
Awesome Naruto Fanfics

Fanfic Names Snakes and Genjutsu Finally Illumination Uchiha Naruto: The Nidaime Rikudou Sennin By the Books Pentupfury's Stories Sleeping Beast Red Is The Key To Happiness Threads of Fate Eiton: Naruto, The Crash Ninja Cherry Pie I Sent a Love Letter to a Married Woman Luck of the Devil: NaruKure edition to heal a wound I DO NOT OWN THESE FANFICS. I REALLY RESPECT THIS AUTHOR THEREFORE I AM RE-POSTING HIS FANFIC. CHECK THEM OUT AT THE LINK BELOW. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13489770/1/Snakes-and-Genjutsu https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11862248/1/Finally https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13835004/1/Illumination https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13952319/1/Uchiha-Naruto-The-Nidaime-Rikudou-Sennin https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12772156/1/By-the-Books https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11137850/1/Pentupfury-s-Stories https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13698077/1/Sleeping-Beast https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13719330/1/Red-Is-The-Key-To-Happiness https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12037246/1/Threads-of-Fate https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14032056/1/Eiton-Naruto-The-Crash-Ninja https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13918335/1/Cherry-Pie https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13122508/1/I-Sent-a-Love-Letter-to-a-Married-Woman https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14173300/1/Luck-of-the-Devil-NaruKure-edition https://archiveofourown.org/works/28789743?view_full_work=true

HersheyHeist · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 18

-With Naruto-

Naruto was dashing through the forest heading towards where he felt Choji's chakra, upon reaching him Naruto unsealed his katana and looked around to see a dead Jirobo and he looked at Choji and flared his chakra knowing the medic ninja were close, as soon as he flared his chakra he left the area and found the rest of the retrieval team, he then bumped into Shikamaru and Temari and he smiled at her "Hey Mari" he said softly before he looked away feeling a sinister chakra signature "I gotta go, I'm on orders from Tsunade, after we should have lunch" Naruto said before leaving.

Temari stood there and groaned "Damned boyfriend" Temari mumbled as she and Shikamaru started to head back to the village.

As soon as Naruto got close enough to Sasuke's signature he landed and looked around and sighed "The Valley of the End huh?" Naruto asked as Sasuke growled at him.

"So you're here Naruto?" Sasuke asked as Naruto nodded "Why do you not want to kill Itachi?" Sasuke asked seriously as Naruto smirked.

"Because I know why he killed the clan" Naruto stated before he held his katana and looked at Sasuke seriously "Anyways, are we going to fight? Hopefully before Pedomaru gets here and tries for my eyes" Naruto stated as he took a deep breath and Sasuke activated Curse Mark Stage 2.

Naruto dashed from standing on Hashirama's head and Sasuke from Madara's head, as soon as Naruto went to swing his blade Sasuke blocked with his hand-like wings and Naruto smirked "So the Curse Mark allows your body to adapt to Nature Chakra huh?" Naruto mused to himself as he jumped back and held a one handed tiger seal and then shouted "Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu" and shot a large fireball from his mouth that flew across the now steaming water from the heat of the fireball and hit Sasuke who then dived into the water.

Naruto smirked and tapped the water with his foot before holding a bird seal "Suiton: Suiro no Jutsu" Naruto said and Sasuke's body rose from the water into a prison in Naruto's hand and Naruto looked at him "Going to stop?" Naruto asked as Sasuke growled and channeled lightning chakra as Naruto grinned "I'm a natural at Raiton Sasuke, maybe you should give up before I start to make Lava" Naruto said seriously as Sasuke growled again and his wing hands shot out and punched Naruto across the river until Naruto stood up properly and grinned "Seems you'd rather I actually try huh?" Naruto asked licking the blood off his lip.

"What do you mean?! You're obviously trying!" Sasuke shouted as Naruto chuckled before cackling and smirking at Sasuke.

"Oh am I? Realized I haven't used any Kekkei Genkai that I know to use?" Naruto asked as he flipped through hand signs and held up a snake hand sign before shooting a couple globs of lava off to the right "I can also use boil release and wood release but I've only used 2 basic releases" Naruto said before he heard a growl in his mind.

"Naruto, let's show him all of our chakra" Naruto heard Kurama say as Naruto made a fox-like grin and a red shroud of fox-like chakra surrounded Naruto and 3 tails exploded from his tail bone and Naruto grinned.

