
Avoiding my Billionaire Patient

London billionaire, Adrian, reprioritises when paramedic Evelyn saves his life. However, Adrian’s new obsession soon becomes his first rejection. Evelyn could never date a patient. Adrian Carter is the heir to a technology empire with sights set on gaining power by marrying an engineering empire heiress. After almost dodging a bullet to the head, Adrian ends up in the comforting hands of Evelyn Winter. Evelyn has worked every spare hour outside of studying to buy her freedom. Now she has it, she’s ready to live a little. She could lose more than her career if she falls into the arms of this patient. Will they both survive if they choose to tempt fate? ~”He raises my hand and I comply with the random twirl he spins me into. A small tug has me landing with my spare hand against his hard chest. The smell of lavender and oak entices me to lean in closer. I gaze up at his childish grin as he wraps his strong arms around my waist, keeping me tucked flush against him. In that moment, the world seemed to start and end with us. “~ [Warning - mature content and graphic descriptions of injury] Hey, this is my first book. I’m really looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Please let me know if you need any of the ambulance slang clarified : p The book’s ending will be published on Wattpad under the same title. Please note, the cover was created by myself.

Waddling_Pineapple · Urban
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47 Chs

Thirty-seven ~ Evelyn

Ade has brought us to a traditional french restaurant. It hides behind a quaint burgundy front, with lace curtains obscuring the lower half of the windows.

The restaurant doesn't offer an English menu, but fortunately Ade surprised us with his French skills. I wonder what other tricks he's got tucked up his Mary Poppins-like sleeve.

However, it was all swiftly forgotten as the incredible food more than sold itself, paired entertainingly with bubbly conversation.

It's wonderful to watch Ade with my friends. He can definitely hold his own with Heidi, which deserves an award in itself.

The arrival of our stunning desserts momentarily hushes the conversation.

I ordered a floating island with pink pralines, although I would have happily eaten one of each of the dessert options.

The sweet meringue dissolves on my tongue as it dances with the fresh vanilla custard.

"This is so good!" I exclaim in delight.

Ade chuckles with dimpled cheeks before lifting a spoonful of his crème brûlée to my lips. I eagerly accept the indulgent pudding, humming gleefully.

"You never let me have any of your food!" Heidi snaps at Adam.

"That's because you wouldn't stop at one spoonful." Adam responds automatically before clamping a hand firmly over his mouth.

A new apology flies from his mouth every time Heidi's face grows a darker shade of red. He frantically offers her his crêpes to douse the fire, but manages to enrage the flames instead.

After sacrificing all of his crêpes and promising to change, Heidi eventually lets the matter rest.

Ade insists on settling the bill, so I agree on the condition that I get to treat him to the next one.

"Where to now big shot? Know any good clubs." Heidi immediately starts plotting her next move as we step out onto the cobblestones.

"Actually, I thought we'd take a detour along the river." Ade retorts, taking it in his stride.

"Sounds romantic." I coo, threading my arm through his.

I wobble along the uneven stones as elegantly as I can in mountainous heels, depending on my firm grip on Ade's arm to keep me upright.

Not that I needed convincing to encourage me to explore his rippling bicep with my fingers.

My daydream is interrupted as I catch the front of my shoe on a rock, sending me hurtling forward.

I flinch as I fling my arms out, ready to brace for impact against the hard floor.

A strong arm encircles my waist. When nothing else collides with my body, I gradually unscrew my face.

Opening my eyes, my cheeks incinerate as I realise Ade is holding me tucked against his side with one arm.

He continues walking with me suspended in the air like a rag doll, "How many times will I need to keep catching you? Or will you learn how to walk at some point?"

"Hey! I'd like to see you walk on cobblestones in heels!" I retort, "You can put me down now!"

"I think, for everyone's safety, I ought to carry you until we reach flatter ground." Ade chuckles as I cross my arms.

"My turn!" Heidi bounces towards Adam, flinging herself into his arms.

He holds her up for about thirty seconds before they both tumble to the floor.

"You okay?" I call, suppressing an ocean of laughter.

They both stick an affirmative thumb up in the air amongst their pile of entangled limbs.

Heidi clambers to her feet as Adam peels himself off the ground and staggers after us.

'Poor guy.'

Ade refuses to set me down until we arrive at the walkway along the Seine, where he claims my hand instead.

A row of boats line the water's edge.

