
Average man in TDG

When given powers how long would it take for them to corrupt you would you even succumb to the power or would you remain the same person? Try to find out how our Average everyday person from Earth deals with his unmatched power in the world of Tales of Demons and Gods. -------- Feel like I have to add this as a lot of people get really turned off by the MC and his actions. The fic doesn't have a VIllain Tag for nothing some of the things you could expect in the fic. Mind Control, Slavery, Ego Death. The MC was made to be an average person, not a protagonist with Godlike willpower so when he was granted absolute power he abused it and abused it a lot. Those of you who still decide to read it, I hope you enjoy.

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17 Chs

Chapter 6.

POV Xiao Ning'er

It has been approximately three weeks since the All-Heaven store has appeared in Glory City, at first it started as a single store in the first city of Glory City but after a week another store appeared inside the second city of Glory City.

What was even weirder is that the store is a single store but it had two entrances and exits, you could enter from the first city and walk out in the second city's store.

This was only on the first day and as the week progressed there was a new store appearing almost every day. Eventually, there was a store in all six towns and two cities of Glory City.

The store in just two weeks had become an almost essential addition to the city as if it has always been there since the city's creation.

Of course, most people soon discovered other ways that they can use the Store, where it could take you two days in a carriage to visit one of the cities towns now you only needed to enter through the Store and exit in another location where the store existed.

The state of Glory City was rapidly changing and no one could predict what would happen in the future.

After two entire weeks of the Store existence, there was finally news from the mysterious Store Owner. Sure, some people have tried to initiate a special deal with the Owner, but all of them haven't even seen the Store owner and all of their applications have been rejected.

So, it came as a surprise when after two entire weeks there was a new message that greeted you when you came into the All Heavens store.

[The Store Owner has decided to use 10 Points to exchange for someone's existence (Body, Mind, and Soul) those that are interested can participate.]

[It will start in a week.]

After that, there was an explanation of what you could use the Points for. And as she read about what she could buy using the points she knew that she had to participate even if that meant giving up her freedom.

The Store gave only a few examples but even they were beyond any conceivable things she has imagined. For only 10 points you could reach the peak of Legend rank, if you were a little more patient you could use those 10 points to receive a cultivation technique that would allow you to reach the very peak of cultivation even surpassing Legend rank.

She found this ironic as she for the last 4 years has tried to escape her marriage with Shen Fei and now, she is willing to do something more extreme than that and sell her entire life into the hands of someone else, just for a little more power.

She has heard about the people that sold themselves to the store and how their lives have changed. They have sold their freedom to the store and as such when they are needed, they will do what the store wants no matter what.

Of course, most of the rest of their life is lived in luxury as they enjoy the amenities that they bought with their freedom.

She has also heard about how someone has used their entire lifespan to buy something and died in a single day.

Whatever the facts maybe she would rather sell her freedom to the store of her own will than marry the womanizer of the Shen family.

Even if she doesn't usually listen to gossip even, she has heard about how he has taken and bedded multiple women and some of the commoner girls he has even taken unwillingly and broken their spirits.

She would never let herself meet such an end so that is why she is standing in the store on the third week of the stores opening and waiting for the selection process to begin, she has already selected her willingness to participate in the process so now she is only waiting for the process to begin.

As the timer ticked to zero, she could see her and a number of other people appearing in a grass field. There were more than ten thousand people standing in the field together with her, but all of them were facing a pillar on which there stood a boy no older than 6 years.

The pillar that he was standing on was also surrounded by a painting, but not a painting that she has ever seen in her life as the painting moved and flowed almost like what your own eyes could show you.

The boy in the painting opened his mouth and started speaking and she could hear his voice as if he was standing next to her.

"I will disappoint most of you as the winner has already been decided when you all appeared in my private quarters, but even those who haven't been selected as the winner are granted the chance to gain employment in my store. I will be leaving with the winner, but the Store will take care of those who want to join my employ. If you want to leave, just use the [Map] and leave."

