
Awaken: Dying Light

Wracked with grief and consumed by regret, Jayden makes a desperate wish: to turn back time and erase his suffering. However, the consequences are far more profound than he could have imagined. His wish catapults him into a world on the brink of destruction, reborn as a helpless baby. Meanwhile, Ender, a warrior burdened by the weight of a thousand fallen worlds, faces a choice that will determine the fate of his civilization. Consumed by vengeance against the relentless Darkain forces, he possesses the power to annihilate them all. But a flicker of doubt arises – is vengeance the only path? As Ender grapples with his conscience, a blinding light engulfs him, changing everything. The connection between his actions and Jayden's rebirth remains shrouded in mystery, a whisper from beyond. Now, in a world struggling to heal from the scars of war, an unexpected birth throws a wealthy family into chaos. Twins, a seemingly impossible occurrence in their lineage, arrive amidst a surge of strange energy. One of the babies bears an uncanny resemblance to a legendary warrior spoken of only in hushed tones. As Jayden grows, fragmented memories of a past life begin to surface. He grapples with an unfamiliar world and a strange sense of responsibility. Could he hold the key to Ender's world's survival, or is he destined to repeat the cycle of pain and loss?

xJayro · Fantasy
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45 Chs

A Family Divided

Jayden fidgeted behind his father, his gaze darting nervously between Elio and the frail old man standing before them. The tension in the clearing was thicker than the ancient trees surrounding them, making Jayden feel like a fly caught in a web. It puzzled him how the atmosphere between Elio and the old man was so strained, and he couldn't help but wonder what history lay buried between them.

Silence stretched on, becoming an oppressive entity in itself. Seconds bled into minutes, each one heavy with unspoken words and simmering animosity. Jayden could practically feel the electricity crackling in the air, a thin line to the unresolved tension hanging between Elio and the man in front of them. He felt like an unwelcome intruder witnessing a private and incredibly uncomfortable moment.

Finally, Elio spoke, attempting to break the awkward silence and diffuse the tension that hung heavy in the clearing. "Grandpa," he started, his voice polite but laced with a barely concealed edge. "Your nephew came to pay his respects. I hope we didn't disturb you," he said, the last part forced politeness straining at the edges of his words.

Jayden could sense the underlying tension still simmering beneath the surface. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was a deeper, more complex history between Elio and his grandfather, one that went far beyond a simple family disagreement.

Without a word in response, the old man made a small gesture with his hand. A low hum filled the air, and a small log materialized from thin air, seemingly out of nowhere, flying towards him. The log stopped mid-air a few centimeters before him, defying gravity for a brief moment before settling gently at his feet. He sat down on it with a sigh, lighting a cigarette from his rusty snuff box and blowing the smoke out of his lungs with deliberate slowness, his eyes never leaving Elio.

Elio didn't seem to mind the lack of communication from his grandfather. "This is your great-grandson," he announced, his voice firm. "Come, Jayden, introduce yourself," he gestured towards Jayden with a hand, a silent encouragement for him to step forward.

Taking a deep breath, Jayden stepped out from behind his father's imposing frame. "Hello, great-grandfather," he said, bowing his head respectfully. "My name is Jayden. I recently turned five, and I'm happy to meet you," he added, trying to sound as polite and respectful as possible despite the strange atmosphere hanging over the clearing.

No response came from the old man after Jayden introduced himself. He continued to puff on his cigarette, his faded blue eyes gazing through Jayden as if he wasn't even there.

'What's wrong with this damn old man?' Jayden thought, frustration bubbling within him. He waited for a reply, his youthful bravado crumbling a little under the old man's unsettling silence. Elio, however, didn't back down from his grandfather's cold treatment. His facial expression changed completely, a hardened resolve replacing the initial attempt at politeness.

"Jayden, stay back," he said, reaching out to touch his son's shoulder. A wave of warmth washed over Jayden as Elio's touch created an invisible barrier around him, a silent protection against any potential threat. He didn't wait for Elio to elaborate, sensing the situation escalating rapidly. He took a hesitant step back with his heart pounding in his chest.

"You know what?" Elio's voice boomed, startling Jayden. "I didn't come here to be ignored and disrespected. I don't care about your absurd anger after all these years. I just want to have a simple conversation with you, is that too much to ask? Or are you too proud to even acknowledge your own flesh and blood?" he spat, his frustration reaching a boiling point.

