
Awesome Naruto Fanfics

Fanfic Names Snakes and Genjutsu Finally Illumination Uchiha Naruto: The Nidaime Rikudou Sennin By the Books Pentupfury's Stories Sleeping Beast Red Is The Key To Happiness Threads of Fate Eiton: Naruto, The Crash Ninja Cherry Pie I Sent a Love Letter to a Married Woman Luck of the Devil: NaruKure edition to heal a wound I DO NOT OWN THESE FANFICS. I REALLY RESPECT THIS AUTHOR THEREFORE I AM RE-POSTING HIS FANFIC. CHECK THEM OUT AT THE LINK BELOW. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13489770/1/Snakes-and-Genjutsu https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11862248/1/Finally https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13835004/1/Illumination https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13952319/1/Uchiha-Naruto-The-Nidaime-Rikudou-Sennin https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12772156/1/By-the-Books https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11137850/1/Pentupfury-s-Stories https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13698077/1/Sleeping-Beast https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13719330/1/Red-Is-The-Key-To-Happiness https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12037246/1/Threads-of-Fate https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14032056/1/Eiton-Naruto-The-Crash-Ninja https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13918335/1/Cherry-Pie https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13122508/1/I-Sent-a-Love-Letter-to-a-Married-Woman https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14173300/1/Luck-of-the-Devil-NaruKure-edition https://archiveofourown.org/works/28789743?view_full_work=true

HersheyHeist · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs

Chapter 19

-1 week before Naruto returns to Konoha-

Over the past 3 years Naruto has grown up quite nicely and also gained a lot of experience between escorting the Daimyo to all of his meetings and then after taking on small missions in place of Jiraiya and even learning the basics of Jiraiya's spy network, using his knowledge of the spy network Naruto contacted some of the stronger spies and made a small group with them who report mainly to him as their leader.

Strength wise he could fight Sage mode Jiraiya with about 30% of his full power and he was still getting stronger, his vision over the years from mastering his ocular techniques has significantly diminished although he can still see he can't see too far, he would say his vision is about 40% but lies and says 50%, currently he was sat on the edge of a king sized bed rubbing a blode haired woman's head "Hey Mari, I gotta go" he whispered getting a moan from her as her arms wrapped around his waist and he smiled looking down remembering he was only in his underwear after staying the night in Temari's house "How about a promise?" he whispered as she hummed "Next time I see you, I'll be ready" he whispered as her eyes shot open and he smiled at her and leaned down and kissed her head "Sound like a deal?" he asked as she thought about it before letting go of him getting a soft smile as he stood up and pulled on his clothes, he wore baggy pants that didn't touch his legs at all and a skin tight anbu shirt with a chainmail like armor over it and then another shirt over that, he put on his shoes before pulling on his Haori and kissing Temari's head "I'll see you when I propose I guess" he whispered getting a happy nod as he vanished in a smokeless Shunshin, when he appeared at the gates he saw Jiraiya stood there and he smirked "So where to next Gramps?" Naruto said jokingly to his Grandmother's boyfriend and his teacher.

"We're going to check in on some contacts and then home" Jiraiya said getting a nod from Naruto who hummed lightly, the two walked in silence until they made it to Fire country and Naruto smiled "So brat what'd Temari say about your tattoo?" Jiraiya asked as Naruto chuckled.

"Before or after she threatened to kill me?" Naruto asked getting a deadpan look from Jiraiya as Naruto sighed "She wanted to kill me until she found out why I have it" Naruto said as he popped a lollipop stick into his mouth.

"Why do you have it?" Jiriaya asked as Naruto smirked.

"For my new organisation that will be named when we make out first move" Naruto said getting look from Jiraiya.

"Named?" Jiriaya asked as Naruto smirked.

"Now, now Pervy sage, that would be telling" Naruto said as he hummed "Besides, the members are strong enough and stealthy enough to get around the whole Elemental nations without being realized" Naruto said.

"Could I know a couple?" Jiraiya asked as Naruto shrugged.

"Yeah, sure, biggest hint is that you know him because he works for you and the other is his partner" Naruto said as he felt the same two he was talking about getting closer.

"Eh?" Jiriaya asked until he saw Kisame and Itachi appear.

"Itachi and Kisame" Naruto said with a smile "So, anything new?" Naruto asked as Jiraiya who had gotten on guard had face faulted.

"E-Eh?!" Jiraiya asked as Naruto hummed.

"Oh right, Itachi and Kisame are two members, two of my three spies in the Akatsuki if you will, meanwhile I have members in every nation" Naruto said as Itachi nodded while Kisame gave a toothy grin before Itachi spoke up.

