
Awakening in the Dragon Realm

I stumbled into another world and accidentally landed on Dragon Island. What? I actually have the bloodline of a divine dragon? Am I really part of the dragon clan? Oh my god! I can really transform into a divine dragon. Does that mean I'm not human anymore? Well, since the chieftain suggested it, I guess I'll become an elder of the dragon clan! Alright then! Watch me live a carefree and joyful life in this fantastical world.

idling · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Promotion to Elder

"I have decided to promote you to the honorary elder, and I have just received the consent of several elders," Chief Karle's words once again surprised me greatly.

"I am just a person of unknown origin. Although I have the ability to transform into a divine dragon because I guided the dragon's breath, I still consider myself more of human descent."

"Even though I am now recognized by Chief Karle and the elders as a member of the dragon race, I still do not believe I have the qualifications to be an elder. Moreover, I have never made any contribution to the dragon race. I believe there are many dragons in the clan who are more qualified than me."

"I never thought I would become an elder of the dragon race, and for a moment, I find it difficult to accept."

Chief Karle laughed and said, "Becoming an elder of the dragon race does not require any qualifications. As long as you are recognized as a member of the dragon race and have strength not inferior to that of the dragon elders, you can become a new elder."

"In fact, there are not only a few elders you have seen. It's just that the elders like to live in secluded places. The reason why the elders you see staying on Dragon Island are one from each dragon species is because of their responsibilities."

"Moreover, dragon elders do not necessarily have to be dragons. Semi-dragons or sacred beasts who have joined the dragon race can also serve as elders. So, you don't need to refuse. Besides, being an honorary elder represents more obligations than rights."

I thought about it and agreed.

I have never had a sense of belonging to this world. Initially, I only became a member of the dragon race because I arrived on Dragon Island, and the recognition of the clan leader and several elders was a major reason.

Now that I have been on the island for a year, I have gradually integrated into the lives of the dragons.

During this year, I have begun to pity the young dragons who have to live on the small island for thousands of years, sigh for the dragons living on the mainland who are constantly besieged by humans, and become angry because of the various behaviors of humans towards dragon corpses.

Now I am gradually developing a sense of belonging to the dragon race. As for becoming an honorary elder of the dragon race, I am not opposed to it. It's just that it came suddenly that I hesitated.

Seeing me accept the honorary elder position, Chief Karle smiled happily and said, "Kid, how is your body recovering? When do you plan to leave Dragon Island to find Dragon Crystal?"

I thought for a moment and replied, "I plan to stay on the island for another half a month. Firstly, my strength has greatly increased and needs to be consolidated in quiet meditation. Secondly, I want to compete with the dragons during this half month, which will help improve my martial skills. Also, I owe Anna so much roasted meat. If I don't satisfy her, I probably won't be able to leave."

Elder Dak, hearing that I wanted to spar with someone, immediately exclaimed excitedly, "If you want to spar, just find me. I still want to test the power of your last move. If it weren't for your inadequate Qi at that time, I might have suffered a big loss. Let's go to the arena now!"

I didn't expect Elder Dak to be such an impetuous person. Before I could say anything, he had already grabbed me out of the council hall, leaving the chief and the other elders shaking their heads.

Outside, I finally managed to get him to let go of me. I said helplessly, "I just promised Anna. I must barbecue for her today."

Not expecting me to say nothing, as soon as Elder Dak heard barbecue, he immediately salivated and said, "'Sizzle', his mouthwatering sound. Boy, you can't treat me unfairly! I must have my share of barbecue."

I was almost dizzy. You know, he is such a big guy with dozens of feet long. I guess I can't even make enough to stuff his teeth all day long.

I hurriedly negotiated with him, and finally reluctantly agreed to roast two arrow pigs (third-order Warcraft, delicious meat, one of Anna's favorite Warcraft) for him, plus what Anna eats, I have to roast four. The weight of each arrow pig is hundreds of catties, just thinking about it makes me depressed.

Happy with the agreement I made with the black dragon elder, he went to catch his prey. I came to the barbecue place where I usually grilled, where I had already set up a grill, and took out spices, salt, and other things from the space ring, as well as two sharp knives and two swords as high as one person. These four weapons were all treasures made by the dwarves, but in my hands, they are just barbecue tools. If they were seen by human swordsmen, they would definitely curse me for wasting them, and if they were seen by dwarf craftsmen, they might directly refuse to come.

And the space ring was given to me by Elder Alina. There is enough space inside, and it can be successfully opened with a little energy. There are not many space rings of this capacity on the whole continent.

If it were not for the dragon clan to have their own personal space, such an artifact-level space ring would not be in my hands.

