
Avalon the last order

a story about a boy and a girl named avon and sara they lived peacefully in a peaceful village one day out of nowhere a massive attack against the village by the nonhumans or what they call them creatures avon and sara survived after witnessing a massacre against his family and people now its his time to take revenge in the name of humanity and to make it clear to all the nonhumans that the humans are the dominant one

TheTactical · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Attack

"in a world where fantasy is a huge part of it dragons , demons , Elfs all creatures that anyone can ever imagine 

in this world humans are a minority yet still maintained a civilization greater then all other nonhuman or what they called them (creatures )

in this world humanity was once a dominant race there was conflicts between humans as always but peace was a majority part of this world sadly that was very very ... very long time ago 

something big happened unexplainable things had happened that changed the core of this world and after that many new creatures had immerged from the underground claiming that the surface belong to them 

even though the humans were overmatch and outnumbered yet they fought back against all odds 

after many years of bloody wars and brutal battles The human world was destroyed 

Over the years after the incident that change the world the humans lost so many yet in every age comes by there is always someone who always stood up and fought them back in hope someday this world will be at peace once more ..."

Somehwere in the human lands there is a Royal village , this village had a lot of royal families from all human world kingdoms and empires

they build this village as way to connect all human kingdoms and get them all close together 

As the royal village splits in sectors , every sector is an empire or kingdom 

the avalonian sector , the arcadians , spartaciulos and many more 

In this village there was a family in the avalon sector which belong to the avalonians kingdom and they goes by the name of the Von Astratos family the next to the throne In this family was Avon and his sister Sara they were twins

it was early morning ...

they were playing outside the house in the garden , it has a beautiful scenery to the village And the walls that surrounded the village 

They were playing hide And seek which both were enjoying so much Everyone in the village was happy and peaceful a dream place to live in 

breakfast was ready and Their mother called them They had another big sister which her name is minarva , she was beautiful woman blonde silk hair , curvy body and a very skilled warrior 

They sit around the table and start eating

the food was delicious a grilled chicken and soup made of carrots and tomato and a cup of juice 

as they were enjoying the food and laughing on the jokes that big sister was making she got up and start acting as a goblin 

they laughed and then her mother hit her with a spoon in her head and minerva apologize and sit down as she continue making funny faces to make avon and sara laugh 

after they finished the breakfast avon and Sara sat beside the fire place reading books Meanwhile his big sister and mother was sitting outside talking and laughing

Sara : [ brother .... ]

Avon : [ yes ? .... ]

Sara : [ do you think ..... We will be like this .... Forever ? ]

Avon didnt say anything but after a minute Avon : [ I am not sure ... But father said nothing to be worry about .... Sooooo .... ]

Sara : [ so ? ]

Avon : [ there is nothing to be worry about ]

He smiled to her And pat her head which she smiled as well

In the book which Avon was reading he stopped at a page which there's a city burning and he was looking at it as he was curious why people always fighting 

he start to wonder if this world was without hate or anger how would it be ?? he asked himself 

a beautiful place to live in he answered himself 

out of nowhere a massive explosion sound can be heard as the house was shaking everything in the house was dropping to the ground 

sara shouted her brother name AVON!!!! 

and avon rushed to hold her 

the sky turned red .... 

and screams can be heard outside the house ( we are under attack , the sky has shattered run for your life , evacuate the village ... , they are coming from the sky ... ]

Big sister and mother went inside as quick as they can Mother was blocking the door with whatever she can find 

meanwhile menirva was getting the weapons and the armor 

avon and sara was in panic 

avon [ what ... whats going on ??? ] his voice was stuttering 

minerva [ everything gonna be okey alright... dont worry about a thing ]

mother [ minerva ..... get the back door hurry ]

minerva [ yes mother im on it ]

minerva rushed to block the back door 

meanwhile their mother came to the children and sit on her knee and held their faces 

mother [ hear me out ... ]

sara and avon [ what are we going to do ?? , we should run right ?? ]

mother [ LISTEN TO ME .... the sky has shattered and they are coming from it .... ]

sara [ who ??? who is coming from it ?? ]

mother [ something i wish you never knew that existed , thats not the topic now , avon you take care of your sister alright .. ]

avon [ but mother .... ]

mother [ take care of her avon ..... please .... now go to your sister she will tell you what to do go ... ]

they rushed to minerva and they hugged her as she was calming them down telling them everything will be okay 

mother noticed so many things that coming towards them 

she was saying in scared voice ... Mother : [ they are coming ..... They are coming ..... Get the little one to the shelter hurry !.....]

