
Avalon the last order

a story about a boy and a girl named avon and sara they lived peacefully in a peaceful village one day out of nowhere a massive attack against the village by the nonhumans or what they call them creatures avon and sara survived after witnessing a massacre against his family and people now its his time to take revenge in the name of humanity and to make it clear to all the nonhumans that the humans are the dominant one

TheTactical · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The friendly succubus

He hears screams .... He hears chaos 

Fire everywhere .... He can't see straight ... Everything is blur 

As he hears a woman crying in a distance calling his name 

Screaming his name .... 

As the voice was getting closer he said to the mysterious voice [ who are you ? ] 

Yet the voice still screaming his name 

Out of nowhere she appeared a woman who looks like his big sister her eyes is bloody as she screams [ AVON !!!! ] 

Avon woke up in shock while he takes heavy breathing 

Sara woke up touched his shoulder as she asked him smoothly [ are you OK ? ] 

Avon hugged her as he said : [ yes .... Yes I am fine , are you OK ? ] 

Sara gave him a nod as she asked him [ nightmare ? ] 

Avon : [ yes .... Bad one too .. , you ? ] 

Sara : [ no .... ! ] 

Avon : [ do you know what happened ] 

Sara : [ something happened with that woman then ..... Then we .... ] 

As a mysterious woman voice in distance can be heard : [ I see you are wake now dears ( chuckles ) don't worry foods gonna be ready soon ] 

As they start looking around they found themselves in a close dark place in front of them was woods on fire 

Sara : [ whe..... Where are we ? ] 

Avon : [ we are in a cave .... Wait ..... Are those ..... ] 

He pointed on 2 other kids sleeping Beside them 

Sara said calmly : [ people !!!! Kids .... Like us ] 

Avon stood up and moved towards them he reached one of them 

It was a girl same age as him , he checked her for injuries 

He found a lot but covered with bandages 

He looked at one of the tables he saw bandages and other medicine material 

What it looks like the mysterious woman was busy taking care of the wounds 

The woman came with a big smile I'm her face as she said with happy voice : [ foods ready] 

She moved her finger used some kind of magic to flip the rocks on the ground and making them as table 

It was well designed as well 

She puts the food while preparing the table she was humming with a beautiful tongue 

The table is ready 

She said calmly : [ Avon , Sara come in don't be shy .... The others will join as soon as they wake up ] 

Avon hesitated for a moment but Sara whispered him { I think we gonna be good brother } 

He whispered back { why do you think so ? .... } 

Sara { she seems different ... I believe we can trust her } 

Sara got up and walked to the table as Avon was watching 

Sara set on the shair made of rock it was comfy and warm 

She pointed to Avon to come 

As Avon wasn't fully know weather he go or no 

As the woman walkes to the other kids who sleeping she set on her knees and start waking them up gently as she said calmly and low voice { come on wake up .... Foods gonna get cold , I made some delicious tea

Avon was shocked as he looked back to his sister he saw she was already start eating 

He got up and walks to the table 

He pulled the shair back and set beside his sister

He took a glimpse on her ... She already start eating , she was enjoying it too

He looked at the food he was saying in his mind { this food .... It looks tasty }

He grabbed some apples and start eating it

It felt like he was eating something totally new and different

The other kids woke up as the woman helped them as she held them in the back while they getting up to man sure they don't fall in their back Because they still recovering

Their injuries was bad , but with her healing abilities ... they had second chance

The kids reached the table and start eating

All of them were enjoying the food

Sara was eating too fast that she choked in her food while eating

Avon start worrying as he hit her back so the food goes down but it didnt ....

The woman gave her a cup of water .. , the water .... Seemed weirdly beautiful as it was glowing and sparkles was going out of it

She said smoothly : [ drink this it will make it easier for you ... ]

Sara without thinking took the cup and start drinking it ...

As she was shocked .... When she finished drinking it she looked at it in confused way

The woman said : [ delicious .... Isn't dear ? ] with a smile

Sara gave the cup back the woman took it as she pet her head

Avon was looking all the time as she saw the woman eyes he knew .....

He knew something is different with this one

He looked at the other kids he saw them having fun smiling .... Enjoying the food

His sister also liked the food

He set there without eating for a brief of moment thinking ...