"I have only just used this because the Kyuubi asked me to show you all of this" Naruto said with a grin before he vanished from his spot and kicked Sasuke into Madara's statue's face "Sorry grandpops but I'm beating this little shit" Naruto said as he vanished again and started to subconciously use the dance of the teleporter and beating Sasuke until he kicked Sasuke into the wall of the Valley and he landed on the lower area and sighed as he landed seeing Sasuke standing up with his shirt covered in cuts that pierced his skin, Naruto kept his gaze on Sasuke who ran towards Naruto who followed Sasuke's moves without his Sharingan, as soon as Sasuke got close enough Naruto moved his head seeing Sasuke throw a punch and he continued to dodge each punch Sasuke made until he sighed and raised his leg before shooting it through Sasuke's guard and into Sasuke's gut launching him across the water as Naruto stretched his shoulders out.

"Dammit!" Sasuke growled as he got up slowly his mouth covered in salaiva from choking at the pressure of Naruto's kick, he went through handsigns as fast as he could and shouted "Chidori!" as soon as Naruto heard that his eyes narrowed and he glared as Sasuke.

"Fine, you want to use a stolen jutsu, I'll show you an original of my father's that I know you won't be able to steal" Naruto said as he held out his hand and instantly a Rasengan formed "Rasengan" Naruto said simply as Sasuke's sharingan eyes widened at the chakra sphere, Sasuke gulped before breaking out into a sprint towards Naruto, once in range he shot his Chidori coated hand at Naruto who dodged it and then put his Rasengan in front of it until the Chidori expelled and Naruto let the Rasengan disappate "You see Sasuke, you can't beat me" Naruto said as he let down Kurama's chakra cloak, as he got close to Sasuke he dodged punches and kicks from the boy before appearing next to him and chopping his neck hard knocking him out "Sleep while I take you to Konoha" Naruto said before feeling 11 signatures closing in, he looked to the largest one "Of course you're here Orochimaru" he growled.

He got prepared to defend himself and Sasuke as he closed his eyes and channeled chakra into his eyes enough to activate his Mangekyo, as soon as he knew he had enough chakra he opened them and an his Mangekyo blazed to life as Orochimaru landed opposite him and the 10 other's behind him "Oh you have the same eyes as Itachi huh?" Orochimaru said as Naruto tch'd in disgust at the snake.

"I've been ordered to take him back dead or alive, really with to test me Orochimaru?" Naruto asked seriously as Orochimaru smirked.

"Oh I am" Orochimaru said as he vanished and appeared in front of Naruto preparing to punch him only to see him smirk before he was put in a Genjutsu that he hasn't seen before.

"Tsukiyomi" he heard Naruto whisper before they appeared in a red world "Welcome Orochimaru, to my world" Naruto said with a grin as Orochimaru was on a stake "Let's see how immortal your mind is after I've tortured it" Naruto said.

-3 seconds later-

Naruto wiped the blood from his eye as he grinned at the screaming Orochimaru and turned to the other 10 people to see blank masked Anbu "So Danzo sent his pawns?" Naruto asked as he vanished with Sasuke on his shoulder pulling off one of the masks and then unsealing Muramasa and smirking "Prepare" Naruto said simply before vanishing again and the next thing the 10 knew was darkness after a load of pain and then nothing as Naruto looked to the slowly recovering Orochimaru "Run snake" Naruto said with a growl "After all, foxes do sometimes devour snakes and I have one with a 1000 year long hunger" Naruto said and the next thing he knew his back felt lighter and he spun around only to see Sasuke on the other wall.

"Sasuke, run! Get to Otogakure!" Orochimaru shouted as he heard another growl from Naruto and Sasuke started to run over the border and Orochimaru smirked "Now he's out of your range to grab him" Orochimaru said as he slowly sunk into the floor as Naruto bolted at him intending to kill him which made Orochimaru speed up his disappearing.

As soon as Naruto was the only one in the Valley he punched the ground subconciously channeling chakra into it creating a creator "Dammit!" Naruto shouted until he felt a hand on his shoulder and saw Kakashi smiling sadly.

"Let's go home Naruto" Kakashi said as Naruto nodded and sighed.

"I almost had him Kakashi" Naruto said softly as Kakashi rubbed his head.

"It was a Sannin you were up against, I don't blame the mission for failing" Kakashi said as Naruto nodded softly as the two walked back to Konoha.

Upon reaching Konoha Naruto and Kakashi walked straight to Konoha General Hospital, as soon as Naruto entered he sat in the waiting room for Tsunade, he completely forgot about the Sand siblings being here and groaned when he felt Temari sit on his lap "Mari" he whispered as she nodded with a hum "I failed it" Naruto whispered again as she played with hair.

"How so?" she asked and Naruto explained everything to her and she nodded and cuddled his head into her shoulder and kissed his temple as he wrapped his arms around her waist, Kakashi seeing the scene smiled as he saw his Sensei Minato and his wife Hikari in the same position and smiled with a small amount of nostalga.

