
Avatar in a cultivation world

A Man wakes up in a entirely new world with powers that he could only dream of. NO-HAREM NO-HAREM fuck harem.

Lil_Mus · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Traveling through the lands

*Hoof Hoof Hoof Hoof*

In this endless desert, you would be able to see a group of a dozen men on camels, if you were to take a closer look you would be able to see a men in his twenties with strange blue arrows coming out his hair and through his arms on top of a camel behind the leading person contemplating in deep thought.

"Umm boss Wei, why are we taking the barbarian with us," said a person behind in the group.

"Cause I find him interesting," said the man named Wei.

Once the strange man realized they were talking about him he quickly looked up and took a deep look at the person named Wei leading the camel he was on, he was of big built, his muscles would be able to be seen through even the thickest of clothing and it was as if they were brimming with energy ready to explode in any necessary situation, simply he was a monstrous man. The monstrous man turned his head to look at the person behind and the strange man was able to see his face, he was by no means handsome but he had the charm of an expert ready in any situation, an effect that added to his charm was a scar over his left eye in a style of an X, he had a small to medium stubble on his chin, that considerably made him look older, with a tinge of gray going through his dark hair.

"Boy, what's you're name," asked boss Wei.

"The name is Edward sir," said the strange man in a oddly respect manner.

"Edward aye, do I dare ask hahaha what's with the arrows." Boss Wei asked questionably and laughably manner.

The man named Edward had a expression as if he wanted to cry, but quickly address the question.

"Family heritage sir-------family heritage." everyone in the group was able to hear the first part but only boss Wei was able to hear the latter part of the sentence.

"Family heritage aye, then let me ask where's you're family?"

"Don't have one sir, been an orphan for my whole life, and I had the arrows since I can remember, but back to the situation how long till we reach the city sir." Said Edward trying to divert the conversation.

"Aye aye calm yourself boy, we'll get there in five days and I'll ask one more question whether you like it or not, hahaha. (pause) What are you doing in the Omen desert, Edward?" Asked boss Wei in a much more tone manner, but it was as if there was a tinge of darkness in the sentence.

Realizing the shift of the conversation Edward quickly explains his situation and about his awaking.

"Hahahaha, so you just woke up in the middle of the dessert without any recollection of what you did, that's hilarious boy, its like a story hahaha" said boss Wei.

"You don't believe me!" said Edward in a rushed manner.

"Aye aye we'll settle this once we reach the city, in the meantime its getting dark get ready to camp boys," boss Wei ordered the group.

"Wait why don't we just continue going through the night?" Asked Edward.

"It gets cold boy, real cold and the nighttime isn't our territory, (sigh) boy you seem eager to get out of here," asked boss Wei.

"Yes, *(sigh) this----place it doesn't feel right almost eerily like, like something just isn't right," said Edward in a hushed manner.

"Aye aye I hear you boy, now get up and help set the camp with the rest of them." Ordered boss Wei.

As time passed over the campfire, Edward was leaning over to the fire due to the cold and quickly feel asleep.


"Huh a western barbarian," said boss Wei.

As boss Wei said that, his big blade pressed over Edward shoulder starting glowing red, Edward looked in fear at the blade ready to cut through his shoulder like butter. It was at that time something unexpected happened.



At that quick moment a gigantic figure appeared in the sky 15 meters behind Edward, the figure or beast had a wingspan of at least 10 meters, the beak of this beast can chomp on half a human easily, it had feathers harder than metal throughout its body, the beast eyes were full of intent. It was at that moment that Edward was paralyzed with fear, unable to move.

But the monstrous human in front of him look relaxed as he can be, but at the same time looked alert. Edward was still paralyzed with fear at being behind him, but he was still focused at the person with the giant sword and ethereal glow over his shoulder. Edwards eyes widen as the man before him raised his sword and slowly slashed at the beast behind him.




In that quick moment Edward felt liquid splatter on his back, and he quickly bent over as if in pain.

"AAAHHHHHHH," screamed Edward as he was rolling over the sand to stop something, strangely his clothes were evaporating as soon as the liquid hit him, allowing the group to see the blue arrow traveling across his back to all his limbs and head.


As two halves of the beast landed heavily before the monstrous man, he cheerfully said "A profound beast dares go against a sage realm expert how laughable." "Am I right men."

"AYE AYE," the men behind the big human cheered their leader.

"(sigh) Someone get the boy some clothes," said the man before Edward. "You alright kid, gosh how weak are you, stop moving around so much you're causing sand to go everywhere," said the man, all while Edward was still screaming and two halves of a prehistoric size eagle lay behind them.

*Flashback end*