The woman saw Avon thought is somewhere else she asked : [ is there something in your mind dear ? ]

Avon looked at her ... Her face was all nice ... Smiling . he felt that smile was real not a fake one ... Not to show them that she is just nice .. No , she was smiling from her heart

As he felt she was happy for some reason

He said calmly : [ no ... Everything is fine ] with a smile

When they finished the eating the other kids went beside the fire as they were freezing

The woman came and did something with hear hand pointing to the fire ... The fire is the same but somehow she made it hotter ... Warmer

She said : [ if you still feeling cold I can bring you something to warm you up even more how about that ? ]

They gave her nod as yes she said with smile : [ right away my dear ] she pet them in their heads as she left

Sara whispered to Avon : [ I want to clean the table ]

Avon looked at her confused : [ why ? ]

Sara : [ she gave us warm place , healed us , feed us , I think we should do something nice to her ]

Avon smiled as he said : [ you want to do this don't you ? ]

Sara : [ YES !!!! ]

Avon : [ haha fine , if you want to do it ..... I will do it with you ]

Sara seemed happy to hear that as she grabbed his hands and go the table

She start picking the plates and gave them to Avon

Avon looked to his right .... He felt a Perez of wind on his cheeks

It was beautiful ....

He told his sister : [ Sara !! .... Would you like .... To go outside .. , to get some fresh air ?? ]

Sara looked at him as she also felt the beautiful Perez of wind

She said : [ its dangerous brother ..... What if there monsters there ?? ]

Avon looked at the kids checking if they hear him

Avon : [ we just gonna take fresh air ... We ain't going anywhere sis , don't worry ... ]

She picked the plates goes the other side of the cave put them in what it looked like a table

Then they checked back at the kids the woman was there giving them soft sofa it looked warm

They crouched and start moving till they reached the dark hallway they couldn't see anything but the Perez of air is getting stronger

So they knew they are getting closer to the exist

They finally saw a light they ran into it ....

When they reached it was raining and thunder with beautiful cold wind

They were happy to see something like this as they never saw or felt like this

The looked around as they were above the clouds I'm some mountain

The view was amazing

They also saw flying things people like with wings ...

A voice inside the cave can be heard : [ can you see them ? .... , yes those things ...those will tear you into parts if you are not careful ... ]

She walked slowly as she start appearing from her toe to her head

Her face was serious not angry not disappointed but serious as if she worry something gonna happen to them

She continue to said : [ these creatures are dangerous , in fact everything outside is dangerous ... Take a closer look to them dear ]

They looked at the flying creatures they saw them attacking each other

They saw one of them teared the other creature wings ... Other cut their heads with their hawks

Despite the beautiful view of the mountains these creatures made it a terrible view to watch

They walked back step by step Intel they hit the woman legs

When they did the woman put her hands on their shoulders comforting them

She said calmly : [ as long as I am here nothing bad gonna happen ... ]

They turn around and hugged her

Ash she continue to say [ you have to understand my dear I am not gonna be there all the time as I as well have something important to do and when the times comes you have to be strong , because when you get bigger its gonna be your job to hunt these disgraceful things ... As long as I am here I will take care of you ... All of you , I will also train you to get stronger so when the day comes when I leave you have to take care of yourself .... ]

Sara said [ please don't leave ..... Please ]

Avon : [ we have no one else .... Please ... Stay ]

The woman : [ don't worry dears I won't going anywhere ... Not until I see you become a beautiful adults ... We have plenty of times my sweet little sugar ] she poked their nose

They start smiling and laighing as they were comfortable with her as they finally started to trust her even tho they don't know her ...

She hugged them ... As she looked at the flying creatures a look of hatred a true hate

Her eyes glow purple her hands start glowing

But she contained herself as she noticed she is hugging Avon and Sara

She soon calmed down and took them inside

She said calmly : [ oh you probably don't know my name do you .... Haha no problem you can call me ... Helen ]

As they were walking back inside the cave

The surrounding area of the mountain is full of monsters and creatures all chaos and death but the cave was in the other side so when Avon and Sara went out they saw beautiful view instead of the bloody battle is going on behind them between giant rocks and flying creatures as the giant rock were throwing massive boulder into the air and the creatures using fire arrow as the sky was raging with thunder and heavy rain ...

Chapter 2 : the friendly succubus

Chapter 3 : the truth

why was the succubus friendly with those kids simple because she is human from the inside how is that you say ?? you will know in future chapters

as for the end chapter in the surrounding area in mountains

imagine the view of the cave entrance when Helen and the kids went inside the camera went up showing the cave and the mountains

behind the mountain there was a massive battle between rock people And the flying creatures who invaded their mountains

why the flying creatures didn't attack or based on the mountain the kids live in it because thanks to the succubus strong magic + she made contract with the rock people otherwise they would've annihilated her in sight but why would they accept such offer

its simple because rock people have a soft place for humans in their hearts and they saw this succubus cared to them and if she did anything to them they will also kill her

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