
Avenue of immortality

An ordinary rural boy, accidentally got the cornucopia, with its ability to copy, get massive resources, embark on a path of spiritual practice…………

JillDevon_nice · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Kill the Bandits

Die together?"


 Yang Yuan's eyes are full of mockery, a malnourished smelly child, but also want to die with their own?


 That fist wouldn't even kill a chicken, let alone a man.


 He couldn't even break his armor.


 I don't know where this kid gets his confidence from.


 Yang Yuan suddenly stopped the knife, playfully looked at each other to hit their own vine armor, ready to play each other a little bit dead.


 "Idiot, my armor can't even cut through the knife, your little fist is like scratching an itch..."




 When Yang Yuan was hit by the fist of the other side, he felt his stomach as if he had been kicked by the horse, a blood gushed out, and the body flew backwards.


 Yang Yuan banged against a tree, his mouth kept bleeding, his face was strange and painful.


 "How... How can... '


 How can a child have so much strength?! To be able to knock him out by several meters.


 Looking down at the vine armor, which has burst.


 Yang Yuan staggered and tried to get up, but he was spitting blood, indicating that his internal organs had burst.


 Sure enough, before he got up, he stared and died, his eyes full of unwillingness, anger and shock.


 He had never imagined that he would die here, at the hands of a contemptuous child.


 Jiang Ping An gasped, the horror on his face unable to dissipate.


 He wanted to die with his opponent, but he did not expect the strength of his fist to be so great.


 He was only a boy of fourteen or fifteen! He knocked someone out of the sky!


 This so-called practice is stronger than I think.


 "Vomit ~"


 Jiang Ping 'an knelt on the ground and vomited, her body shaking.


 Killing for the first time, I do not know why, especially want to vomit.


 Mixed emotions of surprise, fear rush through.


 To his surprise, he embarked on the path of spiritual practice and destroyed an officer who oppressed him.


 Fear is also because of this, the other is not just a person, the whole Pingshui County has four thousand armed officers and soldiers.


 If the other officers and men found out that they had killed their comrades, they would surely retaliate.


 With his current abilities, he will die!


 Jiang Pingan quickly suppressed nausea and other emotions and dragged the soldier's body away.


 He thought for a moment and buried the soldier in the grave.


 Before he buried him, he took out all the money he had, more than three hundred copper coins and a silver bullion.


 In addition, a book was also found.


 The book is called "Knife Swing Techniques."


 It has pictures and content, and it's not hard to remember.


 Bury the bodies, drive away the soldiers and horses, and sit on the graves and quickly memorize the contents of the books.


 He did not know how to fight at all, and with this book, "Sword Wielding Skills", he could increase his fighting power.


 In these chaotic times, there's nothing wrong with learning more.


 Out of caution, Jiang did not bury his soldiers' knives too deeply, so he could use them if he was in danger.


 For the next two days, Jiang practiced the breathing and breathing method when he had a spiritual stone, and learned how to wield the sword when he did not.


 During this period, he was terrified for fear that soldiers would come to him.


 Fortunately not. When he went to the town to buy food, he heard that imperial soldiers had been spotted on the border of the town. Many soldiers had gone out to search.


 Jiang Pingan was relieved that after so many days, he should not be found here again.


 "Ka-ching ~"


 On the third day of killing soldiers, Jiang Ping 'an opened up a second meridian with Lingshi and successfully entered the second floor of Lian Qi.


 The amount of spiritual stones spent this time was twice as much as before, using 20.


 Jiang Ping An found that the next breakthrough needed to double the number of spiritual stones, need 40 spiritual stones.


 Although there is a lot of filial piety, it doesn't matter, he has plenty of time to copy the spirit stone.


 Jiang Ping An jumped on the roof more than two meters high with his legs.


 Stronger than the first floor of qi training, Jiang Ping An wanted to cheer for joy.


 Just when he wanted to cheer, he suddenly lay on the roof and peeked behind the house.


 Through the weeds, he saw five figures.


 The five men, hunched over their backs and armed, moved closer to his house.


 'Haven't we looted this village? Why are there still smoking pipes? '


 "It could be a fish that slipped through the net, or a vagrant."


 "Good, I hope it's a woman."


 Although the voices of the five people were very low, Jiang Ping An's hearing was much improved now, and he could hear their arguments clearly.


 Jiang's eyes turned red, he clung to the weeds, and his body trembled.


 It was bandits!


 And the bandits who slaughtered the villagers!


 They must die!


 Jiang Ping 'an thought of jumping straight over to take care of them, but saw the weapons in their hands and gave up the idea.


 Although his strength is very strong, after all, there is only one person, and he is still a child, and the other side has weapons in his hands.


 His father had told him that at no time should he be arrogant.


 Descend quietly from the other end of the house and run quickly to the spot where the soldiers' bodies are buried.


 Where the soldier's saber was buried.


 Take the saber and return quietly to the hut.


 Several bandits came out of his room swearing.


 'Why is there no one? Did they find us running away? '


 'Perhaps we went out to cut wood, and two hid in the room and three outside, waiting for someone to come back.'


 The five men immediately hid and prepared to attack.


 Jiang Ping An hid in the dark looking at them, eyes extremely cold.


 Perhaps after a period of incense, the two people hiding behind the door of the room were a little impatient.


 "Is it possible that the people here really ran away? Otherwise, the room was burning and they couldn't have stayed away for so long. '


 'Grass, waste of time!


 A scar man came out of the room, "Brother Leopard, let's not wait, carry the rice noodles to go."


 The yard was quiet. No one answered.


 "Brother Panther? "Scar Man shouts again when he hears nothing.


 Just then, there was a cold flash and Scar Man's head fell to the ground, blood gushing.


 "Knife Man!


 The people in the room were very frightened. They looked at the young man who had fallen from the roof and shouted, "Brother Leopard! There are people here! He killed Brother Knife!"


 'They're dead.'


 Jiang Ping An held a bloody saber and went straight ahead, because he was relatively short, the knife dragged on the ground and wiped out sparks.


 The only remaining bandit widened his eyes in horror.


 "Impossible! How can you, a little boy, kill Brother Panther and them silently!"


 The boy was small, about the height of a knife. Even if he could kill someone, he would not be so quiet, unless he killed Brother Panther in a flash!


 But the boy could not have been so good!


 Jiang Ping An did not speak, his eyes cold and indifferent.


 I don't know why, caught by these eyes, the bandit had the illusion that he was being watched by a vicious Wolf, and his body shook uncontrollably.


 "I am from Dawang Mountain! If you dare to touch me, our King Mountain bandits will not let you go! Your whole family will die!"


 'My family, they're all dead.'


 Jiang Ping An hands up knife fall, bandits also want to fight back, but there is no juvenile speed.


 "Plop ~"


 Another body falls.


 The robbers' eyes widened in disbelief. They could not imagine that a child had killed five of their regular killers, and that the knife wielded by the child was so sharp that it looked as if he had been trained.


 Jiang Ping An's arms trembled. Although this was his second murder, his body was still in fear.


 Still, it was better than the first time.


 Putting down the knife, he groped skillfully for the robbers' bodies. Poor as he was, he felt that everything was precious and did not want to waste anything from the group.


 "Huh? What is this? '