
Avoiding my Billionaire Patient

London billionaire, Adrian, reprioritises when paramedic Evelyn saves his life. However, Adrian’s new obsession soon becomes his first rejection. Evelyn could never date a patient. Adrian Carter is the heir to a technology empire with sights set on gaining power by marrying an engineering empire heiress. After almost dodging a bullet to the head, Adrian ends up in the comforting hands of Evelyn Winter. Evelyn has worked every spare hour outside of studying to buy her freedom. Now she has it, she’s ready to live a little. She could lose more than her career if she falls into the arms of this patient. Will they both survive if they choose to tempt fate? ~”He raises my hand and I comply with the random twirl he spins me into. A small tug has me landing with my spare hand against his hard chest. The smell of lavender and oak entices me to lean in closer. I gaze up at his childish grin as he wraps his strong arms around my waist, keeping me tucked flush against him. In that moment, the world seemed to start and end with us. “~ [Warning - mature content and graphic descriptions of injury] Hey, this is my first book. I’m really looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Please let me know if you need any of the ambulance slang clarified : p The book’s ending will be published on Wattpad under the same title. Please note, the cover was created by myself.

Waddling_Pineapple · Urban
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47 Chs

Thirty-eight ~ Evelyn

Ade very much lived up to his promise last night. He elicited every last drop of pleasure from my body in every way imaginable and more.

My heavenly drained body fell into a deep sleep, tangled amongst Ade's limbs, until I was awoken by him kissing me goodbye this morning.

Ade had said he'd try to wrap up the meetings by early afternoon to join us on our adventures. But, sadly he texted at around three to say he'd been held up.

We still had buckets of fun with Stella showing us all of the city's hidden gems, but I just wish I could have shared the experience with Ade.

"Dress up tonight, I want to try clubbing in Paris before we go home tomorrow." Heidi declares as we enter the suite.

"I don't know Heid, I'm not particularly feeling a club." I've been a few times sober in first year, it was okay but not really my vibe. They're too loud, crowded and sticky.

"Oh c'mon Eve, let loose a bit. It'll be fun!" Heidi persists with growing enthusiasm.

"Fine, let's decide after dinner." I sigh, knowing clubs are Heidi's favourite escape and she won't be letting the matter go.

"Yes!" Heidi cheers before bouncing off to her bedroom, leaving me giggling in her dust.

I pass through the living room and find Ade's blazer strewn across a chair. Maybe he's in the office…

Tracing the embossed wallpaper, Ade's voice flows over me from the office, enveloping me in warmth. I'm about to open the mahogany door when another voice snags at my comfort blanket. My lingering hand raps against the wood.

"Come in!" Ade calls instantaneously.

Pushing open the heavy door, Ade's gaze swiftly meets mine. A smile dimples his cheeks just below where the rims of his glasses rest before he tugs them from his face, depositing them onto the desk.

A young man in a riverside blue suit lounges on the sofa with a laptop sitting on his lap. His hazel eyes evaluate me as he runs a tanned hand through his sandy blonde hair.

"So, your the famous Evelyn!" He declares, a mischievous grin tickling his lips.

"Evie, this is Anthony. He's my best friend and…assistant." Ade cuts in before I can stutter my way through a response.

"Assistant my arse!" He jolts bolt upright to emphasise his protest, "I single-handedly keep this business together!"

"Yeah right. Is that what you call flirting with women in my clubs." Ade retorts with raised brows.

A smile takes over my features. Watching this playful side to Ade is captivating.

"It's lovely to meet Adrian's assistant." I tease on my approach to Ade's desk. The biggest grin has taken hold of his handsome face, dissipating any previous tension. "How's work?"

"It's okay. Some issues cropped up during the meeting that need to be fixed before we go home tomorrow." Ade wraps an arm around my waist, drawing me close. "So, Anthony's come to help. But we'll probably be working late, sorry Bear."

I squeeze the hand resting on my tummy, disappointment swirling below the surface."That's okay, this is a work trip. Just let me know if you need anything or whether I can do anything to help."

