
Author's Rebirth

[This novel is not dropped][It's on Hiatus] (Warning; -(The first 60 chapters will contain pure adventures!)(45 Chapters free!! ) -For every 4 Golden Tickets- 1 bonus chapter -Read the free chapters then judge it by yourself War- Present!, Necromancer- Top tier!, Mc vs The World- Present!!, Destruction- Universe Scale!!, Netherworld Summoner- Yes, Yes!!, Harem- Absolutely no!!, Female Lead- Single!, Romance- Not the main focus of the story!!, No Personality- Top Quality!!, Evolution- Monsterous!!, Level-Up System- Killll! ---------------------------- On my way to a job interview, I had an accident. Instead of dying, I woke up inside my book 'Era of Heroes,' which I wrote when I was in my early 20s. I found myself in the body of Alex Delius, a minor character in the story. Trying to survive in a harsh world without any power or a strong background was challenging. Then it hit me—I could make life easier with my knowledge of the future and understanding of the main characters! Right...? "Yeah, I can do this!" Or so I thought until I remembered how the book ends. This world is heading for doom! Before long, I realized the novel and the world I ended up in might not be as alike as I first thought. Follow Alex’s journey as he makes friends, betrays, manipulates, and falls in love using all the information he has as the author. ========== -The cover Art is not mine If the owner wants to remove it, Please contact me. -(How can you support my novel?) = By Power Stones and Golden Tickets - For every 150 Power Stones- 1 bonus chapter - For every 4 Golden Tickets- 1 bonus chapter - For every 1 Plot hole of the story- 1 bonus chapter ============ You can also support this book by giving this book comments and reviews.

JetLord004 · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Epic Battle For Survival

The Gigantophis garstini, a colossal serpent resembling a relic from prehistoric times, slithered through the underbrush.

It was a sight beyond anything I had ever imagined in my wildest nightmares.

Its body, as thick as a tree trunk, gleamed with scales that had an oily sheen in the dappled sunlight.

The head, almost the size of my entire body, hovered menacingly above me, adorned with a row of dangerously curved fangs that sparkled with lethal intent.

As the enormous serpent hissed and lunged toward me, jaws wide open, instinct and fear propelled me into action.

With no time to spare, I drew the sword that had mysteriously materialized in my hand during the transition.

In a swift and desperate motion, I swung the blade toward the approaching serpent, narrowly deflecting its initial strike.

The sword clashed against the creature's scaly hide, sending vibrations up my arm. The snake's eyes, cold and unyielding, locked onto mine as it recoiled, preparing for another strike.

Adrenaline surged through my veins as I realized the direness of my situation.

I had no choice but to fight for my life in this surreal jungle, facing a prehistoric behemoth that should have been extinct for millions of years.

As the Gigantophis garstini attacked once more, its sheer speed and power were awe-inspiring and terrifying.

I dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the gaping maw of death.

The sword, an extension of my will, sliced through the air with a desperate grace, biting into the serpent's scales and drawing a rivulet of thick, green blood.

But the battle was far from over. The serpent coiled and struck again, its fangs aimed at my exposed flank.

I twisted away, feeling the breeze of its venomous breath brush against my skin. I couldn't afford to make a single mistake.

With every ounce of strength and determination, I parried the serpent's strikes, each clash of blade against scales a heart-pounding dance between life and death.

My own movements became more fluid, more instinctual as if the sword itself had melded with my being.

The serpent, however, was relentless. It was a creature of primaeval power and endurance, and I could feel my own energy waning with each passing moment.

My heart raced, and sweat poured down my face as I fought to stay one step ahead of the monstrous predator.

Time seemed to blur as we continued our deadly dance, the jungle around us fading into the background.

My entire existence narrowed down to the hiss of the serpent, the flash of fangs, and the desperate, determined strikes of my sword.

In the midst of this fierce battle, a thought echoed in the back of my mind—a reminder of the god-like entity's words.

