
Author Of The Apocalypse

"All the stories are true. The stories we know are the reality of another world hidden from us." The words I wrote came to reality. The apocalypse I wrote came to reality. The fantasy I wrote came to reality. I, Michael, am an author whose failed novel came to reality. Granted with an 'Author' exclusive skill and knowledge about this new world, I want to live a life of peace, the dream every protagonist has. I have no idea if this dream would ever come true. All I know is that this is my world and I am the one responsible for both its creation and its destruction... *** Chapter length: 1.6k+ words every chapter. I have done a lot of research on various beasts and powers before writing this novel. You will definitely enjoy reading this xD Note: The cover is original and not stolen.

BlackFlamer · Fantasy
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57 Chs

You Are A God... Partially

"I guess he used too much power." 

With a sigh, Vin shifted her gaze away from Michael's unconscious face. She felt tired after waiting for so long.

At first, Vin had decided to use her phone to provide some entertainment. Unfortunately, her phone didn't seem to work.

Vin didn't remember the last time she charged her phone. She did keep some power banks in her bag but that bag was left behind at the location she was trapped in.

"You keep saving my life…" Vin murmured.

Michael had two opportunities to leave her behind, once when they were captured by the Black Axe gang and second when she was under the control of the Ahuizotls.

Vin obviously knew about the Ahuizotls, albeit briefly. She knew they lived near water sources, obtained their power from the water sources, and lured their prey to them.

Unfortunately, her knowledge was useless. She easily got lured by the Ahuizotls and might have met her end if not for Michael rescuing her.

"You used to look out for me during high school as well. You knew I was popular so you kept the creepy males under control somehow. They would bother me once only to never show up again after meeting you."

A smile appeared on Vin's face. Michael never told her how he did that. Perhaps he threatened them somehow.

What Vin didn't know was the fact that Michael was well versed in using the internet. It didn't take much effort for him to gather blackmail worthy material on the creeps in their high school.

Michael's earnings also allowed him to be a bit more careless while dealing with the creeps.

"Ughh, just wake up!" Vin groaned, her boredom reaching its peak.

Fortunately, she saw Michael's body stirring. He was about to wake up.



A groan escaped my throat. I slowly opened my eyes as a cracked leaking ceiling appeared in my vision.

"Oh, you are finally awake." 

Vin's face popped up above my head, her eyes looking at me with relief.


Even though I felt no pain, my body felt constricted. I placed my palm on the side in order to lift myself but I didn't feel the ground.

Looking below, I found myself floating a few inches off the ground.

"I thought this would feel better instead of waking up on the floor," Vin muttered.

"Thank you."

Though I didn't understand her logic, it didn't hurt to say thank you.

'I have passed out twice already. Please tell me that passing out is not going to be a frequent thing.'

Protagonists often passed out from exertion or after winning a major battle. During that time, some major incidents occurred, leading to the development of another battle for the future.

It was a common trope used by the authors to create some time to plot ahead. Perhaps my life followed the same path.

Pushing myself off the air column, I stood on the ground.

"How long was I out for?"

"Two hours I think. My phone's dead so I don't know."

"No worries. We can still leave this place before the second wave of monsters appears."

Sighing in relief, I started heading towards the exit. In the beginning, the monsters appeared in waves.

Portals opened after timely intervals and a large horde of monsters passed through them. The best time to head towards the safe zone was between these intervals.

Four hours remained for the next wave of monsters to emerge.

< Blue does not agree with the statement. The Apocalypse did not start at midnight. Michael should recalculate. >

Hearing the mechanical voice inside my mind, I smiled slightly. I didn't know much about Blue but till now, the young boy wanted the best for me.

'I know. I should add two more hours right?'

< Blue agrees. The aftereffects of the first wave might still be prevalent. Blue wishes for Michael to be careful. >

'Thank you. However, I have to reach the safe zone. Who knows what else I might encounter in the future.'

A few minutes later, I stood at the exit of the swimming pool. The storm was still raging outside, making me remember the curse I got after killing the Ahuizotls.

The journey ahead was definitely going to be a wet one.

"You barely woke up and already want to venture out," Vin muttered as she caught up. "Are you sure you are all right?"

"I am fine. For all I care, I can black out again as long as we reach the safe zone."

Currently, my mind focused on ending the first scenario. I also had to take care of some things at the location of the safe zone. This was another reason I wanted to hurry to the location.

"Ha… you have made up your mind. Fine, we are flying. In case you get knocked out, I might be tempted to leave you behind for some beast to eat you up."

"I don't want to be a snack for them…" I pretended to look hurt by her comment.

"I am joking." Vin facepalmed.

"I know," I chuckled. "Lift us in the air."

Vin nodded before making use of her wind manipulation to lift both of us in the air.



"Thank you for saving me…" 

Before I could reply, Vin pushed us into the air and the storm swallowed all the sounds. This was the final travel towards the safe zone.


"I am wet and I definitely do not like ancient dinosaurs chasing after me!" I shouted despite knowing that the storm muffled my voice.

