
Avalon the last order

a story about a boy and a girl named avon and sara they lived peacefully in a peaceful village one day out of nowhere a massive attack against the village by the nonhumans or what they call them creatures avon and sara survived after witnessing a massacre against his family and people now its his time to take revenge in the name of humanity and to make it clear to all the nonhumans that the humans are the dominant one

TheTactical · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The old guardians

As Arcadius and vernara were walking between the ruins they were listening , listening to the silence in a place where it used to have lots of noises , lots of people 

They kept walking towards the Eastern side of the village ...

They reached to the cross roads they stood there looking at each direction with silence

Vernara looked from her croner eyes at arcadius face ... He looked terrified .... Scared as if something waiting for him in the end of that road but he didnt show it up .... yet she knew

Vernara in calm voice : [ so .... Here we split up .. ]

Arcadius : [ y-yeah ... Yeah !!! ] ( with a small nod )

Vernara : [ is there ... Something bothering you ?? ]

Arcadius stood there in silence ....

Vernara looked at the path where he is looking .. Surprisingly ... It was clean ... Yet full of rubbles and left over carriages 

Arcadius [ a failed evacuation .... ] ( he looked bothered )

Vernara : [ ar- arcadius ?? ]

Arcadius : [ don't worry .... How about I accompany you ? .... I want to see where you live .. ]

Vernara : [ my home ?? What about your home don't you have things to do ? ]

Arcadius : [ it can wait .... It waited 20 years so 2 more hours won't hurt ... ]

Vernara gave him a small nod ..

Vernara : [ my home isn't far from here ... We might reach it in couple of minutes ]

arcadius : [ alright then lead the way ]

vernara [ this is the first time you gonna see my home , but i'm warning ya its not as nice as it was before "chuckels"]

arcadius : [ dont worry , mine isnt better anyway ] 

at one of the roof of the buildings there was a man in full plate armor holding a 2 handed long hammer looking and observe their movment , once they started to walk he followed them

meanwhile in avon and sara side they were holding hands tight and walked inside their house front gate , and outside the house entrance a remains of 2 dead people on spikes , they were cuts to pieces

avon tried to avoid looking and sara was looking a little shocked but not surprised , she looked at avon as he was looking down a bit 

she knew something was off about him so she asked him 

Sara [ who are .... they ?? ] 

avon looked at one of the skeletons head on spike and the look on his eyes was mixed feelings of anger and sadness ... 

avon [ they .... they are our family ]

sara was not convinced ..

sara [ our ... family ??? ]

avon looked at her 

avon [ yes sara our family , mother and big sister ... ]

sara looked surprised 

sara [ mother ...!!!! ] 

avon looked back at the bodies 

avon 'voice stutter' [ if only i was strong ... if only i was big as i'm now .... , why ?? .... why has it be this way ? ....] ( he let go of sara hand and start walking slowly to one of the skeletons )

sara was confused about what avon was talking but didn't stop him rather she wanted to see what he will do next ..

avon reached at one of the skeletons and looked at it for a bit and without noticing he start tearing up as he stood in front of skeleton head with the remains of her golden hair 

avon [ if i was there , will things be any different then how it went ?? , i believe not ..... knowing you i cant imagine you would want me to fight anyway ]

he held the skeleton head and put it in his forehead

sara was amazed as she seeing this act from her brother for the first time 

she looked at the other skeleton and tried to notice anything familiar at it , and without knowing it she felt something ... a deep connection coming from the other remain

she walked to the other one and stood in front of it looking at how the spear pierced through the skill ... , the remains of the blood on it ..... and before doing anything she looked at her brother as he held the skeleton head and was about to cry 

she looked at his face , how sad he was ... as if this boy never aged ..... never changed ...

no matter , she looked at the skeleton in front of her and touched it ...

she felt something is happening a shock of electricity hit her finger and moved from her hand through her entire body as she was shocked of what is happen ...

her view start to get foggy as the entire place is changing .... fading .... 

after a while she opened her eyes while taking heavy breath .... she was looking .... shocked .... 

there was nothing ... no body around , nothing around only void and fog ...

she screamed "anyone here??? Avon ????" but no response ..... 

she finally hears something .... someone is calling her out "Sara.....Sara" she looked around "that voice !!!.... i know that voice ...." 