Soon, I found Anna holding an arrow pig in her mouth and holding one in her front paws, "hard" flying towards me. In the past, we each took one, and she never carried two monsters alone. Now seeing her like this is interesting.

I smiled and greeted her, jokingly scolded, "Can't you catch one first? Why bother to make yourself so embarrassed?"

Anna looked at me with her head tilted, whimpered twice, but because of the monster in her mouth, she didn't make any sound. She quickly put the monster down, a look of embarrassment, and shyly hid aside.

I knew the time was urgent, so I didn't tease her anymore. I quickly packed up the monster, put it on the grill with the double-handed giant sword, and let Anna spit out a fireball to start roasting.

As the saying goes, proficiency comes from practice. I grew up in the mountains and forests since I was a child. I have mastered the barbecue to the point of perfection, carefully controlling the fire, and occasionally turning the monsters on the fork to avoid uneven heating.

Originally, it was difficult to roast a whole arrow pig at once, and I didn't even brush the sauce and oil to prevent the pork from burning. But I controlled the flame with true energy from time to time and always turned it carefully, so that it could continue to heat evenly to avoid the pork from burning.

An hour later, as the oil inside was continuously roasted out and spread on the surface, the whole arrow pig turned into an attractive golden yellow, and the rich meat aroma began to emanate.

At this time, I slowly sprinkled salt and spices, and Anna's mouthwatering was longer.

A few hundred pounds of arrow pigs, I alternated with both hands for such a long time, and I still had to carefully control the flame. If it weren't for my deep true energy, I would be a little unbearable.

At this time, Elder Dak had already brought back two arrow pigs, and together with Anna, they greedily watched the golden roasted pig.

I glanced at the two dragons, big and small, and joked, "You look like you haven't eaten barbecue for hundreds of years. You can eat it soon."

Anna just hummed softly twice, but Elder Dak nodded repeatedly and said, "I haven't smelled the meat for more than five hundred years."

I suddenly remembered that he had been guarding the Dragon Tomb for more than five hundred years, and the Dragon Tomb was barren, naturally without barbecue.

But I'm quite curious about how he came back to the Dragon Valley so coincidentally.

Elder Dak proudly said, "I came back because the chief originally planned to let you become an honorary elder. The establishment of each honorary elder must be approved by all the elders and the chief in the Dragon Valley, so I rushed back. It would be nice to thank you! I was supposed to continue to guard for a few more months, but now that I have come back, I'm too lazy to go."

I "oh" and, so it turns out that this is the case. At this time, the aroma of barbecue has become more and more intense. This whole roasted pig is finally roasted.

But I immediately had a headache for how to distribute it. Anna had to eat it herself, but Elder Dak was eager to taste it. The two couldn't agree.

Finally, I suggested that they each take half of it, and if they eat it slowly, they may not have finished eating, and the second roasted meat has been roasted, from noon to evening.

Even if my true energy is deep, but in the afternoon, I kept turning a few hundred pounds of roasted meat. It made me tired. The competition with Elder Dak naturally was canceled.

This makes the black dragon elder who enjoyed two roasted pigs, and he regretted it. When he left, he gave me a magic core of the wind system and a black and black stone, saying that he would give me a handy weapon to make, and repeatedly expressed that he would come to see me tomorrow. It seems that he is addicted to barbecue.

The next half month, I ran to the arena every morning to learn from the dragons and compete with them in the afternoon. In the evening, I practiced meditation and practiced, and it was extremely fulfilling.

And knowing that I would leave the island in half a month, Anna became my tail. She followed me during the day and refused to leave even at night. This forced me to build a big bed with my own wood energy and let her sleep on my side.

Half a month later, I held a farewell banquet on Dragon Island. Every dragon on the island came to participate, and the banquet lasted from noon to sunset.

I drank a lot of fine wine and ate a lot of delicious food, so much that I felt too full to even want to move.

For half a month, I've been engaged in continuous battles with the dragons. This experience not only helped me make many dragon friends but also boosted my confidence in my own abilities.

Now, I can easily handle the dragon breath attacks and leverage my speed and skills to gain an advantage in close combat against dragons.

Once I employ the "Across the Mountain to Beat the Bull" ultimate technique, any dragon caught off guard will suffer greatly.

With full power behind my strikes, only dragons with exceptionally strong defenses like the black dragons and earth dragons can withstand my attacks based purely on their physical advantages. Most other dragons suffer varying degrees of damage, though I still lack effective defenses against forbidden spells.

However, I've never been able to harness the energy of the dragon crystal while in humanoid form. This limitation prevents me from even using the simplest spells. I've decided that when I visit human lands, I will explore options at their academies to see if I can find a solution. After all, the dragon race only knows dragon language magic, which I suspect is why I struggle to learn other forms of magic.

