
Avatar in a cultivation world

A Man wakes up in a entirely new world with powers that he could only dream of. NO-HAREM NO-HAREM fuck harem.

Lil_Mus · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

In a Unknown Land

In a far away place, the winds were blowing harshly, the sun was beaming over the land with intensity, the sand was scolding hot. If you were able to look at the land from above, you would be able to an endless desert festering with mountains of sand as if beasts were slumbering within.

In this far away place you would be able to see a man in strange clothing, lying on the scorching sand unaware of what sleeps within. The man was of average build and of average height, he would look like a average man in his twenties, you could pass through the street and nod, if weren't for the strange blue arrows(should I use the movie avatar arrows or the regular one) throughout his body.

"Ughh, my back holy shit" said the strange man, unware of where he is. He slowly gets up from his deep sleep, and finally open up his eyes.

"huh why I'm I in a beach, the hell did we do yesterday, huh wait a minute" the man swiftly turns and looks in all his cardinal directions.


The strange man finally realizes where he truly is and as if in a stupor he was dazed out, but very quickly it turns into a panic, in a rushed manner he quickly kneels down with his arms over his knees and starts to mutter.

"Holy mother of god, why the fuck I'm I in a desert, no no no, its a pranks-its a prank-its a prank." the strange man starts breathing in and out in a fast manner, only then does he realizes what pattern is on his arms, and again he is in a stupor.

"Oh my god" he says in a slow manner.

*scratch scratch scratch*

The strange man starts crazily scratching his arm red as if he wants to erase the strange marking.

"I can't believe, there no way I have the avatar marking." the man says in a happy manner, while getting up and moving around in circles as if he has unprecedent energy to release, then in a unpresented manner does he clumsy plants his right foot and extends his right arm, while having his left arm to his chest in a fast manner.


And of course nothing happens, the strange man swiftly pulls his right arm back and starts to look at his hand in deep thought. He then precedes to start the motion again, but this time does it more slowly.


And again nothing happens, the man again looks over his hand in thought, then in a strange manner starts sweating even more then he already was.

"Omg what have I done, there's no way I have avatar tattoos. Fucccckkk." The man again starts walking in circles in a faster manner currently contemplating about his actions. While spewing more curses.

He then precede to stop and contemplate, and nods his head over and over again.

"So I first went to the bar and met up with Justin and Jackson, we had a couple of beers pre game of course before we went to the new years party. Yes yes that rights we went to that party and and, oh my god-------I can't remember anything after that party, think think brain we went to fucking college, remember godammit." the strange man spoke loudly, while also basking a expression of utter confusion.

"How the fuck did I end up in the fucking desert, A fucking desert." The man screamed loudly. "Wait a fucking minute, I-----am------in a desert, I am in a desert." The man expression quickly turn into a wobblily straight line, then he slowly bent over till his head touched the ground silently weeping and cursing his friends and the tattoo artist in his mind.

*Clop Clop Clop Clop*(I don't know sounds horses/camels use for running)

Then he heard it, he quickly turns around to see 10-15 men on top of camels, quickly approaching him. but strangely the man doesn't run towards them, but in fact runs in the opposite direction in a hazardless manner. The strange man was tripping and falling a few times but he was running with all his might from the strange people, but a lass how can a normal human run faster than a beast. the 10 to 15 people quickly caught up to the lonely man, and encircled around him. after encircling him one of the men, who seemed to be the leader of the group got off his camel and went over to the strange man.

"Huh a western barbarian." An expression of surprise was over the face of the man, while the strange man with blue marking was wearing an expression of fear due to a sword on his shoulder.