
Awakening in the Dragon Realm

I stumbled into another world and accidentally landed on Dragon Island. What? I actually have the bloodline of a divine dragon? Am I really part of the dragon clan? Oh my god! I can really transform into a divine dragon. Does that mean I'm not human anymore? Well, since the chieftain suggested it, I guess I'll become an elder of the dragon clan! Alright then! Watch me live a carefree and joyful life in this fantastical world.

idling · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Finally Entering the World

Finally, I was about to begin my contact with the human world. Flying towards the direction of the sun, my excitement soared.

It's been a year since I arrived in this world, yet I haven't seen a single human being.

Though recognized by the dragons as one of their own, their enormous size makes it difficult for me to consider them as kin.

Covering thousands of miles in just half a day, I reached the seaside. Realizing I had forgotten to ask Elder Ruth about Ostler's location, I cursed inwardly. It seemed I would need to find a city to inquire further.

Luckily, as I flew and searched, I soon found a small city by the sea.

I gently landed in a small grove not far outside the city, reverting to my human form. Not wanting to draw attention, I subtly adjusted my appearance. Makeup wasn't a challenge for me, having been skilled in disguise from my days as a special agent. Even without any equipment now, I could manipulate qi to change my facial structure, though the changes were subtle, they were enough to distinguish me from before.

After adjusting my appearance, I examined myself carefully. Sharp brows, starry eyes, a height of six feet, sapphire blue eyes, deep blue long hair, dressed plainly as a swordsman.

These swordsman clothes were provided by the clan leader, made from the skin of a ninth-level magic beast, the Golden Thread Magic Serpent. Despite its eye-catching appearance, it seemed ordinary, except for looking a bit more handsome. Thinking this should pose no problems, I headed towards the city gate.

It was a small city, with probably no more than thirty thousand people in total. However, I was astonished to see that not only did it have towering walls almost ten meters high, but soldiers could also be seen patrolling with swords and blades.

This kind of city, previously only seen on television, finally made me fully aware that this was a completely different time and space from the world I was familiar with.

Here, there were no firearms familiar to me; instead, there were swords and magic.

Just by observing the strict defense and the clear scars on the city walls, one could imagine that war was not an uncommon occurrence here.

At this moment, I truly realized the differences between this time and space and my original world.

When I was with the dragon clan, I had never encountered intelligent beings like the dragons, so I couldn't compare or understand the differences in society.

Now that I had arrived in a human city, I discovered how different it was from Earth.

Lost in my thoughts, I absentmindedly approached the city gate. Just as I was about to enter, several fully armed soldiers stopped me.

It was only then that I noticed dozens of fully armed soldiers guarding the city gate, collecting entrance taxes from every passerby.

"One silver coin," impatiently demanded the soldier blocking my path.

(One Amethyst Coin = One Hundred Gold Coins = One Thousand Silver Coins = Ten Thousand Copper Coins)

At this moment, I realized I had no money on me. Helplessly shaking my head, I turned to leave.

But then I saw a group of people on the official road, escorting a magnificent four-wheeled carriage. The horses pulling the carriage were not ordinary horses but two middle-tier magic beasts, land striders.

These were fifth-level magic beasts, resembling horses but slightly larger and more muscular. Among beasts of the same level, their attack and defense were not outstanding, even considered weak, but their outstanding speed and endurance made them one of the favorite mounts for knights.

Even though they were only fifth-level magic beasts, without the strength of a senior knight or higher, it was impossible to subdue them.

Even if a knight managed to subdue one, it couldn't be used to pull a carriage. Only land striders raised from a young age, accustomed to pulling carriages, could do so. This was all information I had learned from the dragon clan's records.

Just by looking at the two land striders pulling the carriage, I knew the people in this carriage were definitely not ordinary, especially with dozens of knights following behind.

This group of people rushed towards my location. The guards in front of me hurriedly tried to pull me aside, but they couldn't move me.

As the carriage approached me, just as it was about to collide, the strong man driving finally pulled the reins, causing the two land striders to rear up on their hind legs, and the carriage finally stopped.

I silently praised, "Such strength."

The driver was a middle-aged man nearing forty, dressed plainly as a swordsman. He seemed ordinary, but from his skill just now, I knew he was at least a sword master.

Moreover, the swordsman's medal hanging from his chest indicated his identity. The two crossed swords above a purple cloud meant he was a swordsman, and the purple cloud beneath indicated he was already at the level of a grand swordsman.