[ Vin: Hold on, we are nearly there! ] 

[ Michael: Kind of hard to do considering a dozen dinosaurs want to eat me! ]


As Vin and I glided through the sky, the screeches of the dinosaurs entered my ears. Somehow their screams were loud enough to beat the noise of the storm.

Speaking of the storm, the curse seemed to be working perfectly. I was drenched from head to toe in water yet the rain didn't show any mercy.

*TAP!* *TAP!*

The big droplets of rain crashed on my body, producing a pattering sound. Vin faced trouble with the rain as well but her suffering was less than mine.

Lifting my hands to cover my eyes, I stared at the dinosaurs following me.


Only relevant information will be shown.


Pterodactyl [Tier 9] 


Race: Dinosaurs(Winged)

Skill: Herd Screech, …

- These prehistoric creatures can soar through the skies at a terrifying speed of 108 km per hour(67 mph) if they feel threatened or want to catch their prey.

- With thin, tapered, and sharp teeth which range between 400 to 480 in number, these predators can tear the neck of anyone they set their eyes on. 


What the information didn't mention was the fact that these pterodactyls were adults. Their wingspan ranged between 25 to 30 feet which paired with their claws was terrifying.

It felt as if I was stuck in a real life version of Jurassic Garden.

I still kept on using the fake names I created to prevent copyrights. Old habits die hard…

< Blue wants to know what Michael will do. >

'Can I use my fire to kill them?'

< Blue thinks that Michael might be knocked out. Blue suggests using long range attacks to maintain a distance between the pterodactyls and Michael. >

'Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.'

Since Vin was the one controlling me in the air, I decided to counter the pterodactyls.

We couldn't outrun them due to their speed and their screeching ability. Whenever Vin managed to obtain a lead, the pterodactyls used [Herd Screech].

This ability allowed each of them to boost their speed even further as long as at least three members of their herd were present with them.

I wasn't sure why the pterodactyls were chasing us in the first place. These creatures generally went after the prey that was unaware of their presence.

They only followed after a particular prey if the prey was responsible for killing a member of the pterodactyl herd.

'I am pretty sure I didn't kill any member of their herd unless writing about the massacre counts.'

< No, that is not the reason for this. > Blue replied grimly. < Just focus on surviving. >

Agreeing with his words, I summoned two fireballs in my hand. Now that I unlocked [Fire manipulation], manipulating the fire wasn't going to pose a challenge.

I threw the two fireballs toward the incoming horde, willing the fireball to break into bullets. The bullets of fire pieced through 3 pterodactyls in the front, making them screech in pain.

This seemed to boost the morale of the others as they increased their speed. With an increase in speed, the dinosaurs decided it was time to go physical.


[ Air Slash has been used. ]


A dark blue window indicated the usage of a skill by the pterodactyls. However I didn't need the help of the window considering the dozen wind blades flying at me.

Joining my hands together by the base of the palm, I erected a wall of flame to absorb all the attacks.


I cursed when a blade somehow passed through the wall of fire. Forcing myself to twist, I managed to avoid the windblade.

[ Vin: Don't move too much! It's hard to make you remain stable in the air. ]

[ Michael: Sorry. ]

Without wasting any time, I commanded the fire to expand outwards. Once it reached the dinosaurs, I changed the fire into tiny bullets.

Specifically targeting their wings, I extended my hands forward to force the bullets through their wings.




The bullets burned through their wings, making some of them slow down and fall back. Despite seeing their herd members fall back, a handful of pterodactyls continued to chase after me.

I didn't understand why everyone kept following me like paparazzi following celebrities.

'Blue, please tell me there is something wrong here. First Bash, then Brother Sum with his axe gang, and now these pterodactyls. Why do they keep chasing after me?'

< You are a god… partially. Michael thinks this world is simply your novel coming to life but it's more complex than that. Everything written in that novel came to reality. Can Michael imagine what that means? >

'I think I can?' I replied in confusion. 'I am trying to fight, you know.'

< Imagine billions of humans becoming the NPC or extras. None of them know about the existence of the story and are simply just existing in this life. A small minority of them read Michael's novel and can be considered active characters.

Now imagine the same thing happening at higher levels. The butterfly effect and a whole lot of other stuff change the course of things. Let's just say some people might know more about Michael than Michael thinks. >

'That's… confusing.'

I only understood half of the things mentioned by Blue. I wasn't dumb. It was just that some overgrown bats lizards were coming after me.

< Michael has to kill the pterodactyls. Blue thinks they are enchanted. >


Gritting my teeth, I raised my hands again. My head ached again and soreness spread throughout my body. The pattering of the rain against my body made me a bit angry as well.

Five minutes. I just needed to hold on for five minutes. It couldn't be that tough…

Guys, the novel got contracted today! Don't worry, I

will not lock chapters until we hit like 45~50 chaps. If you guys want to support me, you can gift me or send me golden tickets. I will be dropping extra chapters for certain milestones!

BlackFlamercreators' thoughts