
Avalon the last order

a story about a boy and a girl named avon and sara they lived peacefully in a peaceful village one day out of nowhere a massive attack against the village by the nonhumans or what they call them creatures avon and sara survived after witnessing a massacre against his family and people now its his time to take revenge in the name of humanity and to make it clear to all the nonhumans that the humans are the dominant one

TheTactical · Fantasy
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The Forgotten Order

vernara and arcadius left the verarians and arcadians sector and went to the center of the village and once they got there they met up with avon and sara

sara waved and rushed to them vernara saw them and also ran to her

alvion said to souldan [ we will rest here for moments then we will leave the village ]

souldan [ alright sir ..... should we put them to rest ? ]

alvion [ yeah .... we should ] 

sara hugged vernara and they chat for a bit arcadius hand shake avon and they seem relaxed seeing each other well they took a seat around the old well 

avon looked to his left and saw a dead man with so many arrows in his back as if he tried to hide or save something 

he stood up and took one of the arrows , someone from the old guardians with golden hammer came to see what he doing 

when avon pulled the arrow they looked at it ... it has a demnoic shape 

avon [ look at this ..... what do you think ?? ]

the old guardian soldier took the arrow and start looking at it

guardian soldier [ its a vampiric type , and its not poisonous ... ]

avon [ what does poison have to do with it ? ]

guardian soldier [ poison means they either scouts , assassins or scavengers ... , but these type is military type , a military type is not ment to hunt it ment to kill in sight , it means a vampire army was here ... ]

avon [ vampire army ??? ]

guardian soldier [ there is so much more ..... once we reach the old city you will find all the answers that you seek , what happened here , who attacked you .. why attacking you , and everyone else who participated in this slaughter , just have patience ( throw the arrow away and held his shoulder ) ] 

arcadius was listening to them but his curiosity beats him so he reached avon and the old guardian ....

arcadius [ you said a vampire army was here why ??? , the succubus swarm annihilate anyone demon , devil , elf , human all kind of living creature and here you telling me that an organised army was fighting alongised them ? ]

old guardian [ i didnt say they fought together but that what we assume anyway , there is no other explaination whatsoever , no other clues that they fought each other no marks no mixed blood nothing , everyone who was here fought against humanity ]

arcadius [ the old city .... does it have all the answers ?? ]

old guardian [ yes ..... it does , thats my promise ]

arcadius was so frustrated for a moment and the old guardian knew that too but didnt want to reveal anything so he nods to him and leave 

avon [ you okey brother ? you seem lost control for a moment over there ]

arcadius [ y-yes iam thanks bro .... brother ?? ]

avon [ iam here ..... ]

arcadius [ once we find the answer to all this i promise you .... i will kill them all , every ... last .. one of those fucking creatures .... i swear to my name the sin vercadia that i will ... i will ]

arcadius voice was stuttering and was about to tear up avon hugged him to calm him down 

avon [ i know .... i know , you think iam any better then you ??? , im just holding it together until i find the answer that satisfy me ... ]

arcadius [ you mean an excuse to kill them ?? ]

they start laughing 

the old guardian soldier heared them and looked at them from afar 

old guardian to himself [ you both will be a great leaders one day , one day this world will be a wonderful place for humans ] ( turned around ant kept walking )

after 2 hours avon remembered something very important he rushed to sara and whispered 

avon [ hey sara ... ]

sara [ yes ? ]

avon [ i believe we missed something .... ]

sara [ something ?? ]

avon [ more like someone ... ]

sara was confused on his statement 

sara [ someone ??? ..... someone ...hmmm ( she finally realized ) NO WAY !!!!!!!! HOW COULD WE ... ]

avon [ keep it down alvion and the others dont know yet about her ... ]

sara [ should we at least tell arcadius and vernanra ? ]

avon [ yes we must find her before we leave the village ]

sara [ alright then ]

sara walked towards arcadius and vernara , she reached them while smiling and waving 

she also kept an eye looking around making sure nobody is seeing her ..

one of the guardians soldiers in one of the roof tops saw her walking and looking around in a very suspicious way he turned around to tell the others but he felt it wasn't needed to so he decided to keep an eye on her 

sara reached them and vernara can tell that sara isnt smiling out of happines 

vernara [ you either smiling because you finally gone mad or you hiing something (smirks) ] 

sara [ how can you tell ??? maybe i am indeed happy haha ]

vernara wasnt amused by her acting 

vernara [ sara dear .... we lived together for 20 years i know everything about you ..... cut the acting whats going on ?? ]

arcadius was looking at them without interuppting or joining the conversation he also knew something was wrong and he also saw the guardian in the roof top looking at them 

sara [ make sense haha .... ( looked back at avon , avon nods to her ) so ahhmmm ... ]

vernara [ ahhmmmm ??? isnt very useful you know ... ]

sara [ yes yes i know ... ahmmm ..... we kinda forgot something ... ]

vernara [ something ??? like what ?? ]

sara [ more like someone .... ]

