

" it's all about him.. if he didn't come.. its not happen.. after that whatever happened he deserved it.." I said angrily to girls.. " I don't know but you didn't know ava.. he really care about you.. I didn't get it.. he always fight with you.. and than something happen to you.. his always the first person to just get mad and involved.. and stand by you..  it's just that he's crazy for you.. totally in to you.. " Clara said to me. " don't pitty him girl's.. he's not like that what you think about him.." I said to them.. they all are looking at me.. and than my behind I don't know what they looking but I continue.. " he's jark.. asshole.. who doesn't know how to talk with girls.. always calling bed name's.. and insults them front of people.. he don't have heart.. he's heartless dick.. never care anyone just love himself.. girls for him only tissue pepper.. who's he just used them.. and throw them like trash.. I just hate him so much.. I want to kill him.. he never change.. he always do what he wanted.. never thinking about anyone.. I just hate him.. I hate him so much.." I burst out them.. but I don't know whatever I said to him. I didn't mean it.. I know that.. " anything else princess.." someone say behind me.. and I stop to eat.. girl's are give me sorry look.. and got up and left me.. Wow .. now I have to face him alone.. I Don't scared him.. I still site the and eat my food.. I don't care.. if he heard that what I said to him..

BADASSGIRL143 · Music & Bands
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97 Chs

Another Argument

                     " we need to talk.." I said give him serious look.

He looking staring at me.. give me a question look. I watching him.. thinking what he think about me... what if he didn't talk about it.. I have to talk about him... no matter what happened I have too.. it's about me. And I want answers. I can't give up like this.

" talk" he said. He take he's phone beside him.. and now he's full attention on me.. I narrow eye at him and than nodded. Surprisingly Good. He finally something agree.. I thought he again walk away.. not bad..

" so firstly I just wanted to know why I am here..." I asked. This question continually eating in my mind. He looking to my eye's. And wanted to tell somethin than stop.. and he look away ignore me..  fuck .. he ignore it. ohh not again man.. I just have to yelled than I clam down myself.  Relaxx.

Relax ava. He will tell you explain you. Just clam down. Closing my eyes I control myself.

" fine.. dont answer. I dont have clothes. I want some.. and today's has football team match. So have to go there so.. if u dont mind.... if you dont have mind I can go to my dorm and change..." I started to explain but he cut me off.

" I will give my clothes. Wear that.. you don't have to go academy" he said standing up to couch walk toward he's room. What he is.. I follow him. If I want my answers I have to be nice with him. If I still doing this bitchy attitude than nothing going to help.

Come one use your mind dont act like dumb and do that dumb thinks that you regret it later.

We reach he's room. He open he's closest door. And give some t-shirts and some paints handed me. I nodded and grab clothes go to some empty room. Reach empty room I search bathroom and get some shower. I needed it. To clear things out to my head. It's all tension give me headache. I feel like loser. I feel like I can't do this. I feel like again I am that place when I am before. Just can't do whatever I want to.. again I have to listen someone.. again I have to do what other order me.. again other's people are ruled me.. control me.. like my life is not my life anymore it's there life.. and I am toy to them whatever they said they order I wanted to no matter what.. fucking irritating this...

I have to do something but how.. It's all things happening fast can't just want bear it. I just let him bossy around me. I can't loss this like this. Why I feel like loser. Why can't he explained me. What he don't trust me for that. Than why he's bring me here. It's all happened to stupid party. Or maybe that stupid fight. Whatever is that I have to clean this and out this mess by hook or by crook.

After getting cold shower. Ready to go to take nap. Lay down the bed and I sleep. It's better to be spent some me time. Take nice nap it could help me later to face him.

After taking nap... ready to go to Charing the football team... little excited about it... I wanted to show them my talent.. I wanted know them dance is not a little thing. I wanted to know that dance is the somethin. We all have talent. We want that thay appreciate our danced. I want that boys also join the dance. I want our own dance studio. I want that no one think like dance has no future I wanted to realize that there is future. And this is the first step to show them. We are not only Charing them. But also we all show him how to dance. What is dance. What dance means to us. Why dance to special for us. Why we choose dance. Not only for cheering but also gained Some space for dance.

Thinking about all I seen what time it is... 6.30pm. I have one half hour. But I have go there talk to girls. Think all I left the room. Reaching the downstairs. I seen tha Max boy he is talking to he's phone. Nopp he's yelling I think. He seems mad. I reached there to tell him to go to academy. He turn around and looking at me. I walk there. Stood in front of him to talk. He looking at me to up to down. I know he's clothes are to lose but don't mind I wear anyway.

" were are you going" he angry look he's dark voice. I little scared me but I ignore all this.

" haven't I told you... today's match.." I said to straight looking at him. He look me surprise. He whoever talking in he's phone he cut the call and come closer me. I step back. What now. 

" well you are not going anywhere." He threatened me.

" what.... no... I have to..." my panic voice. I can't what about my dreams. No no I have to..

" listen I have to go okay... this is my first and last chance okay.. " I started to explain but he shut me up.

" I don't care.. you are not going anywhere. Am i clear." He yelled me.

" what... no... I am going and that final." I yelled at him. He come closer me... seem to to angry. He going too kill me. Than kill me. I want finish now. Because now it's really getting me loss my control.

I ignore he's glare and walk away. I Don't care.. and about staying here its not my think. He kidnap me and take me. I didn't tell him that take me with you.. so I don't care... he's footsteps come behind me... he jogg..  for stop me.

" wait... you dont know about anything.. you know who is ryaan... " he said.

" I know who is he... I don't wanted to know more.. I know him that was much to me... dont tell me what to do or not..." I yelled him angrily. If that's why he brings me here so please Max. Don't worry about this because I know him very well.

" you know what do whatever you want to do... but dont come to me after that." He said grab my hand and throw out me to he's mansion. And slam the door in my face.. what the.... who could...  how dare he. He throw me like I am some garbage. I will show you who I am just wait and watch but not now. I have dance and I have to focus on that.

Its he's house. I remind myself.

But I didn't tell him to take me here... how could.. I hate him... one day I will kill him. First sure.

ignoring all craps. I left he's mansion. Walking toward academy.

I reached girl's looker room. Search were are the girls. To talk about today's plan.. I called anggi. she didn't picking up her call. What I do now... I call jenny.. I forgot that I have Jenny's no... I called her. She picked up in 3rd ring.

" were are you girl... you are in trouble." She said.

" well hello to you to. " I said to her calmly. " were are you. If you are at dorm... wait there in secs don't go anywhere okay. " I said to her.

" well don't. There a two man are asking about you... and they has gun.. dont come here it's not safe. Stay there i will be there.." she said.

" what are you talking about.. what man?" I asked.. what happened new.. who's there asking about me. What I done now. To much trouble it's my 3rd day and what I bring with me.

" I dont know they seems like there are dangerous.  I think there some gang Leander man's dont come here.." she said. She's scared. Gang members. Fuck.. what if he.. no.. no..

" listen... grab some clothes with you in bag.. its seem like I have to change the place so please if you don't mind.." I told her. Request her. I am tans. I dont know what was going on. Who's gang members is there. How can I figure this out.. 

She said first didn't agree for this.. after lots of requests she's agreed to help... okay this problem is clear but were I stayed. Fuck I can't go back there in he's place.. were are I want to goo....  and something popped up in my mind... how can I forgot that...

I search my every pocket.. were is he's card.. were I throw this...  finally search all pockets. I finally get this...   I dialed he's no..and called him..

" hyy... its me.. red.. I want your help..." I said to him.