
Awaken: Dying Light

Wracked with grief and consumed by regret, Jayden makes a desperate wish: to turn back time and erase his suffering. However, the consequences are far more profound than he could have imagined. His wish catapults him into a world on the brink of destruction, reborn as a helpless baby. Meanwhile, Ender, a warrior burdened by the weight of a thousand fallen worlds, faces a choice that will determine the fate of his civilization. Consumed by vengeance against the relentless Darkain forces, he possesses the power to annihilate them all. But a flicker of doubt arises – is vengeance the only path? As Ender grapples with his conscience, a blinding light engulfs him, changing everything. The connection between his actions and Jayden's rebirth remains shrouded in mystery, a whisper from beyond. Now, in a world struggling to heal from the scars of war, an unexpected birth throws a wealthy family into chaos. Twins, a seemingly impossible occurrence in their lineage, arrive amidst a surge of strange energy. One of the babies bears an uncanny resemblance to a legendary warrior spoken of only in hushed tones. As Jayden grows, fragmented memories of a past life begin to surface. He grapples with an unfamiliar world and a strange sense of responsibility. Could he hold the key to Ender's world's survival, or is he destined to repeat the cycle of pain and loss?

xJayro · Fantasy
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45 Chs

A Change of Tide

Silas, stood frozen, his grimace replaced by a mask of utter astonishment. It was as if he had witnessed something that defied the very laws of nature.

"What... what kind of monstrosity is that?" he rasped, barely a whisper escaping his lips. He wasn't addressing Elio or Jayden, but speaking more to himself, struggling to grasp the inexplicable sight he'd just witnessed within Jayden's soul.

Elio, his voice laced with a mix of concern broke the silence. "Grandfather, what did you see? What's wrong?" The turmoil swirling in Silas's eyes sent a shiver down his spine.

Silas remained silent for a moment, his gaze distant, as if lost in a world beyond their presence. The air crackled with a tension that threatened to suffocate them. Elio knew the old man's history and the tension between them due to a certain 'event' that took place in the past – Yet, against all odds, Elio had come with Jayden, holding onto a sliver of hope for his son's future. Now, watching his grandfather's reaction, that hope began to dwindle.

Just when Elio thought that he wasted his time, Silas finally broke the silence. His voice, though firm, addressed Jayden more politely. "Young man," he said, "it seems we got off on the wrong foot, my apologies. I am Silas, the eldest living member of the Pentagon family – your great-grandfather." He paused, his gaze locking onto Jayden.

"Let me be clear. You've piqued my interest. And that's the sole reason I'm willing to give you a chance. However, even with your immense potential, understand that hard work is paramount. Talent alone won't suffice."

Jayden shifted uncomfortably under Silas's scrutiny, a multitude of emotions swirling within him. He stole a glance at his father, seeking guidance and Elio offered a gentle nod, silently encouraging him to reply.

"I will do my best to meet your expectations, Great-grandfather," Jayden spoke, his voice surprisingly steady for his five years. "Despite my age, I understand what commitment means." He forced a smile, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. He still felt the sting of Silas's initial animosity towards him and his father.

Though the old man had a little change of heart, the same couldn't be said for Jayden. It would take him a long time to realize the profound impact the passive skill 'HeartGuard' would have on his life. Silas's disrespect towards his father fueled a boiling rage, tempting him to strike the old man directly in the face.

"Jayden," Elio interjected, "why don't you take a walk and enjoy the scenery? Your grandfather and I need to discuss something."

Elio's smile held a hidden message, one Jayden understood clearly. His father wanted to discuss the strange skill Silas used to "see" his mana core and he knew arguing was pointless.

He'd only witnessed a glimpse of Elio's true power moments earlier, and it left him awestruck. His father was never angry at him and Jayden didn't want that to be the first time by acting disobedient after everything that transpired.

He followed the path leading away from the clearing, his mind reeling from the day's events. First, the learning session with Elora, and now, his volatile great-grandfather who seemed to loathe both him and his father. The world he knew felt like a shifting sandcastle, and he desperately needed to accommodate to it very quickly.

