
Avengers: Go Away, I Just Want to Date Big Booty Gurls

A poor sob gets reincarnated with Prime Allmight powers. ... A short and simple sypnosis, There'll be milfs on this book. I don't own any character beside my own. If the owner of the pictures wants me to take it down, please let me know. Also, I don't profit from this. I just enjoy my writing. This will be a Harem and smutty fic, you've been warned!

SerChungus · Movies
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Death an Powers #1

"Son, you created five churches and stole the money that was supposed to go to church."

"Hey, but I spread the word and made them aware of evil. didn't I?" shot a young man back at an old man who was looking at him accusingly.

The old man rubbed his long white beard. "That you did... still, you impregnated the women of the church."

"Hey, they all wanted it!"

The old man's eyes twitched. This young man seems to have an answer for all his questions.

"The only reason why you are not in hell right now, son... is simply because the money you took was for your poor family and other chain of actions you created."

The young man winced at that. "I was an ungrateful child... I blamed my mother for not being rich, yet I didn't know how much she worked hard just to have food on the table, and you know... I just rented some chairs and got my boys to read the word of... well, you, and we'd split the money, I know it's bad, but how was I supposed to know you even existed!" The young man took a deep breath and shot his arms up.

The old man's look softened at that. He knew the struggles of humanity. Here, there was a young man killed by a group of hit men who were hired by one of the rich people who attended one of his churches. They learned about what had transpired, and well, here he was, but the young man was amazing because he knew he was being followed and knew his days were counted, so with the millions he made, he made his family 'disappear'

God was disappointed that the young man even killed the one who forged the fake IDs and anyone involved. He had to give it to the young man, though. He was cunning and dangerous after helping his family. He led his soon to be killers away from his family and kept at it for a long time, till time had arrived for the inevitable If he didn't die, they won't stop until they found him, so he might as well end this. His family was safe. No one knew where they were, and they knew to keep quiet and start anew. His two brothers and three sisters were now away from danger.

"Your story was spread through the country, and well, it soon became a story told internationally. Many people didn't blame you and even congratulated you for dying like a family man. You became iconic, a bad person with good motives."

The young man's eyes were sparkling with excitement. He did not know he became famous.

God chuckled. "I'm not encouraging evil for the greater good, but the only life you took were the ones that threatened you and your family. If I was a just God, then you'd be in hell for murder and profanities."

The young man was now grinning. "But?"

"But... your churches became famous and were even upgraded by real priests. More people visited, and thus, more people believed in your cause and funded the churches... it raised money for poor families, so, good job."

The young man arched an eyebrow at that. God congratulated him for deceiving people and impregnating about twelve sisters.

"No, no, no, I'm not congratulating you for impregnation twelve of my daughters." said God sternly.

The young man just smirked.

"They found husbands. They didn't want to at first, something about you being their hot devil. They eventually got married to GOOD men, I might add."

The young man just rolled his eyes.

"Right... so what happens to me now?" asked the young man, his smirks now replaced with an understanding look and a soft smile. After knowing his family were doing okay and that the women he laid with are also okay, he could go to hell if God wanted it that way.

"Well, I know your life wasn't as good as you wanted it to be, your childhood, your adulthood. I thought I'd give you another chance at life."

"Hee, you sure you don't want me to do the same again?"

"No, son. This time, you get to live however you like. Just don't go on and kill people left and right, not that I worry about that with you."

The young man smiled and nodded. "Thanks, old man, am I going to the future or past?"

God shook his head. "No. You'll be in an entire new world, a world known to most people in your world. You have even seen a couple of movies of that world."

"What world?" asked the young man, confused yet intrigued at the same time, a movie world? that was exciting.

"The Marvel Cinematic Universe. You'll live on a similar earth like yours but with superpowers and such.:

"So all of those movies are real?"

"Yes, they are all real... now then." God took out a spinning wheel with multiple names and images on it.

"Spin this to get their powers."

The young man looked at it, he approached it and saw many names, he shrugged and spinned the wheel as hard as he could and he saw it spinned until it landed on a huge muscular man, blonde hair with two bangs standing up like a pair of bunny ears, he had a huge beaming smile and a thumbs up.

"Who is that?" asked the young man.

"That's Prime Allmight, an anime character with immense strength, speed, reflexes, and indomitable will, I will add something that I'm sure you'll enjoy very much."

"Anime? I remember my friend Paco saying something about anime. I don't remember much, but I'm glad I got some superpowers. Also, can I have the knowledge of the plot of this new world? I kind of didn't watch all those movies. just the Avengers one. and the one where the purple guy snapped his fingers, I didn't see the last one because I was busy with Natalie, and you know, hehe."

God shook his head. "Sorry, son. That's your handicap, I won't give you the answers to that. Life will become boring if I tell you."

"You are right. All right then, old man, snap me away then!"

God chuckled, and he snapped his fingers, and the young man saw how his body disintegrated without pain. He was giggling away.

"Goodbye... Gabriel."

The old man finally called the young man's name, making the young man smile before his body disappeared completely.

God had a tear running down his cheek after he saw the young man disappeared. Despite the torture he went on for hours before death, Gabriel still had that beaming smile because he knew he had left his family doing fine.

God had seen horror and torture before, but the gruesome ones had ended long ago on earth, yet somehow Gabriel's killers toyed with his dead body even more, a cult of high world leaders thinking themselves as gods by controllimg people's lives. The illuminate. That enraged God, for he knew Gabriel did not deserve such a treatment. An anger bubbled up inside him. He would have loved to drop a lightning the size of Texas and did what he did with the dinasaurs, but he couldn't destroy the world for the sins of a few. He did cursed them with plagues, though.