sara [ who are you ?? ]

mysterious voice [ did you forgot about me already ??? such a shame , my own flesh and blood forgot me ... , well ... allow me to re introduce myself again .. ]

as something is moving in between the mist sara cant see it clearly and cant hear it at all 

mysterious voice [ but before revealing myself let me tell you a little story ... ] 

sara "furious voice" [ just get over with it ..... ]

mysterious voice [ then i will make it fast , i promise sweetie ... ]she said that in calm voice 

sara remembered something when she said sweetie as warm feeling filled her heart and calmed her down

sara was confused but cant shake the feeling that she knew that voice , the way she speaks , the warmth in her words ...

and in an instant the entire area start changing , rocks arise from the ground shape shifting into buildings , creating landscape in between the mist 

sara stood there watching as she cant believe her eyes ..... she was amazed 

as the land scape being created the mysterious voice continue ...

mysterious voice [ once upon time there was once a land which used to be a beautiful land , peaceful ... and full of prosperity , in this beautiful land there used to be a beautiful family a small one and in this small family there was a beautiful little girl with her brother in her side all the time ... ]

the creation of the landscape finished and everything start moving so fast and sara was instantly moved in front if her old ... home 

sara "whisper to herself" [ home !!?? , im-impossible ]

mysterious voice [ in this crazy world sweetie nothing is impossible , in this little house there is a small family , a lovely family ..... ]

sara saw her younger self alongside her brother avon going outside and playing in their house yard ...

her mother and big sister was there as soon as she saw them sara fell to the ground tearing up and on edge of crying as she cant believe her eyes ...

mysterious voice [ a lovely twins alongside their strong big sister and their mother who would sacrufice everything for them ... , but one day they were ..... hmmm we dont need to mention what happened next do we now ?? ]

mysterious voice continue [ they were a happy family , but sadly for every story there is an end for it ... ] 

the place start getting weirder and darker .... a massive sound like shatter glass came from the sky ..

sara looked up shocked seeing the sky shattered ... it was unreal .. and so many things a dark creature with wings start coming from the broken sky screaming and shooting something ...

one of the dark creature stood in front of sara as she was still in the ground , he looked at her with his glowing red eyes while holding a long devilish blade ... 

but in an instant everything shattered and disappear in blink of an eye ....

mysterious voice [ but that is all in the past now .... we shall focus on whats gonna happen in the future ... ]

sara [ how do you know about this ??? , show yourself ... ]

mysterious voice [ as you wish sweetie ... ]

as something was shape shifting in her left ... sara noticed it .... as she closely start seeing her .... true form 

sara was shocked and her eyeball got big watching it 

a beautiful young woman appears among the mist ...

mysterious voice - young woman ?? [ no matter where you are .... no matter how much time pass , i will always be there .... for you and for avon ...., sweetie pie ... m anyway did you miss me ?? "chuckles" ]

sara "in edge of crying" [ m-m-mother ???? ]

sara tears were finally broke and she start bursting from crying .... as she got up and ran to her mother ...

her mother opened her arms with beautiful smile ..

sara kept running until she finally fell to her mother arms hugging her tightly ... as she's crying

her mother start calming her down ..

Mother [ hush sweetie , hush now ..... everything gonna be okay .... , hush now you gonna make me sad too .. ]

sara [ h-how ?? how ??? ]

mother [ like i said sweetie ... "cleaning sara eyes from tear" in this crazy world ... everything is possible .. ]

sara [ you talk like her , feels like her , warm like her ..... i cant believe it m this is a trick isnt it ?? ]

mother [ no its not sara .... if it was a trick you would've noticed it long time ago .... , all what you see and feel is real ... ]

sara [ how ??? you died ..... ] 

mother [ there are things even i dont understand , things i cant explain only assuming that is ... ] 

 sara ( but you seem real .... very real in fact not a shapeshifter or anything .... )

mother ( because this is in your thoughts sweetie , you have somehow connected my thoughts to yours ... )

sara ( i'm not sure ... ]

mother [ dont get worked up thinking about it , whats mater is that i finally saw you after long time ... ] tears start dropping from her eyes 

sara [ mother .... ]

mother [ yes sweetier ?? ] 

sara 'sarcasticly' [ your stories still sucks as it used to ] 

the mother laughed 

mother [ how rude , is that how you talk to your mother ? ] 

they both laughed 

a moment of silence went by 

mother [ dear ..... it is time ... ]

sara [ i want this moment to be a little longer ]