"We've been reassigned from capturing the Kyuubi" Itachi said as Naruto hummed.

"Right, tell me where and report on the second project" Naruto said as Itachi nodded.

"We're being assigned the Yonbi and Gobi" Itachi said as Naruto nodded with a hum.

"Kisame, the second project I gave you and Samehada?" Naruto asked as Kisame nodded.

"Samahada got a large amount of Tobi's chakra" Kisame said as Naruto hummed "Or as Jiraiya knows him the masked man or as he is calling himself Madara Uchiha" Kisame finished as Naruto hummed.

"Right, I wish to know what it's like" Naruto said getting a growl from Samehada as Kisame nodded.

"It's an Uchiha with parts of a Senju artificially installed" Kisame said as they felt Naruto's chakra flare heavily forcing them to the ground.

"Which Senju?" he asked blankly.

"H-Hashirama" Kisame said with sweat on his forehead and they felt the chakra increase.

"I wish to know" Naruto asked blankly kneeling in front of Samehada as he held up Grey hair in front of her "Does this hair feel the same or similar to it?" Naruto asked as Samehada ate the risidule chakra off the hair before nodding "How so?" Naruto asked as Kisame replied for Samehada.

"Artificially" Kisame said as Naruto growled and they felt his chakra vanish.

"So" Naruto said burning the hair "I want you two to warn the Yonbi and Gobi about the Akatsuki tell them as much as you know about members and extend an invitation to our group" Naruto said as Kisame and Itachi nodded before vanishing, Naruto stood there smirking as Jiraiya finally got up.

"What did you need Kakashi's hair for?" Jiraiya asked as Naruto smiled.

"Samehada just told me who the masked man is" Naruto said as they started walking "Who did Kakashi get his eye from?" Naruto asked as Jiraiya's eyes widened.

"Obito" he said as Naruto nodded.

"Bastard practically killed his own teacher" Naruto said as they kept walking and Naruto continued "But he commited a sin to the leaf and artificially produced Hashirama cells and attached them to himself, or he had help" Naruto said as Jiraiya nodded "I also have reason to believe my Grandfather was still alive until a little before I was born" Naruto said as he hummed "That would be enough help to get the cells as according to my Grandmother's diary he had taken a large amount of Hashirama cells when biting him at the end of their fight" Naruto said as he hummed.

"That could be who Orochimaru got the cells from, he used to be apart of the Akatsuki" Jiraiya said as Naruto nodded "Also you said your group has members in every country?" Jiraiya asked as Naruto nodded "Even Tetsu?" Jiraiya asked as Naruto nodded.

"Yeah, one being their leader Mifune who respected my sword skills and another being Mugen" Naruto said before smirking "That's all you're getting" Naruto said as Jiriaya chuckled.

"Right, your groups name is what though?" Jiraiya asked as Naruto hummed.

"Well about the name" Naruto said sheepishly as he rubbed his head looking away "We still don't have one" Naruto said as he heard Jiraiya choke.

"Eh? A group so big and you don't have a name yet?" Jiraiya asked as Naruto shook his head.

"We're mainly just trying to stop the Akatsuki and bring peace through talks and such" Naruto said with a shrug "Kisame said as long as he can spar with me he doesn't mind what we do" Naruto said as he hummed "Considering there is 13 people I dunno what to call it" Naruto said "Well going to be 13" Naruto said as Jiraiya thought for a moment.

"So all the Jinchuriki's, 3 people from thw Akatsuki and 1 person from Tetsu?" Jiraiya asked as Naruto sighed.

"Excatly that" Naruto said as they kept walking "Sadly the Sanbi will need to reform somewhere before I can go talk with it and hopefully I get to it before the Akatsuki do" Naruto said as Jiriaya nodded "Plus if my gut is right then it will be this Tobi who is going after the Sanbi with another member" Naruto said as they entered a bar and sat down, Naruto listened in to Jiraiya's coversation with the spy and after the conversation the two walked out "So, Orochimaru went into hiding" Naruto said thoughtfully as Jiraiya nodded the two walking slowly towards Konoha.

