
Awakening: Lord Of The Unknown

Just another normal day in the labs, desperately seeking a way to avoid death or perhaps he was already ready to meet death... Until the game appeared, the Game Of Awakening, bringing with it not only opportunities but also death for the game is cruel beyond measure. What's the Game Of Awakening exactly? What's its goal? Will he survive? Will he avoid death forever as he always wanted? Or Will his goal change to something grander, so much grander? .......................... https://www.patreon.com/VQuintessence - Feel free to support me on Patreon. ...........................

VQuintessence · Fantasy
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44 Chs

T Virus I

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Chapter 7: T Virus I


"I... I see why it's called Doomsday," Natalia shuddered thinking about the implications.

The word Survival instinct has a lot of implications, especially since, "I gave one meat, and he ignored me until he finished eating... So they don't just bite, they eat. Why? I don't know just yet."

He didn't need to say more as Natalia understood what he meant, "Do they feel hunger? If so, then the extent of their adaptation will certainly accelerate. I observe the zombie we brought with us, and his movement was very rough, barely able to walk... Will they learn to run?"

"That sounds like a best case scenario," Silver's words made her speechless, giving a questioning look, "It still doesn't feel like Doomsday just yet, far away actually... Many governments have contingency plans for similar situations, and while it will take a long while to get things under control. It will eventually happen... Doomsday in the mind of the game of awakening must be way too harsh."

Natalia contemplated his answer for a second before nodding in understanding, "It's a game, a game that takes the life of more than 8 billion people as nothing but a game... Its view of a doomsday might be too cruel for even us to understand."

"So let's start the preliminary research of the virus. Initiate the maximum security of the labs, and send some samples there. Lab one will research the virus' structure. Lab 2 will research its replication mechanism. You will oversee them both."

Natalia almost jumped out of excitement. She's a bit too fucked in the head, and she was especially excited after she heard Silver adding, "I will send some other samples to you. See if there are any differences between each sample."

And so, they got to work, or she got to work while Silver stayed in his office, turning on his computer. The internet and cell signals were back up, so he started by bringing down his facility's website as well as deleting any footprints he had ever left on the net.

There were still a lot of traces left, but those were too hard to get rid of, but getting rid of any obvious traces was good enough for now.

He really wasn't sure if he was being too paranoid, but he would rather be safe than sorry by erasing his true name from the net.

He went even further by erasing his information even from his personal computer. Everything about him was erased.

There was light before him, light that will help him escape death and perhaps even get rid of the fear of death altogether. He never wanted to feel that fear ever again.

So he turned his attention to the awakening panel.


[Name: Silver]

[Physiology: Human]

[Physique: 10]

[Soul: 50]

[Endurance: 30]

[Energy: 900/900] (90*10)

[Awakening Points: 192]

[Awakening Ability: Silver Effect: Unknown Silver energy with unknown effect]

It didn't take him long to rise his endurance to thirty, and he even added a little bit to his physique, just enough to get it to the average. The rest, he didn't add to anything yet, just accumulated however much he could.

What was surprising, however, was how many awakening points he accumulated through, much less than he expected which is due to a miscalculation.

He found out that every awakening point requires killing from 10 to 20 zombies, quite a lot, and he wasn't unsure about why it's so irregular. It seems that further testing is needed.

'Now, how exactly should I distribute the points?' Silver wondered to himself, contemplating the decision for a while, 'My brain cancer is certainly still there, but it feels as if it had vanished. I feel none of the symptoms I felt before. In fact, I feel better than ever.'

He stroked his chin in deep thought, 'It happened exactly after my awakening, so it wasn't because of increasing my endurance. It has something to do with the Silver Effect, and the soul domain should be merely a side effect of that chance.'

Either way, after adding so many points to his endurance, he could say with confidence that increasing the same stats doesn't seem to have diminishing returns. Instead, it's a constant solid progress.

However, improving his physique would show fewer changes than augmenting his already ridiculous soul, so without further ado.


[Name: Silver]

[Physiology: Human]

[Physique: 10]

[Soul: 222]

[Endurance: 50]

[Energy: 2820/2820] (282*10)

[Awakening Points: 0]

If increasing his endurance to thirty, then to fifty already felt miraculous, seemingly having the energy of a star, then improving his soul so much simply couldn't be described with words.

For the first time, Silver felt his soul, very clearly so. The soul seemed to be a mirror of the body, a transparent silverly form existing in another dimension, one that overlaps with our own.

He clearly felt it this time, the golden energy that appeared out of nowhere, nurturing his soul toward perfection, strengthening it, and evolving it into something more.

And he also felt his soul domain expand. No, it shouldn't be called the soul domain as Silver realized that it's a bit more special, although he wasn't sure what differentiate it from other soul domains.

However, he was certain that it had some special change due to the Silver Effect, so he gave it a name, the Silver Domain.

The transformation ended very quickly but still basked in the feeling of improvement for a little while. That feeling was addicting.

"Hm?" Silver suddenly frowned as he realized something. Everything within the Silver domain was moving slowly, very slowly as if time was slowed.

No, time wasn't slowed, he realized. The Silver Domain was just in a state of hyper-focus to such a degree that it appeared to him as if time was slowed.

Not only that, he seemed to have awakened another use of the domain as if and only if he focused on a tiny spot and put all his focus on it, at the cost of the rest of his domain becoming a little bit blurry, his vision in that spot can reach the microscopic level.

Both of which only worked to make sure he can keep perfect watch on the other labs, just in case something goes wrong. He watched enough horror movies to know how things usually go wrong in such scenarios.

So he headed to his personal lab, "Larry, good morning," Silver politely nodded to the zombie tied tightly to the testing table while ignoring the other one.

He went to the side and picked up a small cage which has a rat, "Let's call you Larra, I guess?" He didn't usually name them, but he was in a very good mood today, so why not.

"Speaking of which, it's actually the night now," Silver shook his head as he brought the cage very close to Larry, "Well, I guess there won't much of a difference between night and day for me anymore."

Sleep was never something he enjoyed, just a waste of time, but it was a necessary waste of time. Now, it's no longer necessary, so the lab will pretty much be his home.

"Khaaa! Ahhkk..." The zombie couldn't move at all, so he could only make some desperate noises as he eyed the scared rat with hunger.

Silver took back the cage, but still put it right before the zombies, with the latter's eyes still on it. He wanted to see if it will adapt or evolve provided that the food is barely out of reach.

Silver turned his attention to the nameless zombie, "Let's call you Larrious." The zombie struggled fiercely but there was nothing it could do as Silver strangely brought out a piece of meat and gently fed it to him.

The zombie wasn't confused, too distracted by munching on the meat with desperation. All the while, Silver turned his attention to the samples on another testing table, a lot of preserved zombie samples.

However, he first brought out a syringe and took a few samples of his own blood, the needle wound healing only seconds after.

Before he could start his research, his phone started ringing, and it was exactly what he was expecting, "It's finally time, huh?"

He turned it on to see that there was a global warning broadcasted in all news outlets and social media. Any avenue that could be used was used to spread the warning.

[Subject: Global Crisis Alert

Dear Citizens of the World,

We mourn to inform you that the world is facing a global crisis that could lead to the ending of humanity as we know it. The situation poses deadly risks to the entire world and requires immediate attention and action from all individuals, communities, and governments...

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