
Awaken: Dying Light

Wracked with grief and consumed by regret, Jayden makes a desperate wish: to turn back time and erase his suffering. However, the consequences are far more profound than he could have imagined. His wish catapults him into a world on the brink of destruction, reborn as a helpless baby. Meanwhile, Ender, a warrior burdened by the weight of a thousand fallen worlds, faces a choice that will determine the fate of his civilization. Consumed by vengeance against the relentless Darkain forces, he possesses the power to annihilate them all. But a flicker of doubt arises – is vengeance the only path? As Ender grapples with his conscience, a blinding light engulfs him, changing everything. The connection between his actions and Jayden's rebirth remains shrouded in mystery, a whisper from beyond. Now, in a world struggling to heal from the scars of war, an unexpected birth throws a wealthy family into chaos. Twins, a seemingly impossible occurrence in their lineage, arrive amidst a surge of strange energy. One of the babies bears an uncanny resemblance to a legendary warrior spoken of only in hushed tones. As Jayden grows, fragmented memories of a past life begin to surface. He grapples with an unfamiliar world and a strange sense of responsibility. Could he hold the key to Ender's world's survival, or is he destined to repeat the cycle of pain and loss?

xJayro · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Grand Manor

Elora studied him for a moment, a flicker of concern in her eyes. This wasn't child's play they were dealing with and an idea struck her.

"There is one condition, however," she said, a sly glint returning to her eyes.

Jayden tilted his head, a frown creasing his brow. "A condition? What is it?"

"You see, cooped up all day isn't good for anyone," Elora explained. "Especially not a growing boy like you. You need some fresh air and exercise."

Jayden's frown deepened. Where was this going?

"So," Elora continued, a playful smirk spreading across her face, "how about you spend some time playing with your sister? Maybe two hours a day, out in the sandbox?"

Jayden's eyes widened in surprise. Playing with Kiara for two hours every day? That wasn't exactly the kind of "training" he had envisioned.

"Ugh, with Kiara?" he whined. "But that's just... childish."

Elora chuckled, the sound devoid of genuine humor. "Perhaps," she said, her voice laced with amusement. "But trust me, it won't be all bad. Besides, two hours a day isn't that long, is it, oh mighty mana prodigy?"

Jayden gritted his teeth. Elora was right. Two hours wasn't a deal-breaker. And who knows, maybe he could even use playtime as an opportunity to practice his newfound abilities in secret.

With a resigned sigh, he conceded. "Fine," he grumbled. "Two hours with Kiara. But you have to promise to keep your end of the bargain."

Elora grinned triumphantly. "Deal!" she declared, extending a hand for him to shake.

She scooped him up and headed downstairs, a silent pact forged between them. Jayden, despite his initial annoyance at the playtime stipulation, couldn't help but feel a flicker of triumph. He had secured his secret training sessions and a (somewhat unwilling) accomplice in Elora. As they reached the backyard, the sound of Kiara's delighted squeals filled the air.

"Yay! Brother is playing with me today!" Kiara shrieked, her tiny arms outstretched for a hug.

Elora cleared her throat, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Kiara, I have some good news," she announced. "Your brother has graciously agreed to play with you for two hours every day, and he is very much excited for this, he even begged this big sister to let him do it, wouldn't you agree, Jayden?"

Jayden, caught off guard by her statement, simply stared at her with wide eyes. Elora waited expectantly, a playful smile dancing on her lips.

A few agonizing seconds ticked by. Finally, with a resigned sigh and after he received a slap on the back of his head from Elora, Jayden muttered, "Yay, I can't wait to spend two hours playing like the little kids we are. I'm fired up with freaking excitement."

Elora couldn't contain a snort of laughter. "Language, young man," she said, playfully swatting him one more time on the back of the head. "But yes, another point for you in the category where you are the undisputed champion – being a weirdo."

Jayden frowned playfully, but a secret smile tugged at the corners of his lips. This unexpected turn of events might just work in his favor after all. He had a feeling these "playtime sessions" would be far more productive than Elora could ever imagine.

As time passed, Jayden fell into a routine. Each day revolved around absorbing mana, sleeping, spending time with family, playing with Kiara (much to his fluster), and, of course, annoying the ever-patient Elora.

Despite the routine, a gnawing curiosity nibbled at him. He craved information – about his family, about this fantastical world he now inhabited. Confined mostly to his room, Ruele had recently granted him some freedom to explore a small portion of the house. Now, he yearned for more.

Within him resided a newfound rebellious streak. His previous life, spent mostly incapacitated for nearly two decades, fueled a fervent desire to explore, defy boundaries, and experience all this world had to offer. In short, he was a mischievous toddler with a thirst for adventure.


One sunny afternoon, Jayden found himself unexpectedly free. Elora, momentarily distracted, wasn't hovering nearby. Seizing the opportunity, he raced towards the large oak doors he'd always seen but never dared to explore.

He stood mesmerized, dwarfed by the towering structure that stretched before him. Unlike any house he'd ever seen, it resembled a grand fairytale castle, adorned with intricate carvings and mystical ivy that snaked its way up the walls.

Cascading fountains shimmered in the sunlight, their gentle music blending with the chirping of unseen birds. The air itself hummed with a strange energy, unlike anything he'd ever felt before.

"Wow," he breathed, taking in the sprawling estate. Lush green lawns stretched towards a crystal-clear lake nestled amidst a vibrant forest. In the distance, rolling hills painted a scene of idyllic beauty.

The sheer scale of it all overwhelmed him. This wasn't just a house; it was a sprawling complex fit for royalty. "What the heck is this? I know my parents were rich, but this looks like a castle, is my father a king or something?" he murmured, more to himself than Elora whom he felt she was nearby.

She finally caught up to him, her stern expression softening slightly. "This is where we live, young master. The Pentagon Estate."

Jayden spun around, a triumphant grin plastered on his face. "Finally found me! Took you long enough, though."

Elora's voice, laced with a hint of relief, echoed through the vast garden. "I was getting worried. How do you manage to slip-up everytime is a mystery for me."

"Is all skill, something you can never – Ahhhhh!" His bragging was interrupted as Elora, with practiced ease, grabbed him by his ear and dragged him back to the playground.

Once he'd endured a seemingly endless playtime session with Kiara, Elora offered a consolation prize. "Alright, alright," she sighed, "we'll take the back route through the main entrance this time."

As they walked through the garden, Jayden's eyes darted everywhere. He noticed people of all ages strolling, playing, or simply relaxing – a picture of serenity that resonated with him.

"Aunty, why does everyone have the same hair and eye color?" he asked, a question that had been nagging at him for a while. It was true; every person they passed seemed to share a similar appearance, dark blue eyes and dark hair, with slight variations in body type and facial features, even his sister was the same.