I trail after Heidi until an approaching man enters my peripherals and decelerates my gait.

"Mr Carter! Welcome." A cheery French accent greets Ade.

"Gabriel, it's nice to see you again." Ade shakes his hand enthusiastically and I release a breathe I hadn't realised I was holding.

Ade introduces us to the brunette, who looks to be in his early thirties, and explains that he's rented a boat to take us along the river.

We board a moderately sized boat, big enough to entertain a large group but small enough to make its purpose as a privately hired boat obvious, especially when paired with the luxurious furnishings.

I lean against the glass railing, looking out towards the illuminated city.

Ade bundles me up in his arms from behind, resting his chin on my head.

"Thank you, for all of this. It's unbelievable." I draw circles with my fingers along Ade's forearm.

"I was just worried that you'd break your ankle if we walked." Ade dismisses me with a laugh and I playfully swat his arm.

"Seriously though, this has been incredible, thank you for inviting us." I lean back against his chest, willing his warmth to seep through his shirt like a blanket.

"You're always welcome Bear." Ade's enchanting voice wraps around my heart as he pulls me tighter against him, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

I melt into the safety and comfort of his embrace, watching the glistening cityscape bounce off of the rippling water.

"On previous trips, I had always chastised couples for buying into the romantic marketing scheme of the crowded city. But, experiencing it with you has removed the blanket that was dampening its magic."

Ade's words slowly sink in, each one like an electrical current directed at my heart. I ponder over them as I reflect on the last month. Everything I've done over the last few years; my degree, work, budgeting, has been out of necessity, but, now with Ade, I'm chasing happiness not just survival.

In such a short time, he has filled my world with colour.

A small part of me fills with anxiety at how much I've fallen for him so quickly. I try to smother my worries with the soft amber glow of the surrounding buildings and bridges arching over the river.

We remain sated in each other's embrace until the boat docks at the foot of the Eiffel Tower. Ade lends me a hand as I cautiously step down off the boat.

My eyes trail up the iconic tower, twinkling lights interrupt the harsh metal frame. The image holds me captive for a few moments until Ade gently tugs my hand.

"It's stunning." I breathe, stealing glances in between watching my step.

"Sure is." Ade sweeps a stray strand of hair away from my face, skittering heat across my cheek.

Having opted for the lift over hundreds of stairs (in heels), we swiftly ascend to the summit.

The breeze whips at my exposed skin, carrying my hair with it.

A shiver slides down my spine at the sudden change in climate.

"Here, take my jacket." Ade is already resting his blazer across my shoulders as I turn towards his voice.

I gratefully pull it around me, cocooning myself in the red fabric, only few shades darker than my dress.

"Thank you." I smile up at him, admiring how his muscles strain against his shirt.

We stroll over to edge of the viewing platform to drink in our surroundings.

The distance reduces the city to a network of interconnecting channels of light. The low-rise nature of Paris makes it beautifully distinguishable from London.

Instead of nesting amongst a jungle of buildings, we soaring above them, unable to peer into an adjacent building's windows.

The contrast is oddly intimate and freeing, only amplified by the veil of darkness.

Ade drapes his arm around my shoulders and I nestle into his side instinctively.

"Is there anything you'd like to do?" I gaze up at Ade's easy expression.

"Hmm, I can think of one thing." A corner of Ade's lips turns upwards as I wait for a further explanation that never comes. Instead, a warm hand slides up my leg.

My gaze is yanked downwards, finding Ade utilising the high slit in my dress to gain somewhat discreet access.

"Ade!" I half-gasp, half-scold as his fingers brush the thin material of my thong. "Someone might see!"

"No one's looking." Ade states calmly.

Heat floods my core as a finger finds my clit, rubbing small circles with the added friction from the lacey material.

Enticed by the delicious sensation, I lean into his touch, whilst biting my lip to stifle a moan.

My hand laches onto his shirt as I internally battle with knowing we should stop whilst hoping he doesn't.

"This dress has been daring me to touch you since the moment I saw you." His warm breath tickles my ear, sending a jolt straight to my core.

"I told you, you look hot in that dress." Heidi remarks as she leans over the railing to the right of Ade, who instantly retracts his hand.

I sag against him at the sudden loss.

"Don't worry, I'll show you all of the ways I can make you cum with your dress still on later." I shudder under the intensity of his whispered words.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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