After hearing his speech, I started thinking about who would be lucky enough to be selected for the grand prize, but before I could even seriously think about it I disappeared from my previous position and was now sitting in a gazebo in front of the boy that I presume to be the store owner.

He smiled at me.

"Well, what should I say should I congratulate you for your victory or what? Anyway, I have already given you the points and have taken your Body, Mind, and Soul as payment, from now on you are my possession for the rest of eternity, you can ask me if you have any questions."

After saying this his previously childlike smile turned a little dangerous.

After hearing this I could feel the points that suddenly appeared inside my mind and that I could use however I wished, but I could also feel myself losing a part of myself and I know that from now on I could never resist the commands of the child Infront of me no matter how demeaning or humiliating they are.

But even still I wanted to know why I was selected. Although I was beautiful and was quite talented as I had a green soul realm, but I couldn't think of any reason why he chose me when he could have chosen some of the stronger people that participated I think there were even some Gold rank Fighters that participated.

"Why did you choose me I am no one special you could have chosen anybody else, so why did you choose me?"

He replied seemingly having expected such a question.

"Now that I own you in your entirety there is no chance that you could betray me so I guess that there is no reason why I shouldn't reply."

"You might think that you were selected because of your beauty or talent and that might be true, but the main reason why you were selected is that you are one of the people that hold a strong destiny."

"In the future, you would have reached great heights in power and become one of the main supporters of a person that in the future would have achieved unimaginable accomplishments."

"You might think that he would become the next ruler of Glory City, but I will tell you that his achievements won't just end in such a small City."

"The reason why you were chosen was that for merely 10 points I could disrupt the destiny of such a person so easily and I want to see what will become of his future without your support, if you hadn't shown up, I would not have bought anybody and used them for something more productive."

"But then that was the main reason the other is that I want a person that I could add to my collection. You would act like a doll and a maid for my personal pleasure, maybe in the future I will even indulge in your body, but who knows."

She shuddered a bit after hearing his last sentence but somehow, she couldn't make herself hate him, in fact, she was even anticipating it somewhat.

She wondered.

'Is this the effect of him owning my existence? I can't even make myself hate him for what he seemingly promised is a future no better than being the wife of Shen Fei.'

"Do you have any more questions?"

She shook her head to signal that she understood everything.

He seemingly satisfied sat up from his pillow and was ready to leave.

Seemingly remembering something he stopped and said to her.

"I will let you use your points for anything you want but after that, you have to come to me immediately, just communicate with the Store and I will know and you are not allowed to leave the store without my permission"

"Oh, and if you choose to use your point for a cultivation technique, I would recommend that you don't just use your point for a strong one, but one that suits your body and soul, it will bring you more results with half the effort."

After saying this he did leave for real disappearing from his location instantly.

She thought about her family but after thinking about it she wasn't really that worried, she didn't even have a good relationship with her father because he decided to approve her marriage to Shen Fei and she wouldn't have come to the Stores selection in the first place if she wasn't willing to abandon her family.

She hadn't even informed anyone in her family about her decision.

After that, she thought about her Masters (why is she calling him that?) suggestion.

In the first place, she hadn't even thought that she would win so she didn't have any plans for how she would use her points and now that she has to make a decision she is wracked with indecision.

After thinking about it for more than an hour and even communicating with the Store she decided that she will use her points as her Master (again why is she calling him that) had recommended.

She made this choice because she was able to discover that there were many more realms after Legend and by using her Points on instant power, she could only reach the peak of Legend rank, but that was only in raw power, she wouldn't know any actual techniques for Legend rank.

But on the other hand, if she used her points for a technique, she could reach the eighth realm after Legend rank with the technique.

She didn't actually know what the realm is called, but she knows that it exists, because of the store.

After this, she finally decided to use her point for a technique that would be suitable for her.

After that, she was presented with many techniques.