mother [ i also want it to be longer .... but you must understand , all of this is just in your thought ....an imagination .... when you wake up this sad feeling will go away and this conversation is nothing but a memory ]

sara 'voice cracking' [ i dont want you to go ..... please ..... make this moment a little longer please ] 

the mother was on edge of tearing up as she also didnt want this moment to end at all she looked up away as she start to tear up , she couldnt control her emotions 

she held sara cheeks with both of her hands , closed her eyes and put her head to hers 

mother [ im sorry my dear but you cant do anything .... neither do i , the best thing you can do is move on .... this village , this house , your sister .... is all but a memory now ... your memory ... ]

sara start crying and hugged her mother tightly grabbing her clothes ...

sara [ i-i-idont want this .... no .....please no ... 'sob' i dont wanna go ... i-i dont .... wanna ... ] 

mother [ you have to sweetie .... remember for every story there is an end for it ... our story ended ... however your story didnt end here neither did your brother ... you still have a long life to live .... ]

sara [ but this story doesnt have to end here does it ..... wait .....b-b-brother ??!!! ] ( she widened her eyes a bit as she forgot about her brother )

mother [ your brother needs you more then ever now .... you are his only family left .... dont lose him ..... watch over him from all sides ... be his blade when a day where no one stand with him .. , be his shield when everyone stand against him ... , be on his side everywhere , walk the same path he walks ... and you both will make it .... i trust you will ... ]

sara kept crying but more calmer ... 

sara [ why ? is something bad going to happen to him ? ] 

mother [ i .... i ... ]

sara [ yes ??? ]

mother [ i honestly do not know ... even tho im no longer exist in this world yet this feeling i had i somehow didnt lose it .. ]

sara calmed down and backed off a little but still in her mother hands 

sara [ feeling ??? ] 

mother [ yes .... , i still care about you and avon .... my soul and body is long gone only thoughts remains , hear me out sara ... ]

sara [ yes ? ]

mother [ its about Avon ... ] 

sara looked at her mother ...

sara [ what about him ? ] 

the mother hesitates as she closed her eyes and her voice stutters 

mother [ he is on the edge of the breakpoint ... and trust me you dont wanna see what happens after the breakpoint .., i hope you never do ]

sara [ how can i prevent him from ... you know ...]

mother [ stay by his side everytime and everywhere and he will have something to think about .... ] 

sara looked confused 

sara [ i .... i dont understand what do you mean .... ]

the mother pat her head .... she was smiling and on the edge of tearing up

mother [ iam not here to spoil it for you do i now dear ?? ]

sara [ no .... you cant ]

mother [ i-i am sorry dear daughter ..... but i cant help you any further..... i wish to tell you what i know ..... so many things that might help your journey ..... but i just cant ... ]

the mother starts tearing up and cant keep up the smiley face anymore 

sara knew why she cant say any further information 

sara [ i understand , dead one tells no stories ]

mother [ this is gonna be the very last time i talk to you dear ..... i am so happy that i saw the adult version of you ]

the mother tried to held her daughter cheeks for the last time but her hand is slowly fading away like dust 

sara noticed her mother is fading away she tried to hold her hand but it faded as soon as she held them 

mother [ our story has ended and our journey is complete , i want to tell you that bringing you and avon to this life was the happiest thing i have ever had take care of yourself and avon , your journey just started , goodbye my love sara ]

as the last drop of tear from hear eyes before she fade away dropped in sara hands , sara felt a great pain as her hand start glowing white 

mother voice fading away [ never forget .... ] 

as the mother fade away the world that sara was in start to fade away as well , as the world of thoughts fade away sara fell in deep abyss

once she fell she woke up in real world holding her mother skull she looked at it one last time and then put it gently in the ground 

she looked to her left and avon was there , he was probably in her BIG sister thoughts 

