
Avernus Online: Rise of Helpoemer

The story of a man named 'Luke Aaron' who died being dismembered alive because of finding a secret that can change destinies. Now, waking up 10 years back in time, Luke tries making a different path than that of his previous timeline, creating and walking on this path with his Inherent Talent and Experiences supporting and backing him to rise above those whom once he can't even reach near feet of. The Path of Music in the World where warfare is normal among races. The Path with should bring peace now will bring madness, insanity on its way. Follow the story to see either he will make the path or be crushed again by those who follow their own path. Note: The first 3 chapters are short but I have maintained the standard limit of 1000 words each chapter after that.

LittleEmber · Games
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107 Chs


Luke while making his way towards the goblin settlement checked the Ranking List on his 'Status' panel.

As soon as his Status opened, he was presented with a question

Do you want your name to be shown in the Player Rankings?


"No" replied Luke rejecting the AI's Question because he knew that making his name known to the Player Community this early is not a good option for him.

Luke will try to hide his name from the Player Community until he became strong enough to challenge and take down the growing Guilds, taking them head on because letting the enemy Guilds grow to maturity and fighting them after that is the 'Way of the Foolish', being a continuous obstacle in their growth and devouring them of everything while making the maximum profit and killing them at last when they have nothing left is the 'Way of the Villain' but did Luke give a damn shit about public calling him a Hero or a Villain? NOPE!

There are many criteria to check the player ranking on the Ranking List determined by the AI but only two of them were unlocked while the rest of them are greyed out with a symbol of lock above them.

The first two ranking criteria are:

 1.Level Based Ranking

2. Class Based Ranking

Luke clicked 'Level Based Ranking' option :

Soon, He was presented with a long list of never ending names

Player Rankings as per Level

1.Lucifer – Level 21

2.Duke – Level 20

3.Huntress – Level 20

4. Dawn – Level 20

5. I like cream – Level 19

6. Hidden Blade – Level 19

7. Fist King – Level 19

8. Ghost Freak – Level 18

9. Michael – Level 18

10. Joker – Level 18


The list went down till 10000.

Note: Your name will be not presented in the ranking list as per your chosen decision. You can change your decision whenever you want by going to 'Ranking' option in the 'Settings'.

Luke started reading the names of the top 10 players but when his eyes landed on Number 9. Michael, his moving steps came to a sudden halt and without him knowing heavy bloodlust start to emit out of his body, the released bloodlust along with the pressure was dense and intense. The nearby small beasts hiding left their nests and ran away thinking about the appearance of a new Predator in the area sensing the amount of bloodlust that Luke's body was unconsciously expelling out. 

Michael in future was the Guild Master of Zephyr Guild and he was one who killed Luke by dismantling his body into parts in his previous timeline.

Luke soon calmed himself and his resolve in this life became firmer. Luke kept thinking "Calm Yourself! Calm Yourself! This is not the time to think about that fucker now because 'Guild Creation Tokens' will not be introduced to players till 1000 players in the World reach Level 50, I have to make myself strong enough before them and reach Level 50 to face his created group of player or guild members, when the time comes and I will not stop at only killing him because that is not enough I will show him what true despair is"

Luke increased his walking pace and while clicking on the second ranking criteria 'Class based Ranking'

Please Select the Class you want to see Rankings of:







7. Light Priest

8.Dark Priest


Luke clicked on 'Bard'

The current top ranked player on the Bard List was player named 'Great Artist' while his Level was 2. 

Nobody in the Bard Class was like Luke who managed to reach Level 6 by hunting high levelled monsters. The Bard players cannot challenge high level monsters with only one attack skill and with no good equipment.

"I really saved myself by not showing my name in the rankings, or else I would have been at the first ranked spot of the Bard which will be 4 levels above the 2nd Rank and such difference would make the everyone doubt about how I am increasing my levels being a Bard Class. The level in ranking of the Bard Class is low because nobody will help a Bard to grind in the first day of the game unlike the Priest Class" thought Luke while walking.

Soon Luke reached his destination marked on the map the 'First Goblin Settlement'. Luke storing away the map slowed his moving pace in the area near the settlement.

Luke kept on moving while hiding behind long bushes and tress to make him harder to spot, Luke had enough ability to rush clear the settlement but he still acted stealthily because of some other goals in his mind that had to be accomplished while clearing the Settlement.

Luke first looked at his body Stats before making a move at the goblins


Name: Blight

Class: Bard

Race: Human

Bloodline: None

Rank: Mortal


Title: The One Who Completed the Tutorial, Investigator of Sound.


HP: 50/50

SP: 80/80


STR:10{5->10} AGI:0+8{5 -> 8}

INT:7+5 DEF:0+1{0 -> 1}


Free Attribute points:10


From Bard Class


+10% Increased Damage on Sound Based Skills

+10% Increased Duration of Movement-Type Skills


Weapon Proficiency: Novice


Passive: 1

1. Sound of All (Level: 2) (Proficiency: Novice)


1.Inspect (Level: 3) (Proficiency: Novice)

Grade: Common

2.Mana Wave (Level: 4) (Proficiency: Novice)

Grade: Common

3. Sound Healing (Level: 1) (Proficiency: Novice)

Grade: Common

4.Sound Barrier (Level: 1) (Proficiency: Novice)

Grade: Semi-Rare

5. Sound of All (Level: 1) (Proficiency: Novice)

Grade: Unique

6. Meditation (Level: 1) (Proficiency: Novice)

Grade: Common

Equipment Skills:

1. Steps of Grace

Grade: Uncommon


The Equipment Skills have no level or proficiency because the skill given is fixed with the Equipment and only special Equipment provide skills that can level up.

Luke looking at his current Status said "Allocate 5 points into Sense and 3 points into HP"

The Sense stat was very important because with only sense stat, Luke can make use of his experience while in close combat, the bonus stats received from the Bard Class in this stat saved him during the fight against the Undead Skeleton, if not for the sense stat he would not have been able to block the first strike and died. The HP start was also starting to lag behind and this will make his build that of a "Glass Cannon" in the future which Luke definitely did not want to become.

The Glass Cannon Build is characterized by insane attack power coupled with pathetic defensive ability and vitality.