vernara was confused and arcadius was also confused by her statement he was thinking so hard but no answer comes to his mind 

vernara [ someone as person ??? ]

sara [ yes ..... ]

arcadius eyes widened as he finally remembered who is sara talking about 

arcadius whisper .. [ minerva !!!!!! ]

vernara turned around and looked at arcadius 

vernara [ what did you say ??? ]

arcadius looked at her surprised and guilty 

arcadius [ minerva ..... we forgot about her ... ]

vernara didnt look surprised but she can feel being guilty 

vernara [ minerva ..... i cant believe it .... ]

arcadius [ whats wrong ? didnt miss our little freind ? ]

vernara [ its not about that .... ]

arcadius [ then what is it ? ]

vernara [ i dont forgets ..... especially when it comes to people faces , names and voices ...]

arcadius knew there is something wrong going on because he also dosent forgets easily so he remain silent and nods to her 

sara [ keep it down we dont need the others to hear it ]

arcadius [ hate to tell you sis ..... but that guy over there says otherwise ... ]

arcadius points in his heads to the dirction of the soldier 

they looked up and the guardian soldier was looking at them he waved at them then he jumped down into the rubbles and made a smooth landing 

his helmet was gold and had horns in it 

after the landing he got up and walked slowly to them he looked to his left towards alvion and souldan to see if they noticed anything 

he reached them ..

golden guardian [ boys .... and girls ..... tell me ... whos that person you talking about ?? ]

avon [ even from afar your hearing skills is impressive ... ]

golden guardian [ thanks ... to be part of the order means you have to be good at something ..... you can use it to your advantage against something or someone , you however will find yours in the old city .....but thats not the matter now ..... tell me whos the girl your talking about ? ]

vernara [ should we ??? ]

arcadius [ do we have any other options ?? ]

sara [ no .... ]

arcadius [ well nothing to lose i guess ]

avon [ long story short .... we came to this village as 5 people we are 4 as you can see , so we are missing someone and must find her before we leave .. ]

golden guardian [ i see , does she perhaps goes by the name of *minerva* ..... ]

everyone was shocked when they heard her name ...

sara [ h-how did you ..... ]

arcadius burst of anger 

arcadius [ bullshit how the hell you know ....we never mention anything ]

golden guardian [ calm down now ... i mean no harm like i said everyone is good at something and maybe more ]

avon [ but it does not make any sense how did you know ?? ]

vernara [ iam also curious ]

golden guardian [ i want to keep the rest of the story in the old city now you have the right to know ... follow me ]

they all followed him far from the old guardians legion and took them to one of the buildings that used to be a fancy resturant 

they all took a seat and listened to him while talking 

golden guardian [ i was there when the sky fell and the army of darkness marched to the village .... i saw it all and participated as a loyal servent of the order emperor , i fought and fought for hours and days you can never imagine what a sight it was ... ]

they all were focused on him 

golden guardian [ the first 3 hours was a massacare , the real battle begun in the 4th hour when the human army marched to the city the army was split into 2 , the strongest one fights and rebel the army of darkness and the other one trying to save as much as possible

avon [ trying to save as much as possible ?? what do you mean by that ? ]

golden guardian [ means that not everyone could be saved and do you know how many we saved that day ?? ]

arcadius [ how many ? ]

golden guardian [ 17 ..... and they all were children .... ]

avon [ impossible ..... i saw the village after what happened there were people walken down the road ... ]

golden guardian [ my child ..... these werent people , not even close to be one .. ]

sara [ not people ?? then what are they ? ]

golden guardian looked down while holding something in his hand he slowly looked up to them 

golden guardian [ i prefer to keep this detail in the old city ... ]

they all were disappointed for not hearing the rest of the story but they understand as well the situation they are in 

golden guardian [ what a disaster it was that day ... and the old guardians participated though they were a bit late for the party but they did the impossible , and what shocked us the sight of 9 massive army marching from all sides towards the village , all of them were no human armies ...]

arcadius [ what armies they were ?? ]

golden guardian [ the high elves , demons , vampires , orcs , goblins , the succubus and many more , there were even armies that didnt participate in the land rather in the sea .... i wish to say no further]

vernara [ understandable ... we will get the rest in the old city or fort , that what you all promised us .... right ?? ] 

golden guardian [ thats correct ]

avon [ thank you ..... for telling us ]

golden guardian [ there is still much to be told sir avon in the old library you all shall know the truth ... ]

sara [ truth ?? ]

golden guardian [ the truth of everything , what was told to you about the world and the creature ... were wrong ... ]

arcadius [ wrong ?? ]

golden guardian [ all of it ]

avon [ fine ..... but the real question how did you know about minerva ?? ]

golden guardian [ i said enough sir avon ..... like i promised i shall reveal everything once we reach the old city , now all what you have to do is to have patience ] 

avon [ so be it ....patience it is then ]

arcadius [ i hope its worth the patience ]

golden guardian [ indeed it is ]

souldan was looking for them and after searching everywhere he finally finds them 

souldan [ what yaal doing there ...??? ]

golden guardian [ we were talking .. ]

souldan [ i can see that ]

golden guardian [ what do you need lord souldan ? ]

souldan [ the path has been cleared out ... we are leaving so come on ]

golden guardian [ we are coming ( looked at them ) come this gonna be long journey ahead of us ]

they all walked back to the guardians group 

once they reached there they were ready to leave ...