She then notice something in her hand and she opened her fist and saw a white fancy nicklace , she saw her name is written in it and then she clinched her fist and looked far in the city distance while on the edge of tearing up 

she didnt believe what she saw but at the same time she knew everything she saw was real and the nicklace in her hand is nothing more but a final gift from her own mother 

sara looked at the nicklace again and said in low voice [ thank you mother .... ] 

she then tried to put the nicklace in but avon started to grunt as he start to get back to his mind 

she notice him as he also was tearing up

avon [ goodbye dear sister ] 

avon looked to his right and noticed sara his eyes was full tears 

sara got closer to him and wiped his tears up 

sara [ how was she ?? ]

avon [ beautiful as ever ..... , what about her ? ] 

sara [ beautiful as ever .. ] 

they smiled and then put their foreheads together 

sara [ did she told you anything ?? ]

avon [ she said plenty .... i would love to share them with you later .... , how about her ? ]

sara [ she also said plenty ] 

they chuckled ... then they decided to go inside the house avon entered first and then sara follow 

they saw the remains of the people who came in that night and sara stood there looking at the skeleton of the creature that attacked them meanwhile avon was looking on the hole they were hiding in 

sara came and looked at the hole 

sara [ so this is where we hiding ? ..... i remember it was bigger ] 

avon knelt and touched the blood stain ... 

sara [ this blood ..... is not them .... ]

avon [ no it isnt them ..... its ours ... ]

sara [ mother and sister ... !!! ]

avon [ exactly , one day i will sure bring them justice and bring those damn creature to extinction ] 

some unkown voice comes from the door that startle them 

unknown voice [ then how about i train you ?]

sara and avon were startled as they turned around looking back at the door to see who is talking 

they thought the village was completely abandoned 

once they turned around the draw their blades and stood on guard as they saw a big man in full plate armor and wielding a 2 handed long hammer 

unknown man in armor [ you have a lot of potentioal , work hard and you might be a great ruler one day ]

avon [ who are you ?? ]

unknown man [ how about we got out and find out ... please this way ] "he pointed in his head to get out of the house"

avon and sara looked at each other ... they were worried 

avon [ got any idea ? ]

sara [ yes .... lets head out ... ]

avon [ sure sis lets head out ]

they walked to the door and got out of the house 

they saw 10 men in full plate armor wielding a 2 handed long hammer 

they stood in circle formation and their hammers was downside up and they looked like they werent here for a fight 

avon notices there are another 2 more in the roof of the house 

unknown man [ i shall introduce myself , my name is alvion and i am the leader of the old guardians and holder of the iavorsa key , and we are the last legion of the old order empire ]

avon whispers [ order empire .... ] 'as he looked at them wide eyes not believing what he sees' 

sara was excited to finally see some human warriors and not any kind of warriors the top elite one 

avon [ my name is avon and this is my sister sara we are from the von astratus family ] 

Alvion [ i know who you are sir avon i know about all of you , lady sara , lady vernara and sir arcadius ]

sara [ wait how did you .... ]

alvion [ how did i know about the other 2 nobles ?? (laughs) , lady sara the old guardians knows everything we have a network across the 9 old nations ]

sara and avon were confused 

avon [ 9 old nations ?? what are you talking about ? ]

alvion [ the 9 old nations is a phrase for the 18 continents ]

sara [ in another phrase the entire world ] 

alvion [ correct lady sara , but sadly there isnt many left of us ..... , i want to talk more about everything sir avon and lady sara but here isnt a great place to talk especially that the nightfall is near ] 

avon [ then where do you suggest to go ? ]

alvion [ to the old guardians fortress and do not worry about the other 2 we already sent men to get them .... now if you please ]

sara whispers to avon [ there isnt much of a choice they seem expert with fighting and beside they are humans we can trust them ]

avon [ i was thinking the same , alright then were coming with you lord alvion ]

alvion [ just alvion no need to be formal with me lord avon ]

meanwhile in the other side of the village vernara and arcadius reached the house of vernara and they were about to enter 

vernara [ alright then ... phew that was long ride ]

arcadius [ indeed it was tho your house isnt far from the warehouse ]

vernara [ yes my family actually got that job because we are good at trading stuff , food , weed all kind of food and because we dont eat someone else rights ] 

arcadius [ i understand , looking at your house and the area here its seems it didnt get hit that hard , most of buildings if not all of them are intact and the roads are clean .... not a single drop of blood ]

vernara [ so you noticed huh ..... the families here are known to be scouters ..... and some of them got a job of evacuating .... ]

arcadius [ evacuating ?? to where ??? there is no way in hell they escaped this massacre not without a fight anyway ]

vernara [ and therefore there is only one way to escape in this situation ..... ] 

she points on the ground 

arcadius [ they escaped from the undergrounds tunnels ... ]

vernara [ yes they saved so many that night but didnt have chance to save the people from the western and north sides , those areas were hit badly ]

arcadius [ and they were the one who fought the most trying to hold them back knowing that there is no winning this ]

