He should be branding Sasuke with the Curse Mark and yet here he was having a stalemate with the cheeky brat! They haven't even seriously begun fighting yet but he could already feel a lot of pain heading his way.

He needed to somehow distract the redhead and brand Sasuke as soon as possible, because he was sure that a full blown fight would turn gain the attention of the Hokage as well as his monstrous wife. He was in mood to be incinerated when he had to plans to achieve immortality!

"I am not pushing you, shitface, I asked an honest question and expect an honest answer" the redhead stated firmly, signaling for his teammates to stay as far away from their fight as possible.

The sickly pale Shinobi shook his head in anger as an enormous wave of chakra blasted out from Naruto's body, moving through the dense shrubbery from all sides as it sliced clean through the trees of the clearing.

A stupefied Orochimaru swiftly jumped out of the way of the wave as it sped through the forest and exploded in a violent show of raw power. When the smoke subsided, the pale skinned Sannin realized the true reason for the powerful energy disk.

The giant explosion caught the attention of the stationed ANBU as well the Hokage! To make matters worse, that freakishly strong Uzumaki redhead was also coming towards the forest.

'Damn him!'

At this rate, he had no choice to escape and live to brand Sasuke another day!

"You'll pay for this, brat!" Orochimaru growled menacingly, shooting venomous daggers at the redhead as he sank into the ground and vanished without a trace.

Naruto grinned casually, tucking his hands into the ANBU pants as he blurred into the tree lines to catch up with his team, leaving a clone to await his parents' arrival. "Well at least we got an Earth scroll"

Central Tower, Third Day

"Sakura, stop wasting your time on the riddle and give me those scrolls" Naruto announced blankly as he reached forward and snatched the Earth and Heaven Scrolls from the pinkette. "Both scrolls contains segmented parts of a summoning seal array"

"Which means what exactly?" Sasuke interjected.

"To summon"

"And how do you know this?" Sakura asked pointedly. Naruto did seem to have unusually vast knowledge about all Ninja related matters, but rarely pointing out where he had learned them.

"Three words, Sakura, I. Am. Awesome" the redhead replied cheekily.

Opening the two scrolls at the same time, the lazy redhead waited a few seconds for the Jutsu formula to connect before throwing it to the ground and stepping back.

Surely enough, a puff of smoke covered the area shortly after, announcing the presence of a person the team knew quite well. Silky, long red hair, beautiful face, giant creamy, milk-filled tits and an enormously meaty booty, a body that would give even the most stubborn of saints a massive hard-on.

Yup, Kushina Uzumaki stepped out of the smoke and stood before her team with a foxy smile on her seductive face.

"What the fuck are you doing here, old hag!?"

The beautiful Milf shook the effects of the sudden teleportation from her visage and gave her annoyed son a heated stare. What the fuck was his problem anyway? He should be happy that she was there to greet him!

Sasuke and, to a lesser degree, Sakura shifted uncomfortably when the Milf appeared out of thin in her fuckable glory, eyes glued to the meaty endowments straining against her uniform with their cheeks tinted a healthy red.

Even Sakura was affected by her body endowments and beauty.

"Watch your fucking language, you lazy pervert!"

Sasuke and Sakura sweatdropped at the redhead's sentence. She admonished her son for cursing by CURSING at him. What a strange family relationship these two had.

"Aren't Chunins supposed to welcome us to the tower?" Naruto questioned softly, trying to avoid any volatile conversation with his busty mom first thing in the afternoon especially when he hadn't seen her for the last 3 days.

While he would never admit it openly, not seeing her fuckable form for 3 days straight was worse than hell! He had stored up 3 days worth of scorching hot cream in his balls and he would be damned if he didn't pump every single drop into her cunt by the end of the day.

Kushina saw through him instantly. She was his mother after all and no mother will ever be so ignorant of her child's feelings and problems. She decided to play along and give her charming but lazy son exactly what he wanted.

She wanted nothing less than to bend over, eagerly shake her incredibly phat ass at him, let him mount her mare-worthy hips and receive every drop of Uzumaki goo he had stored in those balls of his with an ahegeo expression.

"Yes but I wasn't about to let some random Chunin greet my baby boy" Kushina retorted with a smirk as she reached for her son and mashed his head in between the giants globes of her plump chest. "Especially after not seeing him for 3 days"

More like 'especially after not receiving his fat dick for the last 3 days'.

"Glad you did"

"Now then, congratulations on passing the 2nd part of the Chunin Exams" the shapely Uzumaki announced softly, giving her remaining two students warm smiles of encouragement... for once. "Normally, students aren't allowed to venture out before the third part, but with me as your temporary sensei, no one can do shit about it"

"What are we gonna be doing, sensei?" Sakura asked unsurely, feeling a fang of jealousy at the affectionate way Naruto was hugging his mother and completely ignoring her.