At this moment, he stared angrily at me and said, "Hey, you brat! Don't you know this is the path for horses? Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

Only then did I realize I was standing at the city gate. I had been lost in thought, blocking the path of the carriage, which explained why it had rushed towards me.

Normally, I wouldn't tolerate being scolded like this.

However, after living on Dragon Island for a year and continuously improving my strength, I found myself becoming more calm. Moreover, this time, I was indeed at fault first. So even though the strong man spoke harshly, I just smiled and ignored it, giving him a faint glance.

However, even with just a simple glance, the flash of light that passed through my eyes surprised the middle-aged man slightly. He couldn't continue his words.

I kept walking, intending to continue towards the city gate.

At this moment, a voice of an elderly man came from inside the carriage, "Mark, have we arrived?"

The coachman Mark immediately respectfully replied, "Not yet, sir. We've just reached Veena City. There was someone trying to enter the city blocking the gate, so we stopped."

The elderly man inside the carriage said, "Then bring him along into the city. Don't delay any further."

Mark replied, "He's a strange one, sir. Dressed as a swordsman but without a sword, he blocked the carriage but didn't say anything. Just a glance from him was enough to startle me. He looks like he wants to enter the city, but now he seems to want to go outside."

It was then that I realized my simple glance had inadvertently revealed some of my true strength.

"Oh? Quite an interesting person!"

With these words, the curtain of the carriage slowly lifted, revealing an elderly man dressed in a bright red mage robe. His long beard hung down to his chest, and a magic badge on his left chest was half-hidden, showing only a flame emblem. Unfortunately, I could only discern he was a fire mage from the emblem, but not his exact level.

He carefully looked at me for a moment and said, "Young man, would you be interested in coming up and chatting with an old man like me?"

I looked at this enthusiastic mage with some confusion. Although I didn't understand why he invited me into the carriage, I currently had no interest in meeting a noble elderly man, so I politely declined.

"Respected sir, I am honored by your invitation, but I have urgent matters to attend to right now, so I must regretfully decline."

The old man paid no heed to my obvious refusal and said, "In that case, come with me into the city! I believe the guards will give an old man like me some face!"

I inwardly cursed, "Old fox." After all, I was heading in the opposite direction of entering the city, and his invitation to enter the city with me clearly pointed out my previous excuse as a refusal. His latter comment was even more of a sarcastic reminder that I wasn't giving him any face.

However, I did indeed urgently need to find a place inside the city to exchange some monster hides and magic crystals in my ring for gold coins. I didn't want to experience the embarrassment of being stuck outside the city gates again.

Clearly, the guards were giving this elderly man much more than just a little respect. When he appeared, the guards all saluted crisply. They looked excited, almost as if they wanted to kneel down and worship him. When they heard the old man invite me to get on the carriage, their envious gazes shot towards me. When I refused his proposal, their looks at me were akin to looking at a fool.

After following the carriage through the city gates, I immediately bid farewell to the old man. However, he told me to find him at the Lord's Manor if I needed anything.

Though curious about his identity, finding a place inside the city to exchange my monster hides and magic crystals for gold coins was more pressing for me right now.

I had never felt the discomfort of being broke before. Now, however, I felt truly unsettled without money.

Once inside the city, I noticed bustling streets with people coming and going. Surprisingly, this small city was quite bustling.

Soon, I found an equipment shop. The reason I found it so easily was because it was not far from the city gate and had prominent signage, making it easy for me to discover its presence.

Entering the shop, I found a large space bustling with customers, and business seemed to be thriving.

I found the counter for hides and was greeted by a twenty-something female attendant. I took out some of the monster hides from my spatial ring. These hides were collected over the past year, nearly every day with Anna. We hunted down monsters almost daily to satisfy her appetite, and in search of the most delicious monsters, we cleaned up all the monsters we had ever seen.

After each cleanup, I would haphazardly toss the skins into my ring, while the beautiful magic cores naturally found their way into Anna's spatial bag.

Although the low-grade monster skins were worthless and had already been discarded, I had accumulated hundreds of medium-grade skins. Bringing them all out at once would attract too much attention, a habit I had grown wary of over the years. Additionally, if this shop decided to drastically lower the price of my skins, I would incur fewer losses by presenting fewer items.

Therefore, I only brought out about a dozen medium-grade skins and two relatively poor-quality high-grade ones. However, even with this selection, the attendant couldn't make the decision independently, as high-grade monster skins were quite rare.

Despite both of these being only Level 7 monster skins, they had previously only been obtainable at auctions.

Of course, I was unaware of their current market value, and there were over ten Level 9 monster skins in my ring, so I didn't pay much attention to these two.