
Avatar: A New Jake

I woke up to the same gray ceiling that I've been seeing since I heard about my brother. Some guy killed him for what was in his wallet. Why must things be like this...- Suddenly, I felt something within myself. A new feeling. A being or Mind, intermingling with my own, and it hurt bad. Everything was pain, worse than when I lost the ability to walk. But I've gotten used to pain like that. This new mind seemed as if it wasn't used to any kind of pain like that. Soon, things evened out, when I saw the being's memories of what looked like my future. And it wasn't a particularly a spectacular one. There were some good things, but it just wasn't enough to weigh out the bad.... I have a new mission to do. Grace... Trudy.... Tsu'tey... Norm and his Avatar. Max. And.... Ney'teri. I will Save those of you who died. and I will protect those who lived. Tommy, wish me luck.

SpedaHooves · Movies
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Prologue - A New Jake

I woke up to the same gray ceiling that I've been seeing since I heard about my brother. Some guy killed him for what was in his wallet. Why must things be like this...-

Suddenly, I felt something within myself. A new feeling. A being or Mind, intermingling with my own, and it hurt bad. Everything was pain, worse than when I lost the ability to walk. But I've gotten used to pain like that. This new mind seemed as if it wasn't used to any kind of pain like that.

Soon, things evened out, when I saw the being's memories of what looked like my future. And it wasn't a particularly a spectacular one. There were some good things, but it just wasn't enough to weigh out the bad....

I have a new mission to do. Grace... Trudy.... Tsu'tey... Norm and his Avatar. Max. And.... Ney'teri. I will Save those of you who died. and I will protect those who lived. Tommy, wish me luck.


It was the day things started. I received the call about my Brother, and when he will be cremated. In just a few hours...

I picked up the book I ordered from Amazon Amazing that the company is still running these days, but I'm not going to complain. I can get at least a few weeks worth of training in the Na'vi language, so hopefully Norm and Grace won't be too annoyed with me this time.

After two hours of studying the first chapter's worth of words, and getting used to saying them, I rolled myself to the kitchen, and ate a Ham and Cheese sandwich, adding some lettuce and tomatoes to try and make it a bit healthier.

Suddenly, there was a couple loud knocks at the door, when I rolled and managed to open it, there was the two men I saw in those memories.

"You ready, Jake?", asked the first, as the second talked into his earpiece. I nodded, and followed them, but not before grabbing a few things that I didn't in the memories. The Na'vi book. A picture of Tommy. And my personal knife. Not much, but It's probably all I can smuggle through.

My new life begins from this moment forward. I'll do my best to accomplish your origional dream while I'm there as a bonus, Tommy, so rest easy.