"They remind me so much of Sensei and Hikari" he said to himself only to jump when he heard someone hum in agreement and turned to see Jiraiya.

"Hikari was Minato's biggest weakness, the two were almost always together" Jiraiya said as Kakashi nodded softly, they then saw Tsunade walking over to the young couple.

"Naruto?" Tsunade said as Naruto looked at her with a soft smile.

"Hey granny" he said in a defeated tone, one that didn't suit him "Mission failed" he whispered as Tsunade now understood and nodded.

"Have some time with Temari and I'll get your report later" Tsunade said as she ruffled his head as he nodded and she watched the couple stand up and leave "He's maturing better than you" Tsunade said over her shoulder to Jiraiya as he scoffed.

"Of course he is, he's Minato and Hikari's kid, watching his mom die does that to you" he whispered as Tsunade nodded.

-With Naruto-

Naruto and Temari were walking while holding hands "Where do you want to go and eat?" Temari asked as Naruto hummed.

"We can go to this amazing Ramen stand I've been to a couple times" Naruto said as she nodded and the two walked towards the ramen stand and he opened the flaps sitting on a stool as he saw Ayame if he remembered correctly come out.

"Oh hey Naruto, here for your usual?" Ayame asked as Naruto chuckled with a nod "And what would you like?" she asked politely to Temari as Temari looked at the options.

"Shrimp ramen please" Temari said as Ayame nodded and shouted into the kitchen.

"Dad, Naruto's regular order and a Shrimp Ramen for his girlfriend" Ayame shouted and got a reply of "Okay sweetie!" as soon as she handed the order in she turned to see a sadish Naruto "What's wrong Naruto?" Ayame asked as he chuckled.

"I was on a mission to retrieve Sasuke Uchiha, it's the first mission I've actually failed" Naruto said as Ayame chuckled and shook her head.

"The invincible Naruto Uchiha failed a mission? Wait until Izumo finds out" Ayame said as Naruto looked at her.

"You two hit it off?" he asked as Ayame nodded and Naruto held his hand out "We made a bet on it, don't be stingy about it" Naruto said as Ayame grumbled and handed him 100 Ryo and Naruto smiled "Thank you" he said putting the money into the tips Jar "Buy yourselves something nice" Naruto said as he saw Teuchi come out with the ramen and place it on the counter "Thanks Teuchi" Naruto said with a bow as he started to eat as did Temari who froze.

"So good" she mumbled as Naruto smirked.

"Seems we have a new Ichiraku lover" Naruto said as he continued eating seeing his girlfriend nod.

"How'd you find this place?" Temari asked as Naruto laughed.

"When I was at the academy one time I challenged Choji Akimichi that I'd find a place that made better food than the Akimichi's BBQ, after all me, him and Shika always ate there at lunch, so while searching I saw this place and came to try it, ever since every other day we'd have lunch here and then at the BBQ place" Naruto said as he continued.

"How is Choji and Shikamaru, Naruto?" Teuchi asked as Naruto flinched a little.

"When I last saw Choji he was in a coma from taking a red food pill if I had to guess and Shika's got a broken finger from their last mission" Naruto said as Teuchi nodded and looked to Ayame.

"You know we do delivery right?" Ayame asked Naruto as he nodded and then seemed to figure out what they were on about.

"I'll take some to Choji's room when me and Mari finish here" Naruto said as Teuchi nodded.

"So this is the sand Princess?" Teuchi asked as Temari nodded and Naruto rubbed his head "I'll have to warn you, this boy can eat quite a lot" Teuchi said as Naruto pouts a little as Temari giggled.

"I could guess from our dates during the Chunin exams and the amount he would make when we had picnics" Temari replies giggling softly as Naruto grumbled.

"Not my fault that the Kyuubi gives me a huge appitite because of the motabolism" Naruto grumbled getting laughs from everyone there, he looked at them and smiled before laughing softly after that the 4 started to talk for about 30 minutes until Naruto and Temari stood up with an Karakuri box and started to walk towards the hospital with a soft smile "Thanks Mari" Naruto said as she smiled at him.

"For?" she asked as he turned to her.

"Being there for me, it reminds me of how my mom and dad were from what I've read" Naruto said as she smiled at him, they kept walking until they reached a door with the nameplate Choji Akimichi and Naruto knocked hearing a Come in, he opened it to see Shikamaru sat there and held up the box "I got Ramen from Ichiraku's" Naruto said as Shikamaru chuckled softly when Naruto put the box down and opened it, as soon as the scent filled the room Naruto heard Shikamaru's stomach growl and he placed the bowl in front of him with a pair of chopsticks "Huh, I even got the Choji special seems I'll have to have it" Naruto said, as if by miracle Choji shot up in bed and took the bowl anf chopsticks from Naruto and held the defensively getting laughs from the other three "Welcome to the world of the living again Choji" Naruto said jokingly.

