

After relocating to an entirely different neighborhood, Sydney Raymond is made to start a new and bigger school, Auroral High where she is faced with humiliation, bullying and almost a near death experience. All this unfortunate circumstances where caused by the school tyrant, Rexford Gilbert. Will Sydney Raymond overcome this uneventful ordeal or will she give up entirely? _____________________ I looked at him with spite before asking, "what do you want?" "Well, well, I see you're quite happy with yourself for answering a few questions," he said as he grabbed my English textbook, slipping through the pages. "Am here to wipe off that triumphant look you had earlier." Saying those words, he then tore my text book into two equal halves. I gasped. What has he done? He threw the textbook at me. "Now, that's the kind of expression I like to see." ____________________ Instagram @m1llie_official Facebook @Author Mildred

Author_Mildred · Teen
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108 Chs


As Lily returned, Alex trailing closely behind, I couldn't help but notice the flushed look on both their faces. Lily seemed a bit flustered, and Alex appeared somewhat downcast. What had they spoken about?

Before I could inquire, Rex entered the classroom, accompanied by the teacher which diverted my attention. I decided to postpone my questions for later.

Throughout the class, I observed Lily spacing out, her attention clearly elsewhere. At one point, Alex passed her a handwritten note, which seemed to agitate her upon reading. Something was definitely going on, and I couldn't wait to question her about it once the class was over.

Unfortunately, that chance never came as the classes were closely scheduled back-to-back until gymnastics, when I finally had the opportunity to approach Lily. Despite my concerns, she reassured me that nothing was amiss, so I chose to observe and watch how things unfold.