Heavenly God (modified) Compatibility: 12%

Void God (modified) Compatibility: 10%

War God (modified) Compatibility: 6%

Spacetime God (modified) Compatibility: 10%

Slaughter God (modified) Compatibility: 4%

Chaos God (modified) Compatibility: 8%

Wood God (modified) Compatibility: 22%

Love God (modified) Compatibility: 100%

There were many more that she could choose from, but each one had a compatibility rating with her. The Store informed her that the higher the compatibility rating the faster her cultivation.

She also asked the Store why the techniques were all marked as modified, the Store informed her that the techniques were originally meant for attributeless soul realms, but the Store modified them to work for her wind-lightning soul realm.

She in truth had no idea what a soul realm was but she trusted the Store's judgment.

After that, she read all of the descriptions of the techniques and decided which one to choose, but unfortunately, she had a low compatibility rating with almost all of them the only one that she had a high rating for was the Love God technique but she didn't want to choose it, but she would almost certainly have to as the second largest compatibility is only 46% and that means that she would have to put in almost double the effort to have the same result.

But why did she not want to pick the Love God technique?

Because it was humiliating and she has the sneaking suspicion that the only reason why she got this technique is her recent ownership by the Store Owner.

The Love God technique can only be cultivated by a person that is completely devoted to another.

What is does is bind the cultivator's existence to that of the person they are devoted to, in return they are granted an extremely strong Soul Force and a cultivation speed that is extremely fast depending on the distance to their other half. They also have the special ability to manipulate other people's emotions when they are at a high enough level.

The other special ability that they gain is the ability to contract countless demon spirits and allow them to coexist inside the user's soul realm. To allow such a large amount of demons' spirits to be supported the Demon Spiritualist is also granted an extremely large pool of Soul Force.

The third benefit is that it allows you to also cultivate your physique, but that was a standard ability in all God cultivation techniques.

And the last and final benefit is the ability to merge demon spirits inside your soul realm this grants you two benefits the first is that you increase both the power and growth rate (what is growth rate?) of the demon spirit and the other benefit is that you can use the Soul Force that is lost during the process for your own cultivation. The ability is called – Through Love, we Merge.

It might possibly be one of the strongest techniques of the God rank cultivation techniques, but it also comes with the demerit that you tie your existence to another person.

You will forever be in love with them and if that connection is severed you will lose your cultivation in its entirety and most likely die instantly.

Right now her mind was in a battle between choosing the Love God technique and the second largest compatibility God technique.

The one that told her to choose the other God technique was the one that was trying to be angry about her situation and the fact that she was owned by the Store Owner.

And the other was the side of her that thought of the Store owner as Master.

Eventually, the side that choose the Love God technique won and that is the one that she chooses.

When she finally selected the Love God technique, she suddenly gained a large amount of new information inside her head.

Now she only needed to meet her Master and bind herself to him and then she could start cultivating.


A week has passed since she has bound herself to her Master, who is actually named Tian Shi, and she couldn't be happier.

Most of her time is spent around her master and she is only able to cultivate for a few hours every day, but even so, she has already reached the peak of Bronze Rank and is preparing to breakthrough to Silver Rank.

This is due to her using the demon spirits that she previously could buy from the store, but now she only needs to ask her Master to give her one and he would and then she could use the Through Love we Merge ability of Love God technique and this allowed her to increase her cultivation speed at an extremely fast speed and that is not even talking about the freely available Pills that she can eat whenever she wants.

But that is only about cultivation and that's not that interesting. No the most interesting part of her day is to follow around her Master and do as he commands.

Her duties include feeding him various fruits while he relaxes, cuddling with him while he sleeps, giving him lap pillows when he wants, letting him use her body as a backrest and her breasts as a headrest while he reads books and many more wonderful duties that she is happy to fulfill. She almost cannot wait for him to grow up enough to truly claim her.

She intellectually knows that she wouldn't act like this before, but after both her ownership and the binding of the Love God technique her mind has started to change and all she can think about is the wellbeing of her Master and Owner.

She doesn't want anything bad to happen to him and all she wishes is to live with him like this for all eternity.

And as far as she can tell that is possible as even though her master doesn't have any cultivation, he is still able to live for a long time as long as people continue to use their lifespans to buy things.