I was here to face challenges, to prove that I could overcome the trials of this twisted world.

And right now, my most formidable challenge was this prehistoric nightmare that sought to make a meal of me.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I steeled myself for the fight ahead.

I would not be a helpless victim in this surreal world.

I would stand my ground, face the challenges head-on, and fight for my survival with every ounce of strength and willpower I possessed.

The battle raged on, and my body bore the scars of the relentless combat. Cuts and gashes covered me, oozing blood that mingled with the serpent's thick, green ichor.

Each strike of the blade was a desperate bid for survival, and with every clash, I could feel my strength waning.

The Gigantophis garstini was a force of nature, its sheer size and power making it an almost insurmountable adversary.

It lunged at me with unmatched ferocity, jaws snapping like thunder.

I narrowly evaded its deadly maw, the rush of air from its strike sending a shiver down my spine.

My muscles screamed in protest as I parried the serpent's attacks.

The sword in my hand felt heavy, but I couldn't afford to falter. The realization that this was a battle of attrition settled in; it was a test of endurance as much as skill.

Blood dripped from my wounds, staining the jungle floor.

Every movement was agony, every breath laboured.

But I refused to lose. I couldn't.

This was a battle not just for survival but for my very existence in this strange realm.

With a burst of energy born of sheer willpower, I launched a counterattack.

The sword pierced through the air, finding its mark on the serpent's scales once again.

"Kueh.. Keh.. "

The creature let out a deafening hiss of pain, its body recoiling in agony.

I seized the opportunity, pressing the offensive.

My strikes became faster and more precise, a dance of death between predator and prey.

The serpent's movements grew sluggish, its strength waning as well. I could see the weariness in its cold, unblinking eyes.

My body was at its limits, every movement sending waves of pain through me.

"I will not lose at any cost! "

But the dedication to survive and the knowledge that this battle was a test of my very existence kept me going.

With a final, desperate lunge, I drove the sword into the serpent's eye, feeling it pierce through with a sickening squelch.

The Gigantophis garstini let out a bone-chilling scream of agony, its massive form writhing in torment.

I staggered back, my chest heaving as I watched the creature thrash and convulse on the jungle floor. Victory seemed within my grasp, a hard-won reward for my unyielding resolve.

But then, something inexplicable happened.

The serpent's body began to change, as if in response to some ancient, hidden force.

Its scales seemed to ripple and shift, growing larger and darker. I watched in astonishment and dread as the creature's form continued to transform.

In a matter of moments, the once-massive Gigantophis garstini had evolved into something even more terrifying—a Titanoboa, a colossal serpent of unimaginable proportions. It was as if the very fabric of this surreal world had bent to the will of some unseen power.

The Titanoboa's body stretched out before me, its scales now black as midnight, and its eyes glowed with an otherworldly malevolence. It reared its head, revealing fangs that could easily swallow me whole. The serpent's newfound size and power dwarfed anything I had faced before.

Panic surged through me as I realized the direness of my situation. My earlier victory against the Gigantophis garstini now seemed like a fleeting moment of respite in the face of this monstrous evolution. I was up against a true titan, a creature that defied all logic and reason.

With a deafening hiss, the Titanoboa lunged at me, its jaws snapping shut with a force that could shatter bone. Instinct and fear once again propelled me into action. With the sword still in my hand, I dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the crushing bite.

But this battle was different. The Titanoboa's speed and power were on an entirely different scale. Its tail lashed out with incredible force, sending me sprawling across the jungle floor. Pain shot through my body as I struggled to regain my footing.

The serpent advanced its massive form coiling and striking with terrifying precision. Each movement was a death sentence, each strike a testament to the creature's newfound strength. I parried with all the skill I had left, but it was clear that I was outmatched.

As I desperately fought for my life, a voice echoed in the back of my mind—

"Are you enjoying it?"

2nd chapter of the day, do tell me are you enjoying the fight?

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