
Average man in TDG

When given powers how long would it take for them to corrupt you would you even succumb to the power or would you remain the same person? Try to find out how our Average everyday person from Earth deals with his unmatched power in the world of Tales of Demons and Gods. -------- Feel like I have to add this as a lot of people get really turned off by the MC and his actions. The fic doesn't have a VIllain Tag for nothing some of the things you could expect in the fic. Mind Control, Slavery, Ego Death. The MC was made to be an average person, not a protagonist with Godlike willpower so when he was granted absolute power he abused it and abused it a lot. Those of you who still decide to read it, I hope you enjoy.

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Chapter 7.

It has been a month since I opened my store now usually, I get a hundred thousand customers every day, but this does not mean that only a hundred thousand people visit my store every day, no those are only the people that buy something from my store.

There is a large part that just enjoys window shopping or people that use my store as a kind of transport option that allows them to come from city to city.

Also, during the last three weeks I have acquired two hundred points in total, and from now on I earn 12 points every day and that number of daily points is increasing every day.

And that is only in points as the shop itself has expanded in size by about eight times from its initial size and that doesn't include the numerous new amenities that are added to the Store.

One of the biggest successes is the special new room that increases the speed of your cultivation by increasing the amount of Energy in the air. The prices are quite expensive and the upper limit of energy density is increasing with each day. IT started at only double the density of most places, but now it has advanced to 10 and even 20 times the energy density.

One of the new features that I gained like two weeks ago is the creation of Demon Spirits. I don't know what this means has my Store gained the ability to create souls if so, this would be something that not even the strongest cultivator could do and is most likely something godlike.

And just recently I also gained the ability to sell Slaves. These are real people and not just robots that act like people. They have their own souls and Sapience, but their only drawback is that they are completely at the mercy of their owners and can't resist their commands no matter what.

This means that my Store has gained the ability to create Sapient beings. Yes, create and I do mean that the store can create them as my store creates all of the products it has it doesn't just teleport them in from another dimension.

I was curious so I went and talked to a few of them. From what I could understand although each of them was unique they were typically made out of templates.

These templates included them having some skills, such as woodworking, metalworking, or even skills in battle.

Unfortunately, the strongest one that I can create at this time is only at the peak of Bronze rank.

And the elites cost at least millions of spirit coins and are at the beginning of Silver Rank, but with each person that purchases something from my store, the upper limit of the slaves increases.

I personally have also taken some of the rarer slaves for my own use. The slaves that I take are beautiful and talented women, as although I have Xiao Ning'er I want some more that can do other tasks that I want.

Oh yeah, one of the advantages that the slaves grant is that now they also act as entertainers in some of my other businesses.

I was actually able to discover something amazing that I thought was amazing. The Slaves can also buy things from the store, sure they cannot use their own freedom as payment, but they can use other aspects such as their lifespan or stamina, or cultivation.

This caught me completely off guard as this means that from now on I don't even need any actual customer to expand my Stores power and technically I could just destroy all my stores and disconnect from the Tales of Demons and god's universe and only exists in my stores pocket dimension and still be able to increase my strength.

The moment when the store discovered this it stopped feeding the slaves, it instead had them buy their own food using their bodies.

Sadly, it couldn't just command them to buy things as that wouldn't increase the store's power but would be just the store commanding one of the slaves to move an item.

For the Store to gain power the person has to make the purchase of their own will, even if they are forced by the circumstance and don't have any other choice.

This is also the reason why I had to set up a competition for the 10-point deal during my third week. Those that agreed to participate were agreeing to the terms of the deal and technically if I wanted, I could buy all the people that participated, but that would mean that I would have to pay each of them 10 points to finalize the deal.

So as soon as I gave Xiao Ning'er 10 points the deal was complete and her existence was mine.

Speaking of what I had done with my own points, I had expanded to more locations, and Glory City in total had 50 of my stores.

80 points were also used to purchase an AI chip from the novel Warlock of the Magus Worlds. I was only able to purchase it at the same strength it had at the beginning of the novel.