As Jayden wandered deeper into the forest, his mind replayed the events of the day. A sense of isolation washed over him. Here he was, in a strange place with an old senile man he barely knew, facing an unknown future. At that moment, he yearned for the comfort of his own home, for Ruele's warm embrace and the familiar routine of his life.

Suddenly, a rustle in the bushes sent a jolt through him. He whirled around, his hand instinctively reaching for the small dagger his father had allowed him to carry. But the source of the sound was harmless – a curious squirrel peering at him from behind a tree trunk.

Relief washed over him, momentarily forgetting the tension that had gripped him since their arrival. A faint glint of hope flickered within him. Maybe, just maybe, things wouldn't be so bad after all. Perhaps his great-grandfather was just a grumpy old man, and with time, he might come to accept him.

Meanwhile, back in the clearing, Elio wasted no time. "What did you see, Grandfather?" he asked bluntly, his voice laced with urgency. He knew Silas's change of heart was unprecedented, and he needed to understand the reason behind it.

Silas's expression hardened. "Even describing it is beyond words," he admitted, his voice raspy. "But let me assure you, your son's mana core or… whatever that thing was, it effortlessly damaged my soul with a mere peek, like a fly swatted by a hurricane," Silas added, shaking his head in disbelief. "I've probed countless mana cores and many awakeners during my lifetime, but none have ever reacted with such… violence. It was as if it were sentient, actively pushing back against my intrusion."

Elio felt a chill crawl down his spine. He knew Silas wasn't one to exaggerate. His grandfather's reputation preceded him. If even he was overwhelmed by Jayden's core, it meant the boy truly possessed something extraordinary.

"But that's impossible, right?" Elio stammered. "He barely awakened through sheer luck! We didn't even punish him or anything for doing something that could've easily killed him. Ruele can't stand to see her kids sad, especially upset with her. But the reality is there, the awakening process almost took his life."

Silas narrowed his eyes. "There's much we don't know about your son, Elio. More than I care to admit. His awakening… wasn't mere luck. There's a reason it defied the odds, a reason his mana core reacts in such an unorthodox manner."

He sighed, a heavy sound that spoke of years of experience and countless secrets witnessed. "However," he continued, "there might be a silver lining in this unforeseen chaos. Your son's potential is undeniable, bordering on the miraculous. If he can learn to control that raw power…"

A spark of hope ignited in Elio's eyes. Could this strange anomaly be the reason behind Jayden's awakening? Could it also hold the key to exceeding the limitations of a normal awakener? The possibilities were staggering.

"But there are risks involved," Silas warned. "Uncontrolled mana is a ticking time bomb. If Jayden doesn't learn to manage his power properly, it could consume him or even lash out, causing unpredictable destruction."

The weight of this revelation settled heavily on Elio's shoulders. He had hoped bringing Jayden to Silas would be the answer to a brighter future. Now, he understood the magnitude of the challenge before them.

"So what do we do?" Elio asked, his voice trembling slightly.

"He needs training," Silas interrupted. "His talent is wasted potential without proper guidance. And I," he paused, a whiff of something akin to pride crossing his features, "am the only one qualified to train him."

Elio couldn't believe that he made his grandfather accept Jayden. There were more chances for his father-in-law to accept him with open arms which in comparison, hell freezing over had more chances than that. Silas's reputation as a master was undeniable and Jayden was in the best hands possible, even if it meant enduring his great-grandfather's gruff demeanor.

Now, listen carefully," he said, his voice hardening again. "If Jayden is to be my student, there are certain conditions. The boy will train under my tutelage exclusively. No outside interference, no coddling from his mother or his family. This is a harsh path, and he needs unwavering discipline. He will stay with me, day in and day out. Accept my terms, and I'll take on the monumental task of shaping him into something… exceptional. Refuse, and you can turn around and get lost."

"What did you say? You want him to stay with you, are you out of your mind? Ruele would kill me," Elio couldn't believe what he heard.

Silas snorted, a sound devoid of humor. "Her feelings are of little consequence in this matter. His potential is too great to be left untrained.

Elio looked at the path Jayden had disappeared down. The future of his son hung in the balance. He knew the choice he made here would have a profound impact on Jayden's life and his own.