Despite my efforts in nurturing the dragon crystal with the world's aura multiple times, it has grown to the size of a ping-pong ball. However, unlike dragons whose bodies grow with the crystal's strength, my transformed body size remains unchanged.

To my surprise, after transformation, my attributes are wood and light. While dual-attribute dragons aren't uncommon, wood attribute dragons are unprecedented. Therefore, I cannot learn wood magic on Dragon Island.

Chief Karle gave me a dragon scale from his body as a token, granting me the chance to visit the Elven Forest to learn wood magic from the Elven Queen. After all, the elves are the most adept with wood magic.

As for light magic, I can already effortlessly use ninth-order magic. Once my dragon crystal strengthens further, I'll be able to use the light dragon language forbidden spell "Judgment of Light." Spells from other elements are weaker due to their mismatch with my inherent attributes, allowing me to use only eighth-order magic.

Nevertheless, with this level of magical prowess, I'm already comparable to dragons over two thousand years old.

Unfortunately, in my dragon form, I still can't mobilize true qi, and my physical resilience is far inferior compared to dragons, so I cannot yet match them.

Finally, the time has come for me to leave Dragon Island. Early in the morning, Anna woke me up. After promising her that I would return to see her no later than a year and roasting two Warcraft creatures for her, I finally managed to temporarily leave.

Seeing the tears shimmering in her eyes, I found it hard to part with her.

Upon reaching the council hall, the chief and elders were already inside. Typically, they spend most of their time in the council hall, except for sleep or important matters, making it the place to find the chief. However, even a dragon cannot enter without a significant reason.

Since I still don't know how to sense the dragon crystal and dragon body, Chief Karle instructed me to visit him before leaving to learn the dragon race's secret techniques.

The dragon race has its unique methods for skill inheritance, vastly different from soul magic's knowledge transfer. While even Chief Karle, with his tens of thousands of years of experience, has just begun to delve into soul magic, the dragon race's knowledge inheritance is a skill every dragon must master. This form of secret technique is deeply imprinted in the dragon crystal and continues to improve with each generation.

I've always envied the dragons for this ability, enabling newly hatched dragons to bypass the learning process entirely and focus solely on enhancing their strength.

Now that I have the opportunity to experience this firsthand, I cherish it deeply.

Chief Karle asked me to stand before him and began chanting ancient and mysterious incantations in a language completely incomprehensible to me. With his chants, I faintly sensed a mysterious conduit linking my dragon crystal to his.

A surge of mysterious energy slowly flowed from his dragon crystal into mine. As this energy entered, my mind became momentarily clouded. After a brief daze, I realized Chief Karle's chanting had ended, and the conduit had disappeared. However, I discovered that my control over the dragon crystal had greatly improved, and various mysterious dragon race secret techniques continuously appeared in my mind.

Gradually, I realized that to use dragon race secret techniques, I must activate the dragon crystal. However, in my humanoid form, I am completely unable to do so.

Once I activate the dragon power within the crystal, I uncontrollably begin to transform. This poses a significant disadvantage to my mission. If I were to transform suddenly in a city, it would expose my dragon identity. Yet, if I can only use these techniques in the wild, finding dragon crystals will prove much more difficult.

Frustrated, I shared this problem with Chief Karle and the elders, but unfortunately, they had no solution. I would have to rely on my own judgment when the time comes.

After discussing these matters, I intended to bid farewell to Chief Karle and the elders. Suddenly, I remembered that I currently had no money. Thus, with a hesitant expression, I turned to Chief Karle and said,

"Chief, considering this trip as an official duty, can I..."

As I spoke, nervously rubbing my hands, Chief Karle asked in confusion,

"What is it? Do you have another question?"

Dejectedly shaking my head, I realized that on this foreign continent, where asking for money is universally known on Earth, it remains an unknown concept here. Therefore, I had to say directly,

"I don't have a problem, but I currently have no money. Can you give me some?"

Chief Karle was furious upon hearing this, saying,

"No one has ever dared to ask me for money. To obtain shiny coins from the great dragon clan, you must be able to kill us."

Hearing this, I broke into a cold sweat, remembering how dragons cherish money as much as their lives. Indeed, asking them for money seemed reckless.

Disheartened, I could only bid farewell to the dragons reluctantly and leave the council hall.

After bidding farewell once again to the adorable little sacred dragon, I began to transform. By now, I had become very familiar with transformation. The intense pain at the beginning had already disappeared, and I had gained precise control over my body after transformation.

I discovered that my divine dragon form did not require wings to fly; it could naturally traverse the skies. Moreover, I realized that my divine dragon form could completely ignore the presence of barriers, freely entering and exiting Dragon Island.