vernara [ yes ..... anyway the nightfall is near lets head inside i will take couple of things then we will head out to your place ]

arcadius [ sure lets go ]

vernara reached the doorstep and she was excited to enter her home yet she was hasitated because she knew there wont be someone to greet her this time 

vernara opens the door and went inside meanwhile arcadius was looking around and the village is so calm only the sound of the wind and some paper

he then notice something was moving in one of the rooftops of the buildings 

he was concerned for a moment and he thought he was hallucinate so he went inside with her

vernara start running towards her room meanwhile arcadius was looking around he notice her house was mess but not a single sign of struggle or fighting 

he pulled a chair and set on it only the chair to break on him and he fell on the ground 

arcadius [ ughhhh , kinda forgot that everything here is 20 years old damn , my butt hurts , ughhhhh ] 

vernara from her room [ everything okay ?? ]

arcadius [ y-yes never been better ]

as he trying to get up 

vernar [ good i found what i need ]

arcadius got up and walked to vernara room curious to see the rest of her house 

he entered her room and was surprised seeing it so clean 

arcadius [ wow ..... everything is so ]

vernara [ clean .... yeah , thats a mother touch for ya haha ]

arcadius [ what are you doing ? ]

vernara [ looking through my old stuff ... nevertheless none of these matters to me now , all this is overdue ... ]

she kept looking through her old stuff yet she doesnt find any value but there is one thing that caught her eyes ..... 

she got up and walked to her bed she find a blanket it was written 'sweet dream' 

she took it and hugged it hard and start tearing up a little arcadius noticed it and he smiled as he knew she finally found something out of value 

he walked out of the room and closed the door gently he took a look for the house and found a massage but it was empty as if someone took it ...

vernara came out of the room and she was ready to go out 

vernara [ alright then i guess everything is good ] 

arcadius [ do you think they survived ? ]

vernara [ my family ??? there is a possibility yes , but not sure ]

arcadius [ how many memebers your family had ? ]

vernara [ me and my other little sister she was a year old haha and mother , father was in the eastern borders , why ask ? ]

arcadius [ just curies ]

vernara [ what about you ? ]

arcadius [ i will tell you when we reach my house ]

vernara [ cool ]

they got out of the house and walked down the streets that leads to the village center where the big massacre was 

they were about to head to one of the roads until they saw a building roubles that standing between them and arcadius house 

they saw the remains of the knights that use to protect the wall they noticed it 

vernara [ these knights ..... they were suppose to be in the wall , but the wall is far from here ]

arcadius [ the enemy didnt come from the walls , it came from that hole in the sky , by the time they noticed them the village was already fallen , and these were ordered to fight them until the civilians escape , from the looks of it nobody escaped from this path ]

vernara [ did they destroy this building block their path and kill them all at once ? ]

arcadius [ there is a possibility yes , but theres more to the story then meet the eye , come on lets go around it ]

they go around the block and tried another path it was the same , blocked by bulding ruins , they tried another path it was all the same 

there was only one path that was open they go there and once they go around the corner their eyes widened and vernara was about to puke from the terrible view 

they saw the knights body every where some was impaled and others heads was missing 

they go a little further and they saw the same knights dead everywhere 

arcadius knew that .... he didnt want to say anything yet 

they walked a little further ad they finally saw the one who tried to escape the civilians were all impaled from their nicks vernara was shocked in sadness 

the air and the mood was quickly changed as they continue that path 

they finally reached arcadius house and arcadius wasnt shocked from the view 

as he saw his own personal guards impaled in the house gates and blood trail comes from inside the house 

vernara [ are you sure you want to do this ? ]

arcadius [ yes ..... i didnt tell you my story yet .... ]

arcadius head inside as vernara followed him 

they went inside the broken doors and went inside the house 

vernara was even more shocked when she saw the servent of the house impaled to the walls in pieces 

he blood was everywhere as arcadius went in one way inside the house and that was the living room 

arcadius [ no need to to any room , they are all the same , come ]

vernara followed him inside the living room and she saw 2 skeleton remain holding a silver blade

arcadius sit leaned to the fireplace and vernara was walking slowly around the room 

arcadius [ these two are my older brothers askon and markova there should be a 3rd one and my sister too ]

vernara listened to him as she walked slowly 

arcadius [ that night i was in my room ready to sleep as my brothers were in my room that night to take their stuff , they were preparing to go to the royal palace ]

