
Avenue of immortality

An ordinary rural boy, accidentally got the cornucopia, with its ability to copy, get massive resources, embark on a path of spiritual practice…………

JillDevon_nice · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Spiritual Practice

Tigress don't take things too hard, follow the fairy to practice, then you don't have to suffer!"


 Jiang Ping An see Tigress play temper, quickly shouted comfort.


 Heard that immortals can live forever, heard that immortals can not starve, heard that immortals can not be bullied by officers and soldiers.


 This is a chance, a chance to change Tigress's life.


 Tigress is too young to understand what it means, but Jiang Ping An does.


 Although he knows that he is despised by the other party is very disappointed, but it doesn't matter, he has a cornucx, a lifetime will not worry about food and clothing.


 "Don't! I want Brother Peace!" Li Yueyue waved a sugar gourd and cried.


 The woman smiled and said, "If you don't practice, your brother Ping An may also be killed by bandits in the future. Do you want your brother Ping An to die?"


 "No!" Li Yueyue hurriedly shouted in fear.


 Jiang Ping 'an is her last family member, and she doesn't want to lose him.


 "Then you need to practice."




 "For the sake of your brother Ping An's future happiness, you must practice, and I am taking you away now, just so that you can meet again."


 The woman dropped down a useless breathing and spitting method and three spiritual stones.


 "I gave you Brother Ping An the Dharma and the resources to practice so that he would not be bullied."


 What else did Li Yueyue want to say, the woman breathed on her, and Li Yueyue suddenly passed out.


 When the girl set foot on the practice, and then grow older, she will forget the so-called peace brother.


 Several women disappeared as a stream of light, without saying anything to Jiang Ping An, without paying any attention.


 Looking at Tigress being taken away, Jiang Ping An's heart is empty.


 He felt that he was the only one left in the whole world, and from then on, his life had no home.


 However, he is also happy for Tigress, in the future can become a fairy, happy life.


 Jiang Ping An took a deep breath and calmed his complicated feelings.


 Walk to the fairy dropped down the book and three crystal clear stones.


 The other person said that this is the method and practice resources, feeling very valuable.


 Can you become immortal if you learn it?


 Can become immortal why not take yourself?


 Jiang Pingan put things back in the room, temporarily ignored, but buried the villagers' bodies.


 Although the villagers had ordinary feelings, they all helped him more or less.


 Now that everyone is being killed, we can't let the villagers rot outside and be eaten by wild dogs.


 It took a day to carry the villagers to a pit and bury them.


 Li Min buried alone in a place, back to make a tablet, Tigress after becoming immortal may come back to worship, can not let her find her father.


 In the evening, Jiang Ping 'an sat in front of the thatched hut. The village was empty. The barking of dogs was not heard, only the sound of mosquitoes was heard.


 Her parents are dead, the villagers are dead, Tigress is gone, and she is left alone.


 Looking at the book in her hand, Jiang Pingan gently touched it.


 "I swear, if I can practice, I will kill all the officers and soldiers who oppress the people!"


 "I swear, if I can practice, I will kill all the bandits I meet!"


 "I swear, if I can practice, I will do my best to protect everyone who is worth protecting!"


 The stars are shining, the night sky is blue, the young body is weak, but the eyes are very bright.


 He lit the remaining oil lamp of the villagers and opened the book called "Detailed Explanation of Thick Earth Breathing and Spitting Method".


 Fortunately, his father often taught him how to read and he could understand what was written on it.


 It said that the use of the mind to control the rhythm of breathing, so that the body absorb the spirit of heaven and earth, open the body meridians.


 This book also says that if you can get through ten meridians, even if you have fully learned, you can use the foundation.


 What is Tsukiki?


 Jiang Ping An can't figure it out.


 But do not need to understand, according to the above learning on the line.


 He also found that when he practiced with strange white stones, his practice sped up and made him feel very comfortable.


 After one night, Jiang was shocked to find that he was not sleepy at all!


 Not only that, but he was more energetic than ever!


 This made him very happy, maybe one day he will become a fairy!


 He simply made some rice and continued his cultivation as described above.


 Soon, the two spiritual stones in his hand were broken.


 One stone remained.


 "And no idea where to get one of these stones."


 He recognized the stone's value, but its quantity was limited.


 Two tenths of the first meridians have already been developed, and eight more spiritual stones may open up the first meridians mentioned in the book.


 Jiang Ping 'an was about to use up the last spiritual stone when he suddenly thought of something and stopped.


 When the bronze basin could replicate the resources, he tentatively put the white stone in it.


 Yeah, he wanted to replicate the stone.


 But I don't know if it will work. I'm just trying.


 With a flash of light, Jiang Pingan suddenly looked into the pot, and behind him was ecstasy.


 A lot of spiritual stones appeared in the Cornucdo!


 The original Cornucopia may not be able to copy copper coins, but also copy spiritual stones!


 No, maybe the Cornucopia can copy anything!


 Jiang Pingan's breathing accelerated. For a teenager, this is a very happy thing.


 He kissed the cornucope heavily and picked up a white stone to continue his practice.


 After about a day, the eight spiritual stones were gone.


 "Kacha ~"


 The first meridians in Jiang Ping 'an's body opened up, and the sound of breaking came from the body.


 According to the book, he officially stepped into the first layer of Lian Qi.


 At this moment, the thin Jiang Ping 'an grew a little taller and her skin was no longer so dark.


 Most of all, he felt that his strength had increased dramatically, as if he had unlimited power.


 A strange energy wandered back and forth through the meridians he had created.


 The book says this force is called Reiki.


 "Da da da ~"


 "Where the hell are people!


 "Followed by the sound of hooves.


 Jiang Ping An's face suddenly changed and he quickly put away the corved-up basin.


 It was the officers and soldiers collecting taxes!


 He prepared ten copper coins, opened the door and went out. He said to the only soldier, "I want to report to the police. The villagers have been killed by bandits."


 "Killed by bandits again?"


 Yang Yuan's face sank. This was already the third village to be slaughtered, and three villages were undercharged.


 "Why aren't you dead?" "Yang Yuan asked, jumping off his horse.


 "I went out by chance, escaped a robbery, officers and men when to encircle and suppress bandits, return the people a peaceful."


 Jiang Ping 'an hates bandits very much, rob money and kill people, full of assholes.


 If officers and soldiers fight with bandits, it is dog eat dog.


 "Mudd, you deserve to question me! Since everyone in your village is dead, it's no use for you to live. Die."


 Because he didn't receive much money or get much kickback, Yang Yuan was angry and needed to vent her emotions.


 See this boy dare to question himself, pulled out the knife and walked over.


 Jiang Ping An's face changed dramatically and he kept stepping back, "You are officers and soldiers, how can you kill people?"


 "Who knows if I kill you?" Yang Yuan looked ferocious and slashed the past with a knife.


 At this moment, Jiang Ping An flashed many pictures in his mind, his mother who died in the field, his father who was eaten out of shape by a tiger, and himself who was beaten...


 At this moment, Jiang Ping An broke out, gathering the strength in the body, all poured into the fist, and roared angrily.


 "Die together!"