
Author Of The Apocalypse

"All the stories are true. The stories we know are the reality of another world hidden from us." The words I wrote came to reality. The apocalypse I wrote came to reality. The fantasy I wrote came to reality. I, Michael, am an author whose failed novel came to reality. Granted with an 'Author' exclusive skill and knowledge about this new world, I want to live a life of peace, the dream every protagonist has. I have no idea if this dream would ever come true. All I know is that this is my world and I am the one responsible for both its creation and its destruction... *** Chapter length: 1.6k+ words every chapter. I have done a lot of research on various beasts and powers before writing this novel. You will definitely enjoy reading this xD Note: The cover is original and not stolen.

BlackFlamer · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Blue (1)

"Ugh, I shouldn't have said I was fine. It always has the opposite effect…"

I muttered, struggling to open my eyes. I needed to wake up in order to reach the safe zone. Who knows how much time had passed since I blacked out?

< Don't worry. You barely passed out a minute ago. >

A familiar voice echoed inside my mind.


That didn't sound like Vin's voice. In fact, it sounded like a certain mechanical voice which helped me recently though this one resembled the voice of a person.

< Open your eyes. You can see me then. >

The moment those words echoed inside my mind, I could feel my eyes opening easily. 

Currently, I was lying on lush green grass surrounded by a few orchids and lilies. It was nighttime and the sky was full of stars.

The moon, which was crescent, appeared to be blood red. I recalled seeing this phenomenon before but the moon right now looked as if was actually painted red with blood.

It matched the description of the perfect fantasy scene where a couple might rest and do lovey-dovey stuff.

Slowly I sat up and came face to face with the owner of the voice.

A young boy, barely ten years of age, was sitting in front of me. The appearance of the boy was quite striking.

His hair, a shade of royal blue, were kept in a messy style. His eyes shared the same royal blue color except with a hint of golden visible in them. He was quite thin, almost entering the category of being malnourished.

Even though his face looked quite innocent, I could tell that a lot was hidden behind it.

"Who are you?" I slowly asked.

This was the most obvious question one should ask when meeting a new person, especially in a fantasy world.

Though you might not receive an answer, it was still a useful question.

< I am [Author's Skill] or more like the one behind AS. You can say I am kind of controlling it or providing it to you. >

The boy spoke normally yet his voice never entered my ears. It directly echoed inside my mind.

"Uh, nice to meet you?"

Honestly, I had no idea what I was supposed to say. Thanks for reminding me about the novel that I wrote. As I said before, a ten-year-old might be much better at starting conversations than I was.

< Nice to meet you too, Michael. >

An awkward silence lasted for the next two minutes. I decided to break it by using the most effective conversation starter. Asking questions.

"Why can't I hear words through my ears?" 

< Because I am speaking using my true voice. You already know what will happen if you hear my true voice. > The boy sighed.

Indeed, I still remember hearing BangKok's true voice. Though the Entertainer had his true voice suppressed and only spoke a few words, it was quite painful.

"You are talking normally right now but back then, you were talking mechanically. Why?"

< Because talking to you in the real world requires a lot of energy. If I talk normally, I would not be able to talk to you at all times. >


< I am sure you have a lot of questions. Let me explain most of the things that I can. >

The boy paused for a few seconds before snapping his fingers. 

A dark blue window appeared in front of my face. Having seen it before, I wasn't surprised by its appearance.


Apocalypse Messiah(Edited Version)

Search: ______

Chapter 1: Prove your worth(Completed)

Chapter 2: Panic (Completed)



Chapter 20: ???(Ongoing)


< This is your novel based on which the current events are occurring but that's not all. All the plans you had in your mind while writing this novel are also implemented in this world. >

"Like the appearance of the golden carrot or the black axe gang?"

< Yes, they are not a part of the original novel you published. The carrot is something you edited later on whereas the Black Axe gang is something you thought of writing but forgot about it later on. >

"How do you know that…"

< I am linked to your memories. So I know almost everything about you. > The boy grinned.

Well, that was awkward.

"You know everything about me?"