arcadius sit down in the ground beside one of his brothers 

arcadius [ and a massive sound came from the sky , we quickly heard people screaming outside and the first thing my brothers did they took me to the living room under the couch there is a hidden hole they put me there and told me to never leave my place whatever happen stay their until the sunrise ]

vernara leaned down and saw the hole then she sit on the couch 

arcadius [ one of my brothers told the 3rd one to get my sister as soon as he left the room something entered the room and as soon as it entered they start fighting it , they killed couple of them .... (he start looking for the creature body) the creatures body is also missing ..... hmmm ]

arcadius confused as he remember everything and so many thing isnt connecting as if the story is missing 

vernara [ probably someone took it as trophy ?? ]

arcadius [ a possibility ..... but something indeed is missing ... , anyway they fought hard to protect me and my little sister they died trying anyway ... ]

vernara [ what about your mother ? ]

arcadius [ shes probably dead , she went out with her friends to the village general store , but my little sister ... hold on ]

arcadius rushed to his little sister room in the 2nd floor 

as vernara telling him to wait he didnt listen and rushed there as fast as he can 

varnara reached the room and arcadius was standing and looking 

there was a huge gap in the wall leading outside and another gap in the roof ..... he saw her favorite toy stuck between the bricks outside the gap 

he walked slowly and took the toy held it as he looked sad and looked outside not believing any of this 

arcadius [ sister ..... brother ..... ]

vernara came and hugged him from behind 

vernara [ you couldnt do anything .... nobody could ]

arcadius [ i arcadius sin vercadia herby promise that i will slaughter them all , no fucking mercy upon any of them , ALL OF ... YOU ....]

Unknown voice [ then allow me to show you the way of vengeance ... ]

arcadius and vernara were shocked and startled they turned so fast preparing to unshath their blade 

arcadius saw a knight in full plate armor , wielding a hammer standing outside the room 

arcadius [ this .... this is not possible ... !!! ]

vernara [ human knight ??? how ? ]

unknown knight [ allow me to introduce myself , iam souldan captain of the 4th cavarly division of the old guardians ]

arcadius [ old guardians ??? you guys still alive ? ]

souldan [ barely there aint too many of us now .... and at this moment we are in need to anyone who can lead humanity out of this dark age ]

vernara [ dark age ?? what happen to the golden age ? ]

souldan [ destroyed and abandoned from that night ]

arcadius [ so what do you want captain ? ]

souldan [ i in the name of lord alvion invite you to our fortress and the city of the old guardians ]

vernara [ what ??? how can we trust you ? ]

souldan [ you dont have to worry lady vernara .... lord avon and lady sara already with lord alvion ]

arcadius and vernara [ avon and sara ??!!!] 

arcadius [ we got no other option ]

vernara [ you out of you damn head ??? they will probably kill us ... ]

arcadius [ i dont think he will ]

vernara [ why ? ]

arcadius [ look around you ..... there is no other human around these region they are the very first humans appear after 24 years .... they got no reason to lie and avon and sara are probably with them now ]

vernara [ i guess you right about that ]

souldan [ then please follow me ]

as souldan from the old guardians left the room arcadius and vernara followed him outside 

outside the house there was another 9 knights standing outside the gates there are 5 more on some of the roof top 

arcadius [ so i wasnt seeing things earlier what i saw was your men .... ]

souldab [ correct ..... , we will talk more in our fortress , much more safe if you aske me .. ]

vernara [ off course ... ]

they walked alongside the knights to the entrance of the village there they met with avon and sara 

their destination is the old guardians city 

chapter 7 : the old guardians 

chapter 8 : the Forgotten Order 





author notes :

thanks for reading my story and sorry for not writing or completing the chapter i had something to do with life matters but all is good now 

the rest of my thought and some information you can read it in the author thoughts there will be much more simple explaination for whats going on and understanding the factions too 

and perhaps i will keep the author notes in the author thoughts and keep the rest of information here haha

thanks again and keep up for the next week new chapter <3< strong>

the old guardians are a legendary soldiers from an old times

created by unknown person but all what they know that it was tnone other then the order empire ..... in another phrase the old order

this order empire is a human only order ruled by human kingdoms or the worthy one that deserve to be called an order soldier

and the title old guardians is refered to those legend warriors who seek justice even in the order absence

TheTacticalcreators' thoughts