something hit the house and the roof was on fire .... a purple kind fire and some wood break down on avon and sara 

minerva blocked most of the falling wood with her hand but some of them hit avon 

minerva checked them for injuries 

minerva : [ are you both okey , Avon ? ]

Avon : [ I am good ]

Big sister : [ Sara ? ]

Sara : [ g....good ] ( her voice was cracking )

They both start tearing a little they wete scared because they didnt know whats going on 

as the outside seems to get more chaotic and Screams was getting louder and louder and a multiple massive bangs can be heard coming from outside .... A very strong one 

Avon ( shouting ) : [ What's going on !!!!..... , are we gonna be okey ?? ]

minerva : [ you gonna be fine trust me your strong , stronger then me , you can handle yourself , alright lets go come on ]

She took them in the middle of room in front the fire place She removed the ground cover and opend the door it was a hole and it was full prepared with a Ladder , scarfs and food

everything that take to survive

minerva : [ Sara .... Come here your first ]

Sara : [ are you going to be okey ?... ]

minerva : [ yeah .... Better then before come on hurry dear ]

She hugged her and got her inside

as something was walking in the rooftop of the house mother pointed up as to be quiet .... 

then they start banging on the door trying to break it down in 

the mother left the door and told minerva to get the kids to safety now 

and went to the other room preparing herself for a fight

as they can hear so many voices and laughs outside the door ... it was a female voices 

they were laughing so loud and in a weird tone 

Avon : [ theres more room inside we can all fit ... ]

minerva : [ Avon ]

Avon while crying : [ we can all fit come on please ... Please , I am begging you .... come with me ... ]

minerva hugged him and said smoothly: [ Avon oh dear Avon .... Listen...This place can only fit for 2 me and your mother will call for help okey , listen to me I know that one day you will be strong , stronger then me and I want you to protect your sister whatever the cost understand ..... , whatever the cost , outside these walls there's those creatures that you once learned from ... ]

Mother was bringing some weapons and armor for minerva as she herself was wearing full plate armor and long sword made from pure iron 

Mother called for her : [ Minerva !!!! We don't have much time come on , put them down and get ready ]

minerva : [ coming .... Avon These creatures are dangerous , a threat ... an enemy for humanity , I want you to stay away from them alright , away as far as you can .... But !!!! ..... They touch your sister even a single hair ..... Show them no mercy whatever kind of creature they are , no mercy ..... got it ??

avon [ got it ... ]

minerva [ come on go .... ]

As she was getting him inside she said smoothly while her voice cracking and on the edge of tearing up [ you will be safe .... We will meet again my dear snowflakes ..... sometime .... I love you hundred time ] she said that while closing the door and she start crying

She closed the door as Avon and Sara was quiet and they still can hear them talking and preparing

Theres a small hole which the light can come in he saw shadows of his mother and sister moving As a massive bang in the door can be heard 

the door breaks down and the voices of laughing got even louder and mother shouted HOLD THEM BACK .... KILL AS MANY AS YOU CAN !!!

Avon hugged Sara and covers her head with a scarf to protect her The door was broke a sound of steel clashing together and screams louder then anything 

a fight has started swords clashing together ..... Sounds of Slashing through flesh But all of the sudden a voice of a female can be ...

heard Unknown female : [ those 2 looks delicious so delicious ... LETS SEE HOW STRONG YOU ARE PETS ]

minerva voice can be heard [ bring it on bitch ..] 

Something like a strong wind magic had unleashing as 2 strong bang can be heard falling down to the ground 

mother voice hurting while saying [ these armor was supposed to be immune to anything .... ]

minerva [ those cheap bastards they sold the armory a fake replica to the original one ]

unknown female voice [ what is it pets ??? i thought you were going to kill me hahahaha ] laughs like crazy 

mother [ using magic in a sword fight ... you creatures are disgusting when it comes to fair fight ]

unknown female voice 2 [ we learned magic for a reason and that reason is to kick your human ass haha . ]

minerva [ yet for some reason we still winning every , single , time ... hahaha ] ( she got up and charge at them ) 

something hits minerva a big hit and then mother tried to stand up and fight them same thing happened to her

they both fell to the ground

as minerva and mother voices can be heard in pain ...