"Celebrating of course" Kushina replied cheerfully. It would be more like her and Naruto spending the remaining days in their room and fucking like their lives depended on it but at least she could give these kids some kind of enjoyment for keeping her baby company for the last 3 days. "We have two days before the 3rd part, so take today as an off day and rest your body. Tomorrow we move out and celebrate your position as the first team to pass the 2nd test"

Even the normally lazy redheaded Genin perked up instantly. "You mean ramen?"

"Of course, no meal is complete without ramen!"

"Mom, you are the best!"

"I know" the Milf giggled amusingly, feeling Naruto genuine emotion of love directed at her. "Sasuke and Sakura, you two go upstairs, take showers and rest. You have earned it"

"And Naruto?" Sakura couldn't help but ask. Well she was hoping that the redhead would go with them and then maybe she could finally make her move on him.

"Naruto and I need to discuss some family matters" the Milf stated vaguely, inwardly smirking at their confused expressions. "Don't worry, he will join you soon enough"

An angry frown dancing on her lips, Sakura subconsciously grabbed a blushing Sasuke by the arm and dragged him to the tower, steps hurrying even more when the sounds of smug snickers reached her ears.

That fucking … she couldn't even think of an insult towards the redheaded woman, let alone say it. That was the extent of her fears when it came to Kushina Uzumaki, the Queen of Chaos.

"Not having me around 3 days to drain those big balls of yours, you must have saved quite a lot of thick cream for me" Kushina asked in a seductive tone, wrapping her arms around Naruto's head as she mashed him into the fat expanse of her meaty breasts.

The redhead chuckled sheepishly. "More than you can handle"

"Really?" the shapely Milf asked excitedly, purple eyes sparkling in carnal hunger as she thought of the insane amount of cum stored inside her son's balls. "Well then, how do you want your sensei to reward you? In the rooms above? In the battle arena or … right in the middle of the forest?"

The redheaded Genin smiled widely, lips stretching into a fox-like grin as he reached around her slender waist and groped one of Kushina's fat butt cheeks, finger easily sinking into the meaty orbs. "Well … we haven't fucked in a forest before"

"I couldn't agree more" the Uzumaki Jonin countered with an equally fox-like grin, lust and hunger dripping from her tone as she wrapped her arms around her son. "Let's go sweetie, time to fuck mommy's horny pussy in the forest and drain those poor, bloated balls into her womb"

Uzumaki Household, The Next Day

Naruto entered the living room of the large house with an extra spring to his steps and a wide cheerful grin on his face.

He was happy. Plain and simple.

He was given the opportunity to go home since there were still two days left before the next phase. His mother was home, his balls were being drained as usual and even though he had been pissed at his grandmother for that stunt, he was ecstatic to see her again.

"I am home!"

"Well, if it isn't the little squirt" a smug but incredibly sultry feminine voice chirped in from the living room, prompting the redhead to widen his eyes in surprise as he sprinted to the large room. "Still mingling with brats?"

Sure enough, both his shapely mother and grandmother were sitting on the couch and drinking tea, giving him warm smiles. What surprised him was the extra figure in the room, sitting between the two hot Milfs.

Sitting between the two redhead mothers was a young woman somewhere around the age 28 or so years with long red hair with a small braid atop her head; one of her stunning green eyes halfway hidden by her crimson locks.

The young woman was dressed in a casual sports bra, showcasing the second pair of juiciest tits lewdly spilling out of the flimsy bra. The short chest garment left her taut midriff exposed all the way down to her thick, childbearing hips.

The incredibly fat cheeks of her doughy booty, thick muscular thighs and long powerful legs were snugly hugged by black yoga pants, sticking to her plump body like a second skin.

Mei Uzumaki, the Mizukage of the Land of Water, younger sister of Kushina Uzumaki and 2nd daughter of Mito Uzumaki… aka Naruto's aunt.

"Are you gonna keep drooling?" Mei stated smugly as she stood up and moved around the coach, steadily making her way towards the kitchen, all the while giving her gaping nephew a haughty smirk. Soon enough her Tsundere nature kicked in. "Stare at me for another second longer and I will bash your head in!"

"Mei, you are back!" Naruto snapped out of his stupor as he blurred towards his aunt with a wide grin.

"In the flesh… wait what are you doing!?" the phat-butted Uzumaki panicked as she watched her little nephew rocket towards her general location with a wide grin on his face. "Stay back squirt, I am not a hug …oomph!"

"Oh my!" Mito giggled softly as she watched her young grandson collide with her youngest daughter, crashing her to the ground and slamming his lips against her in a hungry kiss as he wrapped himself around the busty woman like an anaconda. "I feel so jealous"

Kushina returned the giggle, eyes twinkling in amusement as she watched her baby boy practically suck the life out of her little sister. She had no problems with her family getting SOME of her baby's affection… for the most part. "Aww my baby is so full of passion!"

