

I saw it... I saw it as it rocketed through the sky, burning like the sun. I wanted to scream, run, or shut my eyes, but nothing would happen. My very own body had defied me.

I could do nothing but watch as my imminent end arrived.

My stupid brain began to count. three....two ... DARKNESS

As I regained consciousness, my eyes struggled to adjust to the bright lights of the place I was in.

and as my environment gradually became more clear, my heart began to race in fear.

Medical doctors and some serious dudes in nice suits and stern looks surrounded a glass wall that separated the room I was in from their side; their concerns were reflected in their eyes.

Confusion washed over me as I tried to make sense of my surroundings.

"Where am I?" I managed to croak out, my voice was hoarse from the shock of whatever had just happened.

One of the dudes in suits stepped forward and pressed a button on the glass wall. His voice suddenly filled the room I was in, and I could see that his expression was a mix of curiosity and caution.

"You were found lying in the middle of Times Square," he explained calmly. "Witnesses reported that you were controlling elements around you before falling unconscious," the man explained.

I swear I could have laughed myself silly were it not for the fact that my ribs were aching terribly bad.

Uh, me controlling the elements? god! Someone must have been soaking up the Avatar movies recently, and I used to think I was the nerd here.

My mind was, however, racing as recent memories began to flood back. How was I still alive? I had felt the searing heat burn through me, and I was certain I had died. There was no way I could have survived that.

"I don't understand," I stammered, and my hands searched through myself, trying to find a gaping hole. I, however, realized that despite the explanation, they had not yet answered my question. My sharp eyes, however, had scanned the job card pinned on the speaker's suit, and I felt as if my head was going to blow out.

holy fuck! How did I get to SHIELD? Could it be that I was actually in the MCU, or was it all pure hallucination? ... Were these people high as well? They had to be; what they were explaining only happened in fanfics. I decided to ask again.

"But where am I?"

They exchanged glances, but no one answered. I could detect something like uncertainty in their mannerisms.

"You are in a hospital in New York," the guy who had spoken earlier answered again.

Damn right, I am. That sounded like something a SHIELD agent would say. It was a kind of lying without having to lie. Of course, I was in a kind of hospital, but I knew then that I was nowhere near New York if what they said was half the truth, and if these agents were from SHIELD, I was definitely in Washington, DC, where the Shield headquarters were, and since they were lying about all this stuff, it meant that I was already A SHIELD lab rat.

"Do you know what happened to you?" one of the other men in suits asked.

Dude, are you asking me? Honestly, if I told him I was knocked out of my world, he would hurriedly say anything to have me locked in his house for as long as he wanted. When dealing with SHIELD, the less you say, the better. I decided to play silly.

A couple of hours later, they left, promising to return soon.

As they cleared the room, I couldn't help but feel scared and confused. What had happened to me? And how did I end up in MCU? This world was supposed to be nothing but fiction.

It was then that a computer-like display appeared before me.

[Congratulations, Tom Wade. You are the recipient of the Avatar system.

This system equips you with the powers of an Avatar. The more you master the elements, the more powerful you become. You have also been provided with an unlimited debit card to help you equip yourself and carry out the system quest. It will also help you settle into the new world.]

I stared at the screen in disbelief. I had always known that my more than romantic relationship with the weed I smoked would one day cost me my sanity. Holy hell! Had that time finally come? Avatar system? Debit card?....pray next let it be Kendall Jenner stripping for me.

Even though the words were in plain English, at the moment they sounded and looked like an alien language to me.

Taking a good look at myself, I realized that the clothes I was wearing were not familiar. I felt within the pocket, and sure enough, there was a wallet. I took it out, and on examining its contents, I found the debit card from Universal Bank and my name on it.

This is madness. The universal bank is the most powerful in Marvel. and only influential billionaires held accounts there.

My mind raced as I tried to make sense of what was happening. I had been transported to Marvel World, but how? Was this all some kind of elaborate prank or a real system? And who was behind all these

But as I looked closer at the message, something caught my eye. There was a small button at the bottom of the screen that read "Accept."

Now, I know that logic dictates that I spend hours wondering how all this was possible. But being always high and consuming an insane amount of fanfic, I had always been extremely conscious that the universe held more secrets than met our eyes. This was certainly one of them; an opportunity was thrown my way. Whether it was an accident or by design, I wasn't complaining.

Without really thinking about it, I mentally pressed the accept prompt.

Suddenly, everything around me began to shift and change. The walls of the room dissolved away, replaced by a swirling vortex of colors and light. I felt myself being pulled forward faster and faster until...

... I was standing in a completely different place. There were towering mountains rising in the distance, their peaks shrouded in mist. The wind howled through the valleys, carrying with it the scent of pine trees and wildflowers. And I could hear the crashing waves from a distance.

As I took my first steps, I felt a rush of excitement and anticipation. The air was crisp and fresh, and the colors around me were so vivid that they almost seemed to glow. Everywhere I looked, there was something new and wondrous.

But even more amazing than the natural beauty of this place was the power that seemed to pulse through everything around me. As if on cue, a voice spoke in my head—the system's voice.

"Welcome to the avatar dimension. This is the place where you will be trained to master the element. In this dimension, your powers are infinite. but only once you have unlocked all the elements. However, no one can attack you within its confines.

The system screen appeared again in front of me, and the voice went on to explain further.

—--- You will learn the elements in the order in which the first avatar learned them with the exception that air bending is your first element. You have four air-bending trainers,




Aang. who can only be unlocked by carrying out system quests and earning points. You will soon receive a quest that will unlock Airbender, Tenzin,

The system will, however, override the restrictions because of your initiation into the avatar dimension. This means you have one hour to familiarize yourself with the dimension. During that period, you can access the avatar state-----