
Author's Rebirth

[This novel is not dropped][It's on Hiatus] (Warning; -(The first 60 chapters will contain pure adventures!)(45 Chapters free!! ) -For every 4 Golden Tickets- 1 bonus chapter -Read the free chapters then judge it by yourself War- Present!, Necromancer- Top tier!, Mc vs The World- Present!!, Destruction- Universe Scale!!, Netherworld Summoner- Yes, Yes!!, Harem- Absolutely no!!, Female Lead- Single!, Romance- Not the main focus of the story!!, No Personality- Top Quality!!, Evolution- Monsterous!!, Level-Up System- Killll! ---------------------------- On my way to a job interview, I had an accident. Instead of dying, I woke up inside my book 'Era of Heroes,' which I wrote when I was in my early 20s. I found myself in the body of Alex Delius, a minor character in the story. Trying to survive in a harsh world without any power or a strong background was challenging. Then it hit me—I could make life easier with my knowledge of the future and understanding of the main characters! Right...? "Yeah, I can do this!" Or so I thought until I remembered how the book ends. This world is heading for doom! Before long, I realized the novel and the world I ended up in might not be as alike as I first thought. Follow Alex’s journey as he makes friends, betrays, manipulates, and falls in love using all the information he has as the author. ========== -The cover Art is not mine If the owner wants to remove it, Please contact me. -(How can you support my novel?) = By Power Stones and Golden Tickets - For every 150 Power Stones- 1 bonus chapter - For every 4 Golden Tickets- 1 bonus chapter - For every 1 Plot hole of the story- 1 bonus chapter ============ You can also support this book by giving this book comments and reviews.

JetLord004 · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Whispers Of The Forbidden Tome

With a sense of trepidation, I decided to test the mysterious book of dark magic that the god had bestowed upon me. I carefully ran my fingers over the shifting symbols on its cover, searching for some way to open it. However, no matter how I prodded and pressed, the book remained firmly shut, as if it were guarding its secrets.

Frustration gnawed at me as I attempted every possible method to unlock the book's contents. I whispered incantations I didn't fully understand, traced the symbols with trembling fingers, and even tried to will it open with my mind, but nothing worked. The book defied all my efforts, and its pages remained resolutely closed.

Just as despair began to settle in, the world around me once again shifted, and a translucent system notification appeared before my eyes, shimmering with an eerie, ethereal glow. The message was written in cryptic, ancient script, and I strained to decipher its meaning.

"Intrigued, mortal? The secrets within this book shall not reveal themselves until you have faced and overcome the second trial. Only then shall the path to its forbidden knowledge be unlocked."

The words sent a chill down my spine. A second trial? What new horrors awaited me in this nightmarish realm? I had no choice but to accept the challenge if I ever hoped to access the power hidden within the book.

With determination burning in my heart, I pocketed the enigmatic tome and steeled myself for whatever lay ahead. The god's capricious games continued, but I was determined not to be a mere pawn in this surreal nightmare. I would face the second trial head-on, unlocking the dark magic's secrets and using them to find a way out of this twisted realm.

As I pocketed the book of dark magic, its secrets tantalizingly out of reach, I knew that my immediate concern was survival in this bewildering jungle. The god's cryptic message about a second trial hung in the air like an ominous threat, and I couldn't afford to face it unprepared. My stomach rumbled, a stark reminder that I needed sustenance.

I scanned my surroundings, looking for any signs of edible vegetation or water sources. The jungle was a riot of unfamiliar flora, and I had no knowledge of which plants were safe to eat. I couldn't rely on my past life's survival skills here; everything was alien and unpredictable.

With a sigh, I decided to focus on finding shelter first. A secure place to rest and plan my next moves was paramount. I began to trek deeper into the jungle, the shadows growing thicker and more oppressive with each step. The constant rustling and eerie calls of unseen creatures added to the sense of unease that hung in the humid air.

After what felt like an eternity, but was likely only a couple of hours, I stumbled upon a rocky outcropping that seemed different from the rest. There, nestled within the jagged terrain, was the entrance to a cave. It was a dark, forbidding opening, but it held the promise of safety and seclusion.

I approached cautiously, my flashlight once again serving as my trusty companion. Its beam revealed a yawning abyss, the cave's interior stretching deeper into the rock. With the jungle's eerie silence pressing in around me, I ventured inside.

The cave turned out to be much larger than I had initially anticipated. Its chambers and tunnels stretched out like a labyrinth, and my flashlight's beam revealed ancient stalactites and stalagmites, along with the faint glow of phosphorescent fungi that clung to the walls.

As I explored further, I noticed traces of past inhabitants—a scattering of animal bones, crude tools, and strange markings on the cave's walls. It seemed that others had sought refuge here before me, which both comforted and unsettled me.

After a careful search, I settled on a chamber deep within the cave that appeared defensible and hidden from view. It would serve as my sanctuary and a base from which I could plan my next moves.

Gathering what meagre supplies I could find—dried leaves and moss for bedding and some of the faintly glowing fungi for a minimal light source—I settled in for the night, knowing that the jungle's darkness held its own terrors.

Sitting in the dim light, I contemplated my situation. The book of dark magic weighed heavily in my pocket, its secrets tantalizing but unattainable. I needed to be patient, for the god's message had made it clear that the path to unlocking its forbidden knowledge lay through the second trial.

With a growling stomach as a constant reminder of my vulnerability, I knew I had to address my immediate needs. Food, water, and a deeper understanding of this enigmatic jungle were all essential for my survival. But the looming spectre of the god's trials weighed on my mind, a reminder that my escape from this nightmarish realm would not come easily.

As I settled in for the night, I whispered a vow to myself. I would confront the second trial with the same determination that had brought me to this point. The jungle may have been otherworldly and unpredictable, but my will to survive burned brighter than ever before.

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