
Thanos's children

|5 months later|

"Why don't you just do it?" Tony asks Wei, the two jogging behind their girlfriends.

"Because I don't want to rush things." Wei replies, brushing over the engagement ring he has in his pants pocket.

"You know Pepper and I have not made a bit deal about it. Why should it be different for you with Darcy?" Tony asks.

"Because I didn't have countless lovers before her, only one." Wei tells him shaking his head at the inventor.

"What are you two talking about?" Pepper asks, stopping with Darcy to wait for their men.

"Nothing, just... uh what is that?" Tony says, looking at the glowing orange portal behind the two women.

"Mr. Stark, Mr. Yang we need you to come with us right now. The fate of the universe is at stake here." Dr. Strange says.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Tony asks distrusting, "and who is we?" He adds.

"Steven Strange. We should go Tony." Wei says, having had an encounter with the man before when he first started to learn about the earth's energies.

"Wei, are you going to be OK?" Darcy asks him worried.

"Yeah. Don't worry. Just do me a favor and stay with Pepper until I know what this is about." He says, kissing her head.

"Tony. We need your help." Bruce then says, revealing his presence to the two avengers.

"Bruce?" Tony greets him shocked, hugging the man wearing rags.

"Come on Tony." Wei says, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and they step through the portal into Strange's home.

"What is all this about?" Tony asks, looking at Bruce.

"Thanos is coming." Bruce tells him.

"Thanos? And who is that?" Tony asks.

"He's a pest. He wipes out half the life on every planet and now he's looking for something to wipe out half of life in the universe.

"He's looking for these. The infinity stones. Crystals that predate the universe itself and hold immense power over different elements the universe consists of." Doctor Strange says, showing them an illusion of the 6 infinity stones.

"So, where is vision?" Bruce asks.

"m.i.a." Wei informs him.

"Tony you lost another superbot?" Bruce asks dramatically.

"We didn't lose it. He's somewhere with Steve and... Wanda." Tony says, glancing at Wei.

"The Avengers split up. It's only Tony, Rodes and me nowadays. The others are actually wanted fugitives at least as far as the governments are concerned." Wei tells Bruce.

"What happened?" The scientist asks shocked.

"Well, Steve and I fell out bad, kind of splitting up our group and Wei tried to set it back together, but Steve actually screwed that up before he had the chance to try." Tony says, Wei frowning a bit at the bad memories.

"Who was the girl you were with? Another hero?" Bruce asks Wei.

"No. Darcy is normal. Genius and talented but not a fighter." He says.

"So, how are we going to get our hands on vision if we don't know where he is?" Bruce asks.

"I have a way to find him I think." Tony says, grabbing the flip phone Steve left him with his number in it.

"Something is wrong." Wei says, feeling the natural energies being disturbed nearby and leads the group out of the building.

They see people fleeing from a gigantic donut shaped spaceship, hovering above the city with two alien creatures standing in the streets below it. Only looking very pale, thin and resembles a fish to a degree while the other is massive, even bigger than Hulk would be and looks like some kind of alien crocodile with its scaly skin. The large alien also carries some kind of giant clamp on a rope as a weapon.

"You know them?" Tony asks Bruce.

"Kinda." He replies.

"We are the children of Thanos, relish in our arrival for salvation is near. You there, keeper of the stone of time, give us the stone peacefully and we'll be on our way." The pale one announces, pointing at Dr. Strange while his companion only grunts in an alien language, slamming his massive metal clamp into the street.

"Uh yeah, not gonna happen. Wizard. You should leave. Uh Banner, mind taking the big one?" Tony asks, pulling on some cords of his training suit, getting enveloped by his nanotech ironman suit while Wei also activates his green metallic armor.

"Ughh. One second. Come on, come on, come on Hulk." Bruce says, trying to call out his monstrous self, but Hulk doesn't want to come out.

"Uhh, I'm having a problem here." Bruce says nervously, while the large alien dashes towards them.

"You bring him out of here." Tony tells Doctor Strange's friend, a monk who nods and takes Bruce with him through a portal.

"I got it. Be careful though the other one is changing the energies. He has some kind of telekinetic ability." Wei says, stomping the ground and creates a small sinkhole in front of the reptilian alien before dashing next to him and kicking him upwards, before flying after him, pulling him with him to a wide-open area where they can face without causing too much damage, other than a ruined park.

