
Awakening: I have a Game Panel with Recovery(unique)

Author Notice: Hi Readers, I'm sorry for not updating any new chapters from the last few months. when I saw my book again I found many mistakes I made, I missed many of my previous ideas that I wanted to update before... I can't Update the previous chapters every time I make a mistake. So, I started writing a new book "Start as a Spiritual Planter: I Have a Game Panel" The concept for the new book is the same as the "Awakening: I Have a Game Panel with Recovery(unique)" however slightly different new characters, new plot with all the ideas I missed earlier. However, the initial plot is the same with talent Recovery, Plant Evolution, and Monster evolution. 

MountainDuskwalker · Sci-fi
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69 Chs

Battle with Swift Wolf

Captain Wu's voice crackled through the communication device, instructing Su Mu and the team to bury the activated device one inch below the surface. Lin Mo, carefully holding the activated device, moved toward a designated spot on the battlefield. Following Captain Wu's guidance, he skillfully buried the device one inch below the surface, ensuring its concealed yet accessible position. The mission accomplished, they prepared to return to base.

With the task successfully completed, the team regrouped, preparing to make their way back to the safety of their base. However, the journey held unexpected challenges. As they moved through the dense forest, a looming threat emerged—a pack of swift wolves materialized from the shadows.

These were no ordinary wolves but mutant monsters, with a strength of the black Iron tier and some bronze tier. While the leading large wolf, marked by its bronze elite status, orchestrated the movements of the predatory pack. Tension thickened in the air as the wolves encircled the team, their predatory instincts fixated on the intruders.

As Ye Fan's Spiritual Eye unveiled the details of the bronze elite wolf, the information displayed on the ethereal panel illuminated the formidable nature of their adversary:

[Name: Swift Wolf

 Level: Bronze tier

Quality: Elite

Description: A swift and formidable predator, endowed with enhanced speed and strength. Known for its cunning tactics and adaptability in various terrains.


-Swift: The Swift Wolf boasts exceptional speed, enabling it to execute rapid maneuvers and surprise attacks. Its agility and quick reflexes make it a challenging adversary to confront in open terrain.

-Rage: The Swift Wolf can tap into a burst of double strength for a short duration when provoked or threatened.]

Empowered with the information gleaned from the Spiritual Eye, Ye Fan took charge of the situation, his eyes focused on the bronze elite Swift Wolf.

"Su Mu, Xiaoqiao, I need you both to hold back for now. Keep a defensive stance and be ready to support if needed," Ye Fan instructed, concern evident in his voice as he considered their ongoing recovery.

Su Mu nodded in acknowledgment, her fiery aura still flickering with remnants of the earlier battle. "We've got it covered, Ye Fan. Focus on the battle, and we'll be ready."

Meanwhile, Lin Xiaoqiao, her shadow cloak still subtly active and the firearm in her hand gave a determined nod. "I'll handle the rare."

Turning his attention to the rest of the team, Ye Fan continued his strategic planning. "Brother Li, use your ability to freeze the ground around us. Makes it difficult for the wolves to maneuver. Brother Lin, stay close and be ready to provide support. We need to hold our ground and counter their attacks strategically."

As the team assumed their positions, Ye Fan directed Groot 1 and Groot 2 toward the approaching bronze elite Swift Wolf. He swiftly infused a handful of leftover Iron-spin Defender seeds with the required amount of vitality. Tossing these infused seeds into different locations around the team, Ye Fan watched as they promptly sprouted and grew rapidly, forming a protective barrier that enveloped the entire group.

This strategic move not only served to shield Su Mu and Xiaoqiao from immediate danger but also positioned the team to confront the elite wolf pack with a fortified defense. The intertwining vines and metallic leaves of the Iron Spine Defenders create a makeshift fortress within the forested battleground. The stage was set for a calculated and defensive encounter with the formidable bronze elite wolf and its pack.

The forest fell into an eerie silence, broken only by the distant howls of the approaching wolf pack. The team, surrounded by the protective embrace of the Iron Spine Defenders, awaited the impending confrontation with a mixture of anticipation and resolve.

As the first of the bronze elite, Swift Wolves burst forth from the shadows, the ground beneath them frozen by Li Chen's adept control over ice, the battle began. The leader of the pack, with its bronze elite status evident was the first to arrive, it had a height of nearly four feet at the shoulder, and its muscular and well-defined frame radiated strength and predatory prowess. The fur that coated its body was a deep, lustrous shade of bronze, accentuating the wolf's regal and formidable presence.

Its strength was apparent in the way it carried its weight, each step echoing with a calculated assurance. The bronze elite wolf's movements exuded a controlled power, suggesting a combination of physical might and strategic intelligence. Even on the frozen terrain, it weaved through the icy landscape with agility, closing the distance between itself and the team with alarming rapidity.

