
Avatar of the Sun in Twilight [English]

A seal that houses part of the sun power, has a host who has been imprisoned a long, long time ago, although he doesn't know it since he just woke up. (This is an AU, the mc didn't transmigrate, it's not a harem and I don't know who will be the romantic interest, if everything goes well it will be 3 chapters a week although it can change depending on the situation. any criticism will be gladly accepted, but I ask you not to be so hard as it is the first time I write) (the rights belong to their respective creators, the cover image is not mine and I found it on pinterest, if the author bothers I will remove it without problems) (I'm not a native English speaker, and I'm using a translator so I'm sorry for any mistake)

duskesito · Movies
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24 Chs

Chapter 13:

(how much time passed between the events of twilight and new moon?)

"hmm, it's been a while since I've been here."

All this time I've been chasing that vampire and hunting vampires that crossed my path.

Along with that I've been "interrogating" some vampires to find out where the Volturi were. As much as I would like to take them down quickly and efficiently, to his regret, I hasn't gotten any allies, he really doesn't want to bring humans into this, but I don't want to talk to witches if they are still out there, the truth is, even if I look for them, I can't seem to find them. Although I could ally myself with the werewolves, apparently according to the information he was given, they became extinct some time ago.

I can only go to the Cullens, although he does not forget how Carlisle failed his trust, he believes he can ally with some of them, and ultimately use Bella, somehow they protect Edward so much and consequently care about Bella.

I was now at the Cullen's house, but it appeared to be empty. Maybe they are playing baseball.

Once there, the only thing I could see was a neglected field, but something interesting.

Bella was in that place, another thing that surprised him was that I perceived that there were figures watching her hidden in the grass. He decided to use the radar to find out what they were before talking to Bella.

Interesting, Werewolves, they are supposed to have ceased to exist, and most interestingly, they seem to be interested in Bella. Really this girl is a magnet for supernatural beings heh.

While I was thinking that, I noticed a figure appear in front of Bella.

Oh, a vampire... strange, looks like hopefully he's controlling himself from killing Bella.

I didn't really care about what they were talking about, just as I was thinking about killing him and talking to Bella, the wolves decided to attack the vampire. Tch, and besides it gets away from them, they don't even compare to their ancestors.

I guess the conversation with Bella can wait, there's a vampire to purge.

After following the wolves and watching them let the vampire go, I decide to follow him. Maybe he knows something about the vampire that got away from me that day.

Once he was close to the one quickly I grab him by the head and smash him to the ground. Once I had him on the ground, I put one foot on his back and leaned on him to keep him pinned down, while the hand I had on his head grabbed his hair and pushed him back.

"good, good boy stay there, now tell me, what's your problem with Isabella Swan?"


How annoying, she just keeps growling like a dog. Since it looked like he wasn't going to get an answer, he decided to try something.

He took a needle he had in one of his pockets, retracted some of the solar energy he had in one of his hands, and pricked his finger.

Once the blood gushed out, the vampire went even crazier and began to open his mouth and bite the air, his eyes also turned black.

It was a new "born" or neophyte.

I know I can find them everywhere, even so, in the last while I have encountered too many, and they are all concentrated around Oregon, I hunted them while I was on my way to Forks, but I didn't have time to investigate.

Although I want to investigate right now, I have to concentrate on making some allies first.

The Volturi are not weak, and worse, I have to worry about what will come after fighting the Volturi. Even if I manage to win, the disorder in the supernatural world will increase exponentially.

I don't know how the witches will behave if they are still around, about the werewolves I don't worry too much, they seem to be so few that they won't cause me any problems. The problem comes from the vampires themselves, the Volturi with the abilities of their minions manage to keep the vampires somehow controlled, but once they disappear, as a kingdom with a feudal system, with the fall of the king, there will be a great internal battle. And even if this battle reduces the number of vampires due to the internal battles they will have, I know that the risks that humans will run during these battles are very great, and the other problem that this presents, is that I cannot be in 2 places at the same time.


N.T.: If you are able and willing, go to the auxiliary chapter, and be able to vote and/or give your opinion on who the pairing might be.