

" it's all about him.. if he didn't come.. its not happen.. after that whatever happened he deserved it.." I said angrily to girls.. " I don't know but you didn't know ava.. he really care about you.. I didn't get it.. he always fight with you.. and than something happen to you.. his always the first person to just get mad and involved.. and stand by you..  it's just that he's crazy for you.. totally in to you.. " Clara said to me. " don't pitty him girl's.. he's not like that what you think about him.." I said to them.. they all are looking at me.. and than my behind I don't know what they looking but I continue.. " he's jark.. asshole.. who doesn't know how to talk with girls.. always calling bed name's.. and insults them front of people.. he don't have heart.. he's heartless dick.. never care anyone just love himself.. girls for him only tissue pepper.. who's he just used them.. and throw them like trash.. I just hate him so much.. I want to kill him.. he never change.. he always do what he wanted.. never thinking about anyone.. I just hate him.. I hate him so much.." I burst out them.. but I don't know whatever I said to him. I didn't mean it.. I know that.. " anything else princess.." someone say behind me.. and I stop to eat.. girl's are give me sorry look.. and got up and left me.. Wow .. now I have to face him alone.. I Don't scared him.. I still site the and eat my food.. I don't care.. if he heard that what I said to him..

BADASSGIRL143 · Music & Bands
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97 Chs

We Need To Talk..

" How about dance.." Eric said. When he see that all couples of my friend's are dancing on in music.. it's couple dancing they are doing it. And than I do look at them. And look at Eric. And he is looking at me and smiling at me.. and I give him smile and nodded with my head.

I never said no to dance. No matter how much I am not in mood. and why not.. it's just dance..it's can't harm..

He hold my hand. And we both walk to there and join the others. All also look at us. And smile at us. Most of time my girls and Eric's friend's.

We both close our distance. And dance in slow music.. and it is feel good. We both looking at each other smiling to each other and dancing.

" There is anything going on between you and Max.. " he ask me suddenly and than I look at him and give him question look.

" He is looking at us. And looking at him. I don't think he look happy so I thought to ask you this.. " he ask me. And I did nodded with my head. And give him answer what he want to know.

" It's just between me and him i also don't know what is it. I mean our start not that good the go like this.. start to till now we always fighting we never ever talk Nicely to each other. Yahh sometimes he did come to me when he saw me when I hurt myself or he always there whenever I am lonely.. he is the one who first hurt me and than come to me.. and there is no in hell I am looking forward it to do in my whole life like this.. when I also don't know what is this between us.. and why the hell he is looking at us. When he already with another girl.. I don't give fuck about him.. so why he is.. " i did ask me that to Eric. Because I am still here blank.. why he is with her girl than he is looking at us..

" See I know him from my whole childhood life. He is not good at with people. I mean most of girl's. And I know that he never had girl after we part if he had or not no idea. So from my experience.. his not good at with all this. Maybe he like it whatever you both do.. like fighting or whatever is that he did got your attention. If you do feel same for him or you do want to understand him. So once just don't fight with him and clear things out.. if you want to.. because looking at him I feel like he already trying to get your attention... " And I did going to ask him what he mean.. that same time he did come and interrupt us.

" If you don't mind. Should I get one dance with her.." he said to him.. before Eric said somthinng he already pull me to him. And Eric did let go to me. And walk away to us. than I did turn around and look at him little bit mad at him that he interrupt us.. but anyways.. it's not new.. he always do yhinga like this..

He pull me closer to him. And hold me tightly that I not runaway to him or somthing. Act like kid. When kid don't get he's favorite toy and how they posessivev about there toys.. I Rolle my eyes. such childish behavior Max..

" I see you are enjoying your time.. finally you got what you wanted.." he ask me to..

" Yes.. finally I got freedom. No more secrets. No more live my life in dark.. what I want more.. " i told him..

" Yeahh I can see that.. how you move forward fast.. I mean I see you and Eric.. how you both flirt with each other.. is there something going on should I have to worry about it.. " he ask me..

" And why you are asking for.. and why you want to know this.. if there is anything going on between us Why you concerned about it.. don't you enjoy your time with your bitch oppss I mean your girl... " I said to him and smrike at him. And he did pull me more closer to me. And hold me to tightly that he is hurting me.. I did want to told him to leave me.. but I do want to know what he want to say about it. or what he have explanation for this..