"Come on, show me what you got." Wei says, his eyes lighting up blue and he's enveloped by an armor of stone until he's the same size as the alien creature.

The alien growls something and tosses his clamp at him with Wei letting it grab onto his stone arm, simply breaking it off and creating himself a new one, before punching the creature across its face with his other rock hand.

The creature punches him and swings his clamp by its chain around, hitting him into his side and knocking him over with Wei using his elemental control to take the electricity from a nearby lamp pole and sends it flying to his enemy, only angering him further.

The massive alien grabs his stone covered form and throws him away with Wei breaking out of the stone armor and unclasps his wings, speeding back to the reptilian enemy, kicking him in his face, before flipping backwards and landing in another earth armor.

"Wrahhh!" The creature screams enraged and tackles Wei over, only for Wei to leave the rock armor through its legs and float in the air behind it, taking his double sided voulge from his back and decapitates his enemy.

"Hey Wei. Long time no see huh? Oh crap. The wizard." Peter says, swinging past him after he beat his enemy and webs himself to Doctor Strange's foot, getting pulled up to the space craft with Wei flying after him, the two reaching the ship in the sky about 15 seconds later while Tony chases after them and calls on two new armors, which envelop Wei and Peter, just as they are close to passing out from the change of altitude, Wei holding Peter, while grabbing onto the ship.

"Let him go." Tony shouts and Wei nods, letting go of Peter, who falls right into his new suit.

"Take him back down Karen." Tony tells the Ai and a parachute expands from Spiderman's shoulders before he manages to rip himself free from it and cling to the bottom of the spacecraft, entering it through its dampeners while Tony cuts a hole into the ship for himself and Wei, sealing it up afterwards.

"Uh yeah, Pepper sorry we're on the ship. Don't wait up. We'll probably have to reschedule the wedding." Tony tells Pepper over the phone while Wei also answers a call in his new nanotech suit from Darcy.

"Hey babe. Looks like I'm going on a trip. Will you be OK for a while? I didn't exactly plan when the return trip will take place." Wei says.

"Yeah. I guess as much as I want to yell at you I can't if you're off saving everyone. I love you. Be careful." She says before the call disconnects.

Around the same time across the globe Wanda and Vision get attacked by two assassins from Thanos to retrieve the mind stone in the robot's head. But once the former team of Avengers, other than Hawkeye come to their aid they drive the enemy away.

The group then flies to the Avenger academy and find Rhodes holding down the fort by himself, talking to holographic projections of the secretary of defense.

When the secretary and Steve are starting to fight Rhodes cuts the connection.

"That's probably a court martial." Rhodes tells his former teammates and gives each a hug.

"How are things looking?" Steve then asks getting to the point.

"The two are on the ship with Spiderman, but we haven't heard anything from them yet." Rhodes says worried.

"We have bigger problem. Right here on Earth." Bruce says, stepping out from a room and informs everyone about the infinity stones and Thanos's plan to wipe out half the living creatures in the universe.

After getting filled in by the scientist, Steve suggests they head to Wakanda and try to remove the stone from Vision so they can destroy it and keep Thanos from accomplishing his goal.

When they are getting in the jet Wanda gets approached by Rhodes.

"I'm surprised you stayed with them." He says.

"Why? They are my friends and especially Vision is very close with me." Wanda replies.

"I just assumed you'd be pissed because Steve screwed up Wei's sacrifice." Rhodes says.

"What sacrifice? He sold us out." Wanda says upset.

"No way. None of you know?" Rhodes asks shocked.

"Know what?" Sam asks, sitting down in the jet across from Rhodes.

"Wei made a deal to get you all released to a normal live for his loyalty to the UN." Rhodes tells them.

"No one told you?" Rhodes asks surprised, looking around the group.

"No. We had no idea. We assumed Tony convinced him we are the enemy." Natasha says.

"He didn't. Wei just made a deal and honored it, no matter what it cost him." Rhodes says.

"What do you mean cost him?" Wanda asks.

"Well, he wanted to go after you, but the UN would have demanded he arrest you and put you in a cage." The Warmachine pilot replies, looking at Wanda.

"I... didn't know." Wanda says guiltily.

"I don't think he cares nowadays anyways. He's really happy with his new flame." Rhodes tells the girl.

"Yeah, I saw it on the news." Wanda says, still wrapping her mind around how almost her last 2 years are based on a misunderstanding which could have kept her relationship with Wei from ending.