"Thanks Bear, but go have fun with your friends." Ade's rich tone melts my resolve like chocolate.

After being insistent that I should enjoy myself, I give Ade another hug and a quick kiss before leaving the boys to hash out their problem.

Heidi insisted we go to a popular American rock themed restaurant for dinner and drinks.

Music bellowed through the heavily decorated space. Once the door swings shut, you wouldn't know you were in France.

Heidi and Adam sample nearly all of the shots and cocktails whilst I enjoyed my sweet mango and berry mocktails.

"Are you sure you don't want a sip?" Heidi asks for the hundredth time. I don't mind her enquiries as I know they come from a good place, it's more about trying the flavours rather than 'loosening up' and 'having fun'.

"No thank you." I clink my class against hers, feeling sated from the greasy cheese-covered food. I'm ready to give way to a food coma and snuggle up to Ade. I wait for Heid to finish her drink before continuing, "Shall we hit the road?"

"Okay…but one more round of shots first!" Heidi charges off to the bar before an alternative argument can be made.

Adam's unfocused eyes widen at the arrival of four shots neatly rimmed with sugar and accompanied by a skewered lemon wedge.

A giggle escapes my clamped lips, Heid never does things in halves.

Her curls bounces frantically as she knocks two back in quick succession. Adam takes a bit longer, a grimace distorting his flushed complexion.

"Ugh, can we go now?" Adam pleads, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand.

"Fine!" Heidi sighs dramatically.

I book a taxi back to the hotel. It's waiting for us by the time I walk an overly intoxicated Heidi out with a staggering Adam in toe.

Once safely in the taxi, I shoot Ade a text.

[Me: We're on our way back.

Adrian: Do you need a lift?

Me: Thanks, but we're in a taxi about 10 mins away. How's work?

Adrian: Could be worse, but we're still going.

Me: I'll bring you a special delivery when you're done ;p see you soon!

Ade: I better hurry up then!]

"So, which club are we going to?" Heidi squeals excitedly.

I look at Adam, doing a telepathic rock, paper, scissors to decide who'll tell Heidi we're heading to the hotel.

I win, staring him down intensely, I'd like to keep all of my body parts in one place. He sighs before turning to face his girlfriend. "We're gunna head back, everyone's tired and we don't want to spoil tomorrow." He attempts to reason, practically sitting on my lap to create distance.

"No way! It's still early, we can't go back yet!" Heidi cries, a scowl firmly darkening her previously happy demeanour.

"But we can go clubbing in London. Tonight we can sit on the balcony, looking at the Eiffel Tower without being hungover tomorrow." He attacks the problem from a new angle, sweat lining his brow.

"No! It's not the same. I won't be hungover tomorrow." Each syllable dances on the volume dial. Bending forward, she searches out my gaze across the car, "C'mon Eve."

"Sorry Heidi. I want to check on Ade. Another time?" I try to bargain.

A deadly silence swamps us, hoping that was the end of it, but realistically fearing what's to come.

Squinting at my glaring phone screen, my shoulders sag knowing we're less than five minutes away. Then she's Adam's loveable bundle of joy until she passes out.

We pull to a stop at a red light. I use the stillness to observe the bustling crowds enjoying the Parisian nightlife.


Sh*t! I turn just in time to see Heidi slam the door from the outside, and run towards a short queue of people.

Should've known, hope leads to disappointment.

Between the language barrier, traffic flooded roads and crowded streets, it takes a short while to backtrack and reach Heidi's targeted club on foot.

She certainly knows how to pick them. This place is huge! Five rooms divided between three floors. It'll take years to find her in this sardine tin.

"We should split up. If you start at the top, I'll make my way up from the bottom." We'll only find her if we divide and conquer. "Meet back here in thirty if you don't find her."

Adam nods stiffly before waddling up the stairs.

He's three quarters of the way up when I'm reassured that he won't fall. I turn to descend into the basement.

Any ideas what the next chapter might bring?

Waddling_Pineapplecreators' thoughts