" You know everything and you still want to argue about it... " He said to me little bit angrily. I know I did make him mad..

" And what I know will you just explain me.." I said to him. And try to free to he's hold. But he don't let me go.. I know how stubborn he is.

" Don't you know that what is she for me.. you still want to argue about it.. " he said to me.. and make me shiver when he's breath touch my nack..

" I know she is your one of sult. Who make your bed hot and warm.. but still I don't get it why are you here. When your favourite sult already here. To make you feel good.. what are you doing here with me.. " I said to him. Yes I. Do want to know this..

" You want to know or should I saw you.. " he said to me. And I do know what he want to do it.. and I don't want to creat drama front of people. So I push him hard. And he did let me go. And than I walk away from there.

Ray did come to me. And ask me if I am okky or not.. I tol him that I am fine don't to worry about it. And than I walk to my old room to make myself clam down.. why he always know how to make me mad. Why he always do that.

I wash my face. And Remov all my make-up I didn't even apply it. So there is nothing change when I wash my face. And make myself claim down.

Better do somthing happen more than that I don't want it to happen it. So I want to leave this place as possible as fast I can do..

When I left bathroom and than about to left room. I open door. And see that he already standing there. And enter the room and close to behind it. And lock it. And my eyes did wild looking at this.

What is going on in he's mind. And turn around and face me. And than our eyes meet. My heart beat it beating fast. I don't know why he did that. But they way he looking at me. I did feel that he is not here for talk..

" Why you did this.. " i ask him..

" To show you want I want... " He come forward to me. And pull me to him. And he's lips connect with mine. And I do want to push him but he did hold me tight so i am not let him go or push him away from me..

They way he is kissing me. The way he giving me the feeling.. I know if we don't stop here. I know what will happen next.

For second.. I did lose my mind.. and did kiss him back. And pull him close to me.. and jump on in he's hipe. And than he did hold me that I am not fall in ground. I feel like I do want this.. and I want this to long time ago.. and I don't want to let him go.

I don't know what will happen next.. but his time I do want him now.. because I know he is the one who Making me feel restless. And make me out of control. make me like I do broke rules whom I thought I will never do it..

" You are the first and last girl if I want in my life.. and know that you are the prefact in everything.. and I also know that if anyone can handle me. It's you.. and I only want you need you to love you to fuck you.. and spend my whole life with you.. and I don't need anyone else.. if this is still can't get on your mind than I have lots of way to show you that whom to you belong.. " he said to me.. and kiss bite my nack hurshly. And than giving me shiver kissing me. Making me turning on..

" Max.." I said and moan for him..

" Mmmmm" he hmmm me.. I don't know should I stop him or not.. because I know what he want. And what he just said. It is big think for me. But that doesn't mean that he said things to me and than tomorrow he forgot about it. And again act like dick...

" We need to talk.. " I said to me. And pull him away for me. And than I loosen up. And than he did node with he's head. And than we both walk to the bed. And seat there..

We I'd need talk about it.. it's not easy that he is thinking..

" Like you said before.. I just need my freedom.. when other hand you are still in that mess.. " i said to him. And I know he want to said but I cut him off before he said.

" Let me finish me.." i said to him. And give him look that it is important to us.. and than he sigh and nodded.

" Like you said that day.. there is not that easy to leave this whole empire.. you made this. And I know that you did some illegal work to.. and I don't give fuck about this.. do you know why I am here. " I ask him. Well he know why I am here. But there is one more think that no one knows.

" My brother James.. he know me.. about everything.. he know that because of me what happened to me.. to Ava.. he still forgive me.. and when I am in mess.. he is the one who come back to me in this life. Give me staight to let go past and move forward.. but there is also one thing. For our presents he the one who taking our responsibility. Which he is not success after my sister.. but he want me to normal life. He did doing some things that he wants me to stay away from him. And that's the reason he wants me to be here. Now he did know that about all this. But now he told me that stay away from all that shit. And I am willing to do it.. because you and me we both know that how much it is dangerous.. " I tell him. And he did listen to me my whole think.. and I do want to know what he said after this. I mean I just want to hear from him what I want to hear from him.. if he is not saying that what I want hear from him. Than I don't know that this will have any future.. we have any future.. if his life same like this..