The ferociousness emanated from the gleam in its sharp, amber eyes, and the bared teeth hinted at the deadly potential within. The leader wolf was followed by its pack, but fortune did not favor the followers. The instant they set foot on the icy ground, they began to skid forward uncontrollably, colliding with one another in a painful, chaotic spectacle of howls.

Ye Fan, maintaining a vigilant stance, directed both Groot 1 and Groot 2 to face the charge of the bronze wolf. The Titan Wood Sprouts responded by intertwining their numerous small branches, creating a temporary shield that absorbed the initial onslaught.

Li Chen, with focused determination, reinforced the ice around the team, creating a slippery and treacherous surface for the wolves making it hard for them to use their agility. The frozen ground served as a strategic advantage, impeding the wolves' rapid movements and providing the team with a momentary advantage.

The leader, undeterred by the icy terrain, lunged with impressive swiftness. Its movements, however, were met with a coordinated defense of Groot 1 and 2. The two Titan Wood Sprouts successfully intercepted the charge of the bronze elite wolf.

"Now" Ye Fan shouted loudly, roots erupted from their surroundings, entangling the leader wolf in a web of resilient vegetation. Groot 1 and 2, with unwavering determination, engaged in close combat with the elite wolf. Their enhanced strength and formidable defense became apparent as they grappled with the creature, not only relying on the entangling roots but actively participating in the physical confrontation.

Lin Xiaoqiao, positioned strategically, took aim with her firearm, firing precise shots at the approaching wolves. Each bullet found its mark, further disrupting the cohesion of the pack. The chaotic scene unfolded as some wolves slipped and skidded on the icy ground, creating openings for targeted strikes.

"Ye Fan, we've got your back!" Su Mu called out as flames danced from her outstretched palms, focused on the other bronze wolves. With each burst of fire, she aimed not only to deal damage but also to disorient the creature. A bronze wolf, momentarily caught off guard, showed signs of frustration as it struggled against the coordinated efforts of the Su Mu and Xiaoqiao was caught by the Iron-spine entangled by its thorny vines.

In stark contrast to the entangled struggle between Groot 1, Groot 2, and the bronze elite wolf, Lin Mo emerged as a force of violence and precision. His awakening talent, centered around enhanced strength and mastery of a heavy sword, manifested in each calculated swing.

Lin Mo, wielding his imposing sword with a mastery born of rigorous training, became a whirlwind of destructive force. With every swing, the blade cleaved through the air, sending wolves flying several meters backward. The impact was not only forceful but also precise, causing significant damage to the unfortunate wolves caught in the trajectory of the heavy sword.

Li Chen, manipulating the ice with precision, created spikes that emerged from the frozen ground. The wolves, attempting to regain their footing, found themselves impaled on the icy projections. Li Chen's defensive measures served both as a deterrent and a counterattack, providing the team with a strategic advantage.

The bronze elite wolf, momentarily freed from the entangling roots, found itself facing the dual threat of Groot 1 and 2 as well as the relentless onslaught of Lin Mo's heavy sword. Lin Mo's strikes were not only forceful but strategically aimed, targeting vital points on the wolves to maximize the impact of each blow.

The scene painted a vivid picture of Lin Mo's prowess, his movements seamlessly blending power and finesse together with the Groot's became a pivotal aspect of the team's strategy. His violent yet controlled approach became a linchpin in disrupting the coordinated efforts of the bronze elite wolf and its pack, creating openings for the rest of the team to exploit.

As the battle unfolded, Ye Fan assumed a vigilant stance, his mind continuously evaluating the dynamic situation. He took command of the Iron-spin Defender vines, orchestrating them to entangle the injured wolves and deny them the opportunity to regroup. The vines, armed with sharp thorns, penetrated deep into the wounded creatures, eliciting agonizing howls.

Not content with merely restraining them, Ye Fan's strategic mind revealed itself. The thorns carried a potent anesthetic poison, seeping into the bloodstream of the injured wolves. The insidious nature of the poison acted slowly, gradually paralyzing the affected areas and intensifying the incapacitation of those ensnared by the Iron-spin Defender vines.

The battleground echoed with the dual symphony of the struggling wolves and the calculated actions of Ye Fan. His utilization of both offensive and incapacitating elements showcased the versatile capabilities of the Iron-spin Defenders under his command, turning the tide of the battle in favor of the team. 

Deprived of an opportunity to showcase his abilities earlier amidst Su Mu's relentless offensive, Ye Fan now found himself in a battleground where he could truly unveil the extent of his capabilities. The shifting dynamics of the battle provided him the platform to wield his strategic prowess and command the Iron-spin Defenders precisely, turning the tide in their favor.


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