"Yeah" Choji said as he slurped down the ramen, the four started to talk until the heard the door open and saw Tsunade stood there confused.

"H-How? He should have been out for at least a week" Tsunade asked shocked ad Naruto laughed.

"The wonders of the Choji Special from Ichiraku's" Naruto said as Shikamaru nodded.

"It must have something that heals Choji up from the scent alone, he was like an Inuzuka dog when Naruto opened the Karakuri box" Shikamaru said as Temari giggled and saw her brother's behind Tsunade.

"Oh, we're leaving already?" Temari asked as Gaara nodded stiffly and Naruto smiled softly.

"I'll see you over the next 3 years" Naruto said as he cuddled Temari "I promise" he said as Temari nodded and she walked out with her siblings as Naruto turned to Tsunade "Report time, I guess" he said as she nodded and the two walked to her office Naruto enjoying the breeze, as soon as they reached the office they became serious when Tsunade sat down.

"Report" she said as Naruto nodded and explained everything and she went quiet before nodding "Thank you for the detailed report Naruto" she said as she sighed and looked at him "Go get packed and prepare for tomorrow" Tsunade said as she pointed to the clock showing it was already 6 pm and he nodded as he vanished in a shunshin appearing outside his home, when he entered he walked straight to the back room and looked for a Gunbai and Kama fighting style he could learn so he could use the Gunbai, while looking he saw a larger than average scroll and pulled it out before unrolling it and his eyes widened.

"The Panthera summons" he whispered as he rubbed the third crossed out name and smiled "Mom's summons" he whispered again, he rolled it back up and slung it on his back and ran towards training ground 7, once he got there he flashed through handsigns and summoned Bunta "Hey Bunta, I have a request" Naruto said as Bunta looked to him.

"That is?"Bunta asked as Naruto smiled and unrolled the scroll on his back.

"May I be allowed to sign the panthera contract as well as the toads?" Naruto asked as Bunta looked at Naruto and thought for a moment before he saw the most recent crossed out the name and he nodded.

"As boss summon of the Toads I will allow it, now you just need permission from the Panthera summons boss" Bunta said before vanishing as Naruto quickly filled in the scroll with his name and flashed through the handsigns and summoned the boss Panthera, when it appeared it was the same height as the Hokage tower and it had Black Leopard spotted fur although the spots were barely visible.

"Who summons me?!" the Leopard exclaimed as Naruto cleared his throat.

"I do, I was wondering if I may be allowed to have access to your summons while also having the toads" Naruto said as the Leopard sniffed the boy and realized he had a familiar scent.

"You smell familiar" the leopard said as Naruto smiled softly.

"My mom was your previous summoner" Naruto said as the leopard nodded eith wide eyes.

"Why do you wish to be our summoner?" the leopard asked as Naruto smiled softly.

"I wish to honor both my mother and my father by having both of their summons and hopefully mastering all of the summons abilities" Naruto said with a large smile as the leopard nodded and it's claw shot out before tapping Naruto's head confusing him.

"I have deemed you worthy of our contract, don't make me regret it, Naruto" said the leopard "You may call me Milo, the fastest summon in the whole elemental region" Milo said as Naruto smiled.

"Thank you Milo" Naruto said as Milo nodded and vanished, Naruto gained a random memory that wasn't his own of using the bird sign instead for summoning the panthera's and chuckled "That's what you meant by being worthy?" Naruto whispered as he rolled the scroll up and hid it in a small scroll before using the regular summoning jutsu to summon Bunta "Just telling you it worked" Naruto said getting a nod from Bunta as Naruto unsealed a large barrel of Sake "Kumo's finest, as promised" Naruto said as Bunta laughed and vanished with the barrel, after that Naruto smiled and went back to searching for styles to use all of his weapons with and spent the time until 11 pm doing that where he showered and went to bed.

-The next morning-

Naruto arrived at the gates with a large smile as he saw Jiraiya "Hey there perv" Naruto said as Jiraiya grumbled "Guess who got a second summoning contract!" Naruto exclaimed as Jiraiya looked surprised.

"How?" Jiraiya asked as Naruto smirked.

"I found the Panthera contract summoned Bunta asked his permission and summoned the Panthera leader and gor their permission" Naruto said with a smirk as Jiraiya shook his head as the two started to walk.

"Only your luck brat" Jiraiya said getting a laugh from Naruto "On our way there I want to tell you the ins and outs of Senjutsu and hopefully when we finish the training trip you'll be able to start training in it" Jiraiya said as Naruto nodded and smiled. This was the last that Konoha saw of Naruto and Jiraiya for the next 3 years.