But one of the benefits that it had was that it synchronized really great with my other cheat the Essence of the Blank. At the start, it granted the Chip almost unlimited memory, well not really but it functions the same in practice. What would happen is that the chip would save something in its memory and then the Essence would allow the chip to expand its memory by about the same amount.

I then used the AI Chip to scan all the books and cultivation techniques available in the library and even Xiao Ning'ers Love God cultivation technique.

I then had the AI Chip create the best technique that it could. That took an entire three days. The final technique was unfortunately not even at the same level as the Love God technique and could only be considered a really advanced Heavenly Star rank technique.

But that was to be expected as my store's highest level technique was Black Gold rank and the AI Chip wasn't strong enough to analyze all the mysteries of the Love God technique which resulted in such a low rank technique.

But I wasn't too worried as I didn't plan to use the Tales of Demons and Gods cultivation system. From what I could tell you couldn't achieve immortality using this system or it was so far that not even the Love God technique could allow you to achieve it.

So I decided to use a completely different cultivation system. After careful consideration, I decided to choose the Hong Huang or Great Desolation cultivation system.

Maybe I will still cultivate the Tales of Demons and Gods system in the future (Essence of Blank allows this), but for now, I decided to use the Great Desolations technique as using this system you only needed to reach a Golden Immortal before you could achieve immortality.

After that I used all the points that I have saved to buy the cultivation technique that was based on the system, I didn't specify where the technique should come from to allow my Store a bit of freedom and maybe even get me a technique from a stronger world.

I used all of my remaining points which in total is a little over a hundred.

I was presented with a large number of techniques to choose from all of them cost all my points and that might mean that there are even stronger cultivation techniques in this system.

There was a large number of them but there were only a few that interested me.

Timeless World Tree.

Life Through Death.

Endless Dream.

The first technique allows for a person to cultivate the Dao of Vitality, Wood, and Time.

The second technique allows for mastery of the Daos of Life, Death, and Reincarnation.

The last technique allows for mastery of the Daos of Soul, Mind, and Dreams.

In the end, I chose the Timeless World Tree technique and decided to buy the other techniques later.

After buying the technique my mind was filled with an endless amount of information I know that my mind couldn't contain such a large amount of information so most of it was just engraved into my AI Chip. This was an automatic process as the Store wouldn't have given me something that could harm me and if I didn't have the AI Chip and my mind alone couldn't contain all the information it would not have given me the full technique and used some of the point meant for the technique to reinforce my mind or most likely it would have warned me and not given me the technique and store it in the Store for later pursual.

But even with my AI Chip which has an infinite memory in practice it still filled the entirety of the AI Chip and then some.

To put it into easier terms to understand, if compared with the entirety of my Stores library then the entirety of the Store library is contained in one book while the technique is ten thousand books.

This is to give you a little perspective of how large the amount of information that I had gained is.

A nice bonus for the technique is that it didn't only include the technique, but also other spells and auxiliary techniques, unfortunately, it didn't include any information about alchemy or any other professions.

I had gained all the knowledge of the first four realms of cultivation while the other information was stored in the Ai Chip. OF course, I didn't want to leave the Ai Chip with nothing to do so I just commanded it to start analyzing the information and to see if it could somehow combine GD system with TDG cultivation system.

As for myself, I was preparing to start cultivating using the knowledge that I gained for the first realm of cultivation. Fortunately, this system didn't require any kind of Spiritual root, but even if it did I think that my Essence of Blank would have taken care of the problem.

The first realm is Qi Condensation and it involves the absorption of the Heaven and Earth Qi and refining it and making it a part of their own energy.

After the energy is refined it eventually forms a cloud of Qi in the dantian.

It could take quite a long time to breakthrough, but fortunately for me, I could just use my Cultivation chamber and easily breakthrough.

I am not worried that I couldn't use this world's energy as my Store wouldn't have given me a technique that I couldn't cultivate.