The mere mention of the Pentagons usually sent shivers down people's spines. Renowned for their fiery temper and brutal efficiency in combat, they were a breed apart. Anyone daring to confront them had to tread carefully, lest they face the wrath of the infamous family.

From an outsider's perspective, Elio seemed to be berating a frail old man, but inside him, a storm raged. His muscles tensed, ready for the clash he sensed was imminent. Although his grandfather was nearing the end of his lifespan, Elio knew better than to underestimate him. This man was a monster in his own right, even in his weakened state.

The old man finally spoke, his voice surprisingly light considering the tension in the air. "Sigh! I don't want to speak a single word to you, so you can go screw off to wherever you came from," he said with a casual tone as if speaking to a child throwing a tantrum.

Fury washed over Jayden, hotter than anything he'd ever experienced. It was the first time he'd seen someone speak to his father in such a disrespectful manner, and a primal urge to defend Elio surged through him and before he could even consider the consequences, Jayden opened his mouth to retort.

But before a single word could escape his lips, the ground beneath his feet began to tremble. The tremor started as a barely perceptible vibration, like a distant rumbling storm, but it rapidly intensified until the entire clearing shook violently. Jayden stumbled, barely keeping his balance as loose earth and leaves scattered around him.

"DO YOU THINK I AM STILL THAT NAIVE CHILD!?" Elio's voice roared, echoing through the clearing and reverberating through the ancient trees. The sound was deafening, a primal bellow that shook the very air around them.

As Elio spoke, his body underwent a shocking transformation. His hair, normally black, whipped wildly in the sudden wind that materialized around him, each strand crackling with otherworldly energy. His eyes, usually a deep blue, now glowed with an inner fire, a crimson inferno burning within their depths. Crimson lines began to appear on his face, like cracks in a porcelain mask, from which molten lava seeped out like tears. The air itself seemed to crackle with energy, the clearing shimmering as if reality itself was straining under the pressure of Elio's unleashed power.

Jayden, wide-eyed and awestruck, watched in stunned silence as his father transformed before his very eyes. This wasn't the calm, composed figure he was used to seeing. This was a force of nature, a living embodiment of raw, unbridled power. Fear, a prickling sensation at the back of his neck, warred with a strange sense of awe within him.

Looking across at his great-grandfather, Jayden saw a flicker of surprise cross the old man's face, momentarily replacing the casual disdain. But it quickly vanished, replaced by a steely resolve.

"Are you sure about this?" The old man's voice cut through the tense silence, surprisingly calm amidst the chaos Elio had unleashed. "I don't mind it, but your son right there may not be well if we clash right here right now."

Jayden finally tore his gaze away from Elio's terrifying yet captivating display and turned to face his great-grandfather. His initial courage faltered under the weight of the old man's gaze, a gaze that seemed to pierce right through him.

However, a spark of defiance ignited within him.

"Father, stop!" He yelled, his voice surprisingly firm despite the tremor in his legs. "I know that you want him to teach and train me, but I don't want to!" He turned to face the old man, his chest puffed out with a bravado that belied his age. "And to you, I don't care who you are, but you can go screw yourself if you insult my father!"

Jayden's outburst hung heavy in the air, momentarily breaking the standoff between the two men. Even Elio seemed taken aback by his son's sudden defiance. The old man, however, remained unfazed. His lips twitched in a semblance of a smile, revealing a set of teeth surprisingly sharp for his age.

"Yes, I am talking to you, old fart," Jayden continued, his voice gaining in confidence with each word. "Don't look at me like that, I'm not into men, so you can find some stray wild animal to entertain yourself!"

Elio's face flushed crimson, the cracks on his skin glowing brighter. The air crackled with a renewed surge of energy, threatening to ignite the clearing itself. Yet, a flicker of amusement danced in his fiery eyes as he looked down at his son. "Jayden!" he bellowed, but this time there was a hint of laughter laced within his voice.

The old man, however, didn't seem to share Elio's amusement. "Bastard!" he roared, his voice surprisingly powerful despite his frail appearance. "Do you want to die? This old man will gladly help you!"

The clearing thrummed with an unseen energy as both Elio and his grandfather prepared to unleash their power and Jayden, caught in the middle of this explosive confrontation, felt a wave of terror wash over him. He desperately wanted to run, to hide anywhere far from this clash of titans. Yet, something kept him rooted to the spot, a strange fascination mingled with the fear.