Unknown female voice 1 ( held their faces ) : [ so beautiful ..... Can't play with you sadly but others can ( she laughed like psychopath ) enjoy the night ladies ] as she continue to laugh

female voice 5 [ yes mistress ]

female voice 3 [ yes mistress ]

female voice 4 [ yes mistress ]

and they charged at minerva and mother and held them tightly from their hands and legs 

so tight that it was hurting them 

all that while avon and sara were down there 

they heard a struggle coming from the mother and minerva and sound of metal being torn apart  As his sister and mother were screaming in pain Sara was about to cry but Avon covered her mouth so the outside can't hear them 

so many female voices laughing as minerva and mother were in pain and screaming they were doing something with them 

something so bad that avon and sara didnt know what they were doing but a lot of bangs on the ground can be heard 

minerva was screaming and shouting "when you grow up avenge us" 

After 8 long hours of continues screams and laughing , the screams went quite ... Real quite

Unknown female 3 laughing : [ phew this was pretttyyy delicious thanks for the meal sweetie ] ( kiss sound and face slap )

Unknown female 4 : [ so what we gonna do with them , turn or die ? ]

multiple Unknown female voice : [ die ]

Avon was looking up to the hole the entire time he saw they were dragging somebody as they were dragging it a blood was falling in

The blood fell to Avon head right above the right eye 

Then moment goes by a sound of flesh and bone being torn apart and cuts can be heard 

it went like this all the night .... 

it was a long night 

unknown female 6 [ what a tasty night it was ... hehe ]

unknown female 4 [ how long since last ime we enjoyed a meal like this ?? ]

unknown female 3 [ about 300 year or so ??? i completely forgot about it after this night haha ]

unknown female 4 [ that world was so weak an so boring this one seem more intense ]

unknown female 2 [ dont underastemate them ... this world humans are way diffrent then any world we were in .... ]

unknown female 3 [ what do you mean ?? ]

unknown female 2 [ didnt you see how those 2 fought ?? they killed 3 of us like we were nothing and these were normal female nobles the outside with the knights is even worse ] 

unknown female 4 [ you are overthinking this sister just enjoy the night and ... ] ( she was interrupted )

unknown female 2 [ and die tomorrow not thanks i will pass the enjoyment over my life , to make this clear to you all i have a bad feeling about this , as if ... we did something very wrong ... ]

unknown female 5 [ to be honest i can relate too , for the fisrt time in my life i think we did something we will regret about it later in the future ]

unknown female 2 [ lets finish this already , take these 2 outside and get it over with ] ( serious tone ) 

they took the 2 corpses outside to do something with them 

then the unknown female 2 saw something in the ground a small hole .... she knew who was inside ... she can smell them ..... 

avon was looking up to the hole .... then something cover the light that comes through the hole 

it was the unknown female 2 she set in her knees and got her face closer to the hole 

then she whispers 

unknown female 2 [ i am deeply sorry for them i was too late to do anything ... on behave of them i promise i will take care of you two ... and one day i shall deliver the vengence that you seek ..... now rest well .... ]

she breathed and exhale some kind of white smoke .... slowly reached them and once it did they breathed it ...

and they closed their eyes and without noticing ... they went in deep sleep 

avon woke up after deep sleep .. it felt like days ...

he looked up and saw a light coming from the gap 

he looked at his sister ... she was still sleeping 

he didnt want to wake her up yet as she was holding him tight ... so he kept beside her until she woke up 

meanwhile he was looking up listening to the birds singing and wondering what will happen now 

after a while his sister finally woke up 

she got up and looked at avon 

she pocked her eyes 

sara [ morning ... ]

avon was amazed after all that happened she just woke up normally and morning him so casual ..

avon [ morning sister ]

sara [ what now ??? ]

avon [ now we leave this hole for now and .... i dont know .. ]

they got up and they were ready to leave the hole 

He got up and went to open the door but couldn't leave his sister alone so he gave her his blanket to make sure Everything is safe 

He climbed the ladder step by step as his heart was beating so fast not knowing what will be beyond that door