-1 week later-

Over the week Naruto had decided to name the group Elemental Guardians, he didn't know why it's just a name that came to mind, as well as naming his group he had successfully gained the Yonbi ans Gobi to join his group which was a huge plus for him, to top it off he and Jiraiya kept sparring and Naruto could now beat Jiraiya easily, with about 25% of his max strength even as Jiriaya uses Sage mode, currently our hero and his teacher were walking along the road to Konoha "I bet Granny Tsunade will be waiting for us so there is no need to rush" Naruto said already sensing Tsunade's chakra at the gates "If you want I can Hiraishin us there?" Naruto asked as Jiraiya nodded and Naruto put his hand on Jiraiya's shoulder and they vanished in a light yellow flash reappearing on top of the gates "See told you" Naruto said holding out his hand as Jiraiya grumbled handing him 30,000 ryo as Naruto counted it "Ah, I love making bets with idiots who forget I'm a sensory nin" Naruto said hopping off the gate as the two waiting for him got a better look at him, his hair had grown out and judging from the hairband he had in it covered his face, his eyes had slightly dulled and darkened giving them a look at deep ocean blue eyes opposite to his sky blue and he stood at 6'1" taller than both women "Oh hey Sakura, you chakra's changed a bit in 3 years" he said as he looked at her "You learned Granny's super strength" he mused surprising the two.

"Your sensing is that good?" Tsunade asked as he nodded.

"And the fact Sakura is constantly channeling chakra to her arms to keep them strengthened" Naruto said as he turned to Tsunade "And hello Granny, I missed you" he said as he opened his arms and she hugged him, while in the hug he sensed all the familiar chakra's of his friends and even smiled a little "Seems like Mari's here" he whispered to himself as Tsunade looked surprised.

"She's on the other side of Konoha" Tsunade whispered as Naruto chuckled.

"And I can sense from here to the Daimyo's palace" Naruto said with a shrug before he turned to walk away until he heard Jiraiya.

"I'm surprised you didn't tell Tsunade about your tattoo" Jiraiya said with a smirk as Naruto froze and turned to glare at Jiraiya as Tsunade looked pissed "What? It's true" Jiraiya said as Naruto grumbled about stingy old men.

"How big is the tattoo?" Tsunade asked as Naruto sighed and mumbled "Speak up" she said.

"My whole back" Naruto said surprising Sakura "I got it for a reason, now do you mind I gotta go see your soon to be future granddaught-in-law who already knows about the tattoo!" Naruto said vanishing from the spot.

"Dammit Naruto" Tsunade growled as Naruto had vanished.

-With Naruto-

He reappeared in front of a door "Room 803? Damn Granny's gave her the luxury stay, Golden Leaf hotel huh?" Naruto mumbled as he knocked and heard some cursing and a quick.

"Coming" he he heard feeting tapping on the wooden floor and the door opened "Sorry I was just about to nap-" She stopped when she saw Naruto there.

"Hey Mari" he said as he soon felt her cuddling him with her arms tight around his neck "I'm home" Naruto said as she smiled and nodded "Oh and I need to give you something" as soon as he said that Temari let go and he popped a seal on his hand as a small engagement box appeared and he opened it "Will you be my wife?" he asked softly as he saw her nod, he slipped the ring onto her finger and she smiled.

"What are these for?" She asked pointing to the seals not recognising them.

Naruto chuckled as he pointed to them "This one" he said pointing to the first "Is the smallest Hiraishin marker I could make" Naruto said surprising her "And with the Kyuubified gem in the eyes of the Weasel and Kyuubi" Naruto said pointing to the blood red gems "I can always sense this one first" Naruto said and pointed to the next seal "This is a seal that only allows me and you to remove it, a blood seal of sorts with electrocutes anyone else" Narito said and pointed to the second to last one "This one protects you with a small chakra like armor as long as chakra is being pumped into it" Naruto said with a smirk "And with the final seal constantly taking in Nature chakra and converting it to regular chakra and pumping it into the third seal" Naruto said as her eyes widened.

"I have an infinite shield" she said as he nodded and felt her grab his face before kissing him as he smiled.

"Do I get these for each present I give you?" he asked as she shook her head and he chuckled "Why are you in Konoha anyways?" he asked as she handed him a scroll that's next to her door and he read it.

"Oh yeah, Chunin exams and Suna's hosting it" he read as he hummed softly "Oo that's interesting, you're ambassador and organizer along side Shika" he said getting a nod from her as he handed her it back and kisses her head "I look forward to seeing the Chunin hopefuls fail" he said with a smirk.

"Naru-" she said as he nodded.

"I know we want them to pass" Naruto said before remembering something "I just remembered Konohamaru would be joining along with his little gang of misfits" Naruto said getting a giggle from Temari as he kissed her head "Anyways, I gotta go, something about Granny wanting to test my skills since I've been out of the village for 3 years" he said with a shrug as she giggled.

"I'll see you soon, I love you" she whispered as he smiled and kisses her softly.

"I love you too Mari" he said before vanishing as she closed the door.