Mei's face matched the color of her hair, heart frantically beating in her ribcage as she lay beneath her normally lazy nephew with a wide-eyed look on her face while Naruto kissed her with the most genuine, love-filled and passionate kiss she had ever seen from him or anyone.

"Welcome back Auntie!" Naruto chirped excitedly as he removed his lips from Mei's swollen orifice and stared at her red-faced visage with a wide grin.

"G-get off me right now and stop calling me auntie!" the indignant Mizukage yelled, a massive blush on her cheeks as she felt her body heat up from the intimate hold as well as from her nephew's hands reaching for the soft flesh of her thick thighs.

'Get a hold of yourself, Mei! You are a Kage for crying out loud and he is just a lazy handso… brat!'

"No can't do" the Genin retorted, smiling knowingly when he saw her red cheeks. "Say you missed me"

"I d-didn't miss you, you lazy jerk!" the female Kage of the Mist growled heatedly, cheeks flashing a deep red hue as she felt herself get wet between her legs. "Now get off!"


"I am gonna hurt you!"

"You can try, my crimson princess"

"I-I am not your princess!"

"Sure you are"

"I am warning you, squirt!"

Naruto only stared at her with his signature smile, eyes twinkling in amusement, mischief and _ much to Mei's outward annoyance _ love as he stared at her beautiful face, hands firmly wrapped around her slender waist.

"If you can't say that you missed me, then how about a kiss?" he stated smugly.

"W-what?" the Mizukage stuttered in embarrassment and anger, pussy releasing lubricating juices in rapid succession as she felt her nephew's thick slab of dick meat throbbing against the base of her tits. This was bad! If this continued any longer, she wouldn't be able to control herself. "O-ok fine! Just one kiss and if you slide your tongue into my mouth, I'll bit it off!"


Cheeks flaring a deep red and heart thumping frantically in her chest cavity, Mei pouted her lips and gently touched them against her nephew's thin lips. However much to her shock, Naruto pulled back with a soft smile and untangled himself from her limbs. "What the fuck!"


"You practically forced me into kissing you and now you are pulling away?!" Mei growled loudly, jumping to her feet as she advanced on her nervous nephew with a menacing look on her face.

"Well you said one kiss and that counted as one" Naruto answered innocently, stepping away from the angry redhead.

"He is right, little sis" Kushina chirped in with an innocent smile, receiving a scorching glare from her aroused and angry sister. She had no idea where her sister had gotten the Tsundere attitude from but that girl really needed to be upfront with her feelings. "Come here stud and give your mommy a loving kiss"

Jaw touching the ground and eyes opened wider than a saucer, Mei watched as her little nephew eagerly sprinted towards his mother and jumped into her lap, slamming his lips against the Milf's pouty lips while excitedly fondling her giant boobs.


Playing with her son's red locks, Kushina ended the passionate lip-lock with her son and directed his mouth to her neck before turning to her fuming sibling. "Mei dear, you said you'd only give him one kiss to get out of his hold and you did, right?"

"Y-yes but …"

"Then what's the problem? Do you want him to kiss you again?" the redhead Milf asked in an innocent tone, ruffling Naruto's hair as he excitedly licked the middle of her cleavage.

"N-no, I d-don't want him to k-kiss me!" the crimson haired beauty stuttered indignantly, teeth grinding in anger as she watched Naruto lick his mother's cleavage like a hungry baby.

Look at that cheating, insufferable little brat, he had practically raped her mouth a few moments ago and now he was forgetting that he had an aunt!

"So you have no objections with me and Naruto kissing?" Kushina probed firmly, inwardly smirking in triumph as her younger sister squirmed in her place and tried to find an answer.

"W-well … n-no?"

"Good, with that out of way, me and my baby boy have some frustration to vent out" the redheaded Milf purred sultrily, licking her lips in arousal and moaning softly as Naruto hiked up her dress and hungrily started sucking on her massive tit. "That's right honey, suck on your slutty mommy's swollen tits and drink her milk like a good boy"


Kushina smirked knowingly as Mei shouted profanities at them and ran upstairs to her temporary room, stomping like a raging bull all the way. Seeing as the familiar sound of a door slamming shut echoed around the house, she tapped Naruto's head gently, gaining the attention of the redhead boy. "Go and dick her good. Don't let her out until she is completely satisfied"

"Sometimes I wonder where that sadistic streak of yours come from, dear" Mito asked in an amused tone as she watched her grandson kiss Kushina on the lips and run upstairs after his aunt.

"What the fuck are you doing here squirt?! Get out be… oomph!"

Kushina merely smiled gently and calmly sipped her tea, eyes twinkling in amusement as Mei's moans and screams of pleasure echoed around the house soon after.

She would give her sister a few … minutes alone with her son and then he was all hers once again. Kushina Uzumaki simply did not like sharing her man… Period!