
chapter 2

Ava's determination to win Julian's heart only grew stronger, but the path to true love was proving to be a bumpy ride. As she navigated the ups and downs of high school, Ava faced unexpected challenges that threatened to derail her plans.

Ava's sex dream about Julian left her feeling both excited and nervous. She confided in her therapist, Dr. Martinez, about her feelings, but Dr. Martinez probed deeper, wondering why Ava wasn't ready to discuss her deceased father, Raj. Ava's attachment to her father's memory was evident, and Dr. Martinez knew it was essential to confront these emotions. Ava's mother, Nalini, had always been supportive, but Ava felt like she couldn't open up to her about her feelings. Nalini's constant worries about Ava's well-being and her own grief over Raj's passing made it difficult for Ava to share her thoughts.

Meanwhile, Ruby apologized to Ava for keeping her boyfriend, Zach, a secret. Ava was understanding, but her mind was preoccupied with Julian. She excitedly shared the news with her friends, Sofia and Mia, making it seem like Julian had initiated their encounter. Ava's friends were supportive, but also concerned about her rushing into things. Sofia, being the voice of reason, cautioned Ava about moving too fast, while Mia encouraged her to follow her heart.

As Ava tried to orchestrate a time and place to meet Julian, she confidently approached him in front of his friends and asked if he wanted to hang out later. Julian suggested heading to his place, but Ava had orchestra practice. During practice, painful memories of her father's death resurfaced, causing her to storm out. She headed to Julian's car, and they drove to his renovated garage. As Julian removed his shirt, Ava's nerves got the better of her, and she made a hasty excuse to leave.

Ava's struggle to navigate her emotions and desires was palpable. She wanted to be with Julian, but her past experiences and fears held her back. As she reflected on her actions, Ava realized she needed to confront her demons and communicate openly with Julian about her boundaries. She couldn't keep living in the shadow of her father's death, and she needed to learn to trust herself and others. Ava's inner turmoil was evident, and she knew she had to find a way to reconcile her past and present if she wanted a future with Julian.