they picked up their packs 

guardian soldier [ sir these horses are ready ... ]

avon and the others start looking around to see who is talking with 

golden guardian [ hes talking to you sir ... ]

avon [ wait us ???? ]

guardian soldier [ yes sir these horses are yours .. ]

avon [ i ... i ... ( looked at alvion , alvion gives him a small nod with a smile ) thank you .... ]

guardian soldier [ you are most welcome sir ]

arcadius [ whose good horse .. whose a good horse ...you are ..... hohohohoho ] 

sara [ yep hes officially lost it haha ]

vernara [ i start to feel bad for him now after all these jokes i made about him ]

arcadius [ haha sure thing ladies this is my horse ... ]

the horse start bumbing him in the back 

arcadius [ see she love me .... ohhhhh coshy coshy couchhhhhh ] 

avon [ brother you are a piece of work i tell ya hahaha ]

vernara [ by the way she is a he ] 

arcadius [ what ??? ]

arcadius start looking down to make sure what she said is true and he finally found out in the hard way 

arcadius [ god damn , whatever hes a goooood boy ]

avon [ that was fast haha ] 

they rode the horses and walked alongside the guardians once they reached the gates alvion said 

alvion [ now to the old city and the old fortress ]

sara whispers [ so they are the same after all , good to know ] 

alvion [ LEGIONS forward ] 

they all walked outside the village as avon looked behind a final look to his old home 

as they walked among the fallen in the battlefield avon and the others saw the rest of the guardians giving respect to those who fought back 

avon looked to his right to see that one soldier who penetrated the creatures body with spear while in guard mode 

he saw multiple guardians standing there giving respect to him and throwing flowers to him ..... 

alvion rode beside avon and asked him [ do you wish to put them in rest sir avon ? ]

avon [ are they not ?? ]

alvion [ not yet ... ]

avon [ sure .... but it will take days to bury them all ]

alvion [ who said anything about burying ? we gonna burn them sir avon ]

avon shcoked [ burn them ??? they were our family and friends ] 

alvion [ then do you wish to see their remains rot ?? looted by the scavengers ? ]

avon [ no ... i wish them not ]

alvion [ then allow me to put them to rest ] 

avon [ did you ask the others ? ]

alvion [ yes i did ]

alvion stopped the legion and faced the village one last time 

alvion [ those who walked among us , those who once we cared about , those who once we called family , i lord alvion herby ordering you to rest in peace ]

souldan [ ARCHERS !!!! FIRE ]

a barrage of flaming arrows was fired towards the village and once it hits them it made the wall on fire 

and in no time the village was burning once again yet this time it feels more peaceful 

once the village and its residints was put to rest they marched into the old city 

the old city was 4 days far from the village ... as they marched avon , arcadius , vernara and sara was wondering around seeing the beauty of this world 

the first 2 days was normal days nothing happened 

but in the 3rd day they saw a remain of a convoy 

there werent any body nor corpses around only the carriage and the remain of the horses 

and some small traces of fighting and struggle .... not trail no blood anywhere so this must happen a very long time ago 

and in the 4th day before reaching the old city they saw a group of goblins scouting around ....

the guardians kept marching without giving a care about them 

the goblins attacked them in group of 4 there were only 12 of them 

and the guardian charged at them and smashed their heads with the hammers 

as they saw they were being slaughtered they fall back 

the fight didnt last a minute 

avon [ these are the one who attacked the village ? ]

he said that sarcasticlly 

souldan [ yes , pretty weak right ? just wait till you see the other creatures you will start to wonder how humanity lost to them ] 

avon and the rest really start to wonder how they lost ... they were thinking that there was a strong being that participated in that day that made them stronger or gave me more courage to fight 

and hours pass by and they saw a beautiful waterfall beside the mountains 

what a wonderful sight it was 

they passed through the waterfall sara and vernara raised their arms as the water touches their faces a smooth pure water 

after the passed the waterfall they met up with couple guardians who protected the mountain gate 

they let them pass and bowed to avon and the rest as if they knew who they were 

after they passed the mountain gate they finally were their ..

the old city and the old fortress of the Old order empire 

they reached the very last humans who fought and believed in the order empire and the order king 

avon and the rest were looking around and once they reached the city they entered 

they were amazed by what they saw 

alvion [ my lords , my ladies welcome , to the old order empire , the forgotten order ]

as they entered the people stood up walked outside the houses and outside the stores looking at them a look of hope 

chapter 8 : the forgotten order 

chapter 9 : new hope 

the people inside the old city they are the very last people and descenders of those who fought alongside the order king and those who believed in his order

when they looked at him they saw a glimpse of hope that these people will one day achive what they believed in

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