He reached the door and he open it slowly 

and looked around he saw lots of blood 

but didnt hesitate he got off the hole and looked around 

As he start looking around he saw what it looks like woman creature body with horns And wings , he counted 6 they were dead on the ground 

He saw 2 blood trail close to the fire place as he saw the armor that is mother and sister were wearing 

they were shredded into pieces beside the wall

he was about to follow the blood trail as something grabbed his cloth from behind

he freaked up for a moment 

He looked behind ... scared and shocked , only to see his sister looking at him 

he helped her to get up and closed her eyes so she doesnt see anything 

He followed the blood trail it continue outside as the door was completely broken to pieces

When they got out they saw the unbelievable the entire village was in ruin .... fire everywhere and there was some people walking down the road 

avon looked to his left and saw something he cannot forget ... he removed his hand from his sister eye and walked slowly tawoards something ...

his sister saw the village ... she was shocked and start calling his brother name avon ... avon !!! but he didnt answer 

she looked to her left and saw him ..... no she saw them ....

His mother and minerva were torn apart every piece was on a spear a demon like spear 

sara saw it and couldnt keep it together ..

As she went to her mothers head

It was barley recognizable , it barley looked anything like human anymore

She held her head and start crying

As Avon looked to minerva body all

naked ... all violated marks ... all bloody

But her head was still as beautiful as when she was alive

He held her head and said with cracking voice

Avon : [ I love you sis , I swear when I get big i will get them for you ]

He kissed her head and then got a glimpse of his village

It was burning everything was gone , he saw creatures flying in the sky .... some screams , and couple people walking down the road trying to leave the village 

he saw the wall that surrounded the village , as well there was a massive gap in between the wall as if something had took down the wall 

The knights fought back but they were outnumbered 1 to 100 The walls was also breached

As there was so many bodies of so many creatures he didnt recognized 

His sister came to him held him in his shoulder she looked at him and whispers { we shall burry them }

He was about to say something until something fly by and landed in front of them hit the ground a big hit

It was a woman ... a beautiful woman her armor is strong , She has the wings of the devil Her eyes was purple her hands were red but her skin was white ..... so very white 

Avon stood up picked a half broken spear And pointed at her

Sara went inside running while Avon stood there looking at her with his angry eyes 

Raging with anger and hatred 

The woman said : [ this anger ..... This hatred , the ambition ohhhhh I LOVE IT ..... ] 

Avon screams at her : [ STAY BACK .... ] 

The woman : [ oh ??!!!! , so threatening , what you gonna do .... stab me ? ] 

She then rises her 2 blades 

The blades were black generating with dark purple energy ..... Big blades they were a razor type blade ..... cuts even the strongest of metals

Sara went out and stood beside Avon holding a knife as she was also angry but scared

The woman felt something different .... Something she never felt it from a very long time ... 

Her face went from being serious to being sad and what almost look like Normal human 

She throw her blades as she say calmly : [ so brave ..... So beautiful ..... There is no need for blood as you both will serve a greater purpose in this life ..... You both deserve love not this ( she points to the surrounding area ) come I will show you something better ] 

They didnt move as the woman knew that this will happen 

She say : [ i understand what happened here but i also had promised to take care of you ] 

sara was confused same as avon then he remember what that woman said before he went to sleep

avon [ so you .... were the one who talked to me ?? ]

the woman [ indeed that was i who talked to you ]

avon [ t-then why didnt you .... ]

the woman [ kill you ??? there was no need to my dear one , now ou dont have to worry about anything .... and i also apologize ]

avon [ f-for what ]

as they fell to the ground ... deep sleep 

she casted some kind of sleeping magic on them

 a small beam they fell to the ground snoring ... Deep in sleep 

she walked to them slowly and when she reached them she held them close to her as they were her own kids ..... with care and gentle touch 

Carried them with care and kindness as she looked to the bodies of their mother and minerva she moved towards them held their head as she smiled and start tearing up 

She said smoothly : [ I love you hundred time ... so be it ] 

She raise her wings and fly away .... 

Chapter 1 - the attack 

Chapter 2 - The friendly Succubus 

author note :

i updated this chapter because it had a lot of misspelling and a lot of things that made no sense now it should be better to read without being suffer enjoy :}