
Avian's Advent

Haruto, the story's protagonist had lived contentedly and had a long life ahead of him to look forward to but is one of many who perishes due to unforseen circumstances. He is then reincarnated as a monstrous bird! How will he survive and adapt to his new life? What will his future adventures as an avian in another world entail? Cover not mine.

Frostoon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs


With a flap of my wings, i take off from the ground before the apes could get too close. The apes halt in their tracks and hastily look around, looking for more ammunition to throw at me.

If you think i'll stay here and let you stone me again you'll be in for a surprise you apes!

The monkeys scatter to gather any kind of throwable object hurriedly, as if they're afraid of me leaving them in the dust and flying away but i'm not going to run.

Just before the closest primate could pick up a nearby stick, i nosedive into it with my claws opened wide and pointing towards it, aiming to tear into its back.

I crash into the beast, making use of my body weight in an attempt to press it against the ground while firmly keeping a hold of its' back with the help of the |compress| skill. I also spread my wings open to be able to flap them in order to to balance myself while the ape thrashes about under my weight. One of its arms mamages to reach me which warrants a good pounding for me but i don't falter and start pecking away at its' head. These monkeys are only slightly smaller than me so it takes great effort to force them down.

I got a good 2 pecks in, making a visible dent in its' head, causing it to bleed profusely but not enough to finish the job. Their pea-sized brains are too small for me to be able to reach with a mere 2 stabs.

Before i could get a third peck in, i felt an impact at my left wing area. This makes me lose my balance a little and enables the ape that was under my fierce assault to break free. I'm then rewarded with a sucker punch in the face for letting it go.

It swiftly regroups with its' brethren up in the tree, cowering behind them in fear. The other 2 apes stood on an extended tree branch, one juggling a stone with one hand while the other snickered at me mockingly. Next to them, a small pile of sticks and stones.

Ugh i don't feel so good. That sucker punch was stronger than it looked. Feeling light-headed, i quickly check up on my status, keeping most of my attention on the primates.

Name: Haruto

Species: Skepre Avis Hatchling(F-rank)

Lvl: 6

Health: 34/80

Mana: 35/35

Attack Power: 15

Agility: 13

Endurance: 7

Intelligence: 38

Title: <Air Traverser>

Evo points: 6

Skills: F-rank>(Compress)(Avis Communication)(Sprint)

Upgrades: Feathers(thickness I) Beak(sharpness II)Talons(sharpness II)

Legs(Muscle Mass I, Sturdy Bones I)

Less than half huh. This isn't good. Even if one of then is out of commission, its still a 2v2 and i can no longer exploit my flight advantage since i'll just get stoned to death either way. Maybe i could lvl up if i finish off the injured one but its unlikely i'll be able to get close enough to. I don't know if i'll even lvl up after finishing it off either. Magic would be extremely useful here. I should have ran off after killing the first one but i guess its too late for regrets. I psyche myself up for one last stand, determined to take them down with me.

Just when i'm about to commit myself to a suicidal charge, a series of bird speech resonated across the area.

"The calvary is here!"

"You look like shit younger brother."

My siblings come to the rescue. The apes are taken aback, looking unsure if they should flee or continue their assault. I sign in relief, grateful to them for coming in my time of need.

"I thought i was done for..."

"Yeah you better be grateful! What would you do without us?"

"You're lucky we got here in time to bail you out. It looks like you're at your wits end."

"Thanks for comin-"

I'm interrupted by a rock that was thrown my way. I quickly get out of the way, barely avoiding it. This starts a barrage of sticks and stones.





With that, we take off to the skies. My 2 siblings choosing target the 2 uninjured apes while i go after the one that was already injured.


The primates were quick to react, grabbing a handful of projectiles before swinging and leaping from tree to tree.

Our flight speed was superior of course and we quickly caught up to them but they're able to slow us down by chucking all kinds of shit at us.

Eventually they ran out and had to make a stand. I'd already long dealt with the primate i was chasing after. With it being severely injured in the head, it couldn't move as well as the others and i put a swift end to it with a couple more pecks in the head. It wasn't high level enough to level me up but it did feel amazingly satisfying. Their stats:

Name: ?

Species: Simian Gazin (F-rank)

Lvl: 4

Health: 60/60

Mana: 10/10

Attack Power: 20

Agility: 10

Endurance: 6

Intelligence: 11

I was surprised that their intelligence even hit the double digits but they were able to think up a way to take down enemies in the sky. A very primitive way.

The other 2 simians are soon taken care of by my siblings, carried back to our current base to be eaten. I had already brought back the 2 apes i killed along with the frilled lizard i dropped. Thankfully, no other beasts were nearby when i went to chase after the second primate i killed.

My siblings suffered minor injuries here and there, nothing too serious. Now we're having a huge feast with 3 different kinds of beast meat. I also figured out that i can just swallow bits of meat, throwing them down my throat without having to go through the horrible process of tasting it.

"So how did you find me? Let alone know i was in danger?" I inquired my siblings.

"It was really just a coincidence!"

"We were getting hungry and got tired of waiting for you to return, so we went to hunt by ourselves and it just so happened that you were close to the area we were hunting in."

"Yeah, you really caused a commotion, i'm surprised no other beasts heard you and joined in the fight. To be frank we thought you already died."

"Geez thanks for having faith in me. No way am i going to kick the bucket this soon."

"We didn't have any faith in you, that is exactly why we went to look for food on our own. Also what is a 'bucket'? And what does it have to do with kicking? You've been saying alot of things that i don't understand."

"Oh um-"

And so i spent the next couple of hours teaching my siblings about pretty much every Earth slang and expression i knew while idily consuming all the corpses around us until i fall asleep from exhaustion.

Meanwhile, the two avians continued to practice applying these new ways of speech, making sure to guard and protect their worn-out little brother while they were at it.