
Avatars Of Gods And Demons.

What would you do if The Reality you know and live in is taken from you ? What can you do , when the world around you is something unimaginable and Terrifying ? Nitin after facing these circumstances tries to find the answers but what he finds is something he never imagined in his wildest dreams. After Being Given a Chance by a Divine being he starts his journey . Is this a Blessing or a Curse ? Only time will tell ...

ShuBhaM · Fantasy
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6 Chs


" A Change in history ? " , The word no matter how simple confused Nitin along with what Vishnu said before about " This reality" .

So different realities really exist ..? Nitin muttered . He has read so many stories and watched so many movies which centered around this concept .

Vishnu said " Different Realities , Parallel universes, alternate timelines all of this terms can be used to explain this situation " Nitin listened attentively , Vishnu continued " The Universe is infinte , seperated by a wall of sort into many parts that doesn't allow one to see behind it . You may call them Dimensions. "

"Dimensions also have levels , From lower to high level dimensions. An example of a lower level Dimension or realm would be The Earth you lived in . And My 'Vaikuntha' would be an example of a higher Dimension. "

Although Nitin wanted to question Vishnu he stayed quiet , Vishnu kept talking " This walls cannot be crossed which maintainces the balance of the Universe but this doesn't mean one cannot influence other dimensions ".

"A being who lives in a higher realm can interfere or even change a lower realm to some extent but that has some reprucussions. "

Nitin couldn't help but ask in a curious tone

"So , What happened to my world was done by someone on a higher realm ?"

Vishnu Nodded without saying anything . Nitin Clenched his fists and asked " who?? , Why didn't you stop it ?". Aren't you The God Of Preservance ? , Was it someone stronger than you ?"

The tone with Nitin asked these questions wasn't respectful but rude and despite being at the other end of these quick fired questions . Vishnu said in a Tone which calmed Nitin's mind " I can't tell you who , but that being isn't stronger than me but lives in a lower realm , instead of telling you why i couldn't help , let's continue with the story . You will understand everything on your own."

Nitin calmed himself down and looked at the kneeling sage and the Trinity . Suddenly the distant place seemed closer and he was able to hear their conversation. He figured this was Vishnu's Doing.

The Kneeling sage was wearing White colored clothes while his upper body was mostly exposed his lower body was covered by it . This Mysterious sage had muscular body and and aura that felt even stronger than the

" Twin Guardians " Nitin has met at Vaikuntha.

But While their aura gave the feeling off Destruction and Vigor this sage's aura was full of Pride and elegance .

The Kneeling sage started speaking

" I , Shukracharya , Guru (Teacher) of the Asuras , Humbly Greets The Trinity ." He said with a face full of Respect and holiness "

Shukracharya was someone any Hindu would clearly recognise by his name . Despite being the Guru Of Asuras , He was considered to be someone who only wanted Asuras to be treated Like the Devas but due to the Vile nature of The Asuras they were only ostracized and feared by Humans except some Asuras who left their natural instinct of slaughter and evil behind and rose to the status of Devas.

So after seeing this scene Nitin became more curious and continued observing the Situation and his eyes drifted towards The Trinity . He was able to clearly see Lord Vishnu in the middle of the three figures but this Vishnu was somewhat different from Lord Vishnu Beside him. He looked very similar but still different to the image of Lord Vishnu he has scene in pictures and TV.

With the height of around 4 meters . His chest was adorned with srivatsa locks of hair symbolizing his consort Lakshmi (Google Srivastava mark to see its design ). Its color resembles that of the jasmine shinning brilliantly.

His brows like a well-strung bow; his nose slender.His well proportioned Chin and his Shining golden colored eyes and shining rows of forest-flower garlands (vanamala). His four hands hold shankha (conch), Sudarshan chakra (discus), Gada (mace) and Padma (lotus).He is adorned with armlets, garlands, jewels, diadem, and earrings shaped like Makara(Crocodile) the sea monster.

His arms long, strong and supple like the elephant's trunk; his chest wide, strong and healthy . He is adorned with golden-hue–silk garments , he is richly and tastefully ornamented, and he is the very embodiment of all the grace, beauty and joy of the universe.

The color of his skin has to be new-cloud-like-blue: The blue color indicates his all-pervasive nature, blue being the color of the infinite sky as well as the infinite ocean on which he resides .

This Form Of Vishnu had Nitin mesmerized and Stun. Seeing him Vishnu spoke " That's one of my many forms , Outside of my Realm i use that form the most ".

Nitin didn't said anything and moved his gaze moved towards the right where he only saw a being made up of light . This being oozed Golden light around him but none of its other features were visible. Nitin was only able to make out the outline of this light. which looked like an bulkier male . His height a bit smalled than Vishnu but wider than him. Nitin guessed that this was Lord Brahma

( God Of Creation) , Who created the universe. Just looking at him made Nitin feel at home.

Then he looked at the left of Lord Vishnu and Saw a Being whose aura was Golden Bright Red in colour . His height taller than Lord Vishnu and the aura around him was giving him two distinct feelings. Looking at one of his side made him feel overwhelming peace while looking at other side made him feel terrified .

Nitin quickly Fell to his knees and held his hands together and muttered " Om ! Namah Shivaay: !" meaning ( Adoration to Lord Shiva).

Being a resident of North India . Where Majority of the people worshipped Lord Shiva . He was full of awe. Most of the stories he heard from his grandfather were about Lord Shiva ( God Of Destruction).

Looking at Kneeling Nitin , Vishnu smiled and said " i won't be able to show you the appearance of Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva because their appearance is something that you won't be able to comprehend without them wanting you to and also these appearances are only a material menifestation of a God. In reality we , The Trinity Have no Appearance. We are Formless , faceless and boundless. You can only see me because i don't want you to get more confused. Because after all these appearances are something people of your world depicted us as. ".

Nitin could make out the meaning of Vishnu's words and stood up and concentrated at the scene. Vishnu smiled looking at him.

Just then The Vishnu in the scene said " Great Sage Shukracharya . It is also our honor to meet a being such as you and you can ask us three for one thing and we will fulfill your wish if its not Immortality. ". hearing this Shukracharya's eyes watered up but he continued saying " O' Lords , My only wish is that instead of me you fulfill the wish of my desciple Mahabali. ". as His words ended the expression on Shukracharya's face turned sour.

Seeing this expression which clearly meant that this wasn't what Shukracharya wanted Nitin's whole body tensed up .

Vishnu in the vision smiled a little and said

" Very well Sage Shukracharya ! "

After this Nitin heard some footsteps coming from behind Shukracharya....

Many Sages and humans did Tapasya which took Thousands of year of thrm meditating and praying to the God or Facing tribulation g8ven by the God after this the God would have to come to answer the call of the one doing Tapasya and as long as its in his power a vardaan ( wish) would be given to the Person . Trinity is known to not differentiate between Devas and Asuras allowing Asuras to do Difficult tapasya and Asking them for many vardaans throughout history.

ShuBhaMcreators' thoughts