
Auto Cultivation

In a world where technology and the supernatural collide, and evolution reigns supreme, meet Aaron - a transmigrator who unlocks an incredible ability to cultivate. As he rises through the ranks, Aaron discovers just how far he's willing to go to seize his destiny in this unforgiving world.

Fairn · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Eswald's Academy (2)

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Someone sent me a private review of the novel, which I found worrying, please tell me your opinion about the novel so far. Your thoughts will help me improve!!!!


As the exam week concluded, students flocked to the board displaying the results. Amidst the crowd, Aaron stood confidently, his previous life as a university graduate giving him an air of nonchalance towards the exams.

Curiosity mingled with disbelief as his classmates spotted Aaron's name at the top of the leaderboard. Whispers of surprise spread through the corridor, their voices tinged with awe. They had underestimated the quiet and unassuming transmigrator, unaware of his academic prowess.

Aaron's friends, Michael, Adrian, Tom, and Sara, exchanged impressed glances and offered their congratulations. While the shock among his peers was palpable, Aaron merely smiled, unperturbed by the unexpected attention. He had transcended the realm of exams and had his sights set on a much grander path.

He turned around and left, In the bustling school courtyard, Aaron's attention was abruptly drawn to an approaching figure. It was James, his face bruised and eyes black and blue, clearly gotten beat up not long ago.

He is the epitome of arrogance and the very person who had ruined an innocent family's life with his family's influential power. The mere sight of James stirred a deep sense of disdain within Aaron.

As James swaggered toward him, an air of anger and entitlement surrounding him, Aaron calmly met his gaze. James's voice dripped with venom as he confronted Aaron. "You think you can get away with what you did, Aaron? Using my name to push the blame onto me? You're in for a world of trouble."

Aaron's expression remained unaffected, his voice steady and resolute. "You had it coming, James. Your family's power won't protect you forever. It's time you faced the consequences of your actions." Aaron was not afraid of James's father or his family.. 'A Soldier Rank cultivator? What's so special about that?' Aaron thought. 'I'll reach that rank soon, then we'll see!'

With those words, James's fury reached its peak, and he lunged at Aaron, driven by a blind rage. However, Aaron's instincts and his cultivation granted him an upper hand. Swiftly dodging James's wild swings, Aaron retaliated with calculated precision, countering James's every move effortlessly.

As the onlookers watched in astonishment, the tables turned in Aaron's favor. James's overconfidence waned, replaced by a mixture of frustration and desperation. Each failed attempt to land a blow only served to highlight Aaron's superiority.

With a cold and composed demeanor, Aaron mocked James, his voice dripping with contempt. "Is this the best you can do, James? Your arrogance and entitlement are your downfall. It's clear you've underestimated me."

Seething with anger and bruised pride, James stumbled backward, realizing his defeat was inevitable. "You may have won this round, Aaron, but don't think I'll let this slide. I'll make sure you pay for this."

As James skulked away, his once-unchallenged power diminished, the crowd dispersed, leaving Aaron standing tall. It was a small victory to him, but the look James gave him wasn't the one Aaron expected, but a mocking and condescending one that slightly concerned him. "What is the bastard planning?" Aaron frowned before walking away.

As Aaron drove home, the sudden screeching of tires and the sound of a collision jolted him and the surrounding bystanders. Brakes squealed, and everyone came to an abrupt halt, their attention drawn to the accident that had just unfolded before them.

Lost in the chaos of the moment, Aaron failed to notice a group of three individuals closing in on him from behind. In an instant, they brandished Spirit Energy imbued guns, pointing them menacingly at his back. The cold metal pressed against his skin, sending shivers down his spine.

"Stay quiet and do as we say," one of them hissed, their voice dripping with malice. "Get in the car, and don't try anything foolish."

Knowing resistance could only escalate the danger, Aaron complied, his mind racing to find a way out of this perilous situation. He cautiously got into his car, his eyes scanning the surroundings, searching for any opportunity to escape.

Unbeknownst to Aaron, a passerby witnessing the events near the accident had managed to alert the authorities. The police were now tailing Aaron's car, their sirens piercing through the tense atmosphere.

The criminals noticed the approaching police vehicles, their panic evident. Instructing Aaron to veer off the main road, they forced him to drive into a building. Inside, they herded the frightened hostages together, their faces etched with terror.

A heated exchange ensued between the criminals and the police, their voices rising in a dangerous crescendo. Amidst the chaos, one of the criminals accidentally let slip a crucial detail. "We were hired for this job! We won't go down alone!"

The words hung in the air, carrying a sinister weight. As the police scrambled to maintain control of the situation, one of the criminals coldly executed a hostage, blood splattering across the floor as a chilling warning to the authorities.

Aaron, observing the unfolding horror, steeled himself. Despite lacking any weapons or armor, he knew he still had an ace up his sleeve—the dagger-shaped beast soul he could summon.

Fear gripped the remaining hostages, their faces pale with terror. The room became a grim tableau of violence, with the criminals reveling in their sadistic power.

Seizing a moment of distraction, Aaron unleashed the full force of his training. In a flash of Spirit Energy, he summoned the dagger, wielding it with deadly precision. The element of surprise worked in his favor as he struck down each criminal swiftly and decisively, his movements fluid and calculated.

Silence descended upon the room, broken only by the gasps and cries of the surviving hostages. Aaron, adrenaline coursing through his veins, assessed the aftermath of the confrontation. The police, now free to act, rushed to secure the area and apprehend any remaining threats.

In the aftermath, Aaron found himself subjected to an intense interrogation by the police, their questions probing the events that had unfolded. After careful consideration, the authorities determined that he had acted in self-defense and defense of others.

With a mix of relief and weariness, Aaron was finally released, his role in thwarting the criminals recognized. As he walked away from the scene, the weight of the ordeal settling upon him, he couldn't help but reflect on the fragile balance between chaos and heroism that had played out before his eyes.

He sighed, trying to move on when something echoed in his mind. "Hired huh!!" He laughed. "I think I know the little rat!"