< No, I was kidding. I know everything about the novel that you have thought or written till now. I am not some kind of stalker who is invading your privacy, you know. >

"Phew, thanks."

I sighed in relief. Even though my life didn't have many big secrets, I didn't want anyone to know about the way I lived till now.

It might earn me some pity, something I did not want. 

"Anyways, continue with your explanation."

< Using this screen, you can edit the events of the current chapter that is going on. It follows your original story but your actions cause the butterfly effect to take place as you are an anomaly. Search for the 15th chapter and read the part after your rewriting. >

Since only 20 chapters were currently present, I didn't have to scroll much. 

Clicking on the 15th chapter opened the same white screen from before. This time, the color of the surroundings didn't vanish nor did the time stop.

"Ohh? The entire chapter is present here now." I muttered in surprise.


|| Chapter 15: That Night (Completed)

Ray was still bewildered by his new reality. Not only did he receive strange powers, he was hearing a strange voice inside his head.

The voice didn't mean to harm him and was oddly comforting.

"No, I should not think about this…" Ray shook his head and looked at his surroundings.

Currently, he was standing inside the gate of XYZ University which was the safe zone. Being a gamer, he took the scenario message seriously and entered the university. 

Even though he was safe, Ray couldn't help but feel that something was about to go terribly wrong. The night felt weird and grim for some reason.

"I hope I remain safe…" ||


"Those are my words," I said after reading a couple of paragraphs. 

< Yes, you wrote them in the past and they have not changed. Also, you don't need my help to recall parts of your novel as long as you are here. You can remember everything you wrote. >

"Where are we right now?"

< I will explain that later on. Scroll to the bottom and read after the asterisk symbol. >

I did as told and scrolled to the bottom and started reading after the asterisk(*) symbols.

|| In the resting spot of the Entertainers, one Entertainer in particular was restless.

The higher ups had decided to end the free days earlier than expected. This was the first time since the beginning of the scenarios that this decision was taken.

The Entertainer felt that somehow a certain individual was responsible for this. Unfortunately, the Entertainer could not figure out how a simple human managed to do this.

The human named 'Michael' was not registered in the database of the Entertainer Inc. Heck, he wasn't present in the records of the Inheritance Mania managed by the legendary Golden Scroll.

Michael also held more knowledge than he should have. 

Could it be that Michael was the person the Entertainer was looking for…

"No, I can't decide that this early on…" ||




I was left stunned by what I read.

Who was that Entertainer? Was it Bangkok? What did he mean that I might be the person he was looking for?

Seeing the expression on my face, the boy sighed.

< I think you can tell that particular Entertainer is BangKok. He is the only Entertainer who currently knows that your status can't be viewed and that you are not registered in either of the two databases. >

"He didn't report that to Entertainer Inc.? The Entertainers have to report every anomaly they encounter. They are loyal to the Inc. as well as the scenarios and laws and all. I made them like this."

< Are you sure about that? Are you telling me that you created and described every single Entertainer in existence? >

"I… no, I didn't do that. What is BangKok trying to accomplish?"

< I am clueless as well. I was knocked out for a few hours after you used the rewrite ability. I just woke up and read this. That's when I found out that you passed out due to overusing your powers. >

"Yeah, rewriting combined with that fire magic usage definitely knocked me out. I was running on pure adrenaline during my last fight."

< Yeah, I kind of saw that in a replay after waking up. Rewriting drains a fixed amount of 95% of your mana. However, you somehow have an infinite magic power so that problem is removed. You were simply exhausted due to the large consumption.

Using more mana later on to defeat the Ahuizolts further added to your exhaustion. Once your adrenaline wore down, you fainted. >

"I figured that out. Thanks for telling regardless."

The boy nodded and snapped his finger. The white screen in front of me vanished. 

< Anything else you want to ask? >

I fell silent for a bit. I recounted everything that happened from the beginning of the earthquakes to the current moment.

Many questions appeared in my mind but one in particular worried me a lot. The answer to that question could literally decide a lot